1. City of Brass-add one mana of any color has always been good for any land.
2. Takklemaggot-such a fun creature.
3. The Wretched-put a lure on him and have some fun.
4. Lands Edge-another version of seismic assault but now everyone can discard a land for 2 damage.
5. Dakkon Blackblade-has P/T equal to all of your land! once you get him out he would be a 5/5.
6. Nicol Bolas-such a fun creature if you ever can get him out. also if you can get him out put a hermetic study on him and your opponent wont get a very big hand for a while.
7. Ernham Djinn-4 for a 4/5 you gotta be kidding me.
8. Nebuchadnezzar-WOW I SPELT IT RIGHT! hehe just because of the long and weird name.
9. Concordant Crossroads-use in something like an elf deck so you can use their tapping abilities when they come into play.
10. Vaeavictus Asmadi-SEE NEBUCHADNEZZAR.