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The Man and the Poke Kid! Episode 9: "Echiinto Myuu GETTO DA ZE! {Get Ancient Mew!}"

The Man and the Poke Kid!
Episode 9: "Echiinto Myuu GETTO DA ZE! {Get Ancient Mew!}"

{We see the Poke-Kid walking to his local theater, getting a ticket...}

Man: {Voice Over} This is the day when children all over America go crazy, the theater lines are packed, and the popcorn is full of, it's not a holiday, it's the opening day of...what we call Rugia no Bakutan or "Revalation Lugia". Yes, it's called "Pokemon 2000!" in America. All the children want is, not to see the movie but to get...

Poke-Kid: ANCIENT MEW!!!! WHOO-HOO!!!!!

Man: {zip over to the man facing the camera, and a drop on head indicating nervousness} The kid is crazy.

Poke-Kid: YIPEE! WHOO-HOO! I GOT IT!!! YES! I'll never sell it! AHAHAHA!

Man: He's crazy. Do we dare go inside the dark movie theater, and cower in terror at the screen, and sound system as the music destorys any knowledge of Pocket Monsters as we know it?

Poke-Kid: ...It's time to face the screen...

{Man humming scary music}

{The doors open, as a white light surrounds the man, which he blocks his eyes with his hands...}

Man: {gasps} ASH! MISTY! AND...some guy I don't know.

{Cue title screen of movie}

{Near the man we hear something trying to get out of the man's pocket}

Koi Kingu Doll: {singing to "Pocket Fantasy"} It's always in pocket no matter when. I don't what he's doing but, I feel a fantasy.

{Cue children in the background singing}

{Koi Kingu looks around}

{A question mark appears by his head}

Koi Kingu: Koi! Koi! Koi! {Translation: What is he doing?}

Man: {singing along}

Koi Kingu: KOI! {jumps and slaps against the man's face}

Man: Huh? What? {looks down} Magikarp!

Koi Kingu: KOI KINGU!

Man: Magikarp...what is it?

Koi Kingu: KOI!

{Flash to images of the man going into the movie theater...}

Koi Kingu: Koi? {And so?}

Man: Wait a can't send images to me! You're not Lapras or Jynx!

Koi King: {cries} KOI KING! KOI! {Why God?! Why?!}

{NOTE: NOTHING against religion}

Man: Kah..Koi?

Koi Kingu: {happy} KINGU!

Man: Koi Kingu?!

{A exclamation mark appears by his head!}

Man: Koi Kingu! Aishiteru! {I love you!}

Koi Kingu: KOI!

{Pun = Koi is "love" also, instead of a fish}

Man: {hugs Koi Kingu}