And everything tangible
And I’m left
You feed and feed and feed and feed
On the strengths of those you love
And they
You breathe and breathe and breathe
And the oxygen you consume
That feeds you
Leaves you
Lost and gone.
And the times
That slip past you
While you are
Pushing and feeding and breathing
For that bliss
That you’ve felt
That you know exists
It’s all gone
And you push and feed and breathe
Again in this, this world.
That has ceased to change
Cause the change
It isn’t in the world.
It’s only in the micro scale.
It’s only in you.
And your life.
And the change of that
Tangible, physical element
Isn’t there.
The questions come
And cannot be answered
So the cycle continues
Of pushing; of feeding
Of Breathing; of understanding
Only to be lost again.
And each time
More of yourself
Is exposed
To the harshness of the Real World.
So let that cycle continue.
Cause there’s not a damned thing
You can do.