Japanese FAQ {Frequently Asked Questions} about Japanese
FAQ {Frequently Asked Questions} about the Pokemon Series and Pokemon Advanced Generation
Who's Who - Who is Who in Pocket Monsters and Pokemon!
Names from English to Japanese romanization
152-250 English to Japanese Romanized Names
Advanced Generation Names English to Japanese Names
Japanese Words For the Average Web Surfer
{Who either knows how to speak Japanese already, a lot or a little, and comes across a word that they don't know; Also, words in Pocket Monsters}
Japan Links: Need more help with Japanese and Japan?
Digimon theme {American} - The other rival of Pokemon!
Pokemon Links - The name says it all!
Anime/Misc Links - Same as above!
Boogiepop Phantom {boogiepop wa warawanai} Drama MP3 Information
Boogiepop Phantom {boogiepop wa warawanai} fanfic {Transliterated/Romanized}
Iketeru Futari/iketeru futari Episode titles {BOTH Japanese and English}
Read about Neil Gaiman's book: The Wolves in the Walls {kabe no naka ni ookami ga iru}
Like Me? - Link me!
The sprite {Airisu/Iris from Rockman X4} above is from here!