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Atotonilco Hotsprings 5 hours excursion. Travel by horseback trough the mountainous jungle region of the chatino natives to traditional healing hotsprings. (swimming and riding attire is recommended). Minimum 4 people.

Jamiltepec Full day. Explore the life of a Mixtec village: market, cemetery, church, handcrafters homes and an enjoyable walk"through this quiet town. Minimum two people at line bus or six people at special vehicle.

Nopala full day. Explore the life of a Chatino mountain village, walk through a coffee platation and see traditional homes, market and churches far from the polution an congestion. Minimum 6 people.

La Reforma waterfall, 5 hours. Walk through the mountainous forest, ar from the noise and polution of civilization, taking in the beauty of this region. We will stop to swinm and take in tranquil sounds at the base of a cuscading waterfall. Minimum 4 people

San Gabriel Mixtepec waterfall, 5 hours. Explore this pretty village in the mountain, nestled between coffe plantations.We will travel by horseback through the sourounding mountains to a waterfall with a natural pool for swimming. Minimum 4 people

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