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Lita Kino/Sailor Jupiter

"If you want trouble, pal, you're lookin' at it! My name is trouble! I'm Sailor Jupiter!"

Sailor Jupiter

~Name: Lita Kino
~Japanese name: Kino Makoto (kee-noh mah-koh-toh)
~Meaning: Truth of Wood, or Sincerity of Wood
~Birthday: December 5
~Favorite Colors: Pink and Green
~Favorite Animal: Horse
~Favorite Food: Cherry Pie
~Least Favorite Food: None
~Favorite Subject: Home Economics
~Least Favorite Subject: Physics
~Hobby: Bargain Hunting
~Strong Points: Great at cooking and cleaning, very strong, mentally and physically.
~Has trouble with: Airplanes
~Dreams: To open her own bakery/flower shop and to be a good wife
~Gemstone: Emerald

Lita has the appearance of, and often acts like, a tomboy. She is a lot taller than the other scouts, and gets into fights a lot. But this tough apperance is only a way of protecting herself, her past has been really hard on her and she often feels vulnerable. Both of her parents died in an airplane crash, so she lives alone in an apartment. Since she's by herself, she has to cook and clean for herself. She is quite the chef, and wants to open her own world-famous restuarant someday.

Lita looks and acts like a tomboy... ...but in reality she is a gentle, loving person who loves cooking.

Beacuse Lita was alone in this big world, she was eagar to share her life with someone, preferably a guy. She fell in love with a boy named Freddie, and they were together for a long time. She was so glad that there was someone out there to love her. But one rainy day at the park Freddie dumped poor Lita and left her crying out in the rain. I can sympathise with Lita personally, and believe me, nothing hurts more than when someone you love, and someone you thought loved you in return, suddenly doesn't anymore. It's the ultamate rejection. So Lita was abandoned and emotionally wounded until her 'Rainy Day Man,' Ken, came and found her, dripping wet and freezing. He offered her shelter under his umbrella, and she realized that a good friend like Ken is all she really needed. I cried when I saw that episode, I just happened to see it for the first time the day my boyfriend dumped me, kinda creepy...

Freddie Lita and her 'Rainy Day Man,' Ken.

Soon after her dissapointment with Freddie, Lita transferred to Ami and Serena's school. The rumors floating around school said she had been kicked out of her old school for fighting, but the truth was she couldn't stand being at her old school anymore. Too many sad memories. On her first day at Crossroads Jr. High School, Lita saved Serena from a bunch of bullies, and durring lunch break Serena approached Lita dispite what her friends said about her. Lita shared some of her home made lunch with Serena and the two became good friends. Later that day Lita was discovered to be Sailor Jupiter.

Lita shares her lunch with Serena

Jupiter is probably the most level headed of the scouts, except when it comes to guys. She thinks every single somewhat cute guy looks like her old boyfriend. But other than that, she is the most willing to be a Sailor Scout, and sort of a morale booster in battle. She is the most powerful scout, and the strongest too. As Sailor Jupiter, she has the power of thunder.

In short, Lita acts like a tomboy to protect herself from being emotionally crushed, but in reality she is a girl desperate for love and attention.


Lita Kino
Sailor Jupiter
Super Sailor Jupiter


English Japanese Picture What it does
Jupiter Power!
Jupiter Power Make Up!
Lita says this to transform in to Sailor Jupiter in the 1st series of Sailor Moon.
Jupiter Star Power!
Jupiter Star Power Make Up!
Lita says this to transform into Sailor Jupiter in the 2nd and 3rd series of Sailor Moon.
Jupiter Crystal Power!
Jupiter Crystal Power Make Up!
Lita says this to transform into Super Sailor Jupiter in the 4th and 5th series of Sailor Moon.


English Japanese Picture What it does
Jupiter Thunder Crash!
Supreme Thunder!
A little lightning rod pops out of her tiara, and she scrunches up into a ball. Lightning hits her little rod, and then she throws out her arms and legs, sending the lighting towards the enemy.
Jupiter Thunder Dragon!
Supreme Thunder Dradon!
It starts out exactly like Jupiter Thunder Crash, but the lightning she shoots at the enemy turns into a gigantic dragon that devours the enemy.
Jupiter Thunder Clap Zap!
Sparkling Wide Pressure!
Her lightning rod pops out, and she gathers a big ball of lightning in her hands. Then she throws it underhand at the enemy.
Sailor Jupiter! Jupiter Oak Evolution!
Jupiter Oak Evolution!
Jupiter spins around like a ballerina, flinging electrically charged oak leaves at the enemy. If you're wondering why the heck she's using a stupid tree to attack, it's because the Roman god, Jupiter's symbol is an oak tree.

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The midi playing is "Rainy Day Man" Thanks to Gruen Kamel for the cool background!!