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In a Vision

**Author's Note: Since there was some confusion about this one, I decided to update this author's note. I wrote this on July 3rd after an odd day and too much time to think, little rest when it was needed... hope that does a better job in the explanation. Enjoy.

It's sleepless nights like these when you wonder why you're still sitting here. Just staring, drifting. AGE UNFOLDED before you. You really feel like a poet. What a wonderful (in the most literal sense of the word) term. Hours alone, searching your soul, picking your brain for a final conclusion (SOLUTION). And the ideas and theories dissolve inside you like alka-seltzer tablets in water and time doesn't pass. COURAGE failing you. If only you could take the innovation toward your vision. IS THIS MY STOP? Asking, questioning everyone around you in your search for knowledge. That's the price you pay for asking the questions. RUN!!! Mellow complacency drifts in and out. Such is the tide. 1:15, still waiting. This, an ambiguous term. The STARS are out tonight in THIS sky. THIS is the way. Why am i trapped in THIS? Trapped in what? THIS. Meaning? Clueless. Some business is never concluded. Like learning yourself, like the life cycle of a tree. It could always have been bigger, better, longer lasting. Tomorrow. FRESH. UNWANTED. That's the boy with no home. No hope. No love. Nothing to call his own. Things drift for him. THIS is his. synthetic. Tonight is relative and in the end, we'll come up for air, come up short. Terribly dispersed, we are. You and me. Me and you. So take it as it comes. CADENCE. In the middle of me is you. Nod, but only if you understand. Because knowledge without understanding is futile and understanding without knowledge is impossible. DREAM. Wish them sweet; rest. No more fear...

-one love.

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