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undefined Slope at Sea AeroFly scenery.

Here are a few pictures of the two sceneries:

Flying at the Slope with racing poles and a working windsock

Flying at the Slope

View of the slope with Windsock and F3F poles

Rough Slope

Smooth Slope


Download the self extracting files to install the scenery in your Aerofly simulator here: Slope by the Sea (395K)

Installation Instructions:

Copy the contents of the folders into their folder counterparts (texture and scenery folders) inside the Aerofly folder located probably inside Program Files --- IPAC ---Aerofly.


Restart Aerofly otherwise it might not find the new sceneries.

Load either the SmoothSlope or the RoughSlope scenery.

To set the weather conditions for slope flight you need to do the following:
1) Go to Settings - Wind
2) Set the thermals to about 1/2 of the control's travel
3) Set the wind to about 3/4 of the control's travel
4) Set the turbulence to calm
5) Set the wind direction to 0 degrees.

Load the Glider as the Aircraft and to launch it by pressing the SPACE BAR.

The pictures of the scenery outside the folders are only for reference and can be deleted, they don't need to be installed anywhere.

The initial position of the pilot is set so you can see the slope and the glider as it flies. You can adjust the pilot position using the up-down, left-right and PageUp-PageDown keys.
I just wish I had more time to play with them a bit more but I'm too busy most of the time so be patient.