Rocketto Dan no Motto

Rocketto Dan no Motto - The Rocket Dan's Motto
Nandakanda to kikaretara
Kotaete ageru ga yo no nasake
Sekai no hakai wo fusegu tame
Sekai no heiwa wo mamoru tame
Ai to shinjitsu no aku wo tsuranuku
Raburii chaamii na katakiyaku
Musashi, Kojirou
Ginga wo kakeru Roketto-dan no futari ni wa
Howaito hooru. Shiroi ashita ga matteru ze!
Nya~nte na...

Whatever it is that you want to ask us,
The answer we'll give is society's sympathy.
For the sake of preventing the world's destruction
For the sake of protecting the world's peace
Penetrating the evils of love and truth,
We're the lovely and charming villain roles!
Musashi! Kojirou!
Wagering the galaxy, we're the Rocket Gang couple!
White hall - we're waiting for the white tomorrow.
Nya, that's right!



Nandakanda to kikaretara (something or other) (quote) (to have heard/listened/asked)

Kotaete ageru ga yo no nasake (answer!) (to give) (part.) (society) ('s) (sympathy, compassion)

"yo" cont. - (generation, world, public) AGERU (v.) to give; to raise; to elevate; to fly (kites); to praise; to increase; to advance; to promote; to vomit; to usher in; to admit; to send (to school); to offer; to present; to leave with; to finish; to arrange (expenses); to observe; to perform; to quote; to mention; to bear (a child); to improve (talents); to do up (the hair); to arrest; to engage; to fry; (rains) to stop LIT., "If you asked us 'something or other',Answer, giving us society's sympathy."

Whatever it is that you want to tell us,The answer we'll give is society's sympathy.

Sekai no hakai wo fusegu tame (world) ('s) (destruction) (vb. holder)

FUSEGU; to defend (against); to protect; to prevent

TAME; sake; to; in order to; because of; as a result of

Sekai no heiwa wo mamoru tame
(world) ('s) (peace; harmony) (vb. holder) (to protect; to obey; to guard)

Ai to shinjitsu no aku wo tsuranuku
(love) (and) (truth) ('s) (evil) (vb. holder) (to penetrate; to accomplish)

Raburii chaamii na katakiyaku (lovely) (charmy) (descrip.) (role of a villain)

SEKAI; the world; society; the universe; commonly "world"

For the sake of preventing the world's destruction
For the sake of protecting the world's peace
Penetrating the evils of love and truth,
We're the lovely and charming villain roles!

Musashi, Kojirou

Musashi! Kojirou!

Ginga wo kakeru Roketto-dan no futari ni wa

(galaxy) (vb. holder) (Rocket Gang)('s)(two people)

DAN; organization, group, gang, association

KAKERU (no kanji); to start something (but not finish); to finish;to run; to advance; to construct; to offer (as a prize); to wager, to bet, to risk, to stake, to gamble; to soar, to fly

Howaito hooru shiroi ashita ga matteru ze

(White) (hole, hall) (white) (tomorrow)(part.)(to wait) (masc.)

Wagering the galaxy, we're the Rocket Gang couple!
White hall - we're waiting for the white tomorrow.

Nya~nte na...

Nya, that's right!



- Ai to shinjitsu no aku wo tsuranuku! - "Tsuranuku" can mean either "to penetrate" or "to accomplish".

Being that Musashi and Kojirou are Bad Guys, I think it'd be more appropriate for them to be "penetrating the evils of love and truth" rather than "accomplishing an evil of love and truth". (Then again, considering their personalities, the entire speech is inappropriate...)

- Ginga wo kakeru Roketto-dan no futari ni wa... -

"Kakeru" isn't written with kanji - as such, it can be translated a variety of different ways (see above).

The translations listed are not all the possible translations, but all the most likely translations.

"Futari" translates literally as "two people"; in the generalized translation, I say "couple". A couple is not just two people in love, it can just be two people, so don't make any assumptions.

I chose "kakeru" as in "to gamble/wager/bet/risk/stake" because, again, Musashi and Kojirou are Bad Guys, and self-centered, greedy ones at that.

It would be just like them to wager an entire galaxy for personal fame and fortune, at the risk of everything else.

Transalated by: Faris G.

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