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The Man and the Poke Kid! Episode 10: "Halloween 2000!"

The Man and the Poke Kid!
Episode 10: "Halloween 2000!"

Hitokage: Hitokage! Hitokaaa!

Man: Good Hitokage. Now stay here in the pumpkin, scaring countless children to death, while I go buy my costume!

{The Poke-Kid walks by the Man's house...}

Poke-Kid: {dressed as a Mariru} Huh? He isn't home. Why is that pumpkin always spouting out flames?

{The Man is in a bunny costume....}

Poke-Kid: What the--?!

Man: It's a new Pokemon..Bunny-mon!

Poke Kid: Isn't that off of--

Man: SHHHHH!!! Countless lawyers will come and get us! Then Poke-Lyrics won't have something to laugh about.

Poke-Kid: They already don't...taxes!

Man: {smirks and gets Hitokage out of the pumpkin}

Hitokage: {blows fire at the Kid, and the Kid is all black}

Kid: My...can..dy.

Man: Fight fire with fire! I mean...don't play with fire!