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This page is aptly named Lookout. I made it just recently because I realised what a deep affection I had for this picture. During the year 1998 I discovered Excite chat and a kind person took me on a tour and dropped me off on a page called "Lookout". The picture on this page is as close as I could find to the original. Lookout was a special room full of special people. None more special than my husband whom I met in Lookout. During the next few years the Lookout page was "standing room only". The room was always full of regulars, with just as many in "OBS" waiting to come in. We all had a ball and a lot have found lasting friendships and relationships in Lookout. I don't know why that page became so popular, but it did. Probably all the great regulars who graced the page every night. You all know who you are...and if, like me you have missed Lookout, here it is again. Don't forget to stop by Avatars by Ken and Kaye to say HI or to grab a great avatar.