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Kou Seiya/Sailor Star Fighter

Sailor Star Fighter

~Name: Kou Seiya (koo sey-yah)
~Meaning: Star Field Light
~Birthday: July 30
~Favorite Food: Hamburgers
~Least favorite food: ?
~Favorite Subject: Physical Education
~Least Favorite Subject: Literature
~Responsibilities: Lead Vocal (Keyboard, Writing Lyrics, Composing Music)
~Hobby: American Football
~Club membership: American Football club
~Has Trouble With: Girls

Seiya is one of the mysterious Sailor Star Lights. These 3 women came from a planet far beyond the Solar System to find their Princess, Kakyuu, after she had fled to Earth. The 3 Star Lights disguised themselves as brothers, Seiya, Taiki, and Yaten. They perform in a singing group together called the Three Lights. The reason they were a singing group is because they wanted to attract Princess Kakyuu to them. When they transform into Sailors, they turn into their original form, girls. The Star Lights keep to themselves, mostly, they don't hang out with the other Sailors much.

Princess Kakyuu fled to Earth after Sailor Galaxia attacked her home planet. The three lights came to Earth searching for their Princess. They disguised themselves as guys to attract Kakyuu to them.

Seiya is generally the most favored of the Star Lights. He's acts just like a typical guy. He likes hamburgers, football, and girls. Sounds like an average high school boy to me! Seiya has a HUGE crush on Serena, and even tryed to make a 'move' on her a couple of times. This makes Darien and Haruka very ticked off. When Seiya transforms, he bocomes Sailor Star Fighter.

Seiya transforms into Sailor Star Fighter.


Kou Seiya
Sailor Star Fighter


Fighter Star Power Make Up!
Seiya says this to transform into Sailor Star Fighter.


Star Serious Laser!
Fighter gathers a bunch of energy in her hand then blasts it toward the enemy.

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