1. Balduvian Horde-AWESOME CREATURE.
2. Armageddon-great card for white weenie get all your creature out then play this so your opponent cant do anything.
3. Wrath of God-get rid of the nasty creatures before they can do their best.
4. Birds of Paradise-best creature-mana producer in the game.
5. Brushland-2 color decks have been made easier these days.
6. Bottle of Suleiman-get a double sided coin hehe or if you have luck this card can be great!
7. Creeping Mold-awesome removal card.
8. Maro-bring on the cards to get your hand huge and spellbook so you dont have to discard.
9. Archangel-best flying creature out there.
10. Hammer of Bogarden-cool burn but its down here because i hate burn.