for gonga...
today, my great-grandmother, emma pearson passed away. she was one of the greatest women i have ever known and will probably ever know. she is the most inspirational person i know. i wish i could be half the woman that she was.
she always said that "god never gives you more than you can handle" and at times i thought i was at my limits, but i always thought of what she said and knew that i could tackle some more. she worked hard all her life, lost two husbands as well as two sons, but was able to see her daughter grow into an amazing woman as well and raise two great kids and was able to see her great-grandchildren and love them all.
i will always remember the good things and forget the bad, which there weren't many of. i love her very much, even in her death.
it was hard to deal with, and little things made me cry, but "god never gives you more than you can handle."
we'll miss you gonga...
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