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GAMEHEADS should be SAVED to
C:/program files/vplaces/games

The following heads are not zipped.
In windows Explorer, open your GAMES FOLDER locate the gamehead.
Drag the gamehead to your Regsvr32 ( located in the same folder )
Drop the game file on to the Regsvr32.
The game is now ready to use.

for ONE person
  Click here to download SuperMega By Ken and Kaye

for One or TWO persons
  Click here to download SuperMega COUPLES By Ken and Kaye

for ONE person
Click here to download SuperWide By Ken and Kaye

for ONE or TWO persons
  Click here to download SuperWide COUPLES By Ken and Kaye

Get our mated heads with no dividing line between you and your partner

Why look like this


When you could look Like this


The following heads are not zipped. Note that with the following heads the person starting the game selects the avatar used in the game. The MATE can join the game with any standard avatar and it is hidden below the game avatar. The game avatar can be changed, tagged and painted like any other avatar.

Links to the avatar pages are below the gamehead samples.

  for ONE or TWO persons
  Click here to download MatedReg By Ken and Kaye

  Click here to see the mated reg avatars for the game head above.

   for ONE or TWO persons
   Click here to download Mega Couple by Ken and Kaye

If you have trouple installing the above file try this zip file SAVE and extract to C:/programfiles/vplaces/games then drag and drop the game on the regsvr32 file located in the games folder    Click here to download Mega Couple ZIP file

( note any of our couples Mega avatars or Mega Lap avatars will work for this gamehead. )

  Click here to see the Mega Couples avatars for the game head above.

Note about Ultra Avatars:
The maximum Game head size allowed in VP is 102x116 Called a Mega. The Ultra avatars are 150x150. Most Ultra avatars exceed the maximum avatar file size of 14.7K Use these heads and avatars at your own risk. We have Made this Game head and avatars at the request of the people we serve in VP. We have used the 150 heads and our avatars for extended periods of time with no problems.

   for ONE or TWO persons
  Click here to download UltraMated By Ken and Kaye

  Click here to see the Ultra Mated avatars for the game head above.