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The Man and the Poke Kid! Episode 12: "For the Love of Rumi! Rumi, I HOPE, I GETTO DA-ZE! {I hope I get Rumi!}"
Ideas for the Man and the Poke-Kid....What if the Poke-Kid bumped into the Man's child(ren), if he has any at least they should know Japanese names for Pokemon and that would be pretty funny to have kids the Poke-Kid's age around. BTW, the Poke-Kid reminds me a lot of Ash. - Jen

The Man and the Poke Kid!
Episode 12: "For the Love of Rumi! Rumi, I HOPE, I GETTO DA-ZE! {I hope I get Rumi!}"

Authors' Note:
Thank you Jen!

{At the "International Pokemon Convention"....}


Man: Hello...Poke-Kid!

Kid: Wow! There are ALOT of new things!

Girl: Really?

Kid: What the-- who's that? {thinks} She's VERY beautiful...

Man: Oh, this is Rumi-chan. She is my friend.

Rumi: Hello.

Boy: Trying to steal my girlfriend! Baka! {Idiot, in the worst sense, a bad word!}

Rumi: This my boyfriend, Tako!

Kid: Can you name the names in Japanese, and English?

Rumi: Yes, let's see there is...Fushigidane which is Bulbasaur...there is Fushigisou which...

{10 minutes later...}

Tako: There!

Rumi: Now...

Kid: {thinks} Rumi is Tako's boyfriend???? {big waterfall of tears} NO! {said} Name them in French!

Tako: You do it!

Kid: Me? {thinks} What?! I don't know how...

{A crowd gathers...}

Man: They must of seen us on that site, "PokeYrics!"!!

Tako: SO?! {taps his foot}

Kid: {thinks} Huh? I know who they are but...I want to waste my breath! {said} Pokemon battle!!!

Tako: Fine!

Kid: For the love of Rumi!!!

Man: Rumi...the one off of Perfect--

People: SHHHHHHH!!!

Tako: We will use three Pokemon each! Go first!

Kid: {thinks} With these unatural wings...wrong song! I want to be the best... {said} Who should I choose?! Let's go! Mew!

Tako: {smirks} You'll be destoryed! MYUUTSU! {Mewtwo!}

Kid: {gasps}

{We see Satoshi, Ash, and Sacha in the crowd}

Satoshi: Nan' da?!

Ash: Who or what are they?!

Sacha: Mon dieu! {My God!}

Kid: {thinks} What should I do? {said} Psychic!!!

Tako: Myuutsu! Start killing! Do whatever you want, just kill the monster!

Kid: Psychic! {thinks} It's not working!

{Mew screams...}

Kid: {thinks} NO! MEW! Come back!

Tako: Give up, Mewtwo is the best!

Kid: Steelix! Attack!

Tako: Huh?! No! Mewtwo! Return! Waninoko!

Kid: NO! Steelix watch out!

Tako: Missed! Waninoko...ATTACK!

Kid: Steelix...NO! {thinks} It's hurt badly...Steelix!

Tako: HA!

Kid: {thinks} My last Pokemon... {slowly raises his Pokeball..} GO!!! Ditto!

Tako: What?!

Kid: See that Pokemon, Ditto? Change into it!

Tako: NO! A Rizaadon!

{Waninoko is fried...}

Tako: Come on back! METAMON! {throws his Pokebooru!}

Metamon: Meta?!

{Metamon sees Ditto!}

Metamon: META!

Tako: Metamon, henshin yo! {Metamon, transform!}

{Metamon transforms into...Kamekusu!}

Kid: A Blastoise?!

Man: Ya know, a blastoid is a type of rock...or is it a mineral?

{Side note: Thanks to Tomo sensei for this!}

Kid: OK! Attack! {Ditto transforms into Blastoise!}

Tako: OK! Say "Bye!" {Metamon transforms into Rizaadon!}

{Rizaadon hits Blastoise with a deadly shot of fire...}

Kid: Get up! I want Rumi! GET UP! NO!!!

Tako: I win...

Kid: Rumi...

Rumi: {kisses him on the cheek}

Man: Ah, amor?

Sacha: Amor? Oł? {Where?}

Ash: Amor! Like when I uh...I don't know!

Satoshi: Amor wa "ai", ne? {Amor is "ai", right?}

Tako: Rumi...

Rumi: {laughs}

Man: It's OK, Poke-Kid.

Kid: I'm buying can wait!

Man: HEY! It's Kasumi!

Satoshi: Kasumi da yo!

Sacha: Ondine?

Ash: What?! Is it, Misty?!

Man: Idiot! Get in style!

Poke Kid: All ISN'T fair in love, and war!