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Astrolite Province History

The Astrolite Province is a government similar to the Coalition States in that they strive to protect humanity. However, they are not against magic and only dislike D-bees. Their agenda is to establish an extremely powerful military for conquering North America, then South America............, etc. Emperor Calvin Toemas is actually a witch and is immortal. He has been the Emperor ever since the government was founded. He was a scientist in the United States Military before The Great Cataclysm. He had designed the pre-Rifts city of Astrolite. During the destruction, an Old One in astral form, Zondas, contacted him. The evil being escaped imprisonment by projecting his consciousness onto the astral plain. Toemas is his witch, doing his bidding as long as he is 'alive'. After The Great Cataclysm, he found the city he designed: Astrolite in Nevada. It was completely subterranean, and had a population of about a million people. It had stockpiles of pre-rifts weapons, equipment and alloys. He fashioned an army of these scared people. People around the are were quick to join with the infant super-power. He fired up the factories and began producing an army...

(NOTE: The new west has it’s own governments in that area (I really haven’t read much into the New West), but I had NO WHERE else to put this government. SO I am assuming since the AP has been around for a very long time, all of the governments in that are do not exist. It is always up to the GM/player. This is merely an idea that I created that you can use. If you have any arguments, please send them to me. I will read every email and take all constructive criticism.)

In the first few years, he went on claiming he was human, and made many new designs for weapons, equipment, and bots. He is after all, a genius. After a few years, he had the whole town of Astrolite fortified, expanded, and defended. The city was at full size it is today at that time (all date references will be explained in the timeline) but had about 40% as much people. He then proceeded to build new cities, adding to his empire.

Little did everyone know he is basically a twisted psychopath, corrupted so by Zondas and manipulated into doing his evil deeds? He thinks of nothing but absolute rule and world domination. At this time and then, it was/is believed that he is benevolent, and worthy of ruling the nation. The government is very good to the people and there are almost NO rebels. At this time it was even more popular to the people.

He went through periods of upgrade, only one MAJOR one. His equipment is state-of-the-art and extremely powerful. However, the equipment rarely leaves the area because the only people with that equipment leaving (with a few exceptions) would be AP troops, or black market merchants. He even was contacted by the REF on Rifts Earth and offered to help produce their weapons and equipment (that didn’t have to do with Protoculture) in return for military support in a state of all out war. The AP continues to this day to try and update every little weapon to get an edge on the enemy. The AP at the beginning had no intention of ruling the world, but Zondas slowly warped Toemas's mind and soul and made him think he should and could (he just might be able to). Since their were no major governments at the time, the AP was not so bent on conquest, but since the CS and the Federation of Magic and others have spawned in North America, they have changed for the worst. Zondas loves to produce havoc and watch the proceeding destruction and chaos. He enjoys it. The people do not question the fact that Emperor Toemas is over 300 years old. They merely assume that he has some sort of upgraded nano-technology, or eternal life elixir, or magic knowledge of a rare sort (he does exhibit his Witch powers in public to show off, and most, if not all, practitioners have no idea of the nature of this power.) The ones who can recognize a witch as powerful and as different as him will have no inclination that a hated Old One is behind the whole thing.

Zondas is actually planning to leave the astral plain. He needs to experience the action on Earth that he himself created. He has NO idea ho he is going to do it. He has the necessary power available and ready to use, but no idea how to use it. Like someone with a whole bunch or money to by parts for his car, but no idea which parts to purchase! When he finds a way, he will not need a willing host, Toemas of which will probably be one of the only people who would, he is more than powerful enough to possess a person and put his power into them. It is just a matter of time, until he finds a way out.........................
