French Opening

Un jour je serai le meilleur dresseur
Je me battrai sans répits
Je ferai tout pour ętre vainqueur,
Et Gagner les défis...

Je parcourrai la terre entičre,
Mais partons avec espoir!
Les pokémon et leurs mystčres,
Le secret de leur pouvoir!


Attrapez-les (tous)...
C'est notre histoire,
Ensemble pour la victoire!


Rien ne nous arrętera,
Notre amitié triomphera!


Attrapez-les (tous)...
Męme ŕ notre âge,
Un voyage d'apprentissage!
Ça demande du courage!


Attrapez-les tous!
Attrapez-les tous!


One day I will be the best, to adjust
I will fight without delay

I will make Pokemon strong to be very victorious,
And to gain the challenges...

I traversed the whole ground,
But leave with hope!
Pokémon and their mysteries,
the secrecy to be able to be them!


Catch them (all)...
It is our history,
Ensemble for the victory!


Nothing will stop us,
our friendship will triumph!

Catch them (all)...
Even has our age,
a voyage of training!
That requires courage!


Catch them all!
Catch them all!



There's a reason there's an "s" after Pokemon. In French, the last letter of a word is rarely pronounced unless it's a c, r, f, or an l. Therefore, the letter "n" is not pronounced. So when writing out the song, an "s" must be written after the "n" to keep the same Japanese pronunciation when written in French.

Thanks to Dogasu for this!
Translation by: Altavista and yuki no papa

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