The Demo-men are a twisted and sick version of humans. The planet of krymus has no
native humans other than these. They are just like normal humans, but harrier, meanier,
angrier, they have pointy teeth and claws, and are supernatural beings. Most of them are
completely loyal to Iblis and his armies. A few are not. The rebellions are few and mostly
pathetic. But it annoys Iblis to where he doesn’t work as efficiently. The Demo-Men are
the backbone of Iblis’ army. Without them he would surley have been killed by now.
Alignment: Any except principled, usually anarchist or miscreant.
Attributes: Are normal human(except supernatural)except the following:
I.Q.2D6+1 M.A.2D6 P.S.4D8 P.E.3D6+4
Size: Normal Human+3 inches
MDC: P.E.x2+10 per level of experience
Horror Factor: 8
P.P.E.: 3D6
Average Life Span: Human
Natural Abilities: Nightvision:200 feet Bio-regeneration:1D6 MDC per hour
Psionic Powers: same as humans
Magic Knowledge: None unless magic user OCC has been chosen
Combat: Starts with 3 attacks per melee
Damage: Supernatural Stregnth
Bonuses: Initial bonues are +1 to strike, parry and dodge, +3 to save verse horror
factor +3 to save verse posions and toxins.
Vulnerabilities/Penalties: N/A
RCC skills: None, must choose a normal human OCC, usually vagabond.
Equipment: All Demo-men in Iblis’ Army start out with the normal OCC
equipment(no energy weapons or computers though) with an extra 3 non-energy weapons
Alliances/Allies: Most are sworn to Iblis.