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The Man and the Poke Kid! Episode 7: "Tamatama and Exeggcute's Easter Battle!"

The Man and the Poke Kid!
Episode 7: "Tamatama and Exeggcute's Easter Battle!"

Man: {with bunny ears on his head} Bunny! Bunny!

Kid: Huh? What are you doing?

Man: It's Easter!

Kid: I know, but...huh?

{Sees the man's grass is full of redish eggs}

Kid: What are you doing? {picks up an egg} Hey it's Exeggcute!

Man: No, it's Tamatama!

{"Tama" means "egg" in Japanese}

Kid: Exeggcute!

Man: Tamatama!

Kid: Fine! Let's battle!

Man: {nods}

Kid: GO Exeggcute!

Exeggcute: Exeggcute! Exeggcute!

Man: Monster ball! Tamatama!

{Nothing comes out of the ball}

Man: Huh?! {thinks} Oh no, he's too weak to fight after that battle with Yumi... I have no potion...

Kid: So...I'm waiting!

Exeggcute: Exeggcute! Exeggcute!

Man: {thinks} But I do have a idea!

Kid: Exeggcute, attack him!

Exeggcute: {ready to attack, but stops} Exeg-?

Man: Yatta! {Yes!} {pulls out a picture of Exeggcute with a Pokemon logo}

{Tamatama sees this, and gets angry!}

Man: Monster ball! Tamatama!

Tamatama: Tamatama! TAMATAMA!

Kid: Exeggcute!

Exeggcute: EXEGGCUTE!!!!

Man: {gasps}{pulls out Pokemon Zukan} {Pokemon Index}

Zukan: Level 70!

Man: {gasps}{thinks} Mine is at level 50...oh.

Tamatama: Tama, tama, ta, ma!

Man: Really?!?

Tamatama: Tama!

Man: Oh...I love you Tamatama!

Tamatama: Tamata?

Man: Nevermind.

Tamatama: TAMA!

Man: OK! Tamatama...

Kid: Exeggcute ATTACK!

{The man's Tamatama gets damaged serverely}

Man: Tamatama!!!!


Man: {starts crying} NO!

Tamatama: Tamatama...

Man: Huh?

Tamatama: {attacks Exeggcute} TAMA!!!!!!!!!

Girl: Stop fighting! They are both the same!


Kid:... he started it!

Girl: Blah blah blah! {leaves}

Man: It's going to be a LONGGGG Easter!

Kid: You said it!