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My Own Story

Here is my own story about a boy who discovers the horrors of the Holocaust. I wrote this because of a personal interest, and please don't mistake for some Anti-Jew or Nazi. Here is the first chapter of...

My Own Story, From the Very Depths and Back

There was nothing to do. Nothing to do however, but wait. He would wait to live, or wait to die. All Olek could think of was the upcoming future. Shall it behold entry to the very depths of hell, or shall it bring the impeccable light of freedom? Only time could tell.

The time around his hiding spot was carnage. It was complete utter chaos. All hell was around him. As he huddled in his small hole engraved in the wall, he paused his thoughts to see how his family was doing. There they were, both his mother and baby sister, huddled like animals in this dark hole. His mother, as he could barely make out in the depths of the darkness, moaned ever so quietly as she muffled her baby not to make any noise, for fear of what might come from the outside world. From the small crack of light behind him, Olek could make out his mother's face. A breath of hot air erupted from her pale mouth, sending a reflection of a smoky mist spewing the air as she shuddered silently in this hole of fear. Her eyes, worn out from exhaustion and lack of sleep stared blankly at the fascade wall in front of them. Her once beautiful hair now hung in dirty rags off her head. Before the hatred of them had embellished their homeland, her face was one of happiness and cheer. It was hard to imagine that of her now, for her face of was of sheer fright. Her worn eyes hung wide open like a cat's as she trembled in the aroma of fear around them. And alas, Olek saw what he dreaded to envision most; a tear, one that she had tried to hold back oh so long, erupted from those haggard eyes, slowly meandering down her face. The light from the small crevice in their hideaway shone forth upon this mournful spectacle, and Olek could not only help but also cry himself.

No, he couldn't cry. He tried to hold back those tears which suddenly emerged, but they came on. As they slowed rolled down his face, Olek knew what he must do. Since his father had left long ago to join the underground resistance, Olek hadn't realized his new position. But he knew now. He realized that he was now the leader, and despite all odds and obstacles, he must lead his family on. They were survivors. They must survive. They were going to survive. Yes…they were.

Suddenly he realized that those tears were gone. The tears of boyhood had left him. He was a man, despite his age of 15; he was perhaps the only one who could lead his family on. He now cared for others more than he did himself. With these new thoughts, he again looked at his mother. A new face dawned upon him, and by some miracle, his mother sensed this and turned away from her relentless stare to gaze upon her new boy. The two stared at each other for a brief moment, a silent universal language conversed among the two. And for just a brief moment, it seemed as if they weren't in hiding. The yelling and pain that came from the outside now suddenly left them and they each found a new comfort with each other's presence.

Olek turned away, and meandered his head towards the hold, which was his porthole towards the outside. It was a cold winter's day outside. Although, despite the cold, it was the clearing of the ghetto. He could hear outside the thundering boom of gunshots, and the echoing march of the Nazi soldiers, and the screams of the victims they massacred. The streets were full of confusion. It was like thousands of ants, scurrying relentlessly. The Jews scattered in the streets, attempting to obey the shouts by the German soldiers. In the balconies ahead, Nazis poured Jewish baggage onto the streets, hitting bystanders below. Olek noticed one luggage smack one man in the head. He fell to the ground as he screamed in agony. His head was badly cut to this sudden blow. A soldier noticed his dismay and yelled at the man violently to continue moving on. The man screamed for mercy, merely using his hand to stop the blood from the wound. He lay on the ground, one hand upon his wound, the other held high in mercy. The very next moment was one of dread; for the soldiers quickly pulled out his gun, sending a bullet piercing towards the man's head. The man went limp, slumping to the ground as blood poured onto the street.

The people around suddenly started darting faster, hoping they would not be the next victim. The soldier who murdered the man gazed upon his work, and turned around. Among the din Olek saw him stomp over to two women passing by. He grabbed their hair, and yelled in their faces. Olek could not make out what he ordered, but he then shoved them towards the dead corpse, still spewing blood onto the street. They both picked the limp man, and slowly dragged his body toward the pile of others nearby. Blood gushed onto the women's clothes as they both cried. For a brief ominous moment, Olek thought he saw the man's two eyes stare directly at him perched high above the scene. The man's mouth hung open, blood dripping from his nose. Olek turned away in fright. A second later he turned back and saw the man's body upon the pile of other victims. The two women, who clothes were, now soaked in blood, ran back sobbing into the crowd, barely missing the bullet that flew past intending to hit them. The soldiers laughed together as they watched the women run for their lives. Olek silently cursed, wishing he could be a hero and save them all…. Suddenly from the floor above him Olek heard a loud scream. He heard footsteps run about, their deep impending booms like lightning echoing through his mind. They stopped straight above him, and suddenly Olek heard a barrage of gunfire pierce the air. The person above him screamed and dropped to the ground. Seconds later Olek saw the ceiling stained red and ominous sign of the fate of but another victim… Suddenly there was a large crash. Olek knew it to be true, the Germans had broken down the door into the room where they hid. Would they find their hole? Would Olek and his family be discovered? Only time could tell…..

Read the next part of the story...
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