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Internet Lingo

Have you ever been completely baffled by all of the Internet abbreviations? 'Net lingo can be as hard to comprehend as a foreign language. Trust me -- I've been there. Even today, as a fairly adept Internet interpreter, I still say "Huh?" far more often than I would prefer. Now I'm on a mission to help all of you poor folks who are still in the dark. Here are some of the abbreviations I've learned -- hope it helps!
E-mail = electronic mail

WWW = World Wide Web

FWIW = for what it's worth

TANSTAAFL = there ain't no such thing as a free lunch

FTP = file transfer protocol

GIF = graphics interchange format

TTFN = ta-ta for now

HTML = hypertext markup language

HTTP = hypertext transfer protocol

IP = Internet protocol

IRC = Internet relay chat

JPEG = joint photographic experts group

BBS = be back soon

URL = uniform resource locator

BFN = bye for now

BTDTGTTS = been there, done that, got the t-shirt

LOL = laugh out loud

BION = believe it or not

BTW = by the way

BRB = be right back

ROFL = rolling on floor laughing

AFK = away from keyboard

TTYL = talk to you later

OMG = oh my gosh

A/S/L = age/sex/location

WB = welcome back

LTNS = long time no see

IMO = in my opinion

IMHO = in my humble opinion

IMVHO = in my very humble opinion

IMNSHO = in my not so humble opinion

OC = of course

CTS = changing the subject

BBL = be back later

OIC = oh, I "c" (see)

AAMOF = as a matter of fact

GA = go ahead

GMTA = great minds think alike

FYI = for your information

FAQs = frequently asked questions

IRL = in real life

AFAIK = as far as I know

IOW = in other words

MYOB = mind your own business
