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Through a Period of Business Law

**Author's Note: This was the last inPROSE I wrote during my time in the hell which is called high school... I suppose we all go through changes in writing style at times, but from my view, this one isn't much like anything else I've done, not so much focused on me, but my concern for the people that were around me. I saw what was in store for them, I felt (and still feel) pity for them. But it serves them right. It's what they wanted. I suppose I'm getting ahead of myself, but I've been out of the hell that is Breckinridge County for nearly a week and a half and I still feel so much animosity toward the majority of the community. Sorry, so it is with life. Enjoy...

With each face I see, each bald head, each furry head, each blue eye, each green eye, each smiling face, each face with a frown, each pair of boot, each pair of tennis shoes, I have to ask myself if that person will be the one that leads to my demise. Every once in a while, in everything I see, I see nothing but a dim future; lit only by a candle of prayer. It makes me sick to see that all around me with nothing to take it all away, nothing to fix it. I'm scared of the people around me, the craziness consumes them, you can feel it, taste it, hear it and see it in their eyes. What scares me even more is the fact that the crazy ones are the ones who look down on me, look at me as subhuman. They often times treat me as a dog, a domesticated animal. I can only imagine the " euthenasia that would await me if I were to snap; to rip someone in half. That will not happen though. I'm too close to out now to have any desire to do such a thing. It'd be a waste really.

Raw lust can contain the beast inside until the beast's appetite changes. The beast tends to like the flesh, the taste, the texture, the aroma, it all seems to moisten the beast's pallet, but something remains pointless through it all. Something lacking. And regardless of how many times, how many girls, all that it offers is hollow. There are no doors to escape the seclusion of lust without love. No hallways down which you may run, no tables under which you may hide.


The is the worst of all case scenarios. The crazies will smell your fear, your disturbance, your lust and tackle you to the ground. They'll take you with them. Make your heart as cold, your face as blank and your eyes as void as their own. So light that candle of prayer, cause if you're reading this, you are on your way, just like them. Absence of all emotion.... I've seen it, I've been there. Turn back. Cause down that path of lust, all that awaits is alone, sadness, unreasonable actions, and the dogma of karma. You don't want that... You don't want that....

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