"Anime" Links!

Misc Anime or Anime Related Links

Soul Siren!

Dejimon Adobinsha! (Digimon Adventure)

KSS - "Ke Esu Esu" {V.G. (Variable Geo) Kicks...}

YAHOO! Japan

Anime Castle

Mario anyone?

Fruits Basket Site

A good Megaman Page

The Birth of Anpanman - {Anpanman tanjou no maki}

Clover by CLAMP

CLAMP's Clover Fairy Park

The Clover Project

EX Clover Manga Review

French Version picture of Clover Volume 2

Boogiepop Phantom by KADONO Kouhei

A good THE ILLUSION OF MEMORY Boogiepop site

Boogiepop site

Boogiepop and Others

Sailor Moon by TAKEUCHI Naoko

Funny, cute parody of Sailor Moon's Moon Healing Escalation

Another, funny, cute parody of Sailor Moon's Moon Healing Escalation

Italian Sailor Moon Information

Cherry Hill Temple dealt with the North American Sailor Moon. A mirror of the site is here

Greenstone - a shrine to the star-crossed love between Osaka Naru and Nephrite in Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon

DIES GAUDII - Kills rumors and such of Sailor Moon. Check it out!

Anime Banners

Electric Goddess

Sonic X/Sonikku X

Sonic Cult
(Sonic Cult) The site has chaged I like the banner...

J-Rappu {Japanese Rap Music}

Lyrics {Dragon Ash}

Misc. Japan Music Links


Pink Lady America

Obscure Scene - "Atomic God" is a good song!

muzie - Independent Musicians

Exceeding B - One of the best indepent bands out there! Check out "Blanky Eyes" {utsuro na hitomi} with Machiko Sakai as their vocalist!

Super Note - Good band. It's Me...It's Me is a good song

Chihiro Onitsuka Site

Yuming Page

AnotherYuming Page

Idollica - Educate yourself here with the notion that there are more than Ayumi Hamasaki and Hikaru Utada! Go Lemon Angel! =)

Misc Japan Links

Buzzer Beater

Sentai What is it?

Cherry Blossoms {Sakura}for your Desktop or Screensaver

Japanese Movies

Renai Shashin ~ Collage of Our Life UNOFFICIAL English Site

Japanese DORAMA{Drama} Database

Japan Movie Trailers

Kill Bill Japanese

Japanese Radio Stations Requiring Winamp!

Japan Radio Only drawback here is that I would only listen to songs from this station every once in a while, but a plus is that they have a playlist of what is coming up, and what they are playing right now!

G-Wave - {IN Japanese} Station in Nagoya {Talk, and Music} Funny as heck! They have some good independent artists on here!

Non-Anime Links!

Bloodhound Gang Official Site {because we just like 'em!}

Bloodhound Gang Song Meanings

Vampire Myths

Stanley Milgram

Al Bundy Fever!


A Tribute to the Simpsons Pets

That's Unpossible - Site to Ralph Wiggum

Insert coin here

Googlism - What does Google think of you?

Demockracy {sic!}- One Nation Under A Groove!

Wav Planet

Wav Request

Purple Fog Side Media

"anata no aite wa a-ta-shi!"
"Your o-ppo-ne-nt is me!"

The woman {Yomiko} at the top and the woman {Nancy} at the bottom of this page are apoted from Read or Die.org

Homestar Runner {homestarrunner.com}

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