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The Cats




The Guardian Cats are the real inspiration behind the Sailor Soldiers, they awakened them, then trained them and advised them. Luna and Artemis were the two original Guardian Cats from the Silver Millennium. They came form the planet Mau. They were Queen Serenity's advisors. When the Moon Kingdom was attacked by the evil Negaforce, Queen Serenity sent all of the senshi to the future earth. She sent Luna and Artemis along as well to awaken the senshi if the Negaforce was ever to attack earth a second time.

Queen Serenity sent the Guardian cats to the future along with the other Senshi.

Artemis was the first to re-awaken. He found Mina, who was the Princess of Venus on the Moon Kingdom and awakened her as well. She fought the Dark Kingdom as the lone Sailor V long before Sailor Moon was around. Artemis was always on the lookout for Luna, becuase he kinda liked her that way. : )

Artemis awakened Sailor V (Sailor Venus) long before Sailor Moon was around.

About a year after Artemis found Mina, Luna found Serena. Serena had saved Luna from a bunch of bullies that were pestering her. Serena noticed a band-aid on Luna's forehead and peeled it off to find a crescent moon. Later, Luna appeared in Serena's bedroom and told her about her destiny as a Sailor Soldier, Sailor Moon to be exact. Sailor Moon was whimpy at first, but she got better over time. Luna also awakened Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, and Sailor Jupiter. After all the inner scouts had been awakened, Artemis and Sailor V, now known as Sailor Venus, met up with Luna and the others and became the complete Sailor Team.

Luna discovered Serena when she saved her from a bunch of bullies.

Diana is Luna and Artemis' daughter from the future, much like how Rini is Serena and Darien's daughter from the future. When Rini came to our present as a Sailor Soldier in training, Diana came with her as a guardian kitty in training. When Diana first came, she ran up to Artemis and started calling him daddy, which made Luna think that Artemis had been cheating on him (poor Artie!). But, that was quickly explained and Luna apologized for jumping to conclusions. Diana is so cute and adorable, and she often says silly little things. For example, when Darien's apartment got trashed and Rei invited him to stay at the temple, Diana said that she'd go with Darien so, "they wouldn't make any mistakes." That made Serena very nervous!!

Artemis was surprised when Diana called him Daddy (observe picture). Isn't she just adorable???

Luna and Artemis have a confusing relationship, Luna is constantly teasing and pestering poor Artemis and running herself crazy with several little crushes (note to American Sailor Moon veiwers: In the dub Luna sounds like an old grandma, but in the real japanese version she sounds like a teenager, who is confused about love and relationships. In other words, she can be just as guy crazy as Serena!). But Artemis stays true to his one and only, never giving up on Luna and hoping that she'll realize how he feels someday. This is shown in the Sailor Moon S movie when Luna falls deeply in love with a human named Kakeru. When he gets deathly ill, she cries and wishes that she could become a human girl and protect him. Luna gets her wish, but for only a short time. When Kakeru ran back to his girlfriend, Himeko, Luna was crushed. But Artemis was there for her, regardless of the way she had treated him before. It was then that she realized how much she really did care for Artemis. It was really sweet, I even cried. *sniff*

Luna fell in love wth a human named Kakeru. Luna wished that she could become a human girl so she could protect Kakeru. After all that, Luna finally realized how much Artemis really meant to her.

In the Sailor Moon Manga, Luna, Artemis and Diana are actually humans that take on the cat form. That isn't the case in the anime. Luna turns into a human only once, in the S movie. The three of them are a loving family, and probably the most valued characters in Sailor Moon. There wouldn't be a Sailor Moon without them.

Luna, Artemis and Diana as humans.

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