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Astrolite Province Population Breakdown

Citizen’s Total: 4,500,000
Unaugmented Humans:77%
Borgs: 1.5%
Crazies: 4.4%
Juicers: 2.8%
Practitioners of Magic: 1.3%
Psionics: 1%(Master)
D-bees: 5%(2nd class citizens)
Mutants: 2%
Nano Borgs: approximately .0005%(2400)
Others: 4.9995%

Military: 1,200,000(colonial)
Attack forces: 462,000
Humans(Unaugmented): 83%
Borgs: 3%
Crazies: 1.8%
Juicers: 1.23%
Practitioners of Magic: 1.593%
Psionics: 3.675%
Mutants: 4.2%
D-bees: 1.5%
Nano Borgs: .002%

Cities(NOT including military personnel, number of colonial men is in parentheses)
Astrolite: 2.2 million (590,000) [64,000 expeditionary men]
War Torn: 670,000 (180,000) [47,000 expeditionary men]
Toemas: 420,000 (112,000) [47,000 expeditionary men]
Zilken: 380,000 (100,000) [47,000 expeditionary men]
Depot: 350,000 ( 93,000 ) [47,000 expeditionary men]
Small Towns: (approximately 175) 85,000 (40,000) [400 expeditionary men per town]
Trade Towns: (approximately 350) 175,000(85,000) [400 expeditionary menper town]
