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Seiya, Taiki and Yaten's Excellent Adventure

Part 13

by Sonya-chan

There is another song that is recommended when you read this fanfic... you will know when to listen to it when Kurama plays it. If you wish to hear the song go to and download the song Endless Rain from X-Japan... you won't regret it, it's a great song I love it very much.

Ami closed Taiki's bedroom door. She wiped her dried tears. She walked zombie-like to the living room. Everyone was there haphazardly in the room. No one wanted to leave. Usagi rose and hugged Ami.

"Taiki... Taiki, finally fell asleep..." her eyes filled with tears again. She returned Usagi's hug. "He... He's so devastated, Usagi-chan..." she cried.

Usagi nodded as she held her. As she cried, Ami had tried to stay strong for Taiki. Consoling him/her, helping through the pain. Usagi understood. Ami had to let go of her own emotions, cry and mourn for Yaten.

No one in this room was unaffected by her sacrifice. Makoto, Minako and Rei were crying softly, still shocked after what happened. Minako kept repeating, this wasn't happening. Jadeite bit his lips looking at them. He looked away, trying not to show his own emotions. Zoicite was crying softly against Kunzite's shoulder. They both had a look of sadness, of regret. Usagi knew then they wished they had known Yaten better. Nephrite was looking at the night sky; he, too, pondering on Yaten. He had the same sad expression on his face as Kunzite and Zoicite.

Haruka and Michiru were huddled in a corner, both of them crying. Usagi looked at Haruka. She was looking back at her with an unanswered question in her eyes. Why? Why was I so mean to them? Usagi felt Haruka's shame, that she wished she took back whatever she once said about the Starlights. They were now their family. She should have embraced them with open arms as relatives, not like strangers. She bitterly regretted, and she cried bitter tears of shame.

Setsuna sat pensive at the kitchen table, holding Hotaru in her arms. Both of them had said nothing since Yaten had died. They just stared at everyone blankly. Ryoga was trying to console Shampoo, who also cried. She didn't know Yaten, but the atmosphere of hopelessness was getting to her. Ranma looked concerned at Seiya, as though hoping he could say something to make him feel better but unable to come up with anything.

Usagi looked at Seiya. She felt her heart swell with sadness. Seiya looked so utterly miserable. He hadn't slept a wink. His hair was a mess; his eyes were red and were staring blankly on the floor. He looked dead inside. The same look Taiki had before Ami dragged him to his room. Usagi looked to Mamoru who was sitting next to Seiya. Mamoru met her gaze. His eyes cried out: what can I do? She told him silently by gazing back to Seiya. Mamoru looked at Seiya. Biting his lip, he put his hand on his shoulder.

"Seiya... You should try to get some sleep..." he whispered, his voice almost inaudible.

Seiya's head snapped to him. He looked at Mamoru with such an hopeless expression Mamoru bit his lip again. Seiya's face distorted into a mask of sadness as he screamed:

"WHY?... WHY?..." He started to cry again. He was shaking. "WHY YATEN?..." He repeated the sentence, each cut by sobbing. Mamoru gasped when he looked at Seiya's features. They kept changing from male to female, male to female, echoing the turmoil his/her soul was in. Mamoru gasped and acted out of instinct. He took the crying Seiya into his arms. She settled into a female form and cried her eyes out on him. She was sobbing loudly against him, holding on to him as if he was an anchor in her sea of sadness. Haruka and Michiru rose when Seiya finally cried. Haruka embraced Seiya telling her she was sorry. Michiru put her hand on Seiya's shoulder. As soon as Seiya started to cry, Mamoru was feeling assaulted by all the senshi who wanted to hold on to Seiya, to give their support to her. Even Ami left Usagi and fell to her knees in front of Seiya, hugging her.

Mamoru didn't know if he should just run away from this senshi sandwich. He gave a panicked look to Usagi who smiled at him. He calmed down. Her smile meant: Don't worry, you're doing fine. He relaxed and went back to his role of security blanket for everyone, as Seiya continued to cry.

Usagi, in a way, was happy Seiya had finally cried. She was afraid Seiya was starting to have a nervous breakdown, because he was just staring, not crying. Crying would make Seiya feel better, accepting the unthinkable. That Yaten... she couldn't say it, she felt tears burn her eyes, there must be something I can do, there must.

Usagi looked up and saw, Hiei, Kuwabara and Yuusuke looking down at the floor while Yukina was tending to their wounds. One of them was missing, Kurama. Usagi turned around. She knew where he was. It was about time someone inquired about him. She reached Yaten's bedroom door. She knocked. There was no answer. Slowly, she opened the door.

"Kurama-san?..." said Usagi, afraid to interrupt something. But she didn't. Kurama was still sitting at the same place he was when last she was there. He was sitting on the floor, his clothes soiled with his blood. He was sitting there staring... staring at her. Yaten's dead body was on her bed, a bed filled with yellow roses, her favorite. There weren't any roses when Usagi came before, but Kurama had one in his hand. That must be his doing, she thought. The roses bloomed and filled the room with their sweet scent. Usagi took a few steps inside. She looked at Yaten. She had a peaceful expression on her face. All scars gone from her body, her hands brought together in a silent prayer. A rose blossomed in the space between her thumbs and index fingers.

Tears flowed from Usagi's eyes. She was so beautiful like this. The tiara, the dress, she was a princess like she was herself. It wasn't fair, thought Usagi. It wasn't fair at all. Poor Yaten, her life was a tragedy. She cried bitterly. How can I be happy? thought Usagi, to know that she has suffered so and is cut down like that, just when... Just when she found love...

Usagi swallowed her tears. She remembered a conversation she had with Yaten a few month ago:

"Does that mean you will go out with Minako?" she had said innocently.

"What? Of course not! I don't like girls... I'm not Taiki or Seiya..." he had replied angry. "I don't want to fall in love..."

"Don't you want to find someone?" she asked him.

"No... it's better this way... I... I don't want to lose anyone close to me ever again..." he replied.

"Is that why you are so mean... so no one will love you?" Yaten had spun around to look at her. For a few moments, the wall he had so carefully erected around himself crumbled. Usagi knew. She now saw Yaten's real emotions. He was scared. He was alone, trying to keep everyone away so he wouldn't be hurt by loss any more. She felt it deep in his heart. This frightened little girl who lost all her family tragically, afraid to love, to have someone close, fear that those she loved died around her. Usagi understood. She would never be cross with Yaten ever again, because she knew, she knew the burden she carried in her heart. Yaten turned away from her and rebuilt the wall and told her she was off her rocker.

I understood you then, too, Yaten, she thought as she looked at her friend's dead body. But even with all the precautions you took, still love found a place in your heart and, she turned her head to look at Kurama, in the heart of a very caring man. It's so cruel. Fate is so cruel to have done this to you. I wish... I wish I knew what to do to bring you back from the dead, but I don't know how... Usagi cried softly out of helplessness. What good is the ginzousho if it can't bring back the dead?

I mustn't think that way, she scolded herself. I can only hope something will happen. She shattered her Starseed but her body didn't vanish... maybe, maybe there is hope. Or like Yaten would say, you know what your problem is, you see everything with rose colored-glasses. She smiled. She missed his antics already. Yaten, she prayed, I hope there is a way to bring you back.

Usagi turned to Kurama who hadn't moved an inch since she came, but as she got closer, she saw silent tears falling from his eyes. He looked truly miserable. He was wearing headphones and she realized he was hooked up to Yaten's CD player. She thought at first he was listening to the Three Lights CD but, no, he was listening to an X-Japan CD, one of Yaten's she could see from his CD rack.

"Kurama-san... You must try and get some sleep or at least eat something..." Usagi said. She blinked as he turned to look at her.

"Iie... Arigato... I don't feel like eating... I don't feel like sleeping... I just wish to be with her... It's a shame the mirror of darkness was destroyed... I could have used it to save her..." He replied. Usagi didn't know what he was talking about and she wondered if the grief didn't alter his memory.

"If you need anything" she added, "please come and see us... your friends are also waiting for you..."

I don't want to leave her, he thought. He closed his eyes. "Very well... I will... arigato..."

He tried to smile as she left. He pushed back the play button on the CD Player... he had been listening to this song over and over again. It felt right to him. On the CD case there was a star next to it. Yaten must have loved this song, he thought. He had listened to it, then hit the repeat button as it played over and over while he cried.

*author's note the song is song in Japanese and in English () indicates the translation

I'm walking in the rain.
Yuku ate mo naku
(I try to reach my objective)
Kizu tsuita karada nurashi
(But I cry from)
(a bleeding wound)
koori no zawameki
(that gnaws at me)
Koroshi tsuzukete
(It kills me to continue)
samayou itsu mademo
(Am I to roam until...)
Until I can forget your love.

Nemuri wa mayaku
(I sleep in a drug like state)
Tohou ni kureta
(I feel at loss.)
Kokoro wo shizuka ni tokasu
(My Mind dissolves into nothingness.)
(Your feelings have touched me.)
ai wo odorasete
(Don't be surprised if you love me)
Furueru karada wo
(as my trembling body holds you)
kioku no bara ni tsutsumu
(just like the memory of a rose.)
I keep my love for you to myself.

*Endless rain,
fall on my heart
Kokoro no kizu ni
(For my mind is wounded)
Let me forget
all of the hate,
all of the sadness.

Days of joy,
days of sadness,
slowly pass me by
As I try to hold you,
you're vanishing before me.
You're just an illusion.
When I'm waking,
my tears have dried in the sand of sleep.
I'm a rose blooming in the desert.

It's a dream,
I'm in love with you.
Madoromi daki shimete
(I can't shut down my only window of logic.)


I awake from my dream.
I can't find my way without you.

The dream is over.
Koe ni naranai
(My voice isn't enough)
Kotoba wo kurikaeshitemo
(To express what I feel for you)
(Please, let me say again that)
hai iro no kabe wa
(my feelings for you are so strong.)
Sugisatta hi no omoi wo
(I am obsessed by you)
yume ni utsusu
(and my dreams are the reflections of what I feel.)
Until I can forget your love.


Endless rain,
let me stay
evermore in your heart.
Let my heart
take in your tears,
take in your memories.


He took his hands to his face and cried. He tried to replay in his mind how he could have saved her. But he knew, he bitterly knew that she had to do it. She bravely died so that Pazoles could be stopped. He knew it but it didn't make it easier for him to accept the fact that she was dead. While the CD continued to play, he got closer to the bed, with a mental command he brushed the roses on her pillow. He sat down on the floor and rested his head against hers. He put his hand over hers. He lay there crying, as the music played on. He finally fell asleep out of exhaustion next to her. The CD player stopped during the night as the batteries dwindled away.

When Usagi left Yaten's room, she saw Mamoru taking a sleeping Seiya to her room. Usagi wiped her tears and opened Seiya's door for Mamoru. They both entered and he lay Seiya on her bed careful not to wake her up. Usagi covered her and she saw a rolled up futon in a corner. Without saying a word, she pointed it to Mamoru. He understood what she wanted. He took the futon and rolled the futon out next to Seiya's bed. They both snuggled and fell asleep unable to leave Seiya all alone.

Ami looked around her, everyone in the room had fallen asleep. Many shared the big couch but many more slept on the floor with their back to the wall. Ami soundlessly walked to Taiki's room. She saw him sleeping, tossing in a nightmare he couldn't wake up from. She slipped into the bed and took him into her arms. He woke.

"Ami... Nightmare... Yaten..." he sobbed. She whispered.

"Shhhh... it's all right. I'll stay with you for the night... sleep my heart..." She made him rest his head against her shoulder. She hummed a lullaby her mother used to sing her. His eyes closed as he brought his arms around her. They both fell asleep comforted by each other's presence.

Seiya woke up. I had a nightmare, she thought. I dreamt Yaten... Yaten was dead. She started to cry... It's a dream, no a nightmare. I can't believe... She turned around and saw Usagi and Mamoru sleeping on the futon. She let out a small whimper. It wasn't a dream. It was true, Yaten was dead. She felt sick. She got up, careful not to wake Mamoru and Usagi. She opened the door and went into the bathroom. She splashed water on her face and fought the nausea she felt.

She cried, but the nausea passed. She thought she was drained of all tears but it seemed she had more. When she got out of the bathroom Taiki was there waiting for her. Taiki looked terrible, his hair all messed up, his features drawn in a hurtful sadness. I must look like a mess myself. I feel like something stepped on me all night.

"Are you okay?" whispered Taiki, his voice cracking as he asked.

"I don't know... I don't know if I'll ever be okay from now on..." Seiya's eyes quivered and Taiki hugged her, his shoulder heaving because he was crying too. Seiya felt the body shift and Taiki's features changed into that of a woman. "Look at us... we're so messed up... we can't keep the disguise up..." croaked Seiya.

"I don't care... right now it feels right..." replied Taiki. Seiya nodded. She was right. It felt comforting for the two sisters to hold each other like that.

"What are we going to do now?..." asked Seiya. "How can we go on without h..." She wasn't able to finish the sentence. She couldn't face reality. Taiki held her even closer.

"Hush... We'll see... Don't think about it..." replied Taiki.

"What about her... body?..." asked Seiya crying.

"I think she would have liked to rejoin her parents on the dead Planet Healer..." said Taiki.

"But the planet was transformed into a star... you want to throw her body..." Seiya replied sobbing.

"I think it's what she would have wanted, Seiya..." Taiki said sadly. "Come... Let's see her in her room."

They both walked to Yaten's room. When they opened the door, Kurama woke up startled. They saw him, his head resting against Yaten's all too immobile form. For a little while, Taiki and Seiya just stared at Kurama. He stood up and walked to them waiting to get out, thinking they wanted a few moments with her alone. Suddenly both Taiki and Seiya rushed to hug him. He was startled but he put his arms around them and cried.

Hiei was awake for a while. He didn't need much sleep. He saw Taiki and Seiya get in Yaten's room and heard the tears. I am beyond him now, Hiei thought. He loves her, with more passion than I do. He smiled. Kurama always was a creature of passion. Hiei loved Yaten but he knew also he couldn't love her as much as Kurama did. He still loved Kurama, but this he felt, her love it was stronger than his. If she ever came back to life he promised, he would leave them alone, afraid his presence would make them uncomfortable.

"Is it really a promise Hiei?" said a voice. Hiei gasped and turned around. It was Koenma, looking at him.

"What do you mean?" asked Hiei.

"Her sacrifice, although needed, has sent a monkey wrench into the fabric of time. Now, like Yuusuke, she could be permitted to come back..." replied Koenma.

"HOW?" asked Hiei.

"I can only tell you that there is a price to pay... for her resurrection. Kurama will have to pay a price... and... so will you..." said the young man.

"Tell me what it is. I will gladly pay it..." Hiei told him.

"Would you?" asked Koenma. "If I told you the price to pay... would be your love?"

"What?" gasped Hiei.

"It is the price Hiei, your love for her... and hers for you... She has no say in the matter, but you do..." added Koenma.

Hiei stood there speechless, not knowing what to say. Finally, he lifted his head and asked. "What about Kurama's price?"

"Kurama, although he doesn't know it... already is in debt with me... His payment will be his alone to know." said Koenma.

"It's all for nothing if you ask him to forgive his love for her..." said hotly Hiei.

"It isn't the payment I'm asking... Their love will mend the tear in the fabric of time, the arrival of the Starlights on Earth has made. In time the ripple will smooth over and the stream will again flow freely... The Golden Age will be brought to the world... the Reikai and the earth will merge but the Makai also, freed of its evil influence..."

"How?" Hiei asked, but Koenma had vanished. Hiei still heard his voice. I will extract payment tomorrow, think about your decision..."

Usagi woke up. She was in a room in the Crystal Palace on the Moon.

"Am I having a dream of my past life?" she asked.

"I'm afraid not, Princess..." Usagi turned around as she heard Pluto and next to her were Queen Serenity, her mother and...

"Chibi-Usa-chan..." said Usagi. She was so happy to see her and Queen Serenity. "Mother..."

"My darling daughter..." said the Queen " were brought here by Pluto, as you slept near your beloved..." Usagi blushed, does she know?

"You don't have to be shy, my daughter. I know how much you love the Prince..." Queen Serenity smiled.

"We brought you here because we have a gift for you..." The Queen extended her hand. Floating in the palm of her hand was a star seed, but it didn't glow like most starseeds do. As Usagi saw the Starseed she also saw a man and a woman appear next to them and two children. The little boy next to the man looked so much like Yaten, it was uncanny.

"Please, Sailor Moon..." said the woman. "Please save our daughter... She wasn't meant to rejoin us so soon..." Usagi looked at the woman. She had the same green eyes Yaten had.

"Please Sailor Moon... it isn't Oneesan's time..." said the little girl.

The Starseed traveled to Usagi. She took the precious object in her hand. "Demo... what shall I do? Healer's energy isn't in it..."

"All of the Sailor Senshi must join hands and direct their energies to the Ginzousho," replied Queen Serenity. "It will send a beacon to Healer's soul..."

"And to be sure she doesn't get lost, I will guide her back to her body and the Starseed..." added Chibi-Usa.

"But..." explained Serenity. "Some price will have to be paid so she can come back..."

"What price?" asked Usagi.

"Something that will ensure the future..." she smiled. "and do not worry, you will gain new allies... Now you must go, my daughter... Healer must return to her body before the sunrise in less than two hours... or else all is for nothing..."

"I understand..." Usagi said. She was about to try and wake herself up, when the man with silver hair that Usagi suspected to be Yaten's father spoke up.

"Wait!... Sailor Moon... Please tell my daughter I love her and... tell her my heart is full of pride for her... Please tell her that... I was never able to tell her before I died... and I cannot now... For her to be resurrected we couldn't see her... that was our price... but please tell her..." The man said. Yaten's mother looked at him with such loving in her eyes...

"Mihat..." she said. Mihat smiled while his two children hugged him.

Usagi woke up with a start, did she dream all of this? She felt something in her hand. It was the starseed. Her heart skipped a beat. She woke Mamoru and told him to wake the others. There was a way to make Yaten come back.

Usagi, Mamoru, the Senshi, the Generals, the Reikai detectives and Ranma's gang were back on the hills of Hikawa Temple. Kurama held Yaten's body in his arms. Ami and Taiki held each other. He had a mixture of fear and hope on his face. Seiya stood there waiting for Usagi to tell them what to do.

"MINNA! HENSHIN YO!" yelled Usagi. They all called their henshin phrase and transformed. At the same time Kurama's form shifted. His hair turned silver and his ears looked like silver foxes ear. He was a little taller, a little more slender and muscular; he also looked older. Venus looked at him and thought he couldn't possibly look more handsome than that.

"His Youko form..." Mars said. "Legends say Fox spirits are beautiful... Those legends were true..."

Fighter looked at Kurama and smiled. Now, she thought, we all have a secret to guard. Sailor Moon instructed all of the Senshi to form a circle around Yaten. Kurama still held on to her.

"I will stay with her..."

Sailor Moon was about to object when she felt a stirring in her heart. It told her to let him stay... He was after all concerned about this. She nodded. She stood in front of him and Mamoru stood behind him. Sailor Moon took out her Ginzousho and Tuxedo Kamen took out the Golden Crystal. The Senshi joined hands and their respective symbol appeared on their forehead. Even Maker and Fighter's symbol appeared and their bodies started to glow. In the middle Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Kamen transformed into the Princess and the Prince as their body started to glow. Kurama's body also started to glow in a greenish color. He felt connected to everyone's energy.

The senshi began to glow brightly, as the others out of the circle gasped. The four Generals then took their place at each of the cardinal points, guarding the circle of senshi, their Prince and the Princess. A line of pure energy flowed from each of the Senshi and linked them to each other and to the Prince and Princess. They started to float up when they reached the top of this pyramid of energy. A line of energy shot to the heavens.

Hiei blinked. Time seemed to have stopped. Around him all stood still. Suddenly, Koenma appeared before him.

"It's time, Hiei... are you ready to pay the karmic price for her return...?"

Hiei looked at both of them. He smiled "...yes..."

Kurama wondered what had happened. Everything was at a standstill. Koenma and Botan appeared before him.

"For her to return, Kurama... You must share your life-force with her... That means when she truly dies at her appointed time... you will, too..." said Koenma. "She will also be indebted to the Reikai and I will demand that on certain missions she be present to help you, Yuusuke, Kuwabara and Hiei. She has already agreed to this. Do you accept to share life-force with her?"

Kurama looked at her face, he looked back up. "I do."

"So be it..." replied Koenma. Time took back its flow but before he could feel back the flow of Time, Kurama heard Koenma warn Botan. " for you! I now want you to tell just how long they are going to live..."

Yaten felt herself in a fetal state drifted by a nonexistent wind, aware but not aware, a strange mixture of reality and non-existence. Yaten woke hearing voices.

"Yaten-kun... come back to us..." said Minako.
"You still have many songs to sing..." said Rei.
"and many lessons of life to learn..." said Ami.
"when you come back I'll make all your favorites... until I can do your wedding cake..." said Makoto.
"Yaten-chan... we still need you..." said Michiru.
"We still have a lot of battles 'til true peace. It would be an honor to fight beside you..." said Haruka.
"Time will stand still, if you do not come back..." said Setsuna.
"Come back, Healer, your destiny still waits..." said Hotaru.
"Come back, Chisaii-chan(*) it wouldn't be the same without you..." said Taiki.
"Chisaii-chan, I miss you too much. I even miss our fights..." said Seiya.
"Yaten... come back to us... It would be too sad without you..." said Mamoru.
"Yaten-chan... Your own true love waits you..." said Usagi.
"Yaten... I love you with all my heart. I can't go on without you..." said Kurama.

"Minna... Kurama..." cried Yaten. "How do I come back to you?"

"Take my hand..." Yaten looked up. She saw the same girl that was in the Senshi fuku, the one with pink hair. Yaten took her hand and they both traveled back to her body. Yaten felt the little girl knew the way.

"What is your name?" she asked softly.

"Chibi-Usa... That's what everyone calls me..." smiled the girl. Yaten could feel everyone's love stronger now. It was so strong it called to her heart. She wept. She hadn't realized how much she was loved by her fellow Senshi. She was so surprised and touched by the Outers feelings towards her. But the love that outshone them was Kurama. She discovered she yearned for it and she felt her own love pour out of her heart towards him. Crying, she turned to Chibi-Usa.

"Arigato... Chibi-Usa-chan..."

Chibi-Usa smiled. "You're welcome... by the way, if I ever break something you really love could you go easy on me?..."

Yaten chuckled. "I will..."

Chibi-Usa closed her eyes. She opened them smiling. "I know..."

Yaten thought everything went to fast all of a sudden. She thought she was falling. She cried out in surprise.

"Don't be afraid... Everything is all right... You are amongst friends and in good hands... Sayonara..." she whispered.

Usagi and Mamoru saw two glowing spheres hover near them. The light green one fused with the Starseed. Usagi and Mamoru looked at the pink one with tenderness.

"Arigato Chibi-Usa-chan..." she whispered. The pink sphere seemed to giggle and it moved to Usagi's cheek and then to Mamoru's. After that it sped away and disappeared into the heavens.

"Goodbye, my little one..." sighed Mamoru. Yaten's Starseed now glowed brighter than it first had. The Prince and Princess floated down to the ground. The senshi stopped glowing. They watched as Yaten's Starseed slowly reentered her body. The Prince and Princess turned back into Tuxedo Kamen and Sailor Moon. The only person still glowing was Kurama. He was crying as most of the Senshi were as the Starseed entered her again.

"Now..." said Botan, materializing next to Kurama. "Now you must share with her your life force."

He nodded and closed his eyes and concentrated. He received a whack behind the head by Botan.

"NOT LIKE THAT!" she yelled. "KISS HER!" Kurama blushed as he saw the Senshi waiting in expectation for the kiss. "This is tradition after all..."

Kurama dipped his head forward and kissed her. He wished he didn't have such an audience but this was for Yaten's life after all. He kissed her with a passion he didn't know he had when he felt her breathe again. His eyes burned as tears of joy flowed into his eyes.

The Senshi looked at the kiss as though they hadn't seen anything more beautiful in their life. Fighter cried and laughed at the same time, holding her hands up in a prayer. Maker and Mercury hugged each other, just like Neptune and Uranus did. They looked at each other. Maker worded "Ai shiteru..." to Mercury who replied in the same manner "I love you also...". Maker and Mercury kissed, not caring about who might watch.

Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Kamen watched the new couple kiss, as they watched in the Senshi ranks all those who loved each other. Tuxedo Kamen hugged Sailor Moon closely.

"When I see this..." he said. "I think all the hardships we suffered are worth it..."

Sailor Moon nodded, crying tears of joy. She turned to kiss her True and Eternal Love.

Kurama and Yaten broke the kiss when they both felt their clothing shift. Yaten felt her robe disappear and replaced by her Sailor Star Healer fuku. She now had shoulder pads and the little transparent winglet. Now the Starlights had all achieved the Super form. Kurama gasped. His clothes had changed. He still wore the style of clothing he used when he was battling the Makai, but now he had a lightweight dark red leather armor. There were roses and foliage designs on it. They didn't have much time to check their new costume arrangement because the Senshi had rushed them to hug Healer. The first to arrive were Maker, Mercury and Fighter, who were crying and laughing hugging and kissing Healer. Even Kurama had a quick peck on the cheek by Fighter.

Healer cried and laughed. Mamoru looked at her and thought he had never seen her look more alive than now. Her emotions shone through with no restraint. For an instant he thought Yaten and Kurama looked like him and Usagi. He smiled. They did, because in a way he felt they shared the same kind of love that he and Usagi had. I wish they do have the same kind of love Usako and I share, he thought. They deserved a love like that.

Kuwabara cried as Yuusuke and Hiei looked at him suspiciously. He grumbled and said he had something in his eyes. Both Hiei and Yuusuke nodded but didn't believe a word. Ranma although he was happy was trying to pry off Shampoo from him. She was hugging him crying and saying "Ranma... wo ai ni!" while Ryoga just looked at them with a huge sweatdrop on the side of his head.

Setsuna, who had stayed behind, now took her Garnet Orb. She lifted it over her head and said.

"By the Power of the Garnet Orb, make the time flow back to where it belongs." There was a flash of red light that surprised everyone.

End of part 13

It isn't finished yet... Part 14 will be the epilog of this story. Come back next week for the end of this series... and then stay tuned for "Path of discovery"

(*) Chisaii-chan: it means literally... little one or small one... This is used for people, chibi is used for object... Well at least that's what I was told ^^


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