My Favorite Quotes/好きなクウォート

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My Favorite Quotes/好きなクウォート


"You are all winners in life. Go for it! BREAK RANKS!" - Bands of America {BOA} Announcer

"The first draft of everything is ****." - Ernest Hemingway

Martin Q Blank {John Cusack from "Grosse Point Blank"}: If I show up at your door, chances are you did something to bring me there.

Dean {Jeremy Piven from "Serindipity"}: Johnathan Trager, prominent television producer for ESPN, died last night from complications of losing his soul mate and his fiancee. He was 35 years old. Soft-spoken and obsessive, Trager never looked the part of a hopeless romantic. But, in the final days of his life, he revealed an unknown side of his psyche. This hidden quasi-Jungian persona surfaced during the Agatha Christie-like pursuit of his long reputed soul mate, a woman whom he only spent a few precious hours with. Sadly, the protracted search ended late Saturday night in complete and utter failure. Yet even in certain defeat, the courageous Trager clung to the belief that life is not merely a series of meaningless accidents or coincidences. Uh-uh. But rather, its a tapestry of events that culminate in an exquisite, sublime plan. Asked about the loss of his dear friend, Dean Kansky, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author and executive editor of the New York Times, described Johnathan as a changed man in the last days of his life. "Things were clearer for him," Kansky noted. Ultimately Johnathan concluded that if we are to live life in harmony with the universe, we must all possess a powerful faith in what the ancients used to call "fatum", what we currently refer to as destiny.

Lloyd Dobler {John Cusack from "Say Anything"}: She's gone. She gave me a pen. I gave her my heart, she gave me a pen.

J: (all of the sudden) What's the speed limit?
Sydney: 35. We just pass--
J: Good, because there's a cop behind us!

Heard on the IUPUI campus: How the HELL is she a Freshman and she's two years ahead (in Japanese class)!?

"I killed the president of Paraguay with a fork, how are you doing?" - Martin Blank (Grosse Pointe Blank)

"You ain't da baby's daddy!" - Almost every Maury episode

(After I said I was a geek) "If you are a 'geek' you better stop now." - Dr. DiCamilla

"...Look, I find Japan to be absolutely fascinating. I wouldn稚 be an East Asian History major if I didn稚. But unlike those fuckers, I知 actually interested in the language/culture/history of Japan and placing what I already know within a greater context. You know・EARNING and shit. I don稚 hold Japan to be the be-all, end-all of human civilization, I don稚 say shit like 鍍hings are so much better in Japan" (no・o, they really aren稚), and while I certainly believe there are quite a number of attractive Japanese women, I don稚 consider them to be paragons of beauty unequaled on the face of the earth (I mean, there are beautiful women in every culture, get over it). I壇 love to visit the country, but I壇 love to visit a lot of other places, too. Japan is just another country, like anywhere else; they池e not superior, merely different." - Colin Pinkham, from his group "Yeah, Japan Is Interesting, But Don稚 Be Such a Dick About It"

 James Chou: "Please don't cosplay...That's what Wapanese do. Fortunately you look good, but don't do it."
Kryn Hamelink: "Yeah, you would be a Wapanese, I agree with James."
 Me: "Well, what if one's significant other likes them to dress up?"
 James: "If your boyfriend has a fetish, then more power to him!"
Kryn: "I agree with James, but whats your favorite anime and manga?."
 Me: "I like Di Gi Charat, Sailor Moon (Japanese comics), Goldenboy, Andante, Variable Geo...also my boyfriend likes the whole sailor suit thing."
 Kryn: "Hmm, never heard of those, except "Sailor Moon." What do you think of Pearl Harbor?"
James: "OK."
Me: "I don't know what to think about that subject actually because it is debatable either way. I dd [sic!] not claim to be a History expert or major. =)"
Kryn: "'Debatable either way?'" What do you mean?"
Me: *did
You could have a opinion that is "right" either for or against Japan. People dying in a war is tragic, in my humble opinion."
Kryn: "Oh, okay."
Me: "Am I still pegged as a Wapanese?"
James: "The political ideology of Wapanese would be more in line with Japanese right-wing nationalists or they would brand you anti-Japanese for being critical of anything related to Japan...Looks like she passed...for now lol"
Kryn: "You've passed." - from a Facebook wall-to-wall messaging

"I know all of your quotes, they are all childish." - Sean Hansen, on Demetrius Green's Facebook quotes page

"I should put that I am a "Japanese Studies" major, but for linguistics sake, I like to think as a "Japanese Language" major or a "Japanese Linguistics" major..." - Sydney B (Me)

"Eh, we wern't emo back then [in the 1990's], we were outraged.

"Emo is about hip shiny ways to cry in order to get attention and poontang. We were about not showering because it didn't matter anyway since existance [sic!] was pointless." - lovesmasher from Livejournal

"I've been reading a lot of letters about people claiming or wanting to be an anime god. To me, collecting anime and related merchandise doesn't make anyone a "god." Anyone can buy tons of anime a month. Heck, when I was in college, I starved so I could buy the latest volume of whatever I was watching at the time. I would consider Mr. Jonathat Clements and Mr. Gilles Poitras anime gods. I actually own two of Mr. Poitras' books. I'd rather know the cultural references behind the anime than get my hands on tons of anime. Understanding it more makes me appreciate it more and it's more enjoyable that way. One example is the use of swords, jewels and mirrors. They appear in fantasy anime a buttload of times (InuYasha, Tenchi Muyo, Escaflowne, Yu Yu Hakusho). You gotta ask yourself: What does that mean? What's so special about those three artifacts and how does it relate to Japan? You'll just have to figure that out on your own. So go out and do some research, you would-be gods!" - "The real anime gods" (A letter in Newtype USA Magazine)as posted to Facebook by Evan -Devereaux Downhour- Williams

"A Lep is a Ball. Remember, A Lep is a Ball...Always!" - I-STEP Test of Indiana


「やったな~!」= ぷよぷよ2(Whoo-hoo!) - Puyo Puyo 2


「私のせいじゃないもん!」- 佐々木ゆこ、「バトル・ロワイル」("It's not my fault!" - SASAKI Yuko, "Battle Royale")

「Love is but a dream この世界で生まれくるゆく者いつか。」 - r.o.r.s., 「感傷不感情」

「Candy lie Don't you want! 好きなflavor 選んで berry or cherry?」- r.o.r.s. 「Candy Lie」 「正義の戦士!セーラー服美人戦士セーラーヴィーナス!参上!-コードネームセー ラーV Vol. 2」

好きなASCII: (・_・ )( ・_・)キョロキョロ

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