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Serena Tsukino/Sailor Moon

"For love and justice, I am the sailor suited pretty soldier, Sailor Moon! In the name of the moon I shall punish you!"
Super Sailor Moon
~Name: Serena Tsukino
~Japanese Name: Tsukino Usagi (soo-kee-no oo-sa-gee)
~Meaning: Rabbit of the Moon
~Birthday: June 30
~Favorite Color: pink and white
~Favorite Animal: Bunny
~Favorite Food: Peanut Butter and Jelly, Ice Cream and Cake
~Least Favorite Food: Carrots
~Favorite Subject: Home Economics and music
~Least Favorite Subject: Math and English
~Hobbies: eating, sleeping, whining
~Strong points: brown nosing, crying, loyal
~Has Trouble With: dentists, ghosts, pop quizzes
~Gemstone: diamond

1,000 years ago, there was a beautiful kingdom on the Moon. Queen Serenity ruled this kingdom. All the planets lived in peace durring this time called the Silver Millenium. Queen Serenity had a daughter named Princess Serena. Serenity was bringing her up to be an elegant lady and a noble leader. Princess Serena had a court of 5 girls, each princesses of their own respective planets. Princesses Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn helped Princess Serena carry out her small duties. The last three Princesses, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto stayed on their home planets on the far edge of the Solar System, in order to protect the Moon Kingdom from invaders.

Princess Serena lived a happy life on the Moon, but she was often found staring at the planet Earth as it breezed across the sky. SheShe had fallen deeply in love with a Prince of Earth, Darien. The two were engaged to be married, and Serena waited for the day he would return so they could be united forever.

The Princess was often found staring at the Earth, day dreaming about her prince. Princess Serena was engaged to a handsome prince from Earth Darien (What a cutie!!)

But the wedding was cancelled when evil forces from beyond the Solar System attacked the Kingdom. Prince Darien came to the Kingdom with his 4 Earth generals, vowing to guard the Kingdom at all costs. But the Negaforce which had attacked the Kingdom took the generals and turned them evil. Darien tried with all his might to fight off the evil, but it was no use.

The wedding plans were cancelled when Queen Metalica and Queen Beryl of the negaverse attacked the Moon Kingdom. Prince Darien's 4 Earth generals were taken by the negaforce and turned evil.

Just before Queen Beryl of the Negaverse blasted the Kingdom to bits, Queen Serenity stored the souls of Princess Serena, her court, the outer guardians and Prince Darien inside of the Silver Crystal and sent them to the Earth in the future. There they would be reborn to live happy, peaceful lives. Serenity also sent the guardian cats, Luna and Artemis to the future. Their job was to revive the Moon Children as the Sailor Scouts if Queen Beryl was ever to attack the Earth again.

Serenity sent the souls of the Moon Children to the future Earth. Serenity sent the souls of the Moon Children to the future Earth.

About 1,000 years later, each of the Moon Children were reborn to Earthly parents. Serena was born to the Tsukino family (pronounced "Soo-Key-No"). At 14, she was a ditsy, clumsy, whiny, lazy, boy crazy teenager who was always late for everything & flunking all of her classes.


One day while Serena was on her way to school (late, as usual) she saw a bunch of boys virtualy torturing a little purplish-black cat in an alley way. Serena shooed them away and went over to check up the cat. She noticed it had a bandage on it's forhead, and she slowly peeled it away. Suddenly, there was a flash of light! There was a golden crescent moon on the cat's forehead. This cat was Luna, one of Serenity's guardian cats. Well Serena was sufficeintly freaked out and left in a hurry. Later, Luna appeared in Serena's room and began to talk to her. Serena thought she was dreaming. Luna told her about how Queen Beryl was back to take over the world, and that it was Serena's destiny to become the heroine Sailor Moon and stop her. Serena said "Moon Prism Power" just as Luna told her to do. Needless to say, Serena was slightly startled to find herself dancing around unconrollably, transforming into Sailor Moon. Now she was a defender of love and justice!!

Serena found Luna, one of the guardian cats in an alley way. Serena was now Sailor Moon, defender of love and justice!!

To be continued...


Princess Serena
Serena Tsukino
Sailor Moon
Super Sailor Moon
Eternal Sailor Moon
NeoQueen Serenity


English Japanese Picture What it does
Moon Prism Power!
Moon Prism Power Make Up!
Serena says this to transform into Sailor Moon.
Disquise Power!
Disguise Power!
Serena uses her Luna Pen to transform into whatever she wants. She simply says "Disguise Power" and whoever she wants to turn into and she'll turn into that person.
Moon Crystal Power!
Moon Crystal Power Make Up!
Serena says this to transform into Sailor Moon.
Moon Cosmic Power!
Moon Cosmic Power Make Up!
Serena says this to transform into Super Sailor Moon.
Super Moon Crisis Power!
Moon Crisis Make Up!
Sailor Moon says this to transform into Super Sailor Moon.
Moon Cosmic Dream Action!
Moon Crisis Make Up!
This is Serena and Rini's double transformation, in which they transform at the same time to become their Super Moon forms.
Moon Eternal Make Up!
Serena says this to transform into Eternal Sailor Moon.


English Japanese Picture What it does
Moon Tiara Magic!
Moon Tiara Action!
Sailor Moon removes her tiara and flings it at the enemy.
Moon Healing Activation!
Moon Healing Escalation!
Sailor Moon uses her Moon Wand to heal good guys that had been made into bad guys.
Moon Sceptor Activation!
Moon Princess Halation!
Sailor Moon uses her Moon Sceptor to turn the enemies to Moon Dust!
Moon Spiral Heart Attack!
Moon Spiral Heart Attack!
Sailor Moon takes her Sceptor and spins around a lot, then sends enormous amounts of energy towards the enemy.
Rainbow Moon Heart Ache!
Rainbow Moon Heart Ache!
This attack is exactly like Spiral Moon Heart Attack, only it is used by Super Sailor Moon and is more powerful.
Moon Gorgeous Meditation!
Moon Gorgeous Meditation!
After being powered up by Pegasis (go to Sailor Chibi Moon's Profile to learn more about Pegasis), Super Sailor Moon uses her Kalide Moon Scope to destroy the enemy.
Star Light Honeymoon Therapy Kiss!
This is one of Eternal Sailor Moon's Attacks.
Moon Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss!
This is Eternal Sailor Moon' second attack.

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Sailor Moon