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Warlord Iblis: Ruler of Krymus

Iblis has never failed anything when he put his full effort into it. Through the millenia of his life this has been a constant. His armies have always obeyed him quickly and efficiently. But ever since coming to Krymus, he has been pestered by the rebellions of a few Demo-men, the Krymus Dragons, the Children of the Gods, among others. He has become irritable and practically obsessed with the destruction of these enemies. He feels he has been given a second chance to truly conquer a world. Rifts Earth has so much more dimensional traffic than Krymus. When Zondas opened up the flood gate, he just couldn't bare to stick to the deal. Why bow down when you can make others kneel? Iblis is one of the feircest and most resourcful potential conquerers that Earth has ever or will ever see.
Real Name: Iblis
Alignment: Diabolic Evil
Attributes: I.Q.23 M.E.27 M.A.21 P.S.42 P.P.22 P.E.28 P.B.19 Spd29 Attributes are supernatural
Size: 10' 5"
M.D.C.: 9200
Horror/Awe Factor: 18
P.P.E.: 2800 I.S.P.: None
Exprience Level: Equal to a 13th level ley line walker
Vulnerabilities/Penalties: Magic weapons do double damage. Millenium Tree/Tablement are triple.
Natural Abilities: Bio Regenerate 1D4x100 MDC per minute, regrow limbs in 1D6x10 minutes Teleport up to 1000 miles:95%, nightvison:3500 feet, see invisible, does not breathe or sleep, Immune to all toxins and forms of mind control. +8 to save verse horror factor, Aura or charisma: 80% to intimidate/ invoke fear.
Skills of Note: basic and advanced math, navigation, land navigation, wilderness survival, intelligence, interrogation, streetwise, climb, prowl, horsemanship, literate american(?) all at 98%
Combat: 10 attacks per melee, or 6 magic. Damage: Restrained Punch:1D6x10SDC Punch:6D6MD Power Punch:2D4x10MD Kick:6D6MD Bite:3D6MD Head butt:2D6MD
Bonuses: +6 on initiative, +7 to strike, +6 to strike with any ancient weapon, +6 to parry and dodge, +4 to roll with impact, +6 to save verse magic and psionics
Magic Knowledge: ALl normal spells levels 1-10
Psionic Powers: None
Favorite Weapons: His Greatest Rune Sword: the blade looks like a spinal cord(but thinner of course, like a blade), with a bone for a handle with a small skull for a weight on the bottom. The blade can bend at wil for an additional +3 to strike and parry.
Diabolic Evil
Soul Drinker
+1 on all saving throws
2D4x10MD double to all supernatural beings, triple damage to millenium tree and Tablement products.
Cybernetics: None, body would reject them
Money: All the resources of his empire
Alliance/Allies: None besides his army. Either you are ion his army or not, there are no other allies.
Description: A large, muscular, bronze skinned, red eyes, bald, fanged man. He is very intimidating and fear invoking. To meet him is to hate or love him. There is no middle ground.
Transport: Teleports when he neesd to get somewhere, but has a Steed of Speed when he needs it to be guarded.
(I will just describe a Steed of Speed here, all of the top men in Iblis' army have them)
Alignment: Usually considered anarchist but can be any
Attributes:I.Q.high animal:4 M.E.2D4 M.A.3D4 P.S.3D6+20(lifting and such) P.P.1D6+16 P.E.6D6 P.B.2D4(demonic looking very large horse) Spd135MPH can run constantly for 8 hours at full speed before needing a rest.
M.D.C.: 4D6x10+20
Horror Factor: 11
P.P.E.: 2D6
Size: 12 feet at the head 21 feet long from head to butt(no tail)
Attacks per melee: 4 (strength is supernatural)
Bonuses: (not including attribute bonuses)+3 on initiative, +2 to strike, +4 to parry with horns, +2 to dodge, +6 to save versus horror factor, +3 to save verse magic and psionics.
