Dejimon Adobinsha! (Digimon Adventure)
KSS - "Ke Esu Esu" {V.G. (Variable Geo) Kicks...}
Fruits Basket Site
A good Megaman Page
The Birth of Anpanman - {Anpanman tanjou no maki}
The Clover Project
EX Clover Manga Review
French Version picture of Clover Volume 2
Boogiepop site
Boogiepop and Others
Another, funny, cute parody of Sailor Moon's Moon Healing Escalation
Italian Sailor Moon Information
Cherry Hill Temple dealt with the North American Sailor Moon. A mirror of the site is here
Greenstone - a shrine to the star-crossed love between Osaka Naru and Nephrite in Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon
DIES GAUDII - Kills rumors and such of Sailor Moon. Check it out!
(Sonic Cult) The site has chaged I like the banner...
Pink Lady America
Obscure Scene - "Atomic God" is a good song!
muzie - Independent Musicians
Exceeding B - One of the best indepent bands out there! Check out "Blanky Eyes" {utsuro na hitomi} with Machiko Sakai as their vocalist!
Super Note - Good band. It's Me...It's Me is a good song
Chihiro Onitsuka Site
Yuming Page
AnotherYuming Page
Idollica - Educate yourself here with the notion that there are more than Ayumi Hamasaki and Hikaru Utada! Go Lemon Angel! =)
Sentai What is it?
Cherry Blossoms {Sakura}for your Desktop or Screensaver
Japanese DORAMA{Drama} Database
Japan Movie Trailers
Kill Bill Japanese
G-Wave - {IN Japanese} Station in Nagoya {Talk, and Music} Funny as heck! They have some good independent artists on here!
Bloodhound Gang Song Meanings
Vampire Myths
A Tribute to the Simpsons Pets
That's Unpossible - Site to Ralph Wiggum
Insert coin here
Googlism - What does Google think of you?
Demockracy {sic!}- One Nation Under A Groove!
Wav Planet
Wav Request
Purple Fog Side Media
"anata no aite wa a-ta-shi!"
"Your o-ppo-ne-nt is me!"
The woman {Yomiko} at the top and the woman {Nancy} at the bottom of this page are apoted from Read or