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     You reach out and snatch the key from the monster's slimy-looking hand.  As you pull it 
away, the key begins to pull the creature's skin along with it.  You can't imagine anybody's skin 
ever doing something as strange as that, and you look up at the moster, horrified.  It only looks 
down at you and continues holding out its hand.  Finally, the stretch of skin snaps away from the 
key and falls back into place.
     The hulking predator puts its hand on your shoulder (you almost shrink back in disgust, but 
think better of it) and says to you, "Take this key to the room in the trees.  It is there that 
you will find Fiona, and it is from there that you may both escape from all this...," it raises 
its arms in the air, "wickedness and evil at last!"  With that, it turns and runs back down the 
stairs, scratch, THUMP!, scratch, THUMP!, with one leg dragging slightly behind.
     Though it was a monster--a MONSTER!--that just said this to you, you find yourself 
desperately wanting to take the thing's advice and go to the room in the trees.  You stand up 
and look around, and you suddenly notice something that you're quite sure was not there before.  
It's a trap door in the ceiling.

Do you...
 find out what's upstairs
 go back to where you just came from and see what lies down the tunnel
