1. Lotus Vale-3 mana for the price of 2.
2. Heart of Bogarden-use when you have lots of mana and your opponent will feel some pain.
3. Gemstone Mine-produce 1 of any color for 3 or more turns.
4. Maraxas of Keld-fun creature to play.
5. Llanowar Sentinal-4 2/3 creatures for 9 mana. In an elf deck these guys are killer.
6. Empyrial Armor-use this with howling mine or other cards that let you draw draw draw
7. Rogue Elephant-a first turn 3/3 with a little sacrifice.
8. Gaea's Blessing-used with oath of druids so you dont have to worry about decking.
9. Ophidian-lets you draw a card if unblocked. Good for blue because counter his creatures and keep drawing for more key cards.
10. Goblin Bomb-if you ever got this thing to go off it would be really cool. I like it because its a fun card and you have a chance at doing 20 damage.