PokeLyrics!!! - Presents: The Wolves in the Walls by Neil Gaiman - kabe no naka ni, ookami ga iru

PokeLyrics!!! Presents:

There are sneaking,
creeping, crumpling
noises coming from
inside the walls.

Lucy is sure there are wolves living in the walls of their house -- and, as everybody says, if the wolves come out of the walls, it's all over. Her family doesn't believe her. Then one day, the wolves come out.

But it's not all over. Instead, Lucy's battle with the wolves is only just beginning.

"ookamitachi ga kabe kara detekitara, mou oshimai..." minna to itte.

(Everyone says, "If the wolves come out of the walls, it's all over...")

Title Translation and Romanization: Sydney

Translation of line in book: Amazon.com's The Wolves in the Walls page in Publisher Weekly's review.


Amazon.com: Books: The Wolves in the Walls. 25 July 2004. Amazon.com. 25 July 2004


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