You Know You Love Japanese Pokemon Too Much When...

You don’t want to buy the red, and blue versions, unless they are imports.

You call the kid with the red cap Satoshi-san.

You about die when people say Charmander...

You worry about your friend for saying Ash to you.

You have Pokemon yellow{import}.

You flame EGM for producing the section” Men are from Pallet, Women are from Crealuan”!

You have a Playstation, and bought Dragonseeds, and name your dragons Hitokage....

You hate Pikachuu!

You want to become the world’s greatest JAPANESE Pokemon trainer, so you get a red cap...

You flame people who put English dubbed names in their screen names.

You correct people on the Pokemon names.

You knock people out for saying Pikachu, go!

You forgot what the Pokemon dubbers say after they say the Pokemon name...{Go}

You name your cat Nyase/Nyasu!

You name your dog...Buru!

You make up a name for your turtle {because you have evrything else Zenikame,Kamekusu, and Kamaa}...and give it better attacks then Nyaasu,Buru,Pikachuu, or Tosukinto!

You sing the first Japanese Pokemon theme.

You hate the first ending theme.

You don’t know what Misty means...but, you know what Kasumi means.

You say for $20, name Takeshi’s Gym? Your friends say Pewter...

You now say, you beat the Elite Shi{Four}, you got Myuu{Mew}, but you don’t know one thing.. When they ask, you say “The real names!” They stare at you blankly.

You love Kasumi, and you don’t say “Seel Seel” you say Pawwow Pawwow!

You like Takeshi, and you change your last name to Iwamoto {Rock Foundation} to prove it.

When you get a Cub scout badge you yell” OOOOOOhhh! “ and say what Satoshi did when he got his orange badge!

You name your pet fox, Rokon.

During the American/Frecnh/Etc. Pokerap you yell the Japanese names.

You name your turtle Zenigame....and rename it when it gets bigger.

You name your duck Koduck...your rat Koratta..and your bird Onisuzume...your snake Arbo..rat Pikachu...shrew Sandpan...bat Zubat...gnat Konpan...earthworm Digda...frog Nyorozo...plant Ponyta...snot Betbeton...your dead granmother’s spirit Gengar....the sandman pokeball Biriridama....

You get a driver’s license, and call it a Poke License.

You try to find Dr. Ookiido...

You take your girlfriend on your quest to become the world’s greatest....

You make a Poke-ball Out of paper mache.

You wonder if you can go out with Kasumi or Kenji

You throw away your Pocket Pikachu...

You create a Pokemon...and say it was number 5000!!

You hope they don’t dub the Pokemon movies, but then you realize it’s going to happen, so you hold a protest!

You buy a poster of the 150 pokemon and scratch out all the wrong names!

You make up a site called ...Pockemon: Fan Fiction Archives...but instead of MAARN{Misty and Ash Romance’s SAKRN...}

You hear people say "Chansey Chansey", so you yell "RAKII RAKII {LUCKY LUCKY}!

You love Raichuu, instead of Pikachuu

You think Satoshi's a dumb "ace" because he let Pikachuu decide if he/she {probably a he} wanted to evovle.

You wonder if your friends will ever shut up about Ash and Misty getting together because of the information on the 2B A Master CD

You wonder if Digimon Adventure and Pokemon are related

Your little sister likes Misty's voice, so you get her hooked on KASUMI!

Someone calls you Kasu {Scum}, so you bust them up side their head

You wonder WHAT the animated "Likitung", and Gyaroppu are doing! {Gyaroppu is going up and down, and "Likitung" is sticking out his long tongue...}

Three words: Monster Ball, go!!!!

You don't who's prettist: Natsumi, Eriika, or Kasumi

Raichuu VS Hinokami from Hell Teacher Nuubei...

{Hinokami kicks.alot of a-s-...}

Raichuu vs Akira {jigoku sensei nuubei/Hell Teacher Nube}

Raichuu vs Kasumi in a kawaii {cute} contest

Pikachuu VS A girl or guy you like

Pikachuu vs Satoshi

Satoshi VS ...some-thing

{to family member {addicted to POKEMON}Kiss your MEWTWO STRIKES BACK GOODBYE!

You say "Lucky!" and hope your charms will work

Two words: Rakii Charms!

You wonder if Lucky {the Lucky Charms guy} has a Rakii for a monster

{Looking at the same card}{to peer} It's koduck!
{peer} It's Psyduck!
{to peer} It's koduck!...
{Repeat if nesaccery}

You defend Pocket Monsters against Anti-Pokemon people

You defend Pocket Monsters against your peers

You always wonder why people try to challenge you into a lyrics web site

The first Japanese word you learnt was “naka” (inside)

Pocket Monsters is your favorite show only because you have the Japanese version of Kojirou’s crossing dressing.

You start debeting about who’s cuter in anime… Pikachuu, Chibi Chibi {Sailor Moon}, Sasami {Tenchi Muyo}etc.

You learn how to play the piano to play the piano version of the first Japanese theme song.

You see the name “La Soldier”, and think for a second, and come up with “El Pokemon”!

Your family never tells you to make a Christmas or Birthday list because they already know what you want Pocket Monsters IMPORT ONLY!

Your family gets in to Pokemon.

You dress up as Pikachuu, and put headphones on!

You try to find the reciepe for the Pokemon food, that Takeshi fed to Zubatto.

Your family/friends/roommate can recite Satoshi’s Orange Badge speech.

You think a “Tailsman” {from "Sailor Moon"} is a hidden badge.

You take your cats to the shower with you in hopes of changing them from Normal to water Pokemon.

When watching Discovery channel, you see a mouse, and yell "Pikachuu!!!"

You know who REALLY created Pokemon…Shigure Miyamoto {the guy who made Zelda}, because of the bee in The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. {It attacks bad guys}

Tajiri Satoshi is the first word you learnt in Katakana. {Although his name would usually be in Kanjii or Hiragana.}

You try to draw all the Pokemon, even though you cannot read the Hiragana.

You see a girl wearing a sailor fuku (sailor clothing, usually a school uniform, in Japan), with a pokebooru (Pokeball) in hand and you think she’s acting out a cross over fanfic between Sailor Moon and Pokemon

Instead of the red balls at the top of your hair for Sailor Moon, you put hand made Pokebooru (Pokeball)!

"GS Pokemon" is not on your list of good stuff anymore...

Your chat handle is one of the Japanese PM {Pocket Monsters} characters names.

You shout "GOLDEN SUN AND SILVER MUUN" whenever your teacher talks about the Earth,Moon, or Sun.

The "F" on your paper is NOT for Fearow, it's for Fushigidane!

You hold out your fugurines and say "This my collection."

The word "Lugia" triggers a look at your nose!

Whenever someone talks about fire,water,ocean, or thunder and lighting, you name the god of ____.

You seek out the treasures in Revalation Lugia before Satoshi can!

You learn to play the flute...

You can play Furura's melody on your instrument!

You see something rabid and shout "TYPE:WILD!"

You want to become a doctor or scientist to be like Uchikido or Ookiido hakase. {Hakase = Doctor {with a Phd.}

Talk about protein or currents start to trigger a look at the only freshman who likes Pocket Monsters...

You goal in life: To find Santa and his Ruujuraa!

You start liking ravens and crows because you want to have Yamikarasu!

You wish for some Japanese pop star to sing a rendition of a opening theme!

You play the Japanese Pokemon games on your computer!

You long for Pokemon Green. (sent in by kelley meranda)

Have some to add? Email Yuki

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