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ChibiChibi/Sailor ChibiChibi Moon

"Chibi chibi chibi chibi chibi!!"

~Name: ChibiChibi
~Meaning: small small
~Birthday: none, really...
~Favorite Color: Red and blue
~Favorite Food: Doughnuts
~Least Favorite Food: None
~Strong Points: Getting out of trouble
~Has Trouble With: She's just peachy *^_^*
~Gem Stone: Diamond

ChibiChibi's story is quite confusing, like most of the characters in Sailor Moon. I'm sure most of you have heard of Sailor Galaxia, the most powerful Sailor Scout ever. Well, when chaos was trying to take control of the universe, Sailor Galaxia thought she was powerful enogh to take chaos in and destroy it. She was wrong. She felt that chaos was taking complete control of her body, and at the last minute she sent out her Star Seed, which she called the light of hope. This Light of Hope took on the form of our beloved Chibi Chibi, and she set off to find the one that could help defeat chaos.

Chibi Chibi came out of the sky, much like Rini did when she arrived. She came floating down with an umbrella, kinda like Mary Poppins. : ) How kawaii! She fell right near Serena, and scared her to death. Chibi Chibi followed her home, and Serena's mother took her in thinking she was her daughter, just like she thought Rini was her neice. Little Chibi Chibi was very mischievious, she loves to pig out on donuts and other yummy stuff. Her vocabulary is very limited, all she really says is "Chibi Chibi." Kinda like a Pokemon.

Chibi Chibi arrived to earth floating down on an umbrella. Chibi Chibi was very mischievious.

Chibi Chibi carried around an insence burner. One day, when Serena was in trouble, it was revealed the Princess Kakyuu had been living inside of Chibi Chibi's insence burner. When usagi was in trouble, Chibi Chibi realeased Kakyuu so she could save Serena. The 3 Star Lights were all very pleased to have found their princess, thanks to Chibi Chibi.

Chibi Chibi released Kakyuu from her insence burner. Chibi Chibi released Kakyuu from her insence burner.

When the time came for the final battle with Sailor Galaxia, it is revealed that Chibi Chibi is the Light of Hope. She transformed into Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon and powered up Eternal Sailor Moon and gave her a new attack, "Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss." What a stupid name. But anyways... when Sailor Galaxia is healed, she was reborn as a different person completely seperate from Chibi Chibi. Before, they were the same person. Weirded.

Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon powered up Eternal Sailor Moon.

Chibi Chibi is a character that is not well known, but she's so cute people like her even though they don't know who she is!

Chibi Chibi

Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon

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