A Anime and Manga School
According to Yale, Common Terms in Anime
Dictionaries of all kinds
Miscellaneous music articles translated by random people
Resources galore!
Japanese Road Signs
Japanese Traditional Instruments
Gaijin in Japan
Miscellaneous Japan Facts You may or may not know these!
counting dictionary
Internet Resources on Japan - Great!
Japan Stuff you may not know if you are planning to travel...
Japanese Mythology
Japanese Happy Meal Toys
Conjugation Chart
Basic Japanese Words
Goldilocks and the Three Spiders And we usually think of the three bears!
Basic Japanese Words that your friends in karate may know
Kimi ga yo {Japanese National Anthem}
Yuki Onna {Snow Woman} by Lafcadio Hearn (Koizumi Yakumo) from Kwaidan (1904)
Ten Differences Between Japanese and English That Make Japanese an Easy Language To Learn
Japanese Poems - Send poems to your friends!
On Demand Japanese Photo Archives - Need Japanese pictures? Don't understand a visual aspect of culture? Check out this place! (On-demand service is now out of service.)
How do CJV normally handle foreign names? (with examples from Harry Potter) - Even if you hate Harry Potter, you can still learn a lot from this site!
GALVIN'S JAPAN FILES - Don't be put off by the URL...funny site and educational too!
The Way We Are - Useful photo essays of high school students in Japan
Japanese who have won the Nobel Prize
Japanese Words For the Average Web Surfer {Who either knows how to speak Japanese already, a lot or a little, and comes across a word that they don't know; Also, words in Pocket Monsters}
Japanese computer smileys (AKA Alternative Smileys) and their meanings
Japan SAQ (Seldom Asked Questions)
List of Japanese People (Wikipedia, be forewarned)
Various stuff in Japanese animation and comics
Common Misconceptions Regarding Anime and Manga
A to Zen Japanese A Book of Japanese Culture {Ruth Wells}
Kana Pict-O-Graphix: Mnemonics for Japanese Hiragana and Katakana by Michael Rowley
Feel free to e-mail your pages!
Last updated: Dec. 05, 2006
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