There are many unscrupulous people on the Net. I,
however, don't like to be seen in this category, so I'd like to take this opportunity to
thank all those throughout the real and virtual world who have made it possible, either
through shareware or their own images, to enhance my site with pictures. Wherever possible
you will find direct links to the sites where the .gifs and .jpgs were found so that you
may see them in their original surroundings (that's web promotion at its most cheap and
easy!), or a list of links on designated links pages.
I hope you enjoy this site, of which all the text at least is the product of a twisted
mind with (apparently) too much time on his hands. Please feel free to e-mail me if you wish to discuss any image that you
feel is yours and that I have not credited in some way. Please note, also, that if you
wish to copy any of the images here then it would be a courtesy to inform me of a such a
decision first.
'Til later,
Rob Learner
PS Please click on the back button
to return to the page you just came from