1. Autumn Willow-great card. make it so you put your enchant spells on her then make it so your opponent cant burn or counter or do whatever to her.
2. Baron Sengir-if your playing a weenie and get this card out quick then put a lure on him to kill there creatures and build up him.
3. Apocalypse Chime-cause homelands sucks hehe:)
4. Eron the Relentless-not as good as ball lightning but with regenerating ability he is pretty cool.
5. AEther Storm-use in a counter deck so you dont play creatures and your opponent has to pay 4 life to play his creatures.
6. Shrink-make huge creatures small so they cant attack you for much.
7. Sengir Autocrat-feed the tokens to crovax the cursed.
8. Headstone-if you dont have bring back from the dead cards then bury your creatures to draw cards.
9. Didgeridoo-play in a minotaur deck woo hoo lots of people use them.
10. Funeral March-make them have to sac a creature if theirs die.