People in the World of Pokemon!

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Satoshi = Ash
Hanako (Satoshi's mother) = Ash's Mom
Kasumi = Misty
Takeshi = Brock
Munou = Brock's father {Flint}

Kenji = Tracey
Richie = Hiroshi
Hiroshi no Pokemon = Richie's Pokemon:

Sparky = Neon
Hiroshi's Hitokage = Zippo
Hiroshi's Butterflee = Happy

Rocket Dan {Rocket Organization or Rocket Gang} = Team Rocket Members:

Musashi = Jessie
Kojirou = James
Kojirou no Ryoushin = James' Parents
Rumika = Kojiro's fiancee {Jessebelle}
Yamoto = Cassidy
Kosoburo = Butch
Sakaki = Giovanni

Hoka no hito = Miscellaneous People:

Professor Okido = Professor Oak
Shigure Okido = Gary Oak (grandson of Professor Oak/Okido)
Dr. Joy = Nurse Joy
Officer Junsa = Officer Jenny
Bill = Sonezaki Masaki
Gym Leaders = Jiimu Riidaa:

Matisse = Lt. Surge
Erika = Erika
Natsume = Sabrina
Kyou = Koga
Katsura = Blaine

Orange League Trainers (anime only):

Cissy = Atsumi
Danny = Dan
Rudy = Mari
??? = Ruriko

Gym Leaders (Gold/Silver)

???? = Hayato
???? = Tsukushi
???? = Akane
???? = Matsuba
???? = Shijima
???? = Mikan
???? = Yanagi
???? = Ibuki
??? = Itsuki
??? = Karin

NOTE: In the anime, Satoshi had to face his friends Kasumi and Takeshi to win their badges.

Thanks to the UPN Network and the Ichiban Mailing List for this!

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