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The Man and the Poke Kid! Episode 15: "Poke-Kid's Love Disaster! Rumi mitai da yo! {I want Rumi!}"

The Man and the Poke Kid!
Episode 15: "Poke-Kid's Love Disaster! Rumi mitai da yo! {I want Rumi!}"

Poke-Kid: I cannot find a girl...who shares my love of Pokemon anymore...

Man: Yes you can! Don't give up!

{Rumi walks by...}

Rumi: Poke-Kid...

Poke-Kid: Ru-mi...

Man: No,no,no! NOT A FLASHBACK...!!!!

Tako: I win...

Kid: Rumi...

Rumi: {kisses him on the cheek}

Rumi: Tako...he dumped me...

Poke-Kid: Why Rumi?

Man: {holds up a newspaper} Well, Poke-Kid, according to this Japanese was because Ichiro Suzuki was traded to the Seattle Mariners...

Poke-Kid and Rumi: Huh?

Man: ...I mean because Tako became higher than you on the scale of collecting American Pocket Monsters things...

Rumi: Not just that...but...he fell for a American trainer...

Man: ...among other things.

Rumi: I want to get revenge on her for her beating me with a special type of Pokemon...

Poke-Kid: Dark type?

Rumi: No...American.

Man: Oh, who is it this time? {makes a disgusted face} Celebi? Entei? Lugia? Mewtwo?

Poke-Kid: There's no such type!

Man: {whispers to Poke-Kid} This wouldn't be a good time to call Rumi a liar... and actually there is a certain type of one Pokemon called "American".

{Side Note: There isn't a "American" type, but for the purposes of Rumi's problem...there is.}

Man: That's true, Side Note person!

Poke-Kid: Rumi...what is the American type's name?

Rumi: Sandy.

Poke-Kid: How can we beat it?

Rumi: I only have cute Pokemon, ya know?

Poke-Kid: Aaahhh...

Man: Don't tell me he's going to start naming off his American Pokemon...

Poke-Kid: I may be able to help...

Rumi: Uhh...Poke-Kid, don't look now, but there's Tako and his new girlfriend!

Man: Or somethin'!

Poke-Kid: {turns around to see Tako and his girlfriend far away} Oh my...

Man: Goddess!

Poke-Kid: Do you know what this means?

Rumi: Fukushuu! {Revenge!}

Poke-Kid: Huh?

Man: Revenge! Don't you read subtitles?

Poke-Kid: No...

Man: Oh, yeah! You're a dubbie!

Tako: {sarcastic} Well, well, Rumi...and look! There's my old rival...Poke-Kid!

Poke-Kid: You better leave...

Man: Why do I have to leave?

Poke-Kid: Oh, all right, stay...but watch out!

Tako's Girlfriend: Well...Rumi, again? Come back to live in filth once more?

Rumi: Iyaa! Temae wa baka!!!! {runs toward Tako's girlfriend}

Man: {to Poke-Kid and audience} She's saying that she's not going to live in filth! Oh my Koi Kingu, and Pikachuu too! She's going to run into a hand to hand battle with Tako's girlfriend!!!!

{A powerful beam is about to hit Rumi...}

Poke-Kid: RUMI!!!!

THE END ????

{Of Rumi???!}