The Rock (1996) ***1/2
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The Rock (1996) ***1/2

The Rock is one of the best actioners from the summer of '96. I give it almost four stars not because anything is really new, just because the performances in the movie are so good, particularly that of Nicholas Cage, a chemical expert, and Sean Connery as the only man ever to "break out of The Rock." These two establish an entertaining rapport, working together to stop Ed Harris, a crazed General holding San Francisco at bay with military weapons. His price: recognition, decoration of, and payment to families of American soldiers who ran black-ops for our country but were never recognized. He wants it payed out of an illegal Pentagon slush fund. So, for the first time in a while, we have a "bad guy" who actually has a REASON for acting up. Like I said, nothing new in this film to seasoned action fans, but all of the "routine" chases, explostions, etc., are done with such style that it hardly matters. Many will see this film just for Sean Connery, and they won't be disappointed, because it's rare these days when you see a man pushing 70 blasting away bad guy with more flair and wit than Swartzenburger, Sly, Van Damme, and other so-called actors put together. Just having Connery makes this movie something special even before you see it, because he can make even the most mediocre plot work. After seeing this movie, compare it with Eraser, Judge Dredd, and other action flicks, and you'll be able to see the difference one of the best actors in the world makes. Other Pluses: A driving, pounding soundtrack by Hans Zimmer. (R)

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Links for The Rock

The Internet Movie Database- Find out more about The Rock
Official Alcatraz Island Site- Find out everything you ever wanted to know about the real "Rock"
Matt's Script Archive - Awesome Web Server Scripts
