PokeLyrics! - Rocket Dan Eien ni {Zang}
Rocket Dan Eien ni
Rocket Gang For an Eternity

All right, what I did here was I found two translations because there's no way I could translate all of this myself. Then I tried my very best to translate it. Then I sort of smushed them all together to make sense, because I understand how each translation was found (except for these few lines which were interpreted to mean two completely different things). So now they're all smushed together to make one, big, happy, most-likely grammatically-incorrect translation!! Have fun!!

Musashi & Kojiro: If the ends of space are darkness
Let's look and show you to the dawning pure white
Run!! Shine!! Glittering with light, let's gaze at it [show how you shine!!]

Nyasu: Meow-all right!!

Musashi & Kojiro: If love equals justice, does justice equal love?
We'll return that in our trick play
Take a look as we star in our DRAMA
Our POKÉMON Era's life is tomorrow and counting!!

You can see the dawn at the ends of space;
Over there our faces are printed!!

Musashi: Musashi!!
Kojiro: Kojiro!!
Nyasu: Nyase within Nyase!!
Kojiro: You're loud!! Shut up!!
Nyasu: Ouch!!!!
Musashi: This song is ours!!
Nyasu: What are you saying, meow?

Musashi & Kojiro: Are dreams reality? Then reality is a nightmare
Our surroundings say someday we'll be the stars [we will assume command]
(Let's) look!! We're blossoming like a flower
All: Our POKÉMON Era exists tomorrow and forever after that!!
Nyasu: Meow...

Musashi: The Earth is a soil globe
Kojiro: That soil globe is NYAIISU (pun: nice)
Nyasu: And we'd all eat some NASU (pun: eggplant) were it up to NYASU
Musashi: From a period [the bottom]
Kojiro: A period from
Musashi & Kojiro: The Earth is revolving!!
Kojiro: One turn, two turns, three turns; like a small spinning object, that exceedingly good feeling
Musashi: four turns, five turns, six turns; steadily, rapidly increasing that exceedingly good feeling
Kojiro: However, in the new reality, the seventh turn brings battling, defeat, then rest (blast[?])
Nyasu: The usual PATTERN [of defeat]-meow...
Musashi & Kojiro: What a horrible feeling!!
Nyasu: Blast, blast!!
Kojiro: Thump, thump!!
Musashi & Kojiro: God, what a horrible feeling!!
Musashi: But still, we won't stop our persistiant fighting spirit!!
Kojiro: Our limit [this society] exists at the end of space!!
Musashi & Kojiro: We are advancing to the true road, not yet known (to prove it)!!
Musashi: How?!!?
Kojiro: How is that?!!?
Nyasu: How, what, meow?!!?
Kojiro: The answer!!
Musashi: It's our social obligation!!
Nyasu: No, that's not it...
Musashi: Are we doing too much?
Kojiro: No, let's do some more [by giving this to you]!!

Musashi: Listen to us about something or other!!
Kojiro: We give an answer for society's sympathy!!
Musashi: For the world's good, we defend against it's destruction!!
Kogiro: For the world's good, we defend it's peace!!
Musashi: If love and truth are evil, we penetrate them!!
Kojiro: We are envied; the LOVELY, CHARMING villains!!
Musashi: Musashi!!
Kojiro: Kojiro!!
Musashi: The ROCKET Gang couple travel the Milky Way (garden of stars)!!
Kojiro: We're waiting for a WHITE HOLE; a white torrow!!
Nyasu: Meow!! All right!!

Musashi: We did it [hooray]!! We made this CD!!
Kojiro: It's MAJOUR; immeasurable [expense {?}]!!
Musashi: World conquest!!
Kojiro: A showdown!!
Musashi: Musashi!!
Kojiro: Kojiro!!
Musashi & Kojiro: With a barrier the size of an ocean gorge
Kojiro: And a gatekeeper...
Musashi: Under the barrier...*
Nyasu: What the hell?

Musashi & Kojiro: If the ends of space are darkness
Let's look to the dawning pure white
Run!! Shine!! Glittering with light, let's gaze at it!!
Nyasu: Meow, meow, meow!! All right!!

Musashi & Kojiro: If love equals justice, does justice equal love?
We'll return that in our trick play
Are dreams reality? Then reality is a nightmare
Our surroundings say we'll someday be the stars
Take a look as we star in our DRAMA!!
Our POKÉMON Era is tomorrow and counting...
Tomorrow and existing forever!!

*: The lines: "Kanmon kai kyou", "Moji", and "Shimono seki" are a bit ambiguous to me. When I translated them, they sort of came out as "Today our feelings are summoned", "A character (person)", and "a product (from many things coming together)", respectively. But, then, I don't know Japanese. I don't at all understand the interpretations of the first and last lines...but then, am I supposed to?

Musashi: Hayashibara Megumi
Kojiro: Miki Shinichirô
Nyasu: Inuyama Inuko
CD version

By Zang

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