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Seiya, Taiki and Yaten's excellent Adventure.

by Sonya-chan


"And now ladies and gentlemen..." The announcer paused, getting the attention of all the students crammed in the small auditorium. "The moment you all have been waiting for. The Grand Prize winner of this year's elite Class President for the collegial category. I would like to take the opportunity to refresh your memories as to what is the Grand Prize. The winner of this year's competition will receive what he or she wishes for the most (some restrictions apply). Now I will ask the Minister of Education himself to please open the envelope and say who is our lucky winner."

You could have heard a pin drop as everyone's attention was on the envelope. The minister with great care and slow motion opened the envelope. He took the card out as slowly and looked at the answer. He facevaulted and looked at the announcer. The man looked at the card and announced:

"Ladies and gentlemen... it's a first. We don't have one winner, but three..." The crowd went "OOOOOOOHHHHH!!!" The announcer resumed. "Our lucky winners are Tendo Akane..." The announcer paused as Akane yelped and blushed. She was so shocked. Nabiki, her sister, had to push her forward to claim her prize. Somewhere in the mass of seated people, Saotome Ranma snickered.

"Lucky for her this wasn't a contest to find the cutest girl because she would never have won!"

"The second name is Yukimura Keiko!" Keiko was so happy but she maintained her dignity and also stepped forward. In the crowd, a pale blue haired girl stood up and whistles. "WAY TO GO KEIKO-CHAN!!!!" A boy next to her grumbled as he looked at her jumping up and down.

"Botan! Calm down!"

"Oh Yuusuke-kun! Aren't you happy she won?" she replied. Next to her a boy with long red hair took a rose out of his hair and threw it toward the stage. Keiko caught it and threw a small kiss at Kurama. Yuusuke noticed. Kurama turned to him with a small smile.

"Don't worry. I won't take Keiko-chan from you..." he winked.

In the shadows of the auditorium a small figure all dressed in black had watched the scene. "Humpft!" he simply muttered as he rolled his eyes.

"And now, last but not least! Yuuki Miaka!" finally announced the man.

Miaka couldn't believe it she won, she won, she won, she won, she won, she said over and over in her head as she jumped up and down and giggled as though she had just won the grand prize on the Price is Right. She rushed the other two winners and held them in the biggest bearhug she could muster. Ouch! Hey! She's pretty strong! Akane remarked to herself. Well she's rather rambunctious thought Keiko. In the audience Yui was happy her friend had won she just wished that she would have won with more dignity.

"And now the only tough part will be for them to divide the Prize!..." The announcer said. Miaka stopped jumping and all three girls looked at each other.


Several hours later in a conference room at the hotel where the contest had been held, the three girls sighed. None of them had come up with an idea which pleased them all. They had argued back and forth during this time and almost came to an agreement when Akane's sister looked at her and told her no. So the negotiations started again to the great displeasure of the sponsors and to all who respectfully waited for the girls to decide.

Along the way, Miaka got bored and while Akane and Keiko argued, she took out the latest issue of Teen Idols Manga. She flipped through the pages and stopping at one she sighed heavily. "Three Lights..." she whispered. Keiko and Akane stopped arguing, looked at the magazine, big grins spreading on their face. The three girls looked at each other and huddled. They started to whisper amongst themselves. Nabiki eavesdropped and Ranma could have sworn he saw dollar bill signs flashing in her eyes. The three girls nodded. An agreement had been reached.

"We know what we want!" announced the three girls at the same time.

The sponsor, seeing the Three Lights' pictures thought he knew exactly what the girls wanted.

"Let me guess. You girls want tickets to the big concerts of the Three Lights... Right?"

"WRONG!" they all said.

"Heh-heh! I meant Back-passes of course... you want back-passes for the concert of the Three Lights... Right?" he ventured.

"WRONG!" they repeated. Now Ranma, Yuusuke, Botan, Kurama and Yui wondered what the heck they all wanted... if tickets were not prize... What was it?"

"We wish the Three Lights could come to our school..." said Akane.


"But you all go to different schools and there is a restriction of time when the prize is given you know..." said the sponsor.

"Yes, we know... " Started Keiko.

"Only one week!" finished Miaka. Nabiki was smiling big time.

"What the heck is she planning?" Ranma thought. He couldn't trust his future step-sister any more than he trusted the weather report.

"Okay..." the sponsor said, " can be arranged. Since it's seven days we can split the time between you girls and..."

"Huh?" the three girls said. "Split?..."

Nabiki stepped up to the sponsor. "You fail to see the big picture here, sir... How many girls are there here?"

"Three..." the man answered.

"How many Lights are there?"

"Three..." the man beamed. "You mean..."

"Yes. Why divide the time when each girl can have one Light for one week..."

Akane, Keiko and Miaka agreed they would have a ballot and see who would get which of the Three Lights. The sponsor prepared the paper while Nabiki watched him to make sure the guy wasn't trying anything funny. He placed the three papers in a big empty fishbowl and he shooked it a couple of times to make sure no one knew which paper held what name. He put the bowl on the table and each girl took one.

They all looked at their paper at the same time and beamed.

"Oh! My favorite!... Really!... Who'd you pick?" they all said at the same time.

Akane was first "Seiya Kou!" she announced. Ranma could hear Nabiki saying, "Yes, yes, YES!"

Keiko was second. "Yaten Kou!" Botan yelled and fainted. Yuusuke could have sworn he saw Kurama blush slightly...

Yui blushed. "Oh my god, Miaka that means you have..." Miaka beamed "Taiki Kou!"

"Now that everyone is happy, all we have to do now is make arrangement for their stay and..."

Nabiki interrupted the sponsor. "You don't have to make plans for Seiya-san sir! We have a big house. He can stay with us... as long as you pay for his room and board..."

"Very well..." said the man, thinking it would cost him less than a hotel room.

He didn't know Nabiki but he was about to... thought Ranma. So that's what she had planned... Hey waiaminute! There are no rooms left at the house... the only ones using the guest room are...Me and Pop!

Ranma looked at Nabiki, who looked back at him with the "don't say a word or I'll blackmail you..." look.



"Please, Yaten... Put your hand before your mouth when you yawn..." said Taiki as he ate breakfast and read the newspaper.

"How can you tell? You always have that newspaper blocking my face..." grumbled Yaten as he took the Lucky Charms cereal box and emptied some of it in his bowl. He let out a snarl of frustration. "Grrr, who took all the marshmallows again?"

"Don't look at me!" said Taiki flipping through the news.

"How could I?" He rolled his eyes to the ceiling. "What am I going to eat now... that thing is tasteless without the marshmallows..."

"Frankly, Yaten I don't know why you eat that stuff, the box it comes with has more nutritional value..." Taiki replied.

"Yes, Mr. Granola..." grumbled Yaten. Just then the door slammed shut. Seiya came in the room still jogging.

"Ah! Seiya how was your jogging with Mamoru-san..." asked Taiki.

"Healthy! I can smell him from here..." said Yaten pinching his nose.

Seiya ignored him and took his sweaty T-shirt off. "Fun! You know we have a lot of tastes in common..."

"Yeah... like your taste in women..." Yaten said as he rummaged through the cupboards trying to find breakfast. Seiya threw his soiled T-shirt on him.

"Yearck! Get that thing offa me. I don't wanna go to school smelling like you!" disgusted he kicked the garment away. Seiya dashed to the showers.

"Yo! Yaten, would you mind fixing me a breakfast drink?... Thanks!" He said as he closed the door to the bathroom.

"What am I, a maid?... Might as well fix me one of those if I want to eat breakfast..." he sighed.

While he did that, a funny looking smile traced itself on his features. He listened to the water running and Seiya singing in the shower. After a small hesitation, he opened the hot water faucet to the maximum. He chuckled when he heard Seiya yell at the cold water. Taiki dropped the newspaper and looked at Yaten like a father would look at a mischievous child. Yaten chuckled "Gomen, gomen..." and closed the faucet. He started to drink breakfast when the phone rang.

Not even looking up from the newspaper, Taiki said. "It's for you..."

Yaten sighed. Not again! He thought. "Moshi-moshi Minako-chan..." He paused as he listened to her.

"No... It's because YOU'RE the ONLY one who calls us this early..." he replied.

" We were having breakfast... what?... hang... hang on a sec. willya?" He put his hand over the receiver. "Yo! Taiki! Switch the TV on... on channel 7 Minako-chan said they're going to talk about us... because of a contest..." He spoke back to the phone. "Okay... thanks... yeah... yeah... see ya at school... y...y... ok BYE!" he hung up. "I swear this girl is a real motormouth..."

Seiya angrily got out of the shower and started to yell at Yaten when Taiki shushed both of them. The reporter on TV said Three Lights so they both shut up and listened.

"Ohayo Gosaimasu and welcome to the news of Channel 7... In the entertainment news this morning, 'Weird happenings for the Three Lights'. Last night was the annual competition of College Class Presidents and for the first time there was a tie for first place. Three young ladies won and since the contest prize was what they wished for... They all wished that the Three Lights go to their school for one week. The young ladies agreed to the terms that they would each get one of the Lights to accompany her to school for one week. We do not know yet which Lights will go to which school. It will be announced in a Press conference this afternoon at 4:00 p.m... We will keep you posted. An earthquake shook the northern prov..." Taiki turned the TV off. Seiya and Yaten both had the same expression of disbelief.

"They can't do that now, can they?" said Seiya.

"Of course, they can't!" Yaten was so outraged he threw his glass against a wall. Taiki ducked the projectile and took out their contract and examined it. "I don't remember signing up for such a thing. They can't make us do it... Right Taiki!" Taiki frowned at the contract and took out a magnifying glass. On both Seiya and Yaten's head a huge sweatdrop formed.

"Right... right Taiki?!" Yaten asked getting nervous.

Taiki sighed "Have any of you read the fine print?" Both Seiya and Yaten facevaulted.

"What fine print?" they shouted.

"This one..." and for sure, there it was the proverbial loophole which permitted their sponsor to do such a thing.


The noon bell rang at Jyuuban College and the students got out of class to eat lunch outside. Somewhere in the schoolyard a group formed of the Three Lights and of all the senshi that went to Jyuuban...

"Hey, you guys really got a rotten deal..." said Makoto.

All the senshi, even Michiru and Haruka, nodded to that. Minako beamed as she presented Yaten with a bento box.

"Here, Yaten-kun... I made a special curry to cheer you up..." she presented the box with her best smile.

"Argghhh...." cringed Yaten softly. He was about to refuse the offer when an idea struck him. "Oh Arigato, Minako-chan... You shouldn't have..." Taiki and Seiya looked at Yaten suspiciously. "... But of course I'll be happy to eat..." Taiki and Seiya nodded and took the bento box from Yaten.

"Oh, no! You don't, short stuff!" said Seiya giving the bento box back to Minako, who didn't understand what was going on.

"You're not getting away from this situation by making yourself sick..." said Taiki sternly.

"...Busted!" whispered Yaten. Minako was angry.

"Are you telling me my curry would make Yaten-kun sick?... " She looked Taiki straight in the eyes.

"Ara... Minako-chan... ah! No, of course not!" He lied, sweating. He looked for support but all present just looked at the spectacle of the tall Taiki cringing from the gaze of the smaller Minako.

"I'll prove it to you!" She opened the bento box and taking a spoon she dug right in and put a big spoonful in her mouth. She chewed a couple of times and turned a lively green color as she choked at her own food. She excused herself and ran toward the school restrooms.

Just as everyone was recovering from the incident, a courier arrived and gave each of the Lights a letter.

"Oh, boy! This must be where we must be going..." Said Seiya, as he tore the envelope. He read the letter and facevaulted. "Nerima! What the heck am I going to do in Nerima?..."

"...You mean besides making an ass of yourself?" chuckled Yaten but his chuckle dies in his throat when he read his own letter. "Oh no!... anything but that..."

"What's your problem?" asked Seiya.

"Sarayashiki... I'm going to Sarayashiki College..." Yaten was pale. All the girls facevaulted. Haruka chuckled.

"Looks like someone is going to have his little butt kicked around..."

"Come on! It can't be that bad..." said Seiya.

"It is... I used to go there and I got into lots of fights with the boys over there..." said Makoto. "And let's just say I didn't win all the time..." The boys shuddered. Makoto could easily battle any thugs even when she wasn't Sailor Jupiter. But for her to admit she got sometimes beaten up... really scared Yaten.

"I don't wanna goooo!" whined Yaten.

"Well, I got a nice little college not too far from here so Ami-chan and I could still..." he stopped. "Ah! No! I have to stay there 24 hours a day!!!! Gomen Ami-chan we will have to go to the Planetarium another week..."

"Ah Nooo! Stephen Hawkins-sama was going to do a lecture..." she pouted. Taiki smiled and gave her his tickets.

"Here, Ami-chan, you go and why don't you take..." he scanned his friends and realized none of them would be interested in astrophysics. "Aaaah... anybody you think would like to go with you..." he added diplomatically.

They all settled back to eat lunch. Only Yaten seemed to have lost his appetite.

"I don't wanna goooo...." Yaten repeated.

"What's the matter Yaten?.... Yaten kowaiiiiiiii!!!!" Taiki said imitating Minako. Everybody laughed. Even Usagi got it... eventually all except Yaten.

End of Prologue.

- To Part 1