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Japanese Experience

Japanese Experience/日本語経験

1997/1998 - 2000/2001 - 3/4 yrs. self-study

2001 - 2002 - Took Japanese first year class at Lawrence Central High School in Indianapolis, IN.

2002 - 2003 - Tested into Japanese third year class at Lawrence Central High School in Indianapolis, IN.

2003 (Summer) - Took "Intensive Japanese" Class at Earlham College, Richmond, IN.

2003 (Fall) - Freelance interpreted for Japanese marching band student from Nagoya, Aichi prefecture, Japan who was apart of Lawrence Central's Sprit of Central (Indianapolis, IN, USA).

2004 (Fall) - Tested out of two college years at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), took Japanese third year Fall semester, passed.

2005 - Attended all meetings of Andrew Tuttle's Indianapolis, Indiana Japanese Language group.

2005 (Spring) - Japanese 3 Spring semester cancelled. Attended and spoke at Japanese Speech Night 2005 on hikkikomori.

2005 (Summer) - Attended Tsuda Daigaku meeting.

2005 (Fall/Spring) - Attended International Festival at Indiana State Fair Grounds. At IUPUI's International Day, set up "Japanese Club" booth and ran it for three hours. Attended Student Council Meetings twice, acting as treasurer for IUPUI Japanese Club, receieved all $200 plus money for events in addition to later earning money, $800, for revised budget.

2006 (Spring) - Currently enrolled in Japanese 3 Spring semester. Recently, attended and spoke at Japanese Speech Night 2006 demonstrating how to do Ayumi Hamasaki's "Trauma" dance. Attended Jyapo Fest 2006. Ran for Japanese Club President and lost to Matthew Ross.

2006 (Summer) - Attended Tsuda Daigaku meeting.

2006 (Fall) Before getting diagnosed with cancer, attended regular classes, including Japanese 4

2007 (Spring) At IUPUI's International Day, set up "Japanese Club" booth and ran it and attended and spoke at Japanese Speech Night 2007 on me having "cancer".

Future Plans:

2007 (Fall) - Finish "Second Language Acquisition" (ENG-G 432) with Dr. Thomas Upton

2007 (Fall) - Take Japanese 4 with Dr. Reiko Yonogi

2008 (Summer) - Take "Language and Study of Writing" (ENG -W310) with Dr. Fred DiCamilla

Updated: May 13, 2007

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