Hi de ho boys and girls. Hold on to your pelvis and strap on some feminist theory, cuz here we go. I'm here to tell you that my Karma ran over your dogma and if life's a bitch, I'm the cherry on top. So ditch your inhibitions, parade around in your underwear and join me on the ego trip of a lifetime. I'm the one your mother's warned you about, the product of twenty first century free thinking, sexually aware and not afraid to flaunt it. So stick around, flirt with me a bit, and watch me for a while, I like it.

Who am I? You may be wondering, or if not, I'll tell you anyways (always was a smart ass)... But more simply, I'm just a rather average person. I'm a walking contradiction, a spaz, and a hypochondriac. I fall in love with all the wrong people, I'm an aspiring writer, thespian, musician, free lance artist, basketball player, world reknowned chef, and care bear, just your basic all around liberal arts type. I couldn't add my way out of a wet paper bag, but give me shakespeare and I'll act my way out of one :) I suppose that's all you probably want to know about me, but if you're feeling masochistic or intrigued, continue on down the page to view all of the poetry and my other rather hopeless ramblings.


Several Questions you may be Asking yourself upon Viewing this page..
1. Why in the name of (insert your personal deity here) am I reading this?
- Don't ask me I just wrote the Damn page
2. What the hell is wrong with this girl?
- Hard question to answer, and the eventual answer you would get would probably be long, boring, and worthy of a psychiatrist's couch.
3. What are the crazy links about?
- Just stuff that I love. Including people, places, papers, and artwork. Check them out, you may find something you actually like.

As you can clearly see titles are not my forte, but if you have any suggestions I'd be glad to hear them. I do love feedback on my work, so please feel free to e-mail me or find me on AOL instant messenger. I'm always around.

All of the poems found on or around this page (with the excpetion of those written by friends), were written by my deranged pysche... She remains my guide, my conscience, and my soul. Eternal thanks.

All of the works on this page are copyrighted.. Don't steal them or I'll send leagues of rancid trout to haunt you until death...Appreciate it.

Until we meet again.. Stay happy and horny... and stay Open Minded always..

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I've actually written something new, and not quite as controversial

I'll try and update this periodically, click the image above here to take a gander

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For Poetry and ramblings

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My favorite books and movies

Read some of my favorite

    If you would like to see what webrings I belong to, or find some misc. links to papers I've written please click HERE