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Reflections I & II


Sick of the world.

Sick of Myself.

Tired of everything I constantly put up with.

Tired, no more, just tired.

I miss her.

There's no tears,

just a void.

A hole I try to fill with everything,

coffee, blackness.

Risk the Love.

Risk myself for you.

Risk, risk, risk.

Who cares about me?

I am the only one.

Don't let myself hate me.


When will it end?

All of this from love.

Love is a tool

Used for pain

Get in my car,

Drive to her house

Here goes the rest of my life.

I was so committed to her.

She was it, nothing mattered then,

just her.


I never cheated on you.

So, why did you call it off?

You ought to trust someone.

sound familiar?

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