”Boy Lover” Above picture from www.slideshare.net/arminis/symbols-by-pedophiles-to-identify-sexual-prefs
June 2011

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The Astrology of Pedophilia
Charts of Twenty-Five Pedophiles
And Eight Individuals With Apparent Astrology for Pedophilia Who Are Not Pedophiles
by Sandra Weidner

An Important Note: This astrology uses as its base the sidereal zodiac, commonly used in the East. Please be sure to read the section entitled "Astrological Method" below. It includes a link to my paper on the practical difference between sidereal and tropical astrology. Almost all Western astrology is tropical, which gives different values than sidereal. The full significator for pedophilia discussed below is relatively complex in terms of the method that generates it and astrological conditions which must be met. It is likely that millions of men worldwide who are not pedophiles (not even a little bit) meet some of those conditions.

I felt it advisable to add the above paragraph here at the beginning. Within weeks of first posting this paper on the Internet, a sidereal astrologer who apparently read it posted an answer to an Internet "answer site" that stated that pedophilia was shown by venus in Gemini with influence to a 5th house. While that is part of the signature, it omits vital parts of it. Every part of a signature--including the method used to generate it--must be replicated before coming to a conclusion an individual might have the condition usually represented by that signature.

Now we can proceed with the astrology of pedophilia.

According to television shows about the subject, pedophiles have quite distinct preferences in the children they find attractive. Some are “their type,” while others are not. While this paper does not identify type in that sense, it does identify the astrology which sponsors pedophilia. It also identifies pedophile gender preferences.

The astrology of pedophilia shows the sexual attraction of an adult males to children. Described individually, they are called astrological significators. So far I have identified three parts to the pedophile significator, only one of which is actually about pedophilia. The other two are concerned with degree of sexuality and gender preference. Degree of sexuality is helpful because, after all, if an individual has a very low sex drive, he is far less likely to engage in any sex practice that is outside cultural "norms." If not morally questionable, such practices would still not be worth the social risk.

So in this paper we are going to be looking at the general sexual drive, the gender preference, and the pedophile significator of twenty-five male pedophiles. When given a concise date for their sexual act with a child, I have included progressions showing their astrology at that time. When homicide of the child(ren) occurred, I have presented the astrology believed to have fostered it.

With regard to homosexual significators (which are occasionally included in this paper), this site contains two papers about twins and homosexuality and one main one including 50 male subjects.

One of the twin papers concerns a twin brother and sister. As an adult, he is homosexual. His sister is heterosexual. They were born two minutes apart. Here is the link: One Twin is Homosexual, His Sister is Not.

The other twin paper is about two sisters, one of whom grew up to be heterosexual, while her twin became a lesbian. They were born twenty minutes apart. Here is that link: Twins: One Sister is Heterosexual, One is Lesbian

The main paper on homosexuality can be found through the following link: Astrolog of 50 Homosexual Males.

Unfortunately, I do not have birth data on one twin being a pedophile and the other not. Twin studies are very helpful in establishing and verifying significators for conditions.

I want to keep this paper straightforward and as simple as possible for so complex a subject. I have already written about the traditional astrological assignment of sexuality to planets and signs. For instance, like the author wrote, “men are from mars, and women are from venus.” My discussion of such sexual assignments with reference to the planets can be found in the Introduction to the paper on homosexuality, link above. It will not be repeated here. We want to go immediately to the subject of sexual significators found so far for pedophiles.

General Statements About the Significators for Pedophilia
Gender preference is an astrologically simple but concise significator. The same ones, signifying the same things about gender preferences, occur in charts of all sexual categories—homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, and pedophile. (Sorry, I don’t have anything on omni- or trans-sexual individuals.) My only disclaimer to that statement is that heterosexuality may not always show those significators. Heterosexuality may be a “default setting.” It would takes thousands upon thousands of charts to come to any conclusion about such a thing.

Gender preference of adults for other adults is written about it the papers on homosexuality, lesbianism, and bisexuality, links above. But they are the same as the gender preferences shown here.

I don’t know the percentages. Some pedophiles prefer boys. Some of those appear “homosexual” pedophiles because their charts contain the two main—first and second part—significators for homosexuality. But that astrology just makes them homosexuals. It has nothing to do with sexual attraction to children. The moment that third, pedophile significator is added, the individual becomes a pedophile. He may prefer boys, but he is no longer a homosexual.. He is a pedophile who prefers boys. The same is true of the other sexual categories. They may start out heterosexual, or bisexual. When that third significator is added, they are simply pedophiles with differing gender preferences..

Pedophilia, it appears, “trumps” all other forms of sexuality because it has its own, unique significator which dominates each and every one of the others.

But that is not the only reason pedophilia is different. Homosexuality, lesbianism, heterosexuality, and bisexuality are adult forms of sexuality occurring between two adults. But not pedophilia. That occurs between an adult and a child.

The significator for pedophilia involves venus in Gemini with influence to an Angle and a 5th house. Except to a pedophile, it contains within itself a contradiction in terms. In the context of pedophilia, venus stands for “love of.” Gemini stands for “children.” The 5th house, for “sexuality”—adult sexuality. While children are sexual, they are not genitally sexual the same way an adult is. Theirs is a more “global” sexuality—a seed of future, adult sexuality. No astrologer would go to a child’s 5th house to describe his present sexuality. The 5th house describes the behavior of his sexuality as an adult.

The adult male with “Asc/venus-in-Gemini/5th“astrology, the pedophile significator, is driven to try to forge together adult and child sexuality.

Pedophilia is not the only human behavior comprised of such astrologically-sponsored contradictions. Most of us have our own experiences of “expecting our toe to stop itching when we scratch our head.” And we do it over and over again in spite of the fact it fails every time. But, pedophilia is certainly one of the more damaging human behaviors. Probably around since mankind was invented, pedophilia appears to have caused untold harm to the budding sexuality, if not the life, of its child victims. Not only that, it has even caused untold harm to its perpetrators—social shunning, witch hunts, jail, murder, incest, shame, anxiety, secretiveness, sexual offender lists. In some societies, they also court the risk of being summarily executed in the dark of some night.

Why, then, do they do it? Setting aside whatever scruples and rationalizations pedophiles have about sex with a child, why do they risk being hunted and despised for the rest of their lives?

The answer is in their astrology. At least it is an answer which, when others think on it, makes some sense. When pedophiles scratch their head, their toe does stop itching. That is, for them, child sex is an extreme high, another world. And like every one else with their highs (some eminently sensible, others not), they just want to keep repeating the experience that causes it.

Below is a general discussion of the three parts to the significator for pedophilia, to be followed by their specific descriptions:

Now we want to describe, in detail, these three parts of the significators for pedophilia.

I. The First Part of the Significator—For General Sexuality
Here we are not concerned with astrology that obstructs sexuality. We are concerned with astrology, in a progression from less to more strong, that promotes sexuality.

Because I note below when an individual has the complete significators for homosexuality before the demonstration of his pedophile one, we want to know what the significators are for homosexuality.

II. The Second Part of the Significator—For Gender Preference Among Pedophiles
Significators for gender preference are the same in charts of heterosexuals, homosexuals, lesbians, and bisexuals. They are the same in charts of pedophiles, with one exception, described below.

Gender preference is a simple astrological signature comprised of male, female or neutral (bisexual) astrological significators—mars and sun, or venus (and moon), or mercury—respectively on Angles (square, conjunction, or opposition) and influencing either 5th or 7th houses.

The generic formulas are:

Second parts of significators described by the above formulas can occur in several ways. Using the male one—mars—as an example:

III. The Third Part of the Significator, That For Pedophilia
The set that is essential in identifying a pedophile is the third part. It occurs as Angle/light/venus/5th, with the venus always in Gemini. In the context of pedophilia, venus in Gemini represents love (venus) of children (Gemini)

When not associated with a 5th house, venus in Gemini can and does have other interpretations, none of them related to pedophilia. Some of those other interpretations are: love of (venus) learning (Gemini) or teaching (Gemini) or studying (Gemini also). Love of (venus) writing or reading (Gemini). Love of (venus) a sibling (Gemini) or twin (Gemini). And so on. At the bottom of this paper there are two examples of individuals known not to be pedophiles who have this part of the significator. In one case it involves a perfectly legitimate alternate interpretation of the meaning of venus in Gemini. In the second case, a second third part of the significator occurs. It is dominant over the set which contains the venus in Gemini. In effect, it cancels out the pedophilia or renders it “recessive.” As I now see it, such canceling out does not mean the individual experiences a deep, repressed urge toward pedophilia. It means literally rendering that astrology for pedophilia, especially the sexual part of it, as if it did not exist at all. Or make it so "recessive" it effectively squelches the sexual part of it.

Venus in Gemini, especially conjunction the moon, and even more so when its set rules an Angle, also produces people who are charming, charismatic, and young at heart. The moon/venus part of it is responsible for the charm and charisma. The Gemini part of it produces the young mind set. So, when the full signature for pedophilia is present, it is this part of the signature that enables the pedophile to relate well to children--speak their language", charm them, and seduce them.

THESE SIGNIFICATORS FOR PEDOPHILIA ARE VERY SPECIFIC. PLEASE DO NOT ADD TO OR SUBTRACT FROM THEM. FOR INSTANCE, they do NOT include just venus in Gemini, or even venus in Gemini in a 5th house. They do NOT include just venus in Gemini conjunction moon in Gemini even in a 5th house. Even when the latter is the case, the conjunction, or a planet in its set, MUST rule an Angle. And even when that happens, there are a number of "anti-significators" that can cancel or greatly diminish the pedophilia, turning it into anything with from a non-sexual obsession with children to those who spend their live working with children or writing about them but NEVER molest them. And all of those anti-significators, though they make sense when discovered, are not yet identified.

Charts Containing Significators for Pedophilia
My first experience with the phenomenon that a significator set could occur in a “non-typical” chart occurred while searching for significators for spiritually elevated individuals. (See the following papers: Paper on Gurus, Paper on Catholic Saints, Paper on Dag Hammarskjöld, Paper on Osho, Paper on Vivekananda). They clearly showed the significator for spiritual achievement could occur in 3rd (ordinary mind), 6th (service) and 10th (career) charts as well as 7th (significant others) and 9th (higher mind), with the latter two being the most “typical,” most reasonable chart for them to occur in. No matter which chart they occurred in, the planet/path was the same in all of them. So, keeping in mind that there are usually typical charts for a specific significator to occur in, the planet/path is more important in describing the potentiality than the chart. When the chart in which the significator for some condition or event is atypical, it will always make sense if we have enough biographical information to resort to. An atypical, significator-containing chart is referred to as the “center of gravity” (COG) chart of the individual.

The COG chart does not mean the individual does not experience the astrology of his other charts. It just means he is focused primarily in that chart. Individuals can also change their COG chart. We have all seen this occur when we witness individuals who make radical, apparently permanent life changes. Since COG charts can occur in any of the twelve charts representing the twelve houses of the traditional chart, some of which are essentially private matters, it follows that we are not always aware of the individual’s COG chart. Nor are we always aware when she changes from one to another.

In the context of this paper on pedophilia, second and third parts of significators can occur in 5th, 7th, or COG charts. When they occur in a COG chart, they must be joined by the first parts in that chart. That is why it is considered a COG chart.

Below, the areas of life covered by each chart (that is, house expansion which becomes a chart in itself) are discussed at the beginning of the section containing their examples.

Now seems like a good time to introduce a few special considerations for the astrology of pedophilia.

The Occurrence of a Second "Third Part Significator" Which Cancels Out the One for Pedophilia
As noted above, venus in Gemini can be either on an Angle, or influencing it though another of the planets in its set. “On an Angle” is always stronger than “influencing an Angle.” “On an Angle” is definitely more strong in directing consciousness.

As also noted, the 5th influence can occur either because the planet is in a 5th or one of the planets in its set influences a 5th house through ruling or co-ruling it. I am not sure which is stronger, it being in a 5th or influencing a 5th, but I am sure of this:

This principle of one set being dominant over another when one of them is on an Angle has already been demonstrated in the chart of one twin who was retarded while his brother was not. Both had the significator for retardation, but one of them (the not retarded one) had a retarded anti-significator" on an Angle. That paper can be found at: One Twin Retarded, His Brother Bright. [Since writing that paper I have found two more examples of mercury on an Angle canceling the "retardation significator" when it only influenced an Angle. In the one person I personally know, the retardation set appears to have manifested as occasional difficulty with words. She is definitely NOT retarded.]

Update April 2012: The Occurrence of a Second Way the Significator For Pedophilia Can be Cancelled
Unfortunately, I cannot publish the chart I learned this from. The individual, who I am certain is not a pedophile, has an all-charts occurrence of a wide conjunction (4° 44") of venus to moon in Gemini, with influence to an Angle and a 5th house. This is a potential (since the orb is very large, it may be too weak to express as a pedophile set) pedophile set that occurs in all 12 of his charts.

One would think it would be hard to cancel. But, this astrology often gets quite literal. The two main charts indicating an individual’s sexuality are his 5th and his 7th. The 5th chart is straightforwardly about sexuality. In the 7th chart, we must consult the 5th house within that chart to learn anything about the individual’s sexuality. The “canceller” of this individual’s apparent “pedophile significator” was in his 5th chart of sexuality. It occurred as a harmonic saturn sitting right on top of that conjunction moon and venus in Gemini. Saturn squelches what it sits on. It acts as a “not.” It also represents old people in general. So, it "ages" the venus in Gemini,. Straightforward, astrologically it states “not” (saturn) “pedophile” (moon/venus/Gemini), or "aged" (saturn) Gemini (no longer youthful). It works to cancel the occurrence of the significator in all the other charts because it occurs in the chart containing vital information about the individual’s sexuality. If in that chart it states he is not a pedophile, then he is not.

This only works this way through 5th and (and the 5th house of) 7th charts when the pedophile significator is in all charts and when the canceller occurs in those 5th or 7th charts. Otherwise, we are looking at significators in various center of gravity charts where they are functioning specifically as pedophile significators. Of course, they, too, could be cancelled in that chart by saturn sitting on them. If that happens, and that is the only chart containing the full moon/venus significator, then, clearly, the individual is not a pedophile.

Here is an example I can publish. Alan Turing, who was unquestionably homosexual (bisexual actually by most potent significator) had a cancelled pedophile set. He had b venus, ruler of B Asc, at 4 Gemini 10, b5 saturn (a 5th chart saturn) at 4 Gemini 31, b pluto at 5 Gemini 03, and b sun, ruler of b 5th house, at 7 Gemini 43. He definitely had an interest in younger men--he and a friend agreed they should never go below age 15--but his venus in Gemini/5th still expressed as attraction to youths.

As I have thought more about it, I doubt the male readers of the very popular novel Lolita (age 14) considered the professor who was attracted to her a pedophile (I didn't read the book)--at least not while they were enjoying reading the book themselves. So, it raises the question, not further addressed in this paper, where is the cut-off point, especially with regard to adult sex with post-puberty 'children'? I don't think we have a clear definition. That doesn't mean pedophilia does not exist, just that the label is applied without adequate definition, therefore inadvertently indiscriminately.

Update June 2012: The Occurrence of a Third Way the Significator For Pedophilia Can be Cancelled
This third form of “canceller,” completely un-anticipated by me, occurred in the astrology—of all people—of Adolf Hitler. Because it involves a more lengthy explanation than the other two, I have put its astrology with accompanying explanation in an Appendix. Here we just want to note that this canceller is not effective just against pedophilia. It works against all forms of sexual expression. And it does not occur in the 5th (sexuality) or 7th (close relationships) charts where one would expect it. It occurs in the 3rd chart of mind. One of its implications is that other charts—when we learn what they are—besides the one containing the pedophile significator must be checked before concluding some one is a pedophile.

But, the other quite exciting fact about this canceller is that it clearly shows us astrology located in the 3rd chart (of mind) which very much affects the expression of the 5th chart (of sexuality). That is, it shows strictly mental attitudes (3rd) profoundly affecting sexuality (5th). This is especially apparent because Hitler’s 5th chart of sexuality is not afflicted. Looking at it, one would expect that Adolf Hitler had a robust and very satisfying sexual life. While we cannot be absolutely certain he did not, indications (even from him) are that he did not. Here is the link: Appendix Showing Other Forms of Cancellers of the Pedophile Significator

It should not be surprising that a forefront 3rd chart (mind) set can cancel something as powerful as pedophilia. Or other things for that matter. After all, the whole of this astrology is about consciousness. All twelve charts per individual are maps of that individual’s consciousness. They imply that for each of us our consciousness generates the whole of our world—material, emotional, psychic, and physical. That is, they generate our identity and everything that accompanies it. But stating that is not the same as subscribing to the idea that to change a pedophile means just to change his mind. We always think it easier for the other fellow to change his mind. But, in fact we still know very little about how to really change any one’s mind, including our own. This subject area is discussed more in an addendum about sanskaras in a paper discussing the implications of astrological results from this method. sanskaras (or samskaras) is the Hindu term for impressions made on the subconscious mind. Here is the link, originally from Wikipedia : Discussion About Sanskaras.

Update July 2012. Here is another way the saturn in the 5th chart appears to cancel the pedophile significator. It is from the chart of Charles Whitman, mass murderer at U of Texas, Austin, in 1966. This is from his 5th chart: b5 mercury at 26 Aries 16 conjunct b5 saturn at 28 Aries 24 made Angular by C Asc at 26 Cancer 30. The orb between saturn and the Asc is a bit wide, but this is an unrectified chart and deserves the benefit of the doubt. Here the mercury stands for children, and the saturn for "not." Because it is Angular it must express, it cancels the very powerful pedophile set (which does include venus in Gemini) he has in this chart. His wife (of his age) was probably somewhat childlike. I have seen a second canceller like this. This particular form of canceller, if it is a canceller, is painfully tricky because almost none of the charts worked with are rectified so we cannot be certain time of birth is correct. An error of four minutes in birth time puts an Angle off by about a degree. With an allowable Angle/planet orb of only 2°, in these unrectified charts some people will look like they have this canceller who don't, and some will look like they do not have it when, in fact, they do.

Update January 2013 Another individual has been found with a “canceller” (or anti-significator) for pedophilia which is very much like Hitler’s. Like Hitler’s, it is in his 3rd chart with a 5th house reference to his sexuality. The individual is J.M. Barrie, author of Peter Pan and many other plays and books about time, children, and growing up. Fortunately, with him also, there are numerous biographies about him which provide quotes which strongly suggest Barrie never had sex with any one, certainly not with any child. And there is also no evidence he ever did, even from the grownups he once helped raise as children. His astrology is included in the same appendix as Hitler's.

Update January 2013, Another One We have another canceller of pedophilia in the astrology of Edward Lear, illustrator, artist, writer, and nonsense poet. It did not appear he spent any time with them, but Lear loved to make children laugh. Lear’s is also in his 3rd chart of mind. It appears to be a combination of the saturn conjunct the venus in Gemini mentioned above and one that denies sexuality altogether, as occurred with Hitler and Barrie. His astrology is also included in the same appendix as Hitler's. And there is another one. So, the link for the astrology of all four is: Appendix Showing Other Forms of Cancellers of the Pedophile Significator

As can be seen from the frequency with which I update this paper, I am concerned about its misuse and the problem that could cause others. For one thing, we cannot assume we know all the cancellers for pedophilia. In fact, we cannot assume any significator discussed on this site is complete. All have to be assumed "incomplete" until so much research has been done there is no question left. That would require many people working together cooperatively with complete honesty and probably cross-culturally. Right now, for this subject area, the only group of individuals who could even approach satisfying those criteria would be the pedophiles (and those who suspect themselves "pedophilic") themselves.

Provocative Mercury Sets in Charts of Pedophiles There is an astrology for childbirth as well as that for difficult conceptions and death of children. It occurs in charts of all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation, who have or want children. The same astrology occurs in the charts of pedophiles, but in their case (mostly) theirs is not about childbirth, offspring death, or difficulty conceiving. In their case those sets refer to his potential experience with his chosen child(ren). So, the same set which in a non-pedophile chart refers to loss of offspring, in the pedophile chart likely refers to his destruction of the child, or at least his tendency in that direction. Conversely, those pedophiles whose astrology for children lack such affliction, are highly unlikely to physically harm those children. Such behavior is, so to speak, "not in his universe."

The sets referred to are those that combine mercury with venus and/or jupiter, a positive condition or event with mercury combined with the lesser and greater benefics, respectively. The condition becomes negative, and the child's life more vulnerable to destruction, when mercury is combined with mars or saturn, the lesser and greater malefics, respectively. Of course, the negative mercury sets could mean the pedophile has no children of his own. But I do not think so. Since they appear strongly in charts of pedophile murderers, I suspect they refer to the negative experience of the child. They give us further food for thought about the meaning of mercury when in the domicile of pedophiles.

Mercury with the benefics, venus and jupiter:

  • The 5th and 7th charts of new parents always reflect birth and/or progressions involving mercury with venus and mercury with jupiter, even when mercury has no influence to a 5th house. These reflect that mercury by itself can represent children regardless of lack of 5th influence. Mercury with venus and jupiter show a benefic event (venus/jupiter) with children (mercury).

  • In the charts of some pedophiles, either at birth and almost always with progressions for finding “their child,” you will see a fair representation of mercury with venus and mercury with jupiter. Since they do not represent parenthood, they must represent the pedophiles good fortune (venus/jupiter) in finding the child (mercury). It is reflective of their world.

Mercury with the malefics, mars and saturn:

  • When the 5th and 7th charts of parents or would-be parents show mercury with saturn and mars (or the two "summed") regardless of whether they influence a 5th house, they are reflections either of difficulty conceiving, a difficult child (e.g., health afflicted), or, in the case of progressions, the injury or death of a child.

  • In pedophile charts, especially those who have no children of their own, the occurrence of mercury with mars and saturn suggests the harm/death of the child. And in charts of pedophiles who have not committed murder, they would represent their potential for doing so. We all have mars and saturn forefront for death (and it is not always death, but a hard time--there are several paths necessary). With mercury they can represent the death of a child, but also, for instance, the death of a sibling. In a 5th chart, it most likely stands for death of a child.

When Angle/Mercury/5th/7th Does Not Represent Bisexuality
As mentioned above, I strongly suspect that mercury in the chart of a pedophile, whose life is centered around children, represents children rather than his bisexuality. Then, when a pedophile has mercury—or, as shown below, several mercuries—on Angles, they represent obsessions with children, not bisexuality.

Of course, those mercuries might represent bisexuality. On the other hand, as is shown below in the chart of one of the pedophiles who was married and had children, bisexuality can also be shown astrologically by the occurrence of both Angle/venus/5th/7th (female children) plus Angle/mars/5th/7th (male children) leaving all the mercuries free to represent obsession with children.

It must be kept in mind that the mercury in a bisexual significator can work if it influences an Angle and either a 5th or 7th house, while the venus in Gemini significator of pedophilia only works if it influences a 5th house. The former is about gender preference. The latter is attributing sexuality to children.

While I have noted some of the synastry between several pedophiles and their child victims, the most extensive shown below is that between Father Richard LaVigne and his alleged victim, Danny Croteau using each of their 9th (religion) charts. I covered their synastry in an earlier paper on abducted children, but that was before I had learned that significators can occur in non-typical charts. In the previous paper I compared their two 7th charts. Their 9th chart synastry is more powerful.

Synastry emphasizes two things.

First, at the time of the event, synastry is powerful. There is no such thing as weak synastry between two people who experience a powerful event together.

Second, the synastry helps confirm the validity of non-traditional charts showing sexuality. Traditional charts for showing the astrology of sexuality are the 5th (of sexuality and children) and 7th (of important others). A non-traditional chart would be, for instance, the 9th chart—normally associated primarily with one or other of the subjects of law, philosophy, religion, or foreign affairs. The 9th chart synastry between Roman Catholic priest Father Richard LaVigne and his alleged victim (also murdered), Danny Croteau, is powerful. Not only that, it is Danny’s 9th chart that shows his death.

It is easy enough to see the reason LaVigne’s 9th chart contained the best representation of his pedophilia—his life was focused around being a priest. It was likely his COG chart. It is not a “given” that just because a man is a priest his 9th chart will be his COG chart. One of the other priests (of three) in this study has the 8th chart of shared values and intimacy as his COG chart. We do not have enough biographical information on him to help us see why his 8th would be his COG. It probably works in reverse. Once he became interested in sex with children, the chart which contained his pedophile significator also became his COG chart.

Once we think about it, Danny’s 9th chart makes sense as a COG chart, one that also reflected his molestation and death. His life was strongly influenced by a priest. His trust in the priesthood and his love of God (astrology for that shown below) made him far more susceptible to victimization through that channel.

I should point out that synastry can only be done between like charts. We can compare 5th to 5th, 7th to 7th, 1st to 1st, but not, for example, 7th to 9th.

Before we can go any further, I must make known necessary information about this astrological method.

Astrological Method
This method is not traditional. It uses a birth and conception planets and their harmonics and houses, all of which share the same axis. :

This astrology uses the sidereal positions of the planets based on the Fagan-Bradley’s SVP. For my take on why the sidereal zodiac is superior to the traditional, tropical, "Western" one, please see the following: The Tropical and Sidereal Zodiacs, a Discussion.
Harmonics are taken from the sidereal position of the planets. The Egyptian harmonic, discussed in the paper “About This Method” (link below), is used.
”Lights” include suns, moons, and moons nodes. When mercury rules one or two Angles, it also acts like a light and has the same orb as the other lights. The MC or Asc also acts like a light, but one with only a 2° orb, because when a set is on an Angle it does not need a light to be active.
This method uses only conjunctions, applying and separating squares, and oppositions. (There is a table in the paper on Chartrules which shows which traditional aspects--e.g., semi-square, trine, quincunx, etc.--in the sidereal are converted to conjunctions, squares, and oppositions in the harmonics and which charts they occur in.) Orbs for static planets with lights is 5°; without lights, about 2.5°. Orb for MC/planet or Asc/planet is 2°. Planets so related to each other are referred to as in the same “set.” A set, then, is two or more planets (or an Angle) connected to each other through conjunction, square, and opposition within the defined orbs. Sets without Angles are more active when they contain a light, and less active without one. Learning to look in terms of “crosses” can be helpful in rapidly finding planets that are in the same set.
Because this approach uses both a birth and conception chart and they share the same axis, birth houses usually overlap different houses of the conception chart. These are called “house overlaps.” As it turned out in this paper, house overlaps were not significant. They can be for some other conditions. Throughout this paper I use the convention when writing about house overlaps of putting the birth house first, then the conception house. So, for instance, a “5th/1st” overlap refers to an overlap of birth 5th house with conception 1st house in that order.
Birth planets (including their harmonics) rule only birth houses. Conception planets (including their harmonics) rule only conception houses.
For a more thorough explanation of this astrological approach, refer to the following papers:

About This Method
Chart Reading Rules

In the partial charts shown below, birth planets and their harmonics are inside the circle. Conception planets and their harmonics are outside the circle. Conception sidereal planets are red; conception harmonic ones, black. Birth sidereal planets are blue; birth harmonic ones, green. Occasionally, because of space limitations, I have had to violate this inside/outside arrangement, but the color coding remain constant.
Abbreviations used are b = birth, c = conception, and t = transiting. Even though the harmonic used for each chart is always two more than the chart’s number, in these papers—for ease of reading—I write the harmonic number the same as the chart number. For example, the 5th chart uses the 7th harmonic, but I have established the convention of writing harmonic planets for the 5th chart as, e.g., c5 mars, which reads, “the harmonic for the 5th chart for conception mars.”

The Charts
We are going to start with the chart of an individual known to love little girls. However, he had no reputation at all for sexual contact with them. That man is mathematician Lewis Carroll, author of Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass, and other works. We start with him as a cautionary example showing that an individual may have all the significators for pedophilia, but not be a pedophile. He may have astrology which "cancels" his pedophile signature. Or, he may have some other condition not now known which is antithetical to pedophilia.

Carroll’s significator for pedophilia occurred in his 5th chart. Our 5th charts, harmonic enlargements of our 5th houses, are primarily known for the information they carry about our sexuality and about our potential children.

Biographical material is always shown in brown.

Lewis Carroll
Picture from the Internet

Lewis Carroll
Biographical data from Astrodatabank stated: English logician, mathematician, clergyman, photographer and novelist, considered a master in the genre of nonsense literature. He is particularly remembered for his children’s books, "Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, "1865, and its sequel, "Through the Looking Glass," 1871.

Born Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, he was the oldest son and third child in a family of seven girls and four boys. His father, Reverend Charles Dodgson, was the perpetual curate at the old parsonage at Daresbury from 1827-43, and his mother was Frances Jane Lutwidge. Growing up in an isolated area, Carroll had few friends, but he and his siblings always found ways to entertain themselves. As a young child, Carroll showed an aptitude for inventing games and making up stories. When he was 12 years old, the family moved to Croft in Yorkshire, where his father became rector; Carroll was now expected to contribute to "Rectory Magazines," a compilation of manuscripts. He not only contributed but was the author of nearly all that survive.

He was educated at Richmond School in Yorkshire from 1844-45, and then at Rugby School from 1846-50; inherently shy, he disliked public school. Additionally he suffered from a bad stammer, and was often the target of bullies. After leaving Rugby, he studied under his father’s guidance for a year, and matriculated at Christ Church, Oxford, on 5/23/1850, going into residence as an undergraduate on 1/24/1851. Excelling in his classical and mathematical studies during 1852, Carroll was given a studentship, and in 1854, he graduated first in his class. He moved on to receive a Bachelor of Arts degree in December of that same year. In 1855, he was made "Master of the House." He was appointed lecturer in mathematics, a post he held until 1881.

Carroll was ordained a deacon in the Church of England on 12/22/1861, and could have continued on to become a priest, a position that would have allowed him to marry. He seemed perfectly content, however, to remain single and was often described as a "shy, fussy bachelor."

His love of children seemed natural and innocent in nature. Carroll had not only grown up in a large family, but his stammer disappeared completely when he was speaking with children. He began to entertain the children of the families in the community, and he would keep them amused with what seemed like an endless store of fantastical tales. As he made up the stories, drawing on incidents in his life, Carroll would sketch his characters on a sheet of paper; his tales held the children spellbound. Prompted to publish his stories by the novelist Henry Kinsley, Carroll’s "Alice" became the most popular children’s book in England, perhaps the most famous in the world. He authored several books on mathematics as well, with "Euclid and His Modern Rivals," 1879, being the most well known.

Alice Liddell, The Alice Who Inspired Alice in Wonderland
Picture from the Internet

Early in his life, he wanted to become an artist; however, failing in this pursuit, he instead became a photographer, specializing in studies of children in every possible situation and costume, including nudes. In 1880, he abandoned his photographic work, apparently amid much speculation about his motives as suspicions remained that his pleasure in children had sexual overtones.

Often regarded as a crank, Carroll enjoyed good health throughout his life. He often took long walks, and just prior to his final illness, he walked 18 miles to visit his sister. The visit was prolonged when he developed the bad cold, fever and bronchial complications that led to his death on 1/14/1898, 2:30 PM, Guildford, England.

I have looked at two biographies of Carroll. All document his intense involvement with children, particularly girls. He cultivated many friendships with them. Most ended when the children reached their mid-teens, when he no longer found them attractive (innocent, pure). He was constantly inventing new pastimes and games to entertain them. He had many to dinner. When he traveled, he carried a bag full of toys and games for entertainment. In every way except sexuality, it appears, Carroll's lifelong attachment to little girls showed many of the characteristics of pedophilia. He was exceptionally good with children and exceptionally fascinated with them. But all those biographies also declare Carroll's conscience remained absolutely clear--he was never known to do anything "inappropriate" with any of them. He did not leave behind damaged children. Indeed, most of those who became his child friends also became his admirers, grateful he had been in their lives.

Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) (B)—Data Acknowledgment
Birth: 1/27/1832, 3:45 a.m. LMT, Daresbury, England. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Lois Rodden quotes H. Parisot in Lewis Carroll, 1952. Formerly Daath gave 3:48 am. In Modern Astrology, 1901.
Conception:4/17/1831, 12:52:22 a.m. LMT, Daresbury, England.

Lewis Carroll
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 5th Housethe First and Third Parts of the Significator, Showing Sexuality and Attraction to Children, Respectively

Placidian House Cusps: c11—7Sco, c12—24Sco, c2—29Cap, c3—18Pis b11—6Lib, b12—25Lib, b2—15Sag, b3—0Aqu

Set (a), shown in the drawing above, contains moon/venus/uranus in Gemini in the same set with venus/mars in Sagittarius. B mars rules B Asc and b 5th house. B venus and its harmonic rule b 7th house. C moon rules c 8th and co-rules 929 of 40°) c 7th houses.

Set (a), therefore, contains parts I and III of the significator. The moon/venus/mars/5th part shows an ardent individual (I). For Carroll, that took the form of lots and lots of kisses. Since his 5th houses are ruled only by mars (birth) and venus (conception), Carroll does not show much more in the form of this first part of the significator because those remaining venus and mars are not in strong sets. The lighted Angle/venus/Gemini/5th shows the prominence of (Angular influence of the set) sexual (5th) love of (venus) children, or of child-like adults (III).

Update: Carroll’s astrology for canceling out the sexual part of his apparent pedophile signature is discussed below, at the end of the material on comedian Andy Kaufman, who was also not a pedophile.

Evelyn Hatch, Photographed by Lewis Carroll
Picture from the Internet

Does that opposition of venus/mars in Sagittarius to his venus/moon in Gemini spell out his conflict? Venus in Sagittarius shows a love of (venus) God (Sagittarius) which conflicts (opposition) with his love of (venus) children (Gemini). Does that suppress his pedophilia, or is it simply an expression of the co-existence in his life of love of God and love of children, with those interests some times being apparently mutually exclusive?

Set (b) above shows part II of the significator. C5 venus (ruler of c 5th house and C MC) conjunct B Desc demonstrates a consciousness that sees females (venus) as natural partners (the Desc part) and, for Carroll specifically, even sexual partners (the 5th house part). When on the Desc, the 5th house part is not necessary in order to identify an individual who sees females as natural partners—Desc/venus is sufficient.

We should take a look at another set.

Set (c)C MC17 Libra 33
b5 mercury19 Libra 10ruler of B MC and b 8th house
b5 moon17 Capricorn 07co-ruler (30 of 45°) of b 8th house
c5 neptune18 Capricorn 01ruler of c 3rd house
b5 neptune19 Capricorn 08ruler of b 4th house
c5 mercury19 Capricorn 26ruler of B MC and b 8th house
b SN20 Capricorn 09
c uranus21 Capricorn 40co-ruler (30 of 49°) of c 2nd house
b uranus21 Capricorn 40ruler of b 3rd house

If I saw Set (c) in a 10th chart, I would say its inclusion of moon/mercury/neptune with influence to an Angle and 3rd house shows a published (Angle) creative (lighted neptune) writer (mercury). The multiple 8th house influences show intense emotional involvement. The Capricorn part shows some one who is a master craftsman. The 2nd house shows a capacity to derive income from such activities.

Carroll’s 5th chart appears to be his COG chart. His relationships with young girls and all the efforts he made to communicate, entertain, enthrall, and gift them were much more vital to him than his position at Christ’s College. His interest in girls consumed his life, while in his position as respected academician he avoided many contacts with peers.

Further, the 5th being his COG chart makes clearer the connection Carroll’s need to make his mathematics and logic fun (5th house/Leo—procreative sublimation, play, or just plain creativity).

Set (c) also shows his significator for recognized (Angle influence) mathematical ability (and perhaps logic). The significator for that is Angle/light/mercury in Capricorn, or Angle/light/mercury/saturn, with influence to a 3rd (and sometimes 9th) house. Instead of turning the mind (mercury) off (saturn), here saturn appears to turn it more essential, more involved in form as essence. Benefics either with mercury or on Angles show the success and social prominence of such a mathematician.

This significator runs into conflict with the significator for Alzheimer’s, which is Angle/mercury/saturn/3/4th/8th/9th because some of the mathematicians I have looked at also show influence of their set to the 4th house. It will eventually be necessary to find the remaining astrology which differentiates between them. Angle/mercury/saturn also comes into play in charts of mediums. There, at least, tentative findings are an additional Pisces light/3rd/8th which acts as a differentiating second part for mediums. The connection between these three categories is apparent. For math, mercury/saturn or saturn in Capricorn shows a skill (mercury/Capricorn) in cutting away the inessentials of life (saturn). For the medium, it shows an apparent shutting down (saturn) of ordinary mind (3rd/mercury) and an opening to something else (Pisces light/3rd/8th). In Alzheimer’s disease, both ordinary and higher mind are closed (mercury/saturn/3rd/9th) but the “something else” (so far as we know), does not open.

It takes time to discover second (or even third) parts of significators. They do not just fall into place because one has discovered the first part. In fact, the discovery that radically different conditions share parts of a significator starts the process (active or passive) of looking for further parts.

Now we can get to the charts of known pedophiles. They are grouped in ascending order according to the center of gravity chart the pedophilia significator was found in.

Our 1st chart contains part of the record of our early childhood, how we fared then, and some of the physical illnesses we are subject to. It shows who, and how, we are independent of relations to others.

Robert Strack
Biographical data from Astrodatabank stated: German homicide called the "Beast of Cologne." On 10/13/1965 [when he was 33 years old] he picked up two 11-year-old girls who were lost, bought them food, took them to his father's cottage, raped, murdered and mutilated them. This was not his first run in with the law; he had prior convictions for theft, mugging, exhibitionism and molesting children. His book, "Diary Of A Criminal," was withheld from the public as it was too graphic.

Robert Strack (AA)—Data Acknowledgment
Birth: 8/11/1932, 12:30 p.m. MET, Bruhl, Germany. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. B.C. in hand from Steinbrecher.
Conception:11/01/1931, 11:37:23 p.m. MET, Bruhl, Germany.

Robert Strack
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 1st Housethe First Part of the Significator, Showing Sexuality

Placidian House Cusps: c11—14Tau, c12—22Gem, c2—9Leo, c3—3Vir b11—26Leo, b12—22Vir, b2—9Sco, b3—14Sag

Set (d-1) above contains node/2venus/mars/2neptune with influence to an Angle and 5th house, showing a strong sexuality. B venus and its harmonic rule B Asc. B1 neptune co-rules (22 of 26°) b 5th house.

In his 5th chart b5 mercury, at 8 Pisces 23, is in b 5th house conjunct c NN at 11 Pisces 04. It can be interpreted as the active (NN) pursuit (or the sense that he gains something from) of sexual (5th) suffering (Pisces) of children (mercury.)

Note his B Asc is conjunct NN and mercury in Libra. He was likely a smooth (Libra/NN) talker (mercury). Return1 neptune was on it at 11 Libra 16, raising the ante for his interest in children (also mercury) by adding fascination (neptune).

Note also his conjunction of moon and mars in Scorpio in c 5th house in the same set with b SN (shown unnumbered in the drawing above). This set, along with his mercury/Pisces)5th, has something to do with his murder and mutilation. The moon/5th part shows many (moon) sexual (5th) incidents, demonstrating a intense (Scorpio) interest in merging of identities (Scorpio) though sex (5th). When an individual cannot do that—here, because an adult is attempting sex with a child, who is not mature enough for that kind temporary loss of identity—the adult may “substitute” murder. Murder also provides a loss of identity because the adult absorbs the child’s. His mutilation is his attempt to get at the heart of the matter through dissecting it—the only way he knows how to do it. It is can also represent anger. Strack’s return contributed pluto at 22 Leo 20 to this set. Moon/mars/pluto represents force.

Robert Strack—the Second Part of the Significator, Showing Gender Preference

  • In his 5th chart Strack has b sun at 24 Cancer 25, c jupiter at 26 Cancer 38, c mercury at 23 Libra 37, and c5 venus 23 Libra 32. Venus is his significator for female gender preference: it is in the same set with c jupiter, co-ruler (22 of 38°) of c 5th house and made Angular by B MC at 22 Cancer 52.

Note the above set shows us mercury/venus/jupiter (for benefic mercury sets showing the good fortune of “having” children), and is also a golden benefic with Angular and 5th influence.

Robert Strack—the Third Part of the Significator, Showing the Connection Between Sexuality And Children

  • Strack’s lighted venus in Gemini with Angle and 5th influence is shown in Set (d-1) in the drawing above.

On October 13, 1965, when Strack abducted and murdered the girls, he had the following astrology which worked with Set (d-1) above:

Set (d-2)b1 neptune9 Pisces 36co-ruler (22 of 26°) of b 5th house
pb1 mercury10 Pisces 14
pb1 jupiter10 Pisces 18
c NN11 Pisces 04
c1 neptune11 Pisces 19
b mars10 Gemini 37
b venus12 Gemini 42ruler of B Asc
pc mercury9 Sagittarius 57
pc venus11 Sagittarius 25
pc NN9 Pisces 05midpoint of NN and p NN is 10 Pisces 00
return (9/22/65, POB) MC 11 Gemini 35
return Asc10 Virgo 35
return1 NN9 Gemini 10ruler of C Asc

The return Angles and the nodes pull all of the above into one set. They do not qualify as just progressions because some of the planets are 3° apart from each other and the orb for progressions is 1° (or less). Our returns provide temporary, but very real, Angles with a 2° orb made even slightly larger by the presence of lights..

Note that Set (d-2) contains a golden benefic, including neptune, giving him an extreme sense of elation and independence from ordinary constraints.

His set with mars/saturn with Angular and 5th influence is not a mercury set. It accomplishes the same thing by having Angular and 5th influence. He has b5 sun at 23 Sagittarius 17, c saturn, ruler of c 7th house, at 24 Sagittarius 14, c5 mars, ruler of C MC and c 5th house, at 25 Sagittarius 45, and c uranus at 22 Pisces 45. That gives him a sexually-connected (5th house) “dark malefic” (Angle/light/mars/saturn/house) with regard either to sex or children (or both) (5th chart).

His progressions for his 1st chart (his COG chart) yield the suspected tell-tale signs of child murder--the mercury/mars/saturn. Progressed b mercury is at 13 Leo 25 in the same set with pb1 saturn at 13 Leo 50. (Pb jupiter at 13 Leo 26 is also in the set, and is counted as a progressed mercury/jupiter set.) Progressed b1 mars is at 5 Scorpio 26 in the same set with b mercury at 5 Leo 29.

And his 1st chart also includes a progressed benefic mercury set—mercury/venus/jupiter—that suggests his good fortune in “having” children. He has pb venus at 10 Cancer 59 in the same set with c1 mercury at 10 Libra 50, b1 NN at 10 Libra 54, and B Asc (if time of birth is correct enough) at 10 Libra 58. And he has pb1 mercury at 10 Pisces 14, pb1 jupiter at 10 Pisces 38 and progressed c mercury at 9 Sagittarius 57. Together, that is, “summed,” they give him a progressed mercury/venus/jupiter for the rapes.

Our 3rd chart, along with influences to 3rd houses in other charts, describes many of the qualities—gifts and pathologies—of our “ordinary” mind, the one we normally use as opposed to the 9th which represents elevated states of mind. The aphorism that “as a man thinketh, so he becomes” actually applies to more than just the 3rd. We “think” through all our houses/charts. Each provides possible, different forms of manifestation of our existence, ways we “nest” our identity.

Our 3rd also contains information about siblings, or, in particular, one’s relations to siblings.

Sometimes, as occurred with Nikola Tesla, the significant set in the 3rd chart includes a path that refers ordinary mind to higher mind. The same can occur with 3rd/9th house overlaps—the 9th part usurps the more common, ordinary, 3rd part. Then you have a spiritual, religious, or philosophically (9th) oriented individual who, to some degree, lacks practicality (3rd).

Lorenzo Artico
Biographical data from Astrodatabank stated: Italian pedophile, a 29-year-old boarding school teacher arrested 3/06/1997 and found guilty of molestation of the school boys. He was given 13 years prison.

Lorenzo Artico (AA)—Data Acknowledgment
Birth: 6/06/1967, 12:30 p.m. MEDT, Milan, Italy. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Bordoni quotes birth certificate. Datanotizie No. 28, 11/1999.
Conception:8/28/1966, 9:16:42 p.m. MEDT, Milan, Italy.

Lorenzo Artico—the First Part of the Significator, General Sexuality
The table below contains the powerful first part of the significators for Artico’s sexuality. As stated in the paper on bisexuality (and shown for heterosexuals, bisexuals, and homosexuals), this type of set represents a very powerful sex drive because of the lighted/Angular influence of both “male” and “female” planets of sexuality (mars and venus) and the presence of the ever-addicting, reality-bending neptune. Here the set includes the homosexual significator for the 1st part, but lacks the second part, which also does not show up in his 5th or 7th charts. Instead, Artico’s second part is bisexual (see drawing below). Perhaps he prefers only boys, or perhaps they were just the most available since Artico was teaching in (an all-boys, I assume) boarding school.

Set (d)c3 NN5 Aries 53
c3 mars8 Aries 47
b venus5 Cancer 27ruler of B MC
c mars7 Cancer 45
b jupiter8 Cancer 08ruler of b 5th house
c3 neptune6 Libra 44ruler of C Asc

Set (d), which contains a lighted venus/mars/neptune for intense sexual charge, shows influence to two Angles and b 5th house. By the time he was arrested, pc jupiter, at 5 Cancer 51, ruler of C MC, had also joined the set, providing a third Angular influence and creating a golden benefic. Because it is very near the node is at 5 Libra 53, we can consider it had already entered the set. We do not have any dates for his offences. The golden benefic, creating joy, made repeating his acts very attractive.

Lorenzo Artico
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 3rd Housethe Second and Third Parts of the Significator, Showing Gender Preference and Pedophilia, Respectively

Placidian House Cusps: c11—1Cap, c12—29Capo, c2—26Ari, c3—20Tau b11—14Gem, b12—17Can, b2—6Vir, b3—5Lib

Does his being a teacher, plus the fact his pedophilia shows up here, make this, his 3rd chart, his COG chart? At least it makes sense.

Artico—the Second Part of the Significator, Showing Gender Preference

  • Set (e) in the drawing above, comprised of Angle/mercury/saturn, shows his bisexuality, and is the second part of the significator. Mercury is made Angular by C Asc and influencing b 5th house through b saturn, co-ruler (17 of 33°) of b 5th house.

Artico—the Third Part of the Significator, Showing the Connection Between Sexuality And Children

  • Set (f) in the drawing above, contains sun/2venus/mars, shows lighted venus in Gemini, the third part of the significator. The set influences an Angle through b3 venus, ruler of B MC. It influences a 5th house through b saturn, co-ruler (17 of 33°) of b 5th house. C3 venus co-rules (20 of 35°) c 7th house. The distance between the two venuses is large—a little over 7°. But, they are brought into this same set by c3 sun, which is centrally about 4° from each of them.

  • Set (g) above is another first part of the significator, showing a conjunction of venus and jupiter in Cancer in c 5th house. It is lighted by c3 moon, ruler of b 12th house, and has Angular influence through b venus, ruler of B MC and c jupiter, ruler of C MC. It shows the extreme sexual and emotional pleasure (venus/jupiter/5th) Artico derives from his sexual activities.

John Rex, Jr.
Biographical data from Astrodatabank stated: American homicide; he used his computer bulletin board to lure and kidnap young boys for the purpose of sexual attack. A 23-year-old student at the Middlesex Community College with near-perfect grades, Rex lived at home with his parents. He was apprehended when he asked two separate contacts, youngsters, to abduct a blond boy between the ages of six and nine and bring him to the family cabin in New Hampshire where he said he would kill the boy and eat him.

He pleaded innocent and was held in jail on investigation. While in prison, Rex told his cellmate that he had a 12-year-old boy buried in his back yard and the cellmate was an informant.

When the body was found in April 1994, he was charged with murder and with the rape of two boys, 12 and 14, whom he had met through the computer bulletin board.

John Rex, Jr. (AA)—Data Acknowledgment
Birth: 8/31/1970, 11:14 p.m. EDT, Lowell, MA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quotes the birth certificate.
Conception:11/20/1969, 1:18:04 p.m. EST, Lowell, MA.

John Rex, Jr.
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 3rd Housethe First Part of the Significator, Showing Sexuality

Placidian House Cusps: c11—20Sag, c12—14Capo, c2—8Arip, c3—7Tau b11—19Aqu, b12—1Ari, b2—8Gem, b3—28Gem

Set (h), consists of node/2mercury/venus/jupiter/2uranus/pluto. C3 mercury rules c 5th and 7th house. B mercury co-rules (30 of 42°) b 5th house. B3 venus rules B Asc in c 3rd house. C venus rules c 3rd house. C3 uranus rules C Asc. This powerful golden benefic influences both 5th houses and two Angles, shows the high that comes from sex, and demonstrates the first part of the significator..

Note that b mercury at 3 Virgo 31 is in b 5th house and lighted by b3 NN at 2 Gemini 01.

Rex has a couple of other Angle/5th or Angle/7th influences that belong in the significator I category which are worth mentioning. They are shown in the drawing above, but unnumbered:

  • C moon in Pisces (co-ruler, 14 of 34° c 5th house) is a 5th influence showing some tendency to many (moon) unfortunate (Pisces) sexual encounters. (If they don’t start out unfortunate, he will unconsciously make them so.)
  • And the conjunction of c3 moon (co-ruler c 5th house) and c sun in Scorpio to c neptune and c mercury (ruler of c 5th house) show a 5th/Scorpio influence that can only be handled without damage to self and others by a truly healthy individual. A sun or moon in Scorpio conjunct neptune creates intense interest in merging (neptune) one’s self with others through sex (5th) and or death (8th, Scorpio), ultimately making them a “possession” of one’s self.

John Rex—the Second Part of the Significator, Showing Gender Preference

  • Gender preference, the second part of the significator, is shown in Set (i) in the drawing above—b3 mars at 21 Leo 46 is conjunct c Desc at 22 Leo 41.

John Rex—the Third Part of the Significator, Showing the Connection Between Sexuality And Children

  • Set (h) in the drawing above contains venus (love of) in Gemini (children) in a set which is lighted and influencing an Angle and a 5th house, giving us the third part of the significator.

We do not have a date to do progressions for any of his homicides. But his pre-progressed chart contains a mercury/mars/saturn set. It is shown unnumbered in the drawing above. It contains b3 mercury, co-ruler (30 of 42°) of b 5th house, at 17 Capricorn 33, in the same set with c3 saturn, ruler of c 12th house, and c mars, ruler of C MC in b 7th house.

Roughly speaking, our 4th chart is a harmonic enlargement of our 4th house. In traditional astrology information in the 4th house is correlated with foundations in life, homes, roots, and the less-nurturing parent (which is odd, since it is naturally ruled by Cancer, the most nurturing sign). Traditionally, the parent who is “less nurturing” is usually the father, since he goes out to work while the mother stays home to take care of the children.

In this form of astrology those focal areas of the 4th house also apply to those of the 4th chart.

Information on the father in the 4th chart is not an exact description of him. It is a description of how the individual as child experienced him.

Other 4th chart information, such as on homes, includes apartments. For instance, if one is fortunate in buying real estate for a new home, it will show up as forefront benefics in this chart as well as in the 4th house of the 7th chart. But, so will an especially good find in an apartment. You don’t have to own it.

If one’s home is destroyed by fire (as mine once was), the 4th chart will contain the significators for “dying”—Angular mars/saturn and often pluto. Something did die—the house. Also, its importance to one’s self is lost. Here it has some association with Cancer, because when one loses one’s home through disaster, one has lost one’s earth “womb.” A man’s house may be his castle, but for many of us at varying times it is also the socially acceptable womb to which we retreat as adults for recuperation and rejuvenation. Its loss leaves one feel “uprooted” and overly-exposed.

Sets of neptune with the planets of sexual identity—venus and mars—in 4th and 10th charts, lighted and influencing an Angle start out with fairly ascertainable interpretations:

  • Lighted venus/neptune, especially forefront, implies a parent that was adored and generally earned it by being inspiring, loving, and supportive. But they become hard to “replace” through marriage.

  • Lighted mars/neptune, especially forefront, implies a more toxic relationship with that parent because astrologically mars/neptune is more correlated with toxic and crazy conditions. Toxic or not, it can lead to the individual spending a lifetime trying to “satisfy” that parent. It can also lead to a lifetime of rejection of that parent’s sexuality.

It is not difficult to imagine that some very successful individuals have their consciousness located primarily in their 10th chart. But, it is less obvious that so do certain criminals, whose social consciousness, like their relationship with their mother, is the source of un-ending pain and humiliation.

W e are more familiar with the “goods” associated with a successful 10th chart—fame, honor, name, success, and so on. But what are the “goods” produced by consciousness located primarily in the 4th chart? Is it some one who works in real estate and loves it? A gardener? A stay-at-home Mom (or Dad). Or, perhaps it implies some one who lives a very internal life—the 4th chart is correlated with the 4th house which is correlated with the sign Cancer, a very personal sign, putting much more emphasis on the internal states of feeling rather than on the achievement symbolized by the opposite, 10th chart.

4th and 10th charts are rich in suggestion, and deserve much more research. Right now, however, I can add that these charts are not always so accommodating as to produce only good sets for one parent (or both) and only difficult ones for the other. Real life is not always that simple.

William Bonin
Biographical data from Astrodatabank stated:American homicide; convicted of sex crimes and the rape of young boys from 1969. The son of a drunken, gambling dad and a domineering mom, he was first sent to detention at the age of ten, where he was raped by an adult male. Outside of a short stint in the Army, he spent most of his time in mental hospitals and prison from 1969 on sex charges, including the rape of two young boys. Released in 1978, he met Vernon Butts the following year. In late 7/1979, he and Butts picked up a hitchhiking boy; both of the men sodomized him. In addition, Butts held him down while Bonin strangled him with his undershirt in a tourniquet that was twisted by a tire iron. In their macabre career, they executed various mutilations and tortures upon victims, such as slicing off pieces, pouring acid down a boy's throat, jamming an ice pick into the ear, placing wire into the rectum and multiple stabbings. They threw bodies off freeway ramps in Los Angeles and Orange counties, which caused them to gain the nickname of the "Freeway Killers."

Short and strongly built with a pudgy face, Bonin worked as a truck driver. He bragged that he killed 21 people, and he eagerly watched the news for reports of his work. He was picked up on suspicion, and, at one time, shared the same holding cell as Angelo Buono. Bonin was given the death sentence on 3/12/1982 and executed on 2/23/1996. Butts hanged himself in jail.

William Bonin (A)—Data Acknowledgment
Birth: 1/08/1947, 12:15 a.m. EST, Willimantic, CT. FromAstrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Steinbrecher quotes Betty Collins from him. (He called her out of the blue. He didn't give her his name at first and they talked about astrology. He wanted her to do charts for him and his partner. When she realized that he was the Freeway Killer calling from prison, she panicked, and did not continue the contact nor get Butts' data) .
Conception:3/28/1946, 3:54:45 a.m. EST, Willimantic, CT.

William Bonin
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 4th Housethe First and Second Parts of the Significator, Showing the General Sexuality and Gender Preference, Respectively

Placidian House Cusps: c11—5Sag, c12—27Sag, c2—16Pis, c3—20Ari b11—1Leo, b12—0Vir1Ari, b2—22Lib, b3—23Sco

Set (j) contains sun/mercury/venus/mars/saturn and B MC and B Asc. It is a significator of the first part. C4 mercury rules c 5th and 8th houses. C mars rules C MC. Since it shows Angle/light/venus/mars/5th it shows a strong sexuality.

Set (j) includes a dark malefic (light/mars/saturn) with Angle and 5th influence and it contains a mercury/mars/saturn set plus a mercury/venus set.

Set (k) shows the preference for males and is the significator of the second part. C4 mercury, ruler of c 5th house (the 5th connection) is conjunct c mars (males) with both being made Angular by B MC. But there is also a female gender preference shown by that c venus at 26 Pisces 33 conjunct B Desc. Finally, the c4 mercury, ruler of c 5th house and made Angular by B MC could be showing bisexuality. The information available does not mention relationships with females.

Wikipedia states the first murder he was tried for occurred on May 28, 1979. His progressed C Asc for the date of the murder was at 26 Pisces 43, picking up his c venus at 26 Pisces 33, his c mars at 26 Gemini 15, and his c4 mercury at 26 Gemini 22—all shown Set (j) above. But we cannot count on this because his birth time, given as 12:15, may not be exact. If it is correct, it includes mercury/venus and mercury/mars brought forefront (on an Angle) for the rape and homicide. In addition, pc jupiter was at 26 Virgo 19, furnishing a mercury/jupiter set for the event. In fact, it was probably the occasion of jupiter joining the set, creating a progressed golden benefic, that sponsored the “spree.”

Pb4 mercury was at 24 Sagittarius 02 in the same set with c4 mercury at 24 Pisces 10.

Pc4 mars at 27 Gemini 29 conjunct B MC at 27 Gemini 43, showing upset, aggression, action at the time.

William Bonin
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 4th Housethe Third Part of the Significator, Showing the Connection Between Sexuality and Children

Placidian House Cusps: c11—5Sag, c12—27Sag, c2—16Pis, c3—20Ari b11—1Leo, b12—0Vir1Ari, b2—22Lib, b3—23Sco

Set (l) is comprised of 2sun/moon/mercury/venus/mars/2 neptune and holds the significator of the third part with its lighted venus in Gemini. C sun co-rules (30 of 49°) c 7th house. B mercury rules B MC and B Asc. B mars rules b 8th house. B venus co-rules (23 of 30°) b 8th house. Moon conjunction venus in Gemini is in c 5th house, but otherwise this set has considerable 8th influence, suggesting strong emotions.

Set (l) is also a powerful 1st significator part. Angle/light/venus/mars/neptune/5th shows a charged sexuality that is cruel or punishing (suns conjunct mars in Pisces), perhaps as a form of denial of the weak (mars/Pisces) model provided by his father (4th chart). Considering that this chart reflects his relationship with his father, it suggests enormous anger at his father. An anger which , likely severely damaged his sexual development and sense of sharing (8th) with others.

Papers on Eric Harris, Ted Kaczynski (Unabomber), and Charles Whitman (U. of Texas, Austin, tower shooter) all show men projecting the pain of their mars in Pisces (sense of helplessness) onto others as cruelty or murder. Here are links for those papers: Paper on Harris , Paper on Kaczynski , and Paper on Whitman .

Dean Corll
Above picture from the Internet

Dean Corll
Biographical data from Astrodatabank stated: American homicide; a mass murderer of the 1970s whose shocking case blasted its way into the public consciousness. His victims were young Houston boys who hung out at his family's candy factory. Claiming that his army service 1964-1965 made him a homosexual, he began to rape and kill teen-age boys in 1970. Corll held glue-sniffing parties before the killings inasmuch as dizziness, decreasing reflexes and numbness of extremities made his crimes easier to execute. He devised tortures such as cuffing the boys to wooden boards, inserting glass rods or dildoes in their rectum or castrating them before strangling or shooting them. In his bestial frenzy, he had even gnawed off the penis of one of the boys. The sordid story of sodomy, rape, torture and agonizing death for at least 28 teenage boys became known 8/08/1973 when Corll was shot to death by a young accomplice-turned-near-victim.

Corll was born to a factory worker and his wife, both 24 years old. It was a stormy marriage in which divorce was discussed from the time Dean was a baby. When he was two, his brother Stanley was born and their parents' divorce became a reality. After the war, his parents reconciled and remarried, but soon divorced again for the last time.

At age six or seven, Dean had undiagnosed rheumatic fever with a heart murmur. The sickly boy was kept out of school. When he was nine and Stanley seven, they spent the summer on their grandparent's farm in Louisiana.

By his adolescence, his mom had married Jake West, a traveling salesman and the family moved to Vidor, Texas. In high school, Dean played trombone in the band, but was excused from physical education because of fainting spells. Jake and his mom started a candy business at that time. In 1958, Dean finished high school but did not graduate until he had make-up courses for the grades he failed.

The family moved to Houston where the candy business prospered but his folks' marriage accumulated tension and clashes. They divorced in 1962. Dean was drafted that year but his mom waged a two-year battle against his going into the army. The government won and Dean entered the service on 8/10/1964. At Fort Benning, GA he went to radio repair school, then to Fort Hood, TX. He was honorably discharged in June 1965 and went to work in the family candy business. He fixed up the home garage and put in a pool table where 14 and 15-year-old friends hung out.

Dean's mom remarried Jake in 1965. They opened another candy factory opposite Cooley Elementary School and Dean often gave away candy to the school kids. He worked out with weights to keep in top shape. In 1966 he got a white van with a rack for surf boards. He loved taking kids with him to the beach. He would get giddy around the boys, playing pranks and reaching out to pinch them, and kids were always around.

In June 1968, Dean was living in a shed across from the Helms school and kids were in and out for parties. He then moved to a house near the county orphanage. Later it was found that two boys had been killed there. In September 1970 he got an apartment and 15-year-old David Brooks moved in with him. He was giving David $10 each time that David allowed what is called "oral sodomy."

In the mid-'60s, Dean got a job at Houston Light and Power Co and worked at the candy factory at night.

It is supposed that he began to kill in June-July 1968 but there is no hard evidence to support this. He smoked pot and drank to get high and moved often, some 20-25 moves in a five-year period. In September 1970 he had a house where two boys were killed. On 11/17/1970 he rented a boat shed where 19 bodies were later dug up. In 1971 two brothers were killed and a nine-year-old boy. On 5/29/1971, two boys, 13 and 16, were killed, and on 8/17/1971, a 17-year-old boy. Another boy was held and tortured for four days before his murder. On 3/24/1972, an 18-year-old was killed and on 5/21/1972, a 17-year-old and a 15-year-old were killed. On 10/02/1972, two more boys were killed, 13 and 14 years old. One boy was sodomized repeatedly but escaped death, but not so for an 18-year old on 12/22/1972.

Murders were committed on the following dates: 6/04/1973, Billy Lawrence, 15. 7/19/1973, Tony Baulch, 16. 7/26/1973, Charles Colebele and Marty Ray Jones, both 17. 8/05/1973, James Dreymula, 13, after two days sexual torture. Corll was drinking heavily by then and had high blood pressure. By August he seemed possessed.

After he turned 30, friends noticed an abrupt change in Corll. He became morose and lost his sense of humor, falling into black moods. Six foot tall, he became puffy and soft with pale skin and poor circulation. His brown hair was graying at the back and temples. His face was described as "rabbity," with a thick nose and wide-set eyes.

David Brooks and Wayne Henley were two buddies and accomplices. It was Henley who eventually shot Corll to death on 8/08/1973 in Corll's home in Pasadena, Texas. He had been shot six times in the chest, shoulder and head.

As far as is known 28-30 boys met their death by Corll, Brooks and Henley. The latter two think it could have been as many as a hundred, with which police concur.

I read the book The Man with the Candy. It makes clear that many people—those who knew nothing about Corll’s pedophilia and homicide—found Corll personable, generous, and even kind. Some had a hard time believing him capable of so much destruction and cruelty even after it was known that he was.

There are more pictures of Corll and Henley, along with those of some of his victims at Wikipedia page on Corll.

Dean Arnold Corll (AA)—Data Acknowledgment
Birth: 12/24/1939, 8:45 p.m. CST, Fort Worth, IN. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the biography by Jack Olsen, The Man With the Candy, 1974. Same on B.R. in hand from Steinbrecher.
Conception:3/13/1939, 3:04:11 p.m. CST, Fort Worth, IN.

Dean Corll
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 4th Housethe First and Second Parts of the Significator, Showing Sexuality and Gender Preference, Respectively

Placidian House Cusps: c11—26Tau, c12—29Gem, c2—20Leo, c3—17Vir b11—3Gem, b12—5Can, b2—26Leo, b3—24Vir

Set (m) above shows a first part of the significator. It contains sun/2mars/neptune. C mars rules C MC and c 5th house. B mars rules B MC. C neptune co-rules (20 of 33°) c 8th house. This set, when followed by a second significator that indicates male gender preference, is a homosexual set. Such is the case here.

The second part of the significator is shown in Set (n) above. It has b4 mars conjunct b uranus, ruler of b 7th house, made Angular by B MC and shows a gender preference for male (mars) partners.(7th)

Dean Corll
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 4th Housethe Third Part of the Significator, Showing the Connection Between Sexuality and Children

Placidian House Cusps: c11—26Tau, c12—29Gem, c2—20Leo, c3—17Vir b11—3Gem, b12—5Can, b2—26Leo, b3—24Vir

The third part of the significator, shown in Set (o), is comprised of moon/venus/mars/jupiter/neptune/pluto all in one set, with b4 venus in Gemini and containing a golden benefic. (Note c mars is also in the previous set—it can go in either.) In this set, c mars rules C MC and c 5th house. B moon rules b 12th. B neptune co-rules (24 of 28°) b 8th house. B jupiter rules b 5th house. C uranus co-rules (20 of 22°) c 7th house.

I looked at Corll’s astrology for his first confirmed homicide. It contained a progressed mercury/mars/neptune—pb4 mercury at 1 Gemini 04, b neptune at 1 Virgo 36, and c mars at 1 Sagittarius 54. The progressed mercury/saturn was weaker--pb4 saturn was at 7 Scorpio 21 just entering a set with c4 mercury at 8 Leo 00.

His mercuries were not that afflicted in either this, his COG chart, or his 5th or 7th charts. I think his astrology substitutes another set for those mercury/mars/saturn sets. He has b mercury, ruler of b 3rd house, at 18 Scorpio 40 conjunct b4 NN at 19 Scorpio 36 in both 4th houses. We have seen in the mercury in Scorpio substitute for mercury/mars in charts of people with Parkinson’s disease. And the substitution of uranus in Scorpio in all kinds of charts for the normal (necessary, but not necessarily sufficient) mars/saturn significators for death. So this set could be interpreted as the death (4th/Scorpio) of children (mercury). Since NN is conjunct it, it means there’s something extra in it for him, which is “why” he carried it that far.

Unlike his malefic mercury significators, Corll had very strong benefic significators at the time.

  • B4 mercury at 22 Leo 02 in the same set with c jupiter at 22 Aquarius 56 and progressed c venus at 22 Aquarius 46.
  • C mercury at 16 Pisces 20 was in the same set with c4 jupiter at 17 Pisces 34 and pc4 venus at 16 Pisces 35.
  • His return put node/mercury/neptune on return Angles.

Richard Allen Davis
Above picture from the Internet

Richard Allen Davis
Biographical data from Astrodatabank stated: American homicide; arraigned on eight felony counts for the kidnapping and murder of 12-year-old Polly Klaas. She was snatched from her bedroom at knife point after a slumber party on 10/01/1993 where he tied up two other girls. He was booked on suspicion on 12/06/1993. The girl's body was found 12/04/1993 in a shallow grave just south of Cloverdale, CA. He had strangled and buried her.

Burly, heavily tattooed, Davis was a parolee with two kidnapping convictions and a long criminal record. He was the third of five kids, the son of an alcoholic truck driver with a marginal employment record. The household was place of fighting and drinking; his parents divorced when he was nine. He was a rotten kid from childhood, dousing cats with gas and setting them on fire and using dogs for knife-throwing practice. He made many moves with a record of truancy and trouble making through a variety of schools.

Davis dropped out of school to join the army where he discovered heroin within a year. From 1969 to 1974, he took jobs as menial labor, pumping gas, utility man, lumber yard. He had frequent changes of job due to starting fights and petty theft.

In 1973, Davis was jailed for being drunk, resisting arrest, possession of marijuana, theft and burglary, with six months in jail. He found jail boring with no drugs and not enough room to move around. In August 1975 he was picked up again and given a six-year sentence, from which he was paroled in a year.

On 9/24/1976, he heard a voice asking what would it be like to be raped? He attempted his first rape but the girl got away and he was put in jail in Pleasanton, where he tried to hang himself. He was moved to Napa State Hospital December 1976. In May 1977 he was given one-to-twenty five years for kidnapping. He was released in March 1982 after serving five years.

After meeting Sue Edwards, he found a companion with whom to play "Bonnie and Clyde." They conducted small time hold-ups, pistol whipped people, robbed a bank and restaurant, another bank and a yogurt shop. Picked up March 1985, he was given 16 years in state prison. This time he found drugs easier to get in jail so he was able to continue his habit.

Davis was paroled again on 6/27/1993 with $200 cash and no job skills. He established legal residence in Redwood City, CA. In November, he got a pass to visit the northern end of the state, Ukiah. He never returned but skipped parole. In Petaluma, on the night that he snatched Polly, he was loaded with drugs and said he did not know why he did it.

After the crime, with Polly still alive and in the car, he swerved and went into a ditch. The police stopped to help him. Later, when the report came in of Polly's kidnapping, they remembered the car and picked him up, but it was too late.

The jury handed down the death penalty for the murder of Polly Klaas on 8/05/1996, c. 3:10 PM PDT, San Jose, CA.

I wonder if the fact that Davis abducted Polly from her home--surely an unusual abduction, has anything to do with the fact his COG chart for it is the 4th chart, the one that represents our homes.

Davis’ full criminal record is available on Wikipedia at the following link: Davis’ Criminal Record. He is still alive on death row at San Quentin State Prison.

I wrote about Davis in the paper on abducted children. Here is the link to that paper: Paper on Abductors . At that time I suspected Angle/venus/Gemini/5th was involved in pedophilia, but I had not yet discovered COG charts. Here, Davis’ 4th chart represents his COG, at least with regard to his abduction and murder of Polly Klaas. His synastry with her 4th chart is strong and helps substantiate that his 4th was indeed involved.

That paper also includes material on several other individuals whose astrology is re-presented here using their COG chart: Father Richard LaVigne and his alleged victim, Danny Croteau, Charles Jaynes and his victim, Jeffrey Curley, and John Wayne Gacy and his victim, Gregory Godzik.

Richard Allen Davis (A)—Data Acknowledgment
Birth: 6/02/1954, 6:34 p.m. PDT, San Francisco, CA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Clippings in hand, Joanne Stanton quotes the San Francisco chronicle, data given in an article, presented with parent’s name as from the birth certificate.
Conception:8/25/1953, 4:01:00 a.m. PDT, San Francisco, CA.

Richard Allen Davis
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 4th Housethe First, Second, and Third Parts of the Significator, Showing Sexuality, Gender Preference, and Attraction to Children, Respectively

Placidian House Cusps: c11—30Ari, c12—5Gem, c2—27Can, c3—22Leo b11—8Vir, b12—4Lib, b2—26Sco, b3—0Cap

Set (p) shows us node/sun/venus/mars/jupiter, giving us a first part of the significator which includes a golden benefic with venus opposition jupiter. B venus rules B Asc and b 12th house. C mars co-rules (30 of 35°) c 5th house. I would say this shows a strong sexuality (Angle/light/venus/mars/5th) for the 1st part of the significator, but it must be qualified. His 5th chart, which also says something about his sexuality, is heavily afflicted. In his 5th chart his C MC at 23 Pisces 31 in b 5th house is conjunct c5 sun at 24 Pisces 53, b5 neptune at 26 Pisces 04, and c5 saturn at 26 Pisces 21. These shows a “deflated” sexuality, embarrassment, shame.

Set (p) also contains the third part of the significator, because it contains lighted venus in Gemini with Angular and 5th influence.

Set (q) above yields the second part of the significator. C4 venus, at 3 Taurus 19, is in b 7th house, rules c 5th house, and is made Angular by B MC at 5 Leo 51.

That unnumbered set in the drawing above with c mercury at 25 Cancer 18 and B Asc at 26 Libra 01 also includes c mars at 23 Cancer 01, c4 saturn at 26 Libra 53, and b4 neptune at 26 Libra 37—a mercury/mars/saturn/neptune set.

He has b mercury at 10 Gemini 40 conjunct b jupiter at 8 Gemini 02. C4 mercury at 2 Libra 17 is in the same set with c venus at 0 Cancer 30. Summed—mercury/venus/jupiter.

His progressions showed pb mercury at 16 Gemini 10 conjunct pb jupiter at 16 Gemini 59. There was no progressed mercury/venus. He did have progressed c4 saturn at 3 Libra 44 in the same set with b4 mercury at 3 Capricorn 58. And pb mars at 3 Sagittarius 27, pb4 NN at 3 Pisces 53, and pc4 mercury at 4 Sagittarius 40. The mercury is a bit wide from the node, but probably still effective (nodes move more slowly and less predictably, and appear to have a slightly larger orb in progressions than do the sun and moon, which have only a 1° orb.) Summed, that would have given him a progressed mercury/mars/saturn.

At the time of his abduction of Polly, whose birth time is also recorded to the nearest minute, Davis had progressed C Asc at 20 Leo 32 in the same set with b4 venus at 20 Aquarius 40 and pc4 mars at 20 Aquarius 32—planets of sexuality. His return Ascendant for Petaluma was at 18 Virgo 34, highlighting set (p) above and his venus in Gemini.

Here is some of the synastry:

  • Polly’s progressed b4 mars at 21 Leo 38 was in the same set with C MC at 21 Aquarius 42 and B Desc at 21 Leo 05 and her pc4 NN at 21 Scorpio 05, close enough to be in Davis Angle/venus/mars set just discussed. There’s too much mars in this compound set. Her return for Petaluma had an MC of 21 Scorpio 34.

  • Her progressed C Asc was at 5 Pisces 03 conjunct b4 mercury, ruler of b 5th house, at 5 Pisces 13 and in the same set with Davis’ b4 NN at 5 Pisces 35.

  • Her progressed B MC was at 10 Sagittarius 22 in the same set with his b mercury at 10 Gemini 40 and his progressed c4 NN at 10 Gemini 34.

  • Her pc4 mercury, ruler of C Asc and c 5th house (therefore a light in itself) is at 28 Pisces 32. While mercury in Pisces does not always indicate suffering, in this case it does because of its connection to her 5th house of sexuality.

  • Her progressed B Asc at 14 Pisces 01 picks up his b moon at 13 Gemini 29 and b mars at 13 Sagittarius 41, which in this context shows the force (moon/mars) he used against her (her Angle)

The suggestion that Polly was susceptible to abduction shows strongly in this 4th chart: her c4 sun is conjunct c4 mars in the overlap of b 5th house with c 1st house, one of the astrological conditions that suggests an early introduction (1st house, childhood) to sexuality (5th house, sexuality). Sun/mars suggests a driven (mars) man (sun).

Biographical data state Davis experienced a psychotic break on September 24, 1976. We want to see his astrology for psychosis—is it there?

The astrology of psychosis is identified, among others, in the paper on insanity for Virginia Woolf, Vaslav Nijinsky, Vincent Van Gogh, and Friedrich Nietzsche. Here is the link: Woolf paper.

Going by those guidelines for establishing susceptibility to psychosis, Davis 3rd chart does not show that susceptibility. On the date mentioned, he did have the following set:

Set (q-1)pb mars8 Sagittarius 17
b jupiter8 Gemini 02
b3 mars8 Gemini 27 41
pc3 saturn8 Gemini 59
pc mercury8 Virgo 50co-ruler (24 of 32°) c 3rd house
pc3 mars8 Virgo 31

Note the above set lacks an Angle ruler, making it much weaker than if it had one. Mercury/mars/saturn/3rd in the 3rd chart shows mental (mercury) dissonance (mars/saturn) which could be unpleasant. It some times shows an intellect that “skips” pieces of information. Since he also had pb saturn, ruler of b 3rd house, at 8 Libra 38, in the same set with pc3 NN at 8 Libra 48, some depression was likely. But the only psychosis possible through these sets occurred because he was also doing drugs—a bad, as they say, trip.

The 5th chart, like the 5th house in a traditional chart, includes information about (1) the individual’s sexuality, (2) their procreative capacity, and some information in general about the creativity, in theory a creativity that is sponsored through the sheer exuberance that can be correlative of a strong sexuality.

Andrea Alloca
Biographical data from Astrodatabank stated: Italian homicide, a pedophile who raped and killed the Delle Cave boy, age nine, on 11/08/1997.

He died in jail a few weeks later of emphysema on 11/30/1997, 4:00 PM, Naples, Italy.

You’d think if he was that far gone with emphysema he wouldn’t have the energy nor breath to commit rape.

Alloca was 70 years old when he committed this crime. We do not know if this was his first instance of pedophilia. We do not know if he was married. Did he have a family? Below I show astrology which supports his pedophilia having developed late in his life. At the same time, Alloca’s astrology for pedophilia raises a number of questions, discussed below.

Andrea Alloca (AA)—Data Acknowledgment
Birth: 2/22/1927, 4:00 a.m. MET, Comiziano, Italy. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Bordoni quotes B.C. in Datanotizie 4/1998.
Conception:5/14/1926, 1:56:26 a.m. MET, Comiziano, Italy.

The 5th houses of the 5th and 7th charts always contain information about an individual’s sexuality, even when they are not the COG chart. Alloca’s 7th chart gives us more information about his sexuality than his 5th.

Andrea Alloca
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th Housethe First Part of the Significator, Showing Sexuality

Placidian House Cusps: c11—18Sag, c12—12Capo, c2—4Ari, c3—4Tau b11—3Sco, b12—24Sco, b2—25Cap, b3—7Pis

Set (r) contains sun/venus/mars with influence to B MC and b 5th house through b7 venus. B sun co-rules (30 of 42°) b 8th house. Showing Angle/light/venus/mars/5th, Set (r) shows a strong sexuality.

Add Set (s) to it. It shows node/venus/jupiter/uranus with influence to B Asc through b7 jupiter in Gemini and influence to c 5th house through c7 moon co-ruling (12 of 24°) it. Set (s) is a golden benefic which shows great pleasure and a sense of triumph (conjunction of the greater and lesser benefics) to his sex life (Angle/5th)

Set (t), is comprised of c mercury, ruler of c 5th house, in the same set with B MC and b moon, ruler of b 8th. This is a second part significator for bisexuality.

Alloca’s 7th chart also supplied some very meaningful progressions and return positions for the rape. Alloca’s (Italian) birth data is only correct to the nearest 15 minutes, so I included Angle data with reservations. But his time appears correct --some people in Europe must actually be born on the quarter-hour:

  • One progression that occurred in all charts was progressed b venus, ruler of b 5th house, at 26 Taurus 24, in the same set with C MC at 26 Scorpio 49. This was joined by return venus was at 25 Scorpio 29 and return mars at 25 Scorpio 22—a sexual set..

  • Return MC was at 12 Pisces 57 conjunct c venus at 14 Pisces 17.

  • Progressed b jupiter, ruler of B Asc, was at 0 Pisces 34 conjunct b venus, ruler of b 5th house, at 0 Pisces 49, astrology that typically happens when one falls in love. I did not find a light for this set. I suspect the light was provided by the boy’s astrology.

  • Progressed B MC was at 18 Sagittarius 51, return 7 venus at 19 Gemini 23, return 7 mars at 18 Gemini 16, and c pluto at 19 Gemini 19. All the planets in Gemini fall in his c 5th house.

  • Progressed c7 venus, ruler of c 8th house, was at 29 Pisces 26 in the same set with progressed B Asc at 29 Pisces 51.

All of the above show attraction and desire. He has a new with pc7 moon at 8 Aries 27 and pc7 mercury, ruler of c 5th house, at 7 Cancer 51—fitting into Set (t) above.

So far, we have seen nothing about either homosexuality or pedophilia. True, he had lighted venus in Gemini in a 5th house, but that was a return venus, which is not at all sufficient to sponsor pedophilia. Angle/light/venus/mars/pluto/5th represents rape

when it occurs in charts of both rapists and their adult victims. Sometimes it occurs in children’s charts for rape, and some times not.

We are still working with the 7th chart. A set which does a good job of suggesting a negative, destructive relationship to a child is shown by:

Set (s-1)pb7 mercury13 Leo 10ruler of b 7th house
c mars 13 Aquarius 35ruler of C MC
b7 SN 13 Scorpio 38
b saturn13 Scorpio 28

Mercury represents the child, and mars and saturn the destruction. The node is the light.

To see the set which shows his growing attraction to children as he aged, we need to look at a set in his 5th chart.

Andrea Alloca
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 5th Housethe Third Part of the Significator, Showing Connection Between Sexuality and Children

Placidian House Cusps: c11—18Sag, c12—12Capo, c2—4Ari, c3—4Tau b11—3Sco, b12—24Sco, b2—25Cap, b3—7Pis

Set (u) shows us a lighted (by the node) venus in Gemini in Alloca’s 5th chart. But, it has no connection to a 5th house or an Angle. The dotted line represents venus and uranus in Pisces eventually joining the set. This occurs because the progressing node eventually acts like a light for all three of the planets, bringing them into one set. Let’s look at it.

DateBirth AgeProgressed b NNMidpoint of b NN and pb NN
2-22-19472010 Gemini 1510 Gemini 53
2-22-1957308 Gemini 2910 Gemini 00
2-22-1967407 Gemini 389 Gemini 34
2-22-1977507 Gemini 019 Gemini 01
2-22-1987605 Gemini 438 Gemini 37
2-22-1997705 Gemini 038 Gemini 17

Alloca was 70 years old when he raped and killed the Delle Cove boy. Between birth NN at 11 Sagittarius 31, pb NN at 5 Gemini 03 and their midpoint at 8 Gemini 17, b5 venus and b uranus in Pisces are pulled into Set (u) with c5 venus in Gemini. B5 venus rules B MC and b 5th house, and c uranus rules C Asc. Now the set shows Angle/light/venus-in-Gemini-5th influence.

Note that this chart also contains the all-charts significator for bisexuality: b mercury at 26 Aquarius 14 is in the same set with c moon at 24 Taurus 34, co-ruler (12 of 24°) of c 5th house and made Angular by C MC at 26 Scorpio 49. But he also has a second part significator for male gender preference with that b5 mars at 14 Gemini 24 conjunct B Desc at 14 Gemini 19. We do have enough information to know if he had any relationships with females.

He has a full homosexual first and second significator sets in his 6th chart.. Too bad we have no more information about his life.

Andrea Alloca
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 6th HouseFirst and Second Parts of the Significator for Homosexuality

Placidian House Cusps: c11—18Sag, c12—12Capo, c2—4Ari, c3—4Tau b11—3Sco, b12—24Sco, b2—25Cap, b3—7Pis

Set (v), shown above, is comprised of moon/mars/jupiter/saturn/neptune. C Mars rules C MC and c moon co-rules (12 of 24°) c 5th house. B jupiter rules B Asc. Angle/light/mars/neptune/5th/(7th) represents the first part of the significator for homosexuality. C6 moon is a part of both Sets (v) and (w), but I am not combining them because I would also have to include C Asc, and as far as I am concerned C Asc does not belong in Set (v)—the orb is too large.

Set (w), on the other hand, includes C Asc, c6 moon in Scorpio, and mars/saturn in Leo conjunct the Desc, with c6 mars ruling C MC. The mars/Desc part comprises the the second part of the significator for homosexuality. However, it is conjunction saturn. That suggests considerable difficulty initiating a (homosexual) relationship, which might have relegated this chart into the background until Alloca’s pedophile significator matured. Then progressions representing desire in his 5th and 7th charts would have pushed him beyond any hesitation.

Does this chart show his recently activated homosexual pedophilia leading to murder, or does it speak of his own murder while in custody? To show murder, 4th, 7th and 12th houses as well as an Angle need the influence of lighted mars/saturn. His c6 mars on that Desc not only rules C MC, but C MC is in b 12th house. What it lacks is a 4th influence.

David Paul Brown
Above picture from the Internet>

David Paul Brown
Biographical data from Astrodatabank stated: American psychopathic monster cannibal who sexually assaulted, killed, roasted and stewed little boys. In his youth, he spent 12 years in the Bridgewater Facility for the Sexually Dangerous in Massachusetts for sex offenders, charged with pedophilia. After graduating from a technical school in 1975, he was charged with abducting an eight-year-old boy and arrested. By 1978, he had been convicted of attacking two more boys and started his stay in Bridgewater. In 1991, it was a short 43 days after his release from Bridgewater when he was again arrested. The judge released him into his mom's recognizance to live in Montana for a more wholesome lifestyle. They lived in a house that his brother owned until he moved into an apartment of his own.

Brown took the name of Nathaniel Benjamin Levy Bar-Jonah, saying that he wanted to have a Jewish name to know what it felt like to be persecuted, outraging the local Jews. Working at a fast-food chain, he had a three-day a week garage sale that featured memorabilia such as dolls, stuffed animals and toys. He was continually surrounded by children, though some of the neighbors were suspicious of the 280 lb. man.

In late 1999, Bar-Jonah was picked up by the police for impersonating a police officer in front of an elementary school while allegedly stalking a five-year-old boy. In his car was a stun gun, pepper spray, a police badge and a toy pistol. He was already a suspect in the 1996 disappearance of ten-year-old Zachary Ramsay, but a combination of errors had delayed an investigation until the time of his arrest. In his apartment, police found tens of thousands of pictures of local kids, taken from newspapers, yearbooks and photos. Thousands more pictures showed naked and half-naked children, many of whom were now missing, and pictures of Bar-Jonah's genitals. He had menus printed of entrees such as "Barbequed Kid," "Sex A La Carte," "Little Boy Stew" and "Roasted Child." He had kept a detailed diary of his activities, with confusing and cryptic notes that mixed fantasy with reality, tales of torture, seduction and eating of human flesh. There was a list of 22 boys, eight of whom are suspected of being Bar-Jonah's victims. Police believe that the Ramsay boy was butchered by Bar-Jonah and his remains served to neighbors in burgers and stews. His 25 arrests and convictions for child molestation are being investigated, along with the identity of bones found under his garage floor. In his kitchen, a pulley had been screwed into the ceiling from which he could hang a victim to be butchered in the manner used by the notorious Ed Gein. The sewer pipes of the house had been replaced due to getting clogged so many times.

The citizens of Great Falls, Montana, are sickened. Community meetings are trying to help them deal with the horror that has visited their home town as well as investigate the loss of their children.

As the probe continued, speculation arose about as many as eight more kids besides the four for which he was convicted in Massachusetts, and 54 names of missing kids were being examined in Montana.

David Paul Brown (also Nathaniel Bar-Jonah, a legal name change) (AA)—Data Acknowledgment
Birth: 2/15/1957, 8:38 a.m. EST, Worcester, MA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quotes the birth certificate.
Conception:5/07/1956, 12:08:38 p.m. EST, Worcester, MA.

David Paul Brown
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 5th Housethe First and Second Parts of the Significator, Showing Sexuality and Gender Preference

Placidian House Cusps: c11—20Sco, c12—10Sag, c2—22Aqu, c3—1Ari b11—5Cap, b12—4Aqu, b2—28Ari, b3—22Tau

Set (x) shows C MC/2node/sun/mercury/mars/jupiter/neptune. C5 mercury co-rules (10 of 20°) c 5th house. This set showing Angle/light/mars/neptune/5th gives us the first part of the significator for homosexuality. It also contains the second part—b5 mars is in the same set with c5 mercury, co-ruler (10 of 20°) of c 5th house, and made Angular by C MC. Note that c5 mercury at 27 Cancer 33 is in b 5th house and made Angular by C MC at 28 Libra 39—normally a bisexual indicator. But, in the context of a pedophile significator, likely representing “children” without reference to gender preference.

David Paul Brown—the Third Part of the Significator, Showing the Connection Between Sexuality And Children

  • Set (y) in the drawing above shows a powerfully benefic set including sun/moon/mercury/venus/jupiter/pluto. The 3rd part of the significator shows in lighted c venus in Gemini with it influence to C MC and c 5th house. The venus in Gemini is also in c 5th house. B jupiter rules B MC. B5 mercury rules b 7th. C5 sun in Pisces rules c 8th house. Set (y) shows a golden benefic with influence to two Angles, 5th, 7th, and 8th houses. It shows a powerful feeling of elation and well-being which comes through sexuality, here with children. That conjunction of sun/mercury/pluto in Pisces also suggests some one is going to suffer for that pleasure. In Brown’s case, it was the boys he raped and murdered who suffered.

Brown has astrology suggesting problems with mental balance occurring in his 3rd chart. B Asc at 20 Pisces 07 is conjunct c3 sun at 22 Pisces 23 and c3 uranus at 22 Pisces 39. Maybe sun’s rulership over c 8th house shows a tendency to merge (Pisces/8th—which implies Scorpio) with others, a possible astrological sponsor of his cannibalism. Uranus in Pisces conjunct an Angle creates some scary states—uranus on an Angle is already high-powered. In Pisces, it shows a flood of high-powered states difficult to handle and filled with (unpleasant since completely unforeseen) surprises.

Without more concise dates, we cannot do progressions for Brown’s homicides. Before progressions, he lacks the mercury/venus/jupiter and mercury/mars/saturn sets often found in charts of homicidal pedophiles. His sun/moon/mercury/pluto in Pisces, discussed just above, is his astrological substitute for a mercury/mars/saturn.

David B. Connors
Biographical data from Astrodatabank stated: American pedophile, charged with the repeatedly raping five boys between the ages of 11 and 14. The unemployed carpenter and father of two girls was arrested and charged in October, 1994.

The alleged rapes reportedly took place in a shed behind Connors' house where he lived with his wife and two young daughters.

Connors pleaded guilty in June 1995 and was sentenced to several years in prison to be followed by several years of probation. He had a prior conviction for drunk driving and was being investigated for his role in a vehicular homicide.

David B. Connors (AA)—Data Acknowledgment
Birth: 3/14/1963, 1:33 p.m. EST, Lowell, MA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quotes the birth certificate.
Conception:6/04/1962, 9:37:46 a.m. EDT, Lowell, MA.

David B. Connors
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 5th Housethe First, Second, and Third Parts of the Significator, Showing Sexuality, Gender Preferences, and Pedophilia, Respectively

Placidian House Cusps: c11—10Tau, c12—16Gem, c2—6Leo, c3—2Vir b11—3Tau, b12—10Gem, b2—0Leo, b3—25Leo

Set (z) shows first and third parts of the significator. It contains sun/moon/venus/2mars/saturn. B and c mars each rule a 5th house, while c mars rules C MC. Angle/light/venus/mars/5th shows a strong, ready sexuality and gives us the first part of the significator. The saturn in this set puts some damper on it, but it could even function more as caution or fear relative to getting caught. The lighted venus in Gemini with Angle and 5th influence shows our third part.

David B. Connors—the Second Part of the Significator, Showing Gender Preference

  • The biography states he is married and the father of two little children. Instead of a significator for bisexuality, he has one significator each for male and female genders. Set (aa), shown in the drawing above, shows the female one as b venus on C Desc. With saturn, it tends to render his relationship to women “dutiful.” Set (bb), with Asc/2mars, shows the male one. Both c mars and b mars rule 5th houses and they are made Angular by B Asc.

The 6th chart, like the 6th house in a traditional chart, includes information about our health as well as our experience with positions of service. Service is not always “menial.” Dag Hammarskjöld, second Secretary-General of the United Nations had his 6th chart as his center of gravity chart.

Robert Black
Biographical data from Astrodatabank stated: Scottish kidnapper and child molester suspected of committing three unsolved murders. He abducted and sexually assaulted a six-year-old child on 7/14/1990. On 8/10/1990 he was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Robert Black (AA)—Data Acknowledgment
Birth: 4/21/1947, 8:35 p.m. GDWT (double war time), Falkirk, Scotland. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Pulsar No. 5 quotes the birth certificate.
Conception:7/13/1946, 10:11:45 p.m. EET, Falkirk, Scotland.

Robert Black
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 6th Housethe First Part of the Significator, Showing Sexuality

Placidian House Cusps: c11—16Sco, c12—0Sag, c2—18Aqu, c3—4Ari b11—13Leo, b12—9Vir, b2—24Lib, b3—28Sco

Set (cc), with Angle/moon/venus/mars/neptune shows a strong and emotional sexuality. C6 venus rules c 5th house. B neptune co-rules (9 of 26°) b 5th house. C6 moon co-rules (30 of 62°) c 7th house.

Robert Black—the Second Part of the Significator, Showing Gender Preference

  • Biographical data does not tell gender of the child abducted or of those murdered. If his preference is for females, then the set above shows c6 venus in Gemini conjunct C Desc, and describes a consciousness of female partners. If the child was a boy, then his 5th chart contains a male significator—c5 mars at 17 Gemini 49 conjunct C Desc at 16 Gemini 14.

Robert Black—the Third Part of the Significator, Showing the Connection Between Sexuality And Children

  • Set (cc) above also shows lighted venus in Gemini with influence to an Angle and 5th house.

On July 14, 1990, when he was 43 and abducted the child, he had the following astrology in his 6th chart:

  • progressed c venus, ruler of c 5th house, at 24 Virgo 44 conjunct c jupiter at 24 Virgo 42. I did not find a light for this set. It may have been supplied by the boy’s astrology.

  • For the harmonic of the above, progressed c6 venus was also conjunct c 6 jupiter.

  • His return had neptune at 18 Sagittarius 30, in the same set with his venus at 18 Gemini 30, shown in Set (cc) above.

  • Return6 moon was at 15 Pisces 22 and return6 venus at 15 Sagittarius 08, both fitting into Set (cc) above.

  • Return6 neptune at 26 Taurus 44 was conjunct c NN at 26 Taurus 40 in c 5th house of his 6th chart.

The 7th chart, the main chart of this method, contains a great deal of information about our lives. Theoretically, it is concerned only with matters pertaining to the 7th house—our relations with significant others, including marriage, business partners, and close friends. However, in fact it contains information about just about every aspect of our life, including health, finances, death, career, talents, children. and so on. It just doesn't contain all the information on these subjects.

William Ancion
Biographical data from Astrodatabank stated: Belgian politician in the Social Christian Party, assistant to the Mayor of Liege. Ancion is Minister of Sports for the French community of Belgium and Minister of International Sports Relationships. Found to be a pedophile, he was fired from his job and disgraced.

William Ancion (AA)—Data Acknowledgment
Birth: 7/17/1971, 10:00 a.m. MET, Seraing, Belgium. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Michael Mandl quotes B.C. in DATAsophia N. 4/1997.
Conception:10/07/1970, 8:53:22 p.m. MET, Seraing, Belgium.

William Ancion
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th Housethe First Part of the Significator, Showing Sexuality

Placidian House Cusps: c11—22Aqu, c12—8 Ari, c2—16Gem, c3—3Can b11—28Gem, b12—30Can, b2—18Vir, b3—17 Lib

Set (dd) contains sun/2moon/venus/jupiter/uranus, a golden benefic. C sun rules c 5th house. B venus rules B MC. B7 uranus rules b 7th house.

William Ancion—the Second Part of the Significator, Showing Gender Preference

  • Ancion’s biographical data also did not state a gender preference. For boys he has c mars at 27 Leo 59 in c 5th house made Angular by C Asc at 27 Taurus 42.

William Ancion—the Third Part of the Significator, Showing the Connection Between Sexuality And Children

  • The venus in Gemini with Angle and 5th influence is shown above in Set (dd).

John Wayne Gacy
Picture from the Internet

John Wayne Gacy
Biographical data from Astrodatabank stated: American homicide; indicted on 1/13/1979 for the sadistic sexual assault and murder of 33 young men and boys, most of whom he buried in his cellar. After Gacy's conviction, there were 14 years of appeals before he was executed by lethal injection on 5/10/1994 at Joliet Federal Penitentiary, IL. He was pronounced dead at 12:58 am.

In November 1998, police began digging outside an apartment building in Chicago where Gacy's mother had once lived, looking for more bodies. Gacy had confessed to burying most of his 33 victims under his house, with four dumped in the river, but while in prison, he wrote a note, "Let them find the bodies." There may be more.

Raised in Chicago, he was the son of a machinist, a drunk who beat his wife and terrorized their three kids. Gacy briefly attended business college and became a show salesman before being arrested in Iowa for sodomy in 1968. He served 18 months of a ten-year-sentence, during which his wife of five years divorced him, before returning to Chicago in 1970.

He became a restaurant cook and opened a contracting business on the side. In January 1972, Gacy killed his first victim, a teenager picked up at the Greyhound bus station.

For the next six years Gacy, who married again in 1972, lured mostly young hustlers and hitchhikers to his suburban, two-bedroom home with promises of jobs, money and drugs. After having sex, he would often drug them and then usually hang or strangle the young men and bury the bodies in the crawl space of his house. He was finally caught in 1978 after killing 15-year-old Robert Piest, who had told his mom that he was going to see Gacy about a job. While investigating, police noticed an odor in Gacy's bathroom, and began a gruesome excavation that unearthed 27 bodies. Other victims dumped in the Des Plaines River.

Gacy's second wife divorced him for sexual impotency. He lived an outgoing, seemingly normal life as a successful remodeling contractor, Democratic precinct captain and amateur clown. When apprehended, he confessed to strangling the young men and boys whom he had picked up for sex between 1972 and 1978. After his 1980 conviction, he recanted his confession, declaring his innocence with great indignation. He also turned his notoriety into profit, setting up a 900-phone number through a local attorney where people could talk to him for $1.99 a minute. He also sold his paintings from prison, including self-portraits, clowns, Jesus and Hitler, for up to $100 apiece. He basked in the attentions of the press, manipulating the system until the day that he was executed by the state.

In 1993, when it was learned that he had made about $100,000 in 14 years from his art, embarrassed prison authorities declared that Gacy's business was a "burden on the mail room" and made him stop. Gacy spent about half of his income on art and mail supplies and paying medical and funeral costs for his mother, who died in 1989. He was left with about $1,200 in his prison account at the time of his execution.

There was some confusion for me about whether Gacy’s time of birth was war time or CST based on the way it was written in the ADB (see Data Acknowledgment below). In an earlier paper I used CST. Here, I use CWT. Below I show the astrology which validates CWT as the correct time.

John Wayne Gacy (AA)—Data Acknowledgment
Birth: 3/17/1942, 12:29 a.m. CWT, Chicago, IL. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Edith Custer quotes hospital records in Mercury Hour, 4/1979. (CST confirmed).
Conception:6/06/1941, 9:20:41 p.m. CST, Chicago, IL.

John Wayne Gacy
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th Housethe First Part of the Significator, Showing Sexuality

Placidian House Cusps: c11—9Sco, c12—29Scoo, c2—4Aqu, c3—16Pis b11—24Vir, b12—18Lib, b2—8Sag, b3—17Cap

Set (ee) contains node/moon/mercury/venus/neptune showing an excited (neptune) sexuality. C venus rules c 5th house and C MC. C mercury rules c 7th house. B 7 neptune rules b 5th house.

Gacy’s 5th chart contains a golden benefic in Taurus in his c 5th house. Here are the values: b5 venus, ruler of b 7th house, is at 17 Taurus 46 conjunct b jupiter at 19 Taurus 59 conjunct c sun at 22 Taurus 04 conjunct b uranus at 22 Taurus 10. It also has jupiter on two Angles, moon/venus on a third, and uranus on the fourth. Free from affliction by saturn, these are indications of his “luck” in finding victims. His sex life functions, so to speak, on “greased wheels.”

We all know what Angle/venus/jupiter (even summed, as occurs here, that is, venus and jupiter are not on the same Angle) feels like at some point in our lives. He was feeling like a winner who could do no wrong. He was clear. He knew who he was and what he wanted. And, at that moment in time, the universe was fulfilling his wishes. It felt like it would go on forever, as astrology like this usually does. For instance, progressed Angle/venus/jupiter occurs at the time of marriage. The couple feels on top of the world and like their love will go on forever. When the Angle/venus/jupiter passes (if it does) what occurs is the condition we know as “the honeymoon is over.”

His 5th chart contains a second golden benefic with regard to his sexuality. Here are those values:

Set (ee-1)c5 venus5 Capricorn 18ruler of C MC and c 5th house
c5 SN2 Aries 48
b5 moon4 Aries 12
c5 jupiter1 Cancer 34ruler of C Asc
b5 neptune2 Libra 31ruler of b 5th house
c5 sun4 Libra 26ruler of c 8th house

Venus being opposite jupiter in set (ee-1) above makes the set less benefic because with the opposition they fight each other, but the set is still a golden benefic. In a normal, heterosexual chart the opposition, especially a close one, tends to prevent marriage because luck (jupiter) is at odds with love (venus). Or brings the individual into love (venus) relationships not socially acceptable (opposition jupiter). It does not prevent relationship or sex.

John Wayne Gacy—the Second Part of the Significator, Showing Gender Preference

  • Having been married several times, but preferring boys as a pedophile, Gacy is bisexual. C7 mercury, at 22 Gemini 01 is conjunct C Desc at 20 Gemini 31, showing a bisexual significator.

John Wayne Gacy—the Third Part of the Significator, Showing the Connection Between Sexuality And Children

  • Set (ff) above contains his lighted venus in Gemini with influence to an Angle and 5th house. This set also qualifies as a first part significator, but I am not sure how moon/venus by itself operates in the chart of a man. In a woman’s chart, it contributes to her receptivity

Gacy probably did better as an artist than a number of would-be artists. And his success occurred after he was tried, convicted, and jailed for murdering and torturing many children. So he has to have a set which shows artistic success, something with Angle/light/venus/2nd/3rd. He does, and it is only in this CWT chart, not in the CST chart. Here it is:

Set (gg)C MC16 Libra 09
c moon18 Libra 30
b venus19 Capricorn 41in b 3rd house
c7 moon16 Cancer 46
c7 jupiter19 Cancer 09ruler of C Asc in b 2nd house

Set (gg) shows an Angular golden benefic with influence to the 3rd house (venus/3rd for art/aesthetics, plus MC for “known.” The 2nd house influence shows money from it such activities.

Gacy does not have the afflicted mercuries which often show in COG, 5th, and 7th charts of pedophiles who also murder their victims. Gacy’s motivation for murder appears to come from two places astrologically:

  • B sun at 2 Pisces 04 is conjunct c SN at 4 Pisces 41 is conjunct b moon, co-ruler (17 of 38°) of b 8th house, at 4 Pisces 53. Two Pisces lights conjunct a SN is too much pull toward the dissociative states produced by Pisces. In terms of past lifetimes, we could say they represent an individual who felt extremely victimized or weak or undefended. In this lifetime, he will go to great lengths to avoid that form of consciousness by always making sure some one else is the weak and undefended one.

  • His 5th chart shows c5 mercury at 20 Pisces 27 made Angular by C Asc at 20 Sagittarius 31. Since mercury, regardless of house influence (this one rules 7th and 9th house, and co-rules c 8th house), can represent children, it shows Gacy projecting, again, his own mental (mercury) suffering (Pisces) or sensitivity onto others, especially his young victims. They will be the ones who suffer, not him.

    We often have a progressed mercury in Pisces in our own charts when undergoing some particularly unpleasant form of suffering just like we often see progressed mercury in Scorpio when an individual is conscious of his own upcoming death.

For his first known murder—of Tim McCoy on January 2, 1972, Gacy had strong astrology showing his attraction to that young man. Here is some from his 7th chart:

  • Pb venus, ruler of b 7th house, at 15 Aquarius 10 was in the same set with p C MC at 15 Scorpio 19 and pc jupiter, ruler of C Asc, at 15 Taurus 47. As an opposition it presents some conflict, but it still shows lesser and greater benefics on an Angle.

  • Progressed b mercury, coming from 6 Aquarius 22 at birth, had entered b 5th house and was at 26 Pisces 37 in the same set with pb7 moon at 26 Virgo 16.

  • Progressed b7 neptune, ruler of b 5th house, at 4 Gemini 42R was conjunct c venus, ruler of c 5th house and C MC, at 5 Gemini 03, and lighted by pc moon at 5 Sagittarius 56.

  • Progressed c7 uranus (coming from 1 Gemini 08 at conception) was at 15 Gemini 06 conjunct c mercury at 15 Gemini 47.

  • Progressed c7 jupiter was at 20 Virgo 36 made Angular by C Asc at 20 Sagittarius 31.

  • The above show, then, that at the time Gacy had progressed Angle/venus plus Angle/jupiter. For him, a fortunate time.

There is more synastry between Gacy’s and Greg Godzik’s (the only victim of his that we have birth data on) 7th charts in the paper on abducted children: Paper Containing Gacy’s 7th Chart Astrology. Any significant event between two people, whether it is positive or negative, and, if murder, whether they knew each other before hand or not, always shows meaningful synastry. If that were not the case, there would be no astrological connection between them, and they wouldn’t “meet” in the event. Without the strong synastry, they would, so to speak, exist in different “universes.” Strong synastry sets up some kind of charge that enables flow between the two individuals, much like the flow of electricity.

It should be pointed out that strong synastry is not always synonymous of a mutual event. Nor does it tell us why something happened. It only tells that there was a strong astrological connection at the time.

Ronald Paquin
Biographical data from Astrodatabank stated: American ecclesiastic, a Reverend father in the Roman Catholic church. In 1990, when he was removed from the Haverhill parish for molesting children, the Archdiocese of Boston sent him to Our Lady's Hall in Milton, where the church sequestered priests for therapy. While there, he continued having sexual relations with one of his young charges who visited him, even spending the night. Meantime, the archdiocese has paid settlement claims to at least four of his victims. Paquin, who was ordained in 1973, began his career in Methuen where he was in charge of alter boys. He transferred to Haverhill in 1981 where he began a relationship with one boy steadily for six years, involving oral sex. His sexual appetite for boys continued for close to 20 years before he was removed from service. From 1990 to 1998, church directories listed Paquin as "unassigned" or on "sick leave."

A wrongful death charge was filed on behalf of a Haverhill couple whose 16-year-old son, James Francis, was killed in an auto accident that occurred when Paquin was driving on 11/28/1981.

He pleaded guilty in January 2003 to three counts of child rape and was sentenced to 12 to 15 years in prison. He was the first Boston Archdiocese priest to admit guilt in a criminal molestation case since the sex abuse scandal exploded in January. He was removed from active ministry two years ago; the archdiocese received at least 18 complaints in two decades that he had sexually abused young boys.

Ronald Paquin (AA)—Data Acknowledgment
Birth: 10/16/1942, 9:15 a.m. EWT, Salem, MA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quotes the birth certificate.
Conception:1/03/1942, 9:00:08 a.m. EWT, Salem, MA.

Ronald Paquin
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th Housethe First Part of the Significator, Showing Sexuality

Placidian House Cusps: c11—17 Sco, c12—7Sag, c2—17Aqu, c3—27Pis b11—8Vir, b12—4Lib, b2—24Sco, b3—29Sag

Set (hh) shows C Asc/sun/moon/mercury/mars/neptune. I don’t like including b mars with C Asc since they are almost 5° apart, but there are two lights. Besides, we have our Angle influence through b sun, which rules B MC in c 7th house. C moon co-rules (30 of 47°) c 7th house. B7 neptune rules b 5th house. This is a first part of the significator, which, when combined with the second part below, shows adult homosexuality.

Note that c venus, ruler of c 5th house and C MC, is made Angular by C MC and B Asc, bringing sex (5th) to the forefront (Angle) in his consciousness much of the time. (Conception just 32 seconds later would yield C Asc at 0 Capricorn 01, giving us a different ruler, saturn..)

Ronald Paquin—the Second Part of the Significator, Showing Gender Preference

  • Set (ii) shows c mars in b 5th house and made Angular by C Asc, showing a male gender preference.

Ronald Paquin—the Third Part of the Significator, Showing the Connection Between Sexuality And Children
Paquin’s pedophile significator is in his 5th chart :

Set (ii)C Asc 29 Sagittarius 52
c moon28 Gemini 35co-ruler (30 of 47°) of c 7th house
c5 venus28 Gemini 44ruler of c 5th house and C MC
c5 NN29 Gemini 38ruler of c 5th house and C MC
b jupiter0 Cancer 07
b sun28 Virgo 36ruler of B MC in c 7th house

Set (ii), which contains the venus in Gemini with influence to an Angle (actually, two Angles) and 5th house, contains, a golden benefic. Like many pedophiles, he would be good with children, charming and charismatic. It is this kind of set that makes it so.

The 8th chart is one of several I have done the least work with.

The 8th house contains information about our sharing with others, including shared identities as well as other assets. It also plays a part in inheritance and financial markets.

Individuals with strongly benefic 8th houses and charts, then, likely have especially powerful and blessed connections with important others, sometimes including financial ones.

Arthur Frederick Goode III
Picture from the Internet

Arthur Frederick Goode III
Biographical data from Astrodatabank stated: American homicidal homosexual pederast pedophile, a borderline retard and schizophrenic. The fourth child and only son, he was raised in a devout Catholic family. He was never like the other kids and was not able to get along with his peers. He would run home crying and frightened over the slightest upset. By age six, he was fondling other children. He failed the first grade and was diagnosed as learning-handicapped.

At age 21, Goode was arrested on nine charges of child molestation. He agreed to enter a mental institution rather than go to jail, and he was diagnosed schizophrenic. Nine months later, he simply walked out of the minimum security institution and went home.

On 3/05/1976, the nude body of nine-year-old Jason VerDow was found, sexually assaulted and strangled. Goode kidnapped Billy Arthes on 3/15/76 and kidnapped Kenneth Dawson, 11, on 3/20/76. He tortured and sexually abused Dawson, then strangled him to death while forcing Arthes to watch. Apprehended before he killed Arthes, he was sentenced to death on 3/21/1977 in the electric chair. The execution was carried out 4/05/1984, Starke, FL.

Arthur Frederick Goode III (AA)—Data Acknowledgment
Birth: 3/28/1954, 8:00 p.m. EST, Washington, D.C. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Copy of letter quoting mother’s records in hand, G.S. MacEwan.
Conception:6/19/1953, 4:31:08 a.m. EST, Washington, D.C.

Arthur Frederick Goode III
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 8th Housethe First Part of the Significator, Showing Sexuality

Placidian House Cusps: c11—10Pis, c12—20Ari, c2—2Gem, c3—12Can b11—11Leo, b12—9Vir, b2—1Sco, b3—3Sag

Set (kk) shows us Asc/2moon/venus/jupiter/neptune—containing a golden benefic. C venus rules C Asc and co-rules (20 of 40°) c 5th house. B moon and its harmonic rule B MC. C C8 jupiter co-rules (21 of 22°) c 7th house.

He has another set showing the first part of the significator. Here it is:

Set (mm)c8 neptune0 Gemini 34
c sun3 Gemini 42
c8 mars4 Gemini 07ruler of c 7th house
c moon2 Virgo 34
c8 mercury4 Sagittarius 27ruler of c 5th house and possible ruler of C Asc

Conception 37 seconds later would yield a C Asc at 0 Gemini 01, ruled by the c8 mercury in Set (mm) above. That would give this set Angular influence (and losing c8 venus in Set (kk) as an Angular ruler would not affect that set’s efficacy because it has another ruler, the two birth moons which rule B MC.

Set (mm) contains a mercury/mars. His mercury/saturn occurs as c mercury at 27 Gemini 27 with c saturn at 26 Virgo 25. Added to this set is b venus at 27 Pisces 55, giving Goode a mercury/venus set. His mercury/jupiter set occurs as b mercury at 15 Aquarius 25 in the same set with c jupiter at 15 Taurus 24. So, Goode’s 8th chart contains both mercury/mars/saturn and mercury/venus/jupiter before progressions.

At the time Goode did not have any progressed mercury/mars/saturn or mercury/venus/jupiter sets. The substitute one for his mercury/mars/saturn was pc8 mercury, ruler of b 5th house, at 7 Scorpio 12 made Angular by C MC at 6 Aquarius 55. It suggests sudden (uranus) transformations (death). That the death will be those of children is only implied by his pre-progressed sets plus his pedophilia set.

Arthur Frederick Goode III—the Second Part of the Significator, Showing Gender Preference

  • Set (mm), above, contains the first part of the significator for homosexuality when combined with a second part. The second part of the significator here is b mars at 29 Scorpio 56 which is conjunct C Desc at 29 Scorpio 51 (and would still be conjunct C Desc if it were 0 Sagittarius 01).

Arthur Frederick Goode III—the Third Part of the Significator, Showing the Connection Between Sexuality And Children

  • The third part of the significator—lighted venus in Gemini with Angular and 5th influence is shown in the drawing above as Set (ll).

The most significant progression for March 5, 1976, when the first boy was murdered was pc8 NN to 1 Aries 24, fitting into Set (kk) above and giving it significance in terms of timing.

His return occurred on February 17, 1976 for Fort Myers, Florida. Here are some of the significant values it contributed to his 8th chart astrology:

  • Return MC at 4 Capricorn 03 and return venus at 3 Capricorn 05 are in the same set with B Asc at 3 Libra 04 and c8 jupiter at 4 Libra 02—a golden benefic.

  • Return jupiter at 27 Pisces 36 was conjunct b venus at 27 Pisces 55, ruler of B Asc in c 5th house, and lighted by b SN at 26 Gemini 30, another golden benefic.

  • Return8 moon was at 9 Virgo 11 making a close-orbed set with his pedophile significator set (ll in the set above), which contained with b8 venus, ruler of B Asc in c 5th house, at 9 Gemini 13 and c mars at 9 Gemini 25.

Charles Jaynes
Biographical data from Astrodatabank stated: American pedophile who, with his pal Salvatore Sicari, kidnapped Jeffrey Curley on 10/01/1997, approximately 3:30 PM, Cambridge, MA. The two men enticed the ten-year-old boy into a car with the promise of a new bike. When the boy struggled, resisting the sexual advances of the two men, Jaynes' killed him with a gasoline-soaked rag stuffed down his throat. He then sodomized Jeffrey and the two men put the body in a large trash-can and dumped it into a Maine river.

Following the arrest of Jaynes and Sicari , Jeffrey's father, Robert Curley, became a passionate advocate of the death penalty and had the procedure reinstated in Massachusetts.

Charles Jaynes (AA)—Data Acknowledgment
Birth: 7/30/1975, 11:10 p.m. EDT, Boston, MA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quotes the birth certificate in NCGR Newsletter 11/1997.
Conception:10/20/1974, 9:11:52 p.m. EST, Boston, MA.

Charles Jaynes
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 8th Housethe First Part of the Significator, Showing Sexuality

Placidian House Cusps: c11—2Ari, c12—13Tau, c2—7Can, c3—29Can b11—12Cap, b12—13Aqu, b2—5Tau, b3—28Tau

Set (nn) contains MC/Asc/moon/venus/mars/jupiter—a golden benefic, but also the combination of Angle/light/venus/mars/5th—strongly sexual. C venus rules c 5th house. B mars rules b 8th house and B Asc. C jupiter rules c 7th house.

Charles Jaynes—the Second Part of the Significator, Showing Gender Preference

  • Shown in Set (oo) above, c mars (with c sun) at 0 Libra 47 is conjunct B Desc at 1 Libra 11. Actually, sun/venus/mars/neptune is conjunct B Desc because in addition to the sun/mars in Libra, c venus is at 28 Virgo 41, and b8 neptune at 27 Virgo 21. The latter is about 5-1/2° away from the nearest light (c sun), and the allowable orb is only 5°, but B Asc also acts like a light, one with a 2° orb. This sun/venus/mars/neptune acts like a first part homosexual significator because the whole set is Angular and it falls in b 7th and c 5th houses.

Charles Jaynes—the Third Part of the Significator, Showing the Connection Between Sexuality And Children

  • The lighted venus in Gemini with influence to an Angle and 5th house is in Set (nn) shown in the drawing above.

At the time of the murder, Jaynes had progressed c8 mercury at 19 Gemini 16 and progressed C MC at 18 Pisces 50. They had entered Set (nn) above, giving it influence to a third Angle as a golden benefic. Pc8 sun was also in it at 18 Pisces 42. Jayne’s was high. He felt master of his fate, as we all do with that kind of astrology. The “content” of what makes it a high for each of us is supplied from the storeroom of our own personal desires.

I have stated that synastry between the victimizer and the victim must always occur between the same level of chart. That is, if we conclude that Jayne’s 8th chart was a COG chart for the event, then it ought to have been Jeffrey Curley’s 8th chart which best registered what happened to him, especially since it was Jaynes, and not Sicari, who both raped and murdered Jeffrey.

Curley’s 8th chart contains the seeds of his demise through a sexual tragedy. The progressed planets for both individuals are for Curley’s date of death. All values are from Curley’s chart except those specifically identified as from Jayne’s chart.

Set (oo-1)c mercury9 Leo 45 ruler of c 12th
c saturn9 Scorpio 01ruler of c 7th house; in c 5th house
b8 pluto9 Scorpio 42 in c 5th house and b 12th house
pb8 mars9 Scorpio 24in b 5th house, ruler of B Asc in c 5th house, ruler of b 5th house
return (8/31/97) pluto8 Scorpio 13
return8 saturn8 Taurus 48
Jayne’sb8 sun9 Taurus 07co-ruler (13 of 31°) b 5th house
Jayne’s pb moon9 Aquarius 29ruler of b 5th house

With influence to Curley’s 4th house, Set (oo-1) just suggests a very painful sexual experience, not his death. The latter is astrologically possible through his set which has b8 uranus at 4 Pisces 16 (on the 4th house cusp with 12th house—Pisces--influence) in the same set with B MC at 4 Virgo 01.

Here’s some potent synastry between them:

Set (oo-2)
Jayne’s B MC 19 Sagittarius 01
Curley’sc mars19 Sagittarius 32 ruler C MC and c 5th house
Jayne’sp C MC18 Pisces 50
Curley’sc8 sun20 Pisces 17
Jayne’sc8 venus17 Gemini 14ruler of c 5th and 12th houses
Curley’s /td>b mercury17 Gemini 37 ruler of B MC and b 8th house
Jayne’sC Asc18 Gemini 10
Jayne’spb8 mercury19 Gemini 16
Jayne’s c8 moon19 Gemini 42ruler of c 3rd house

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that the above set is filled with references to sexuality—through houses influenced as well as through the kinds of planets involved.

Set (oo-3) c7 venus 6 Gemini 00 co-ruler (28 of 42°) of c 5th house
C Asc7 Gemini 03
c mars 8 Gemini 15
B MC 6 Virgo 52
Curley’sc8 sun20 Pisces 17
Jayne’sc8 venus17 Gemini 14ruler of c 5th and 12th houses

Set (oo-3) is already on an Angle. C mars in the set acts as the significator of the second part because it is conjunct the co-ruler of a 5th house and made Angular by C Asc as well as B MC. Sicari has an Angle/node/venus/mars/jupiter/neptune in this chart with the mars ruling B Asc and b 5th house, so it acts as a significator of the first part, showing a first part homosexual significator, a first part golden benefic, and a first part highly sexual (Angle/light/venus/mars/5th set. Combined with the second part for male gender preference, it creates astrology of homosexuality, but when combined with the 3rd part, creates a pedophile, sometimes called a homosexual pedophile.

Curley had a progressed golden benefic. In his 8th chart he started out with b8 venus, ruler of b 7th, 11th, and 12th houses, at 9 Gemini 23 conjunct b8 jupiter at 9 Gemini 23. His progressed c moon, ruler of C Asc, was at 9 Sagittarius 09, making the set Angular. I believe this is the set that showed his joy when Jayne’s and Sicari stated they would give him a bicycle.

Jean-Pierre Divoire
Biographical data from Astrodatabank stated: French serial rapist, called the Landru of sex. Married 7/18/1966; two kids, he was the Director of a state hostel for orphans and abandoned kids. The serial rapist of little girls, he filmed 41 masochist videos of his sexual torture. Sent to prison in 1993, he tried to commit suicide several times. His wife stood by him at the trial where he was sentenced on 1/29/1996 by the court of Assizes to 20 years prison. He was found hanging with his scarf in his cell on 1/30/1996, 2:40 AM MET, Amiens, France.

Divoire’s astrology is complex and brings up some questions. Ones that cannot be answered because we have no dates of his offenses. Moreover, his birth time, ironically (to me) identified as one with a Rodden rating of AA, is European, therefore “correct,” but only to the nearest fifteen minutes. Answering some of the questions Divoire’s astrology raises demands a birth time correct at least to the nearest two minutes. Still, the questions are worth considering. It is through such questions, appearing again and again over time, that new insights are gained.

Jean-Pierre Divoire (AA)—Data Acknowledgment
Birth: 8/01/1943, 4:25 a.m. MEWT, Rouvroy, France. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Cadram Mp/ 27 21996 quotes B.C. (Petitallot confirms L&L).
Conception:10/22/1942, 2:17:33 a.m. EET, Rouvroy, France.

Jean-Pierre Divoire
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 8th Housethe First Part of the Significator,Showing Sexuality

Placidian House Cusps: c11—24Tau, c12—30Gem, c2—18Leo, c3—13Vir b11—29Pis, b12—15Tau, b2—9Can, b3—28 Can

Set (qq) is simple. It consists of B Asc in the same set with b8 venus in Gemini and b8 uranus in Virgo. Neither the c8 mars in Gemini nor the c mercury in Virgo are part of the set for the given time of birth, but if born earlier by about eight minutes, an Asc around 20 Gemini would begin to include them. They would also become part of the set when a return, or another individual, provided a light right conjunct the venus. In that case, we would have Angle/mercury/venus/mars/uranus, a ready sexuality. B8 venus co-rules (30 of 46°) b 5th house and it is already Angular.

At any rate, what Set (qq) shows is that Divoire, like—among others—Jayne’s and Sicari, cannot get his mind off (right on an Angle) his attraction (venus) to children (Gemini). In Divoire;s case, girls. This set gives us the third part of his sexual significator..

Note that b mercury, ruler of b 5th house, is conjunct C Asc. Its harmonic, b8 mercury, is also Angular through its opposition to C MC and is in c 5th house. With all that Angular/mercury/5th, Divoire’s world is focused on children, becoming pedophilic when he acquired the set with venus in Gemini.

He has a moon/venus/neptune set with the venus in Gemini, but it does not influence a 5th house. It does show addiction (neptune) to females (moon/venus). More nicely, it shows a tender or precious attitude toward them.

Possible indications of his interest (3rd house, plus videos for 3rd house) in mutilation and torture occur through his c moons, ruler of C Asc in b 3rd house. C10 moon is at 20 Scorpio 56, while c moon is at 8 Pisces 06. Both those signs represent forms of internal suffering which can be projected onto another individual. The rest of his astrology showing his cruelty is in his 10th chart, shown below.

Jean-Pierre Divoire—the Second Part of the Significator, Showing Gender Preference

  • Set (rr) in the drawing above shows b venus, co-ruler (30 of 46°) b 5th house, made Angular by B MC, giving us his female (venus) orientation.

In his 5th chart Divoire that shows male gender preference with c5 mars, ruler of C MC and c 5th house, at 21 Pisces 25 made Angular by B Asc at 22 Gemini 23. But since this set occurs in only one chart, while his Set (rr) is an all-charts phenomenon, the latter, indicating preference for females, dominates.

His 5th chart also shows a need for sexual control (can’t get much more control than through the sexual torture of a child). He has b mercury, ruler of b 5th house (sex) and B Asc, at 19 Capricorn 21 conjunct b SN at 21 Capricorn 57. The Capricorn part suggests control and domination, and since it involves the south node. it suggests he goes to far with it.

There is another reason I suspect females dominated his life. He may have dominated his victims—in fact, by torturing them and keeping videos of same he was going to considerable effort to show (to himself) that he did, indeed, dominate them—but it was his consuming need to overwhelm them that dominated him. Let’s take a look at the 10th chartset I am referring to. The 10th chart, remember, shows our public image, our career, and our relationship with our mother. Not who she is, but what she was to him. When that chart is heavily damaged, it shows an individual with a heavy negative load with regard, usually, to females (the mother as female model) which in turn heavily affects social behavior, success, and acceptance.

Jean-Pierre Divoire
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 10th House

Placidian House Cusps: c11—24Tau, c12—30Gem, c2—18Leo, c3—13Vir b11—29Pis, b12—15Tau, b2—9Can, b3—28 Can

Set (ss) is comprised of sun/moon/mercury/mar/jupiter/saturn/neptune/pluto. There are three lights in this set—b sun, b moon, and b10 mercury (which acts like a light because it rules an Angle). To see its possibilities more clearly, this set should be broken into two sets.

The first one contains CMC/mercury/mars/saturn/neptune, with c mars ruling C MC and c 5th house, b saturn ruling b 8th house, and b10 mercury ruling b 5th and B MC. Angle/(mercury)/mars/saturn/neptune shows siege conditions. On the one hand, it can represent the orphans and abandoned children that are part of Divoire’s career. Having lost their real parents, they are certainly under a form of siege. On the other hand, because this chart represents his relationship with his mother, this set represents a mother who was “toxic,” in the process creating a great deal of (repressed) anger. So, this set can also show Divoire’s acting out of his violent rage for his mother through his female victims. Her negative influence (MC/mars/saturn) on the formation of his sexuality (Angle/5th) bleeds over into his adult sex life as torture of females. He couldn’t torture his mother. She tortured him.

The other part of Set (ss) contains sun/(mercury)/moon/jupiter/pluto all in Cancer, and represents Divoire’s elevated position of Director of the state hostel for orphans. All of the ones in Cancer suggest a sensitive, nurturing individual. Jupiter with the sun suggests he was an authority figure.

The fact they are all in the same set means we get the one with the other. We don’t get to just drop the part of a set we don’t particularly care for. They could be worked out other ways, especially is the repressed anger was neutralized. Divoire worked them out as overt professional tenderness and covert, private cruelty.

The 9th chart, our chart of “higher mind,” covers a considerable amount of territory. It is usually at play in charts of spiritually gifted individuals. But it also shows strong in aviation. Like the 9th house and Sagittarius, it shows some connection to law, philosophy, foreign countries, and even equestrianism. Any one whose life is centered in one of those areas could have her sexual significators in this chart. Such was the case with Yale professor of antiquities and scholar of ancient languages, John E. Boswell (chart in paper on homosexuality).

Frank Collin
Biographical data from Astrodatabank stated: American leader of the U.S. Nazi party in 1979. Collin was the force behind the most famous incident in the group’s history when, in 1977, they staged a march through a largely Jewish neighborhood in Skokie, Illinois, an area inhabited by many Holocaust survivors.

Collin was born in Chicago, Illinois. His father was Max Simon Collin (formerly Cohn or Cohen), a Jew, who was a major impact on his son’s life. Interviewed on television by a psychiatrist during his "neo-Nazi" period, Collin was opinionated, arrogant and confrontational and seemed consumed by a hatred for his father.

Described by Johansson and Percy in their book, "Outing: Shattering the Conspiracy of Silence," as a homosexual pederast, Collin was arrested in 1979, "for taking indecent liberties with boys between ages 10 and 14." He was sentenced to seven years in prison. Upon his release after three years, Collin reinvented himself, stating he was "a changed man." He became a published author, writing under the pseudonym "Frank Joseph," and a witch. His articles on topics such as Atlantis and sacred sites around the world appeared in national magazines like "Fate," and in the late ’80s, he released his first book, "The Destruction of Atlantis." In the early ’90s, he left Chicago and relocated to Minnesota, where he released "Atlantis in Wisconsin," during 1995.

We can feel somewhat secure that Collin’s 9th chart is his COG chart because when he was anti-Semitic he organized his life around religion by being “anti-something in that area,” while later, when he “became a changed man,” he still organized his life around concepts of higher mind. Both are correlated with 9th house emphasis.

Assuming that Collin actually did become a changed man, then his astrology could contain some clues about ceasing pedophile behavior. We will explore that more below.

Frank Collin (A)—Data Acknowledgment
Birth: 11/03/1944, 7:51 a.m. CST, Chicago, IL. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Ruth Dewey quotes a reader who sent a letter from the National Socialist’s White People’s Party, noted as being born in Jackson Park Hospital, in Mercury Hour, 7/79.
Conception:1/21/1944, 10:06:31 p.m. CST, Chicago, IL.

Frank Collin
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 9th Housethe First Part of the Significator, Showing Sexuality

Placidian House Cusps: c11—14Can, c12—14Leo, c2—6Lib, c3—6Sco b11—18Vir, b12—13Lib, b2—4Sag, b3—10Cap

Set (tt) shows a first part significator, which, when combined with the second part (shown below), shows homosexuality. Set (tt) contains C MC/Asc/sun/moon/mercury/mars/2neptune. This shows a charged sexuality.

Frank Collin—the Second Part of the Significator, Showing Gender Preference

  • In his 7th chart Collin has b7 mars, co-ruler (13 of 25°) of b 5th house, at 4 Leo 34 made Angular by B Asc at 2 Scorpio 43.

Frank Collin—the Third Part of the Significator, Showing the Connection Between Sexuality And Children

  • Set (tt) in the drawing above shows lighted venus in Gemini. C mercury and its harmonic rule C MC and C Asc (and therefore also act like lights with an orb of 5°). B neptune rules b 5th house. C neptune rules c 7th house.

Note his venus in Gemini is conjunct saturn. Most of the third part sets in this paper are free from saturn. Two have it—Collin and Connors, discussed above. Both have their saturn also in Gemini with their venus in Gemini.

When combined with the moon or venus, saturn introduces difficulty for the expression of those two planets, that is, the attraction. Over time it may reduce their attraction.

When Collin turned his attention to 9th house matters other than anti-Semitism, that is, became involved with his own higher mind rather than judging that of others, then his venus in Gemini conjunct saturn takes on the coloration of an individual who loves (venus) writing and learning (Gemini) about serious subjects (saturn).

Either way, being turned off, or being turned on to a different expression, if those scenarios are correct, they lead to the reduction, or perhaps demise, of his pedophilia.

Father Richard LaVigne
Biographical data from Astrodatabank stated: American Roman Catholic priest. A well-liked ecclesiastic, ordained in 1966, he was called "outstanding" and "inspirational." He was arrested 10/21/1991 on charges of raping two boys and indecently assaulting another. He received a suspended sentence and ten years probation and was ordered to enter an inpatient psychiatric program. Father Lavigne, 51, agreed to never again serve as a parish priest.

The pending charges aroused the re-opening of a 20-year-old murder case, that of 13-year-old altar boy Danny Croteau who disappeared 4/15/1972. At age 12, he had disappeared and his body was found strangled with a piece of clothesline and bludgeoned. The D.A. was convinced that the homosexual priest was responsible for the bludgeoned, strangled death of Danny Croteau but did not seek indictment as key pieces of evidence had been destroyed. Danny was a former alter boy, he was one of five boys in his family, all of whom had served the church as altar boys at the mass. When the investigation began in 1991, three of Daniel's brothers said they had been sexually molested by Father Lavigne.

Pope John Paul II made the decision to defrock the former priest on November 20, 2003 and notified the appropriate local authority, Bishop Thomas Dupre, on January 9, 2004. Lavigne was removed from active ministry in 1991 when he was charged with sexually abusing children. He remains the prime suspect in the murder of Danny Croteau in 1972.

The Boston Globe did an update on Danny’s story and published it on December 14, 2003. Here is a link to that article: Boston Globe Article, 12/14/2003.

The latest follow-up article by the Boston Globe is at: Boston Globe, 1/17/2008.

Father Richard LaVigne (AA)—Data Acknowledgment
Birth: 2/18/1941, 11:00 p.m. EST, Chicopee, MA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quotes the birth certificate.
Conception:5/10/1940, 6:15:31 p.m. EST, Chicopee, MA.

Father Richard LaVigne
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 9th Housethe First Part of the Significator, Showing Sexuality

Placidian House Cusps: c11—1Vir, c12—27Vir, c2—18Sco, c3—22Sag b11—23Leo, b12—20Vir, b2—11Sco, b3—14Sag

Set (vv) shows a first part significator, which when combined with an Angle/mars/5th/7th (that is, second part, see below) significator shows homosexual preferences. Set (vv) contains sun/moon/mars/neptune. C9 neptune rules c 5th house. C moon rules C MC.

Father Richard LaVigne—the Second Part of the Significator, Showing Gender Preference

  • Shown unnumbered in the drawing above, c9 mars at 19 Aries 43 is conjunct C Desc at 18 Aries 43.
  • Note the set also includes c9 saturn at 17 Libra 54 conjunct C Asc at 18 Libra 43. With saturn ruling c 4th house, it shows conflict and dissonance at the end of life. C9 mars rules c 2nd house. Does that mean he suffered some economic setback late in life? It is not a good set for some one who is religious or who makes his living through religion (9th chart), but I did not check to see if Father LaVigne has better “religious sets” in other charts.

Father Richard LaVigne—the Third Part of the Significator, Showing the Connection Between Sexuality And Children

  • Set (ww) in the drawing above gives us our lighted (triply so) venus in Gemini with Angle/5th influence. C moon rules C MC. B mars rules b 7th house. B9 moon rules B MC. And b neptune co-rules (20 of 27°) b 5th house.

Does LaVigne have the mercury/mars/saturn? He sure does. He has:

  • B mercury at 19 Aquarius 17 in the same set with b9 saturn at 20 Scorpio 11.
  • C mercury at 13 Aries 51 conjunct b9 uranus at 12 Aries 30 conjunct c saturn at 12 Aries 32 conjunct c9 SN at 13 Aries 27.
  • B9 mercury at 2 Pisces 02 in the same set with c mars at 1 Gemini 48. That mercury in Pisces is in both 5th houses.
  • He does not, however, have any by progression.

Below some synastry between LaVigne and Danny is shown for Danny’s date of death. But first, a look at two significant sets from Danny’s 9th chart, which is the chart we must look at if we are going to do synastry involving LaVigne’s 9th. Below is Danny’s birth data.

Danny Croteau (AA)—Data Acknowledgment
Birth: 5/27/1959, 6:12 a.m. EDT, Springfield, MA, MA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quotes the birth certificate.
Conception:8/18/1958, 4:29:11 p.m. EDT, Springfield, MA.

Danny Croteau
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 9th House

Placidian House Cusps: c11—24Lib, c12—15Sco, c2—13Cap, c3—25Aqu b11—29Aqu, b12—11Ari, b2—15Gem, b3—5Can

Set (xx) shows Danny’s faith or religious potential, and therefore, likely, his trust in religious authority figures. It shows a golden benefic containing C MC/node/venus/jupiter with influence to three Angles. First, to C MC which is part of the set. Then, b9 venus rules B Asc and c jupiter rules C Asc. So, set (xx) shows a boy who experiences good feelings about his religion and spirituality, which would, of course, foster trust in religious authority figures.

Set (yy) is difficult. It contains mercury/mars/saturn/pluto (with mercury acting like a light with a 5° orb because it rules C MC). C MC is in b 5th house, so this shows one of two sexual connections. B9 saturn rules b 9th house. C9 mars rules c 5th and 12th houses, and co-rules ((24 of 25°) c 4th house. It suggests potential harm (Angle/mars/saturn), even death (4th), through religion (9th) and sex (5th). It is the reverse of the golden benefics that occur in the charts of spiritually elevated people whose lighted venus plus jupiter rule an Angle, 4th, 5th, and 9th houses. (Danny has the golden benefic above, but it does not influence 4th, 5th, 9th houses.)

On the date of Danny’s death his progressed c9 mercury was at 6 Aquarius 07. If we take the “midpoint” between his starting c mercury and his progressed c9 mercury, we get 7° 50’ Fixed. That puts it solidly with the mars/saturn/pluto.

Does Set (yy) prove such a death was Danny’s “fate” this lifetime? All I can say is Sets (xx) and (yy) give us clues about what could happen to Danny. Likewise, for the synastry below, it cannot prove murder. All we can say is that the synastry between their two 9th charts shows astrology for sex and for violence.

Synastry, LaVigne and Croteau—Using Their 9th Charts:
These are submitted without comment.

LaVignec9 neptune18 Sagittarius 33 ruler of c 5th house
LaVignec9 sun18 Pisces 18
LaVignepc mercury18 Gemini 06
LaVignepc venus18 Gemini 34ruler of C Asc
Croteaureturn (3/5/72) Asc18 Virgo 30

LaVigneb NN8 Virgo 21
LaVigne Return ((3/30/72) MC 9 Virgo 46
LaVignec venus9 Gemini 11 ruler of B Asc and b 8th house

LaVigneReturn Asc18 Scorpio 56
LaVignepb9 mercury18 Scorpio 24
Croteau c9 mercury 18 Taurus 41 ruler of C MC in b 5th house

LaVignepc9 mars5 Sagittarius 56 ruler of c 7th house
CroteaupB Asc5 Gemini 25

LaVignec9 saturn17 Libra 54 ruler of c 4th house
LaVigneC Asc18 Libra 43
LaVignec9 mars19 Aries 43 ruler of c 7th house
Croteaupc9 mars18 Aries 57ruler of c 5th house

LaVigneC MC28 Cancer 36
LaVigneb uranus28 Aries 25ruler of b 5th house
Croteaupc9 pluto29 Aries 00
Croteaupc mars29 Aries 00ruler of c 5th and 12th houses
CroteauB MC28 Capricorn 06 00
Croteaureturn9 mars29 Capricorn 37
Croteaupb9 saturn28 Capricorn 49Rruler of b 9th house

Besides representing our relationship with our mother, our 10th chart includes considerable information about our social standing and career success (or failure). Our mothers, apparently, sponsor our social outreach.

Wayne B. Williams, prison photo
Picture from the Internet

Wayne B. Williams
Biographical data from Astrodatabank stated: American homicide; arrested for murder at age 24 while living at home with his mom and dad. He was charged with killing two men, aged 21 and 28, both homeless drifters. He was convicted in February 1982 and given two life sentences in prison, with his appeal denied.

A gifted black youth, at 14 he built and operated his own radio station, WRAC, which he ran until he graduated from high school. By 20, he was promoting local talent for his entrepreneurial dreams.

In 1979-80, the black sections of Atlanta became terrorized as their children began to be missing, one after the other. Though he was never brought to trial on the suspicion, both police and public sentiment and opinion leaned toward the conclusion that Williams was the serial killer of the 22 missing youngsters.

It is interesting that Williams apparently started with the murder of two men, not children. We are not told if they were sexually molested.

Here is some controversy about his guilt, from Wikipedia (5/11/11): Williams's guilt has been disputed by some. Others, most notably the author James Baldwin in his essay The Evidence of Things Not Seen, have raised questions about the investigation and trial of Williams. Some people in his community, and several of the victims' parents, did not believe that Williams, the son of two professional teachers, could have killed so many. On May 6, 2005, the DeKalb County Police Chief Louis Graham ordered the reopening of the murder cases of four boys killed in that county between February and May 1981 which had been attributed to Williams. However, the legal authorities in the neighboring Fulton County, where the majority of the murders occurred, have not moved to reopen any of the cases under their jurisdictions. Williams has always vehemently denied the charges. DeKalb County finally closed its case after finding no new evidence.

On August 6, 2005, it was revealed that Charles T. Sanders, a white supremacist affiliated with the Ku Klux Klan, who had been investigated for a role in the Atlanta child killings, once praised the crimes in secretly recorded conversations. Although Sanders did not claim responsibility for any of the deaths, Williams's lawyers believe the evidence will help their bid for a new trial. Sanders told an informant for the Georgia Bureau of Investigation in the 1981 recording that the killer had "wiped out a thousand future generations of niggers." Police dropped the probe into the KKK's possible involvement after seven weeks, when Sanders and two of his brothers passed lie detector tests. The case was once again closed on July 21, 2006.

Former FBI profiler, John E. Douglas, wrote in his book Mindhunter, that while he believes that Williams committed many of the murders, he doesn't think that he committed all of them. Douglas added that he believes that law enforcement authorities have some idea of who the other killers are, and that "It isn't a single offender and the truth isn't pleasant."

Wayne B. Williams (AA)—Data Acknowledgment
Birth: 5/27/1958, 1:05 p.m. EST, Atlanta, GA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Jean Pace called on 1/14/1994 to report that she had sat behind William's mother during the trial and asked her for his time of birth. Mrs. Williams said that this was her only child and she'd never forget; he had been born at 1:05 PM. (Tom Csere sent a letter from Williams, written in his own hand and dated 3/06/1982, that gave the time of 1:31 AM EST)

Conception:8/18/1957, 11:37:15 p.m. EST, Atlanta, GA.

Wayne B. Williams
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 10th Housethe First Part of the Significator, Showing Sexuality

Placidian House Cusps: c11—15Aqu, c12—22Pis, c2—30Tau, c3—22Gem b11—22Gem, b12—22Can, b2—16Vir, b3—16Lib

Set (zz) above contains sun/venus/mars/saturn/neptune. With influence to two Angles and both 5th houses, notwithstanding the presence of saturn, it shows a powerful, highly charged sexuality (Angle/light/venus/mars/neptune/5th). B sun rules B Asc in c 5th house. B10 neptune co-rules (16 of 26°) b 7th house. C mars rules c 7th house. C saturn rules C MC in b 5th house. Set (zz) contains the first part (when combined with the second part, shown below) of the significator for homosexuality.

Set (aaa) shown above contains a golden benefic. It is comprised of node/mercury/2venus/jupiter. B jupiter rules b 5th house. C10 venus rules C Asc. This set shows the high (venus/jupiter) derived from sexuality (5th).

Set (bbb) shows just the opposite of (aaa) except it lacks an Angle ruler. It contains moon/mercury/mars/saturn. The mercury in this set refers to children, so this set refers to problems with them, injuries to them, or their death (all mars/saturn). In the chart of a father, it represents (if the wife’s chart agrees) trouble conceiving, or significant other problems once born, or early death.

Wayne B. Williams-—the Second Part of the Significator, Showing Gender Preference

  • The significator showing a preference for male partners is shown in Williams’ 7th chart by the following set: B7 mars at 14 Libra 40 is in the same set with b jupiter, ruler of b 5th house, at 14 Capricorn 59, and both are made Angular by C MC at 15 Capricorn 36. C7 mercury, co-ruler (22 of 37°) of c 5th house, is also in that set.

Williams has a second significator for male partner preference shown in his 5th chart. It is intriguing. Does it represent a strong skew to male (mars) child (mercury) partners? Or does it suggest injury (mars) to children (mercury). Or perhaps both? In the chart of a non-pedophile, that mercury conjunct birth Desc represents bisexuality. Here is the set:

Wayne B. Williams
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 5th House The Second Part of the Significator, Showing Male (or is it Child?) Gender Preference

Placidian House Cusps: c11—15Aqu, c12—22Pis, c2—30Tau, c3—22Gem b11—22Gem, b12—22Can, b2—16Vir, b3—16Lib

Set (ccc) shows Angle/node/2mercury/mars, with mars on B Desc, and c mercury co-ruling (22 of 37°) c 5th house. Note that the conjunction of c5 mercury in Leo with c NN and C Asc also in Leo all fall in c 5th house.

Wayne B. Williams—the Third Part of the Significator, Showing the Connection Between Sexuality And Children

  • The lighted venus in Gemini is discussed and shown in the drawing above as Set (aaa).

Pedophile 4221
Biographical data from Astrodatabank stated: American pedophile, never bothered his own kids, but their pre-teen playmates instead. His kids became aware of his conduct when they themselves became teens and adults. Together, they discussed his conduct when they discovered what he was doing, but did not confront him. His wife was child-like (another form the venus in Gemini can take), trusting, poorly educated and relied completely on him for everything.

He died from congestive heart failure on 7/24/1972, 1:05 PM, Exeter, CA.

Pedophile 4221 (AA)—Data Acknowledgment
Birth: 5/19/1905, 4:02 a.m. CST, Clinton, AR. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Ruby Miller, personal file.
Conception:8/10/1904, 2:25:59 p.m. CST, Clinton, AR.

Pedophile 4221
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 10th Housethe First Part of the Significator,Showing Sexuality

Placidian House Cusps: c11—29Vir, c12—24Lib, c2—17Sag, c3—23Cap b11—25Cap, b12—29Aqu, b2—14Tau, b3—7Gem

Set (ddd) shows us moon/venus/mars/neptune with Angular and 5th influence—strong sexuality. C10 mars rules C Asc and co-rules (24 of 25°) c 5th house. C10 venus rules c 7th and 12th houses. C neptune rules c 5th.

He also has a strong sexual significator in his 7th chart, where he has a set which includes sun/mercury/venus/mars/uranus with b7 mars which rules B Asc in c 5th house.

Note in this chart he has three of his four mercuries in 5th houses.

Pedophile 4221—the Second Part of the Significator, Showing Gender Preference

  • Biographical data did not say anything about sexual preference. Set (eee) in the drawing above shows b10 venus, ruler of b 7th house, at 28 Gemini 24 made Angular by B MC at 29 Sagittarius 14. It makes no difference it is in Gemini—it is not a pedophile 3rd part signature because venus does not influence a 5th house, so it has no sexual, only a partner, connotation.

Pedophile 4221—the Third Part of the Significator, Showing the Connection Between Sexuality And Children

  • The venus in Gemini with Angular and 5th influence is part of Set (ddd) shown in the drawing above.

With this method, the 11th chart or 11th house influence has shown up in the charts of people in sects. As an 11th house influence, it shows up in charts of women who are gang raped. I suspect it plays a part in many group functions, from self-help ones to common interest ones.

Henry Grant Brown.
Biographical data from Astrodatabank stated: American child molester who, as the General Manager of recreational facilities at a mobile home park in Hemet, CA, was convicted on 7/27/1984 of 11 counts of child molestation involving four boys and one girl. He was given 39 years prison for his crimes. His family believes in his innocence, despite the identification of the children. The crimes took place from 3/02/1982 to 10/22/1983. Brown picked up kids from the street or playground, lured them to a secluded area and forced or threatened them with bodily harm if they did not submit.

For some reason this man’s information was not on the Astrodatabank web site. I had it in my copy of ADB.

Henry Grant Brown (AA)—Data Acknowledgment
Birth: 7/01/1928, 11:51 a.m. MST, Ogden, UT. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Dorothy Satrapa, his neighbor, quotes B.C.
Conception:9/23/1927, 9:17:03 a.m. MST, Ogden, UT.

Henry Grant Brown
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 11th Housethe First Part of the Significator, Showing Sexuality

Placidian House Cusps: c11—21Leo, c12—18Vir, c2—9Sco, c3—12Sag b11—10Can, b12—11Leo, b2—3Lib, b3—3Sco

Set (fff) shown above is comprised of sun/moon/2mercury/venus/2mars/uranus/neptune. C11 uranus rules c 5th house. C11 mars rules c 7th house. B mercury rules B MC and B Asc in c 11th house. B sun rules b 11th house. It shows a charged and ready sexuality. The 11th house references might have something to do with his victims coming from a park (group use), or it might be connected to “serial.” Just a guess…

Set (ggg) is the set that shows the high he gets sexually, and, therefore, also represents his addiction. It contains MC/Asc/sun/venus/jupiter/uranus—a golden benefic, with the conjunction of venus and jupiter in Pisces being on B Desc. C venus rules C Asc. C uranus rules c 5th house. C sun rules c 11th house.

Henry Grant Brown—the Second Part of the Significator, Showing Gender Preference

  • His choice of mostly boys shows in the unnumbered set in the drawing above. B mars, at 10 Aries 10, is conjunct C Desc at 10 Aries 41.
  • But he also has a female significator which is part of Set (ggg) shown above. C11 venus, for females, at 5 Pisces 13, is conjunct B Desc at 6 Pisces 23.

Henry Grant Brown—the Third Part of the Significator, Showing the Connection Between Sexuality And Children

  • Grant’s lighted venus in Gemini with Angle and 5th influence is part of Set (fff), shown in the drawing above.

Jean Martin
Biographical data from Astrodatabank stated: French sex offender, child molester and pedophile who was convicted by the Court of Arlan for molesting four boys ages 9, 10, 12 and 14.

Jean Auguste Emile Martin (AA)—Data Acknowledgment
Birth: 1/10/1936, 10:00 a.m. GMT, Fromy, France. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Petitallot quotes B.C. in INFOsophia Vol. 17.
Conception:3/30/1935, 3:07:56 p.m. GMT, Fromy, France.

Jean Martin
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 11th Housethe First Part of the Significator, Showing Sexuality

Placidian House Cusps: c11—14Gem, c12—17Can, c2—5Vir, c3—3Lib b11—19Sag, b12—11Cap, b2—13Ari, b3—11Tau

Martin is one of two individuals presented in this paper who lack the pedophile significator of venus in Gemini. I will make a case for what he does have.

He does have venus at 27 Gemini 03 in his b 5th house lighted by c2 moon, ruler of c 12th house, at 25 Pisces 39 in his 2nd chart It lacks influence to an Angle, so it is not a significator. So far I have not seen a 2nd house significator, but I am not going to rule out its possibility. If this were his functional significator chart, the most likely way he would have acquired an Angle influence for the set would have been through the progression of c sun, ruler of C Asc, or its harmonics into the set. But we have no dates of molestation or conviction, so we cannot check that out.

Set (hhh) contains a conjunction of sun, venus, and jupiter in late Libra. C jupiter rules c 5th house. B11 sun rules b 7th house. C11 venus rules C MC. This golden benefic brings joy with sex.

Martin has a second sexual golden benefic. Set (iii) shows moon/mercury/venus/2jupiter, with b moon co-ruling (11 of 22°) b 5th house. B mercury rules b 5th house. C11 jupiter rules c 5th house. B11 jupiter rules B MC.

Note he has mercury conjunct B Asc in b 7th house.

Jean Martin—the Second Part of the Significator, Showing Gender Preference

  • Martin’s gender preference shows up in his 5th chart. as b5 mars at 20 Leo 14 conjunct B Desc at 21 Leo 47.

Jean Martin—the Third Part of the Significator, Showing the Connection Between Sexuality And Children

  • Set (jjj) (that’s lower case Js) is a second potential third part significator. Mercury in Gemini stands for youth twice—once through mercury, and again through Gemini. Since it isn’t venus, however, it has no connotation of love or attraction, qualities which belong to venus. This particular b11 mercury in Gemini rules b 5th and co-rules (30 of 51°) b 7th house. The two c suns rule C Asc. So, this mercury in Gemini has influence to an Angle and a 5th house. Again, without a date for any of his molestations, we cannot check timing for reasonable astrology for the event.

Steven Nevel
Biographical data from Astrodatabank stated: American pedophile, charged with multiple sex counts in 1994. He allegedly lured at least 25 boys for sex with the promise of video games, athletic shoes, movies and cash. Arrested 8/25/1994, he was held in jail waiting trial.

Nevel worked as a tool and die maker in Waukesha County, WI, living in Palmyra, WI.

Steven Nevel (AA)—Data Acknowledgment
Birth: 11/24/1956, 9:41 p.m. CST, Madison, WI. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Stephen Przybylowski quotes B. C.
Conception:2/12/1956, 8:09:16 a.m. CST, Madison, WI.

Steven Nevel
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 11th Housethe First Part of the Significator, Showing Sexuality

Placidian House Cusps: c11—21Sag, c12—16Cap, c2—11Ari, c3—9Tau b11—15Tau, b12—20Gem, b2—10Leo, b3—6Vir

Set (kkk) is comprised of moon/3venus/mars/jupiter/uranus. B11 moon rules b 7th house. C11 jupiter rules C MC in b 5th house. C 11 uranus rules C Asc. This set shows a golden benefic and strong, joyous sex.

Note he has c11 mercury, ruler of c 5th house and co-ruler (30 of 45°) c 7th house, conjunct C Asc at 25 Aquarius 52. Sex (5th) with kids (mercury once we have established his pedophilia significator) is on his mind all the time (on an Angle).

Steven Nevel—the Second Part of the Significator, Showing Gender Preference

  • Nevel’s preference for boys is shown in Set (lll) above. B mars, ruler of b 5th house, at 0 Pisces 33, is made Angular by C MC at 0 Sagittarius 50.

Steven Nevel—the Third Part of the Significator, Showing the Connection Between Sexuality And Children

  • Nevel’s lighted venus in Gemini with influence to an Angle and 5th house is shown in the drawing above as Set (kkk).

I am not an expert on the 12th chart, and, I suspect like many astrologers, struggle with its meaning and implications.

In its association with the 12th house, the 12th chart implies something held in bondage or otherwise not allowed to flow freely, something either restrained, or hidden. That is not always bad or devious. It can also be the house that represents employment in various institutions.

In the 12th house’s association with Pisces, naturally correlated with the 12th house, we get a 12th/neptune influence because neptune rules Pisces.

It is easy enough to see—assuming the significators I found are correct and fundamental—that both homosexual males and lesbians have a 12th house emphasis in their astrology because each of their significators includes neptune, ruler of Pisces, the natural sign of the 12th house. After that, the degree to which it stands for karma as opposed to a truly blessed life depends on the degree of affliction or benediction shown by other sets in the chart.

Neptune brings both difficult and exceptionally pleasant “karma.”

However, some planets do not do well in Pisces, the sign correlated with the 12th house. For example, mars in Pisces hardly acts like mars at all, having lost the initiative and aggression normally associated with mars. It represents failed or dispersed (Pisces) initiative or aggression (mars).

Venus in Pisces, however appears to run the gamut from instigating great emotional suffering (Pisces) to promoting unusual luck and felicity in love (venus). Again, the difference of which occurs, a blessed or cursed life, is related to the degree of forefront beneficence in the whole chart. Simplistically, the more benefic the whole chart, the more benefic the venus in Pisces. It is rare, but not impossible, to have a great love and have the rest of life be a complete shambles.

The 12th chart, or the 12th house, is prominent in murder.

As noted already, the 12th is associated with hospitals and institutions where the suffering associated with Pisces (incapacitation, over-sensitivity, removal from ordinary life) takes place. But, if you are on staff, and not the inmate, then you are not doing the suffering, your patients are. And sometimes, even, the life of the inmate is not that bad. Both types get representation through the 12th.

And, the 12th house/chart can simply mean some activity or condition whose antecedents are difficult or impossible to find. That is why the house is sometimes called the garbage bin of the houses. Any unfinished business (from the perspective of our mostly un-provable soul purpose) can end up resident there.

Father Noel Lucas
Biographical data from Astrodatabank stated: French ecclesiastic, a Roman Catholic priest. A teaching abbey at the Nantes seminary, he sexually abused dozens of young boys within three of the local families whom he knew well from 1990 to 1993. Lucas was sentenced on 3/03/97 and jailed for rapes of minors.

Father Lucas is the second individual represented in this paper whose third part significator is incomplete. We saw above, with the astrology of Jean Martin, that we had to substitute mercury in Gemini with Angular and 5th influence for the usual venus in Gemini.

Father Lucas has the lighted venus in Gemini, but it has no influence to a 5th house. Since the 5th influence is absolutely necessary for there to be a sexual interest in children, that leaves us with a pedophile whose astrology lacks a pedophile significator.

Or does he? Here we take a look at how he acquired the 5th influence during the time period he was involved in molesting the children of the three families.

The biography states he molested from the years 1990 to 1993. Stated that way, we assume, for the time being, he did not molest any one before then.

Noel Lucas (AA)—Data Acknowledgment
Birth: 12/23/1944, 11:30 p.m. GDT, St. Marthurin, France. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Petitallot quotes B.C. Cadran No. 40, April, 1997.
Conception:3/12/1944, 4:44:53 p.m. GMT, Petitallot, France.

Father Noel Lucas
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 12th Housethe First Part of the Significator,Showing Sexuality

Placidian House Cusps: c11—19Gem, c12—16Can, c2—6Vir, c3—4Lib b11—21Gem, b12—23Can, b2—13Vir, b3—12Lib

Set (mmm) shows us the first part of the significator that becomes homosexual (when combined with the second part, shown below.) Set (mmm) contains a rather loose node/sun/mercury/mars/saturn/neptune. B sun rules B Asc. B saturn co-rules (23 of 32°) b 5th house. Note that this set is getting stronger because saturn, the 5th house influence, is progressing retrograde. That is, over time it is moving closer to his sun/mars/neptune. In this astrology, closer is stronger. In 1990 pb saturn was at 10 Gemini 30R. By 1993 it was around 10 Gemini 22R.

Father Noel Lucas—the Second Part of the Significator, Showing Gender Preference

  • For his male preference, Father Lucas has b12 jupiter, ruler of b 5th house, at 11 Aquarius 16 in the same set as b12 mars at 11 Taurus 24. They are made Angular by C Asc at 13 Leo 27 (this is a birth recorded to the nearest 15 minutes and this is the best I can do with that kind of approximate information>)

Father Noel Lucas—the Third Part of the Significator, Showing the Connection Between Sexuality And Children

  • Set (nnn) above gives our incomplete significator for pedophilia. It shows node/2moon/2mercury/venus/neptune. B12 venus rules B MC. It gives us the lighted venus in Gemini with influence to an Angle, but the 5th house influence is missing.

The following table shows some of his progressions during the period he was molesting the boys.

ProgressionJan. 1, 1990July 1, 1992Jan. 1, 1993
pB Asc26 Virgo 3628 Virgo 3429 Virgo 21
pb NN24 Gemini 0924 Gemini 0924 Gemini 09
pC MC23 Gemini 2625 Gemini 2326 Gemini 21
pc12 saturn23 Gemini 2627 Gemini 1528 Gemini 44

Set (nnn) starts out with three lights—b moon in Pisces, c moon in Virgo, and b NN in Gemini. Over the approximate three year period he was molesting the boys of the three families, pb NN—a viable second position of b NN—was always in the same close relationship to the venus in Gemini, but adding another light to the set.

Since our birth time is recorded only to the nearest 15 minutes, we can only approximate what might have been happening with his progressed Angles from 1990 to 1993. At the beginning of the time period it looks like pB Asc was entering and passing through the set. Then, pC MC approached the set around July 1991 and stayed around until July, 1993. These two progressing Angles were adding Angles and “lights” (with 2° orbs) to Set (nnn) while they passed through it.

We are not interested in their exact fit with any of the planets (that would be for a progression involving an Angle). We are only interested in the fact that by entering the set they were each adding a light with a 2° orb to the set.

Finally, progressed c12 saturn, our crucial 5th co-ruler, (which was coming from 6 Taurus 04 at conception) can certainly be considered to be influencing the set by January 1, 1990 (see table above). It is easy enough to see it is still influencing the set by July 1, 1992. Because of the late light represented by c moon at 27 Virgo 38, pc12 saturn may well have still been influencing Set (nnn) by July 1, 1993.

Assuming the time we know about to be the only time period during which Father Lucas was molesting boys, it occurred during the time his first part significator was getting stronger, putting sexual stress on him. During that same time, his third part significator was picking up the 5th influence which until then had been lacking.

Had he been married, or, more likely, been in a homosexual relationship with an adult partner, it is unlikely he would have molested any one. At least, that is supported by his astrology.

Bob Shell
Biographical data from Astrodatabank stated: American pedophile, sentenced to 18-20 years in prison on 9/15/1992 for sexually assaulting two little girls. One of the children was nine months old and the other 3 1/2 years old. When arrested, police found thousands of dollars of office equipment, children's play equipment, toys and books, as well as 46 nude photos including two that showed an adult nude male having sex with kids.

A maintenance man for many child care centers in eastern Massachusetts, Shell pleaded guilty to 35 charges. At the time of the sentence, he had already been in jail from December 1990. He is eligible for parole in 2004.

Robert Vincent Shell (AA)—Data Acknowledgment
Birth: 8/15/1957, 6:08 p.m. EDT, Lowell, MA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quotes the birth certificate.
Conception:11/05/1956, 12:05:52 a.m. EST, Lowell, MA.

Bob Shell
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 12th Housethe First Part of the Significator, Showing Sexuality

Placidian House Cusps: c11—3Gem, c12—6Can, c2—27Leo, c3—25Vir b11—15Sco, b12—5Sag, b2—13Aqu, b3—24Pis

Note Shell has some psychic abilities. An all-charts phenomenon, his moon in Pisces is in b 3rd house. Psychic significators usually show up in the 7th chart. For more on psychic significators, see the following: Paper on Psychics

Set (mmm) shows a golden benefic containing sun/mercury/venus/jupiter/uranus. B12 venus rules B MC and b 5th house. B12 jupiter rules B Asc in c 5th house. C uranus rules c 7th house. This set influences two Angles and both 5th houses.

Bob Shell—the Second Part of the Significator, Showing Gender Preference

  • B moon at 27 Pisces 22 co-rules (30 of 46°) b 7th house and is made Angular by B Asc at 27 Sagittarius 19. Moon as female significator is a lot more rare than venus, but it is also a definite possibility.

Bob Shell—the Third Part of the Significator, Showing the Connection Between Sexuality And Children

  • Set (nnn), pictured above, shows a set with just node/venus/jupiter, with venus in Gemini (c jupiter at 0 Virgo 29 is not part of the set, but is progressing toward it.) B jupiter rules B Asc in c 5th house. Note how simple the set is.

  • We know he was convicted of sexual assault on September 15, 1992, but he was already in prison by 1990. The progression of c jupiter, ruler of c 5th house, toward the set just makes it stronger. When he was 30 years old (8/15/87), pc jupiter was at 5 Virgo 04, having become part of Set (nnn). On the date of his sentence, it was at 5 Virgo 39—still part of the set. But even fourteen years later, on 8/15/2007 (when he has a chance of being out of prison), at 6 Virgo 56, it was still in the set.

Now we are going to take a look at those other two individuals whose astrology apparently shows them to be pedophiles, when they are not.

John Norman Collins, prison photo, years later
Picture from the Internet

John Norman Collins
Biographical data from Astrodatabank stated: American homicide; called the "Michigan Co-ed Killer" as he kidnapped, beat, stabbed, tortured, mutilated, raped, and shot nine young Michigan women between 7/07/1967 and 7/23/1969.

At close to 18, he found his sister in bed with a man and beat her so badly that she went into the hospital. His first victim was a girl who disappeared 7/09/1967 and her body found 8/07/1967 with 30 stab wounds and the feet cut off. The second was missing 12/18/1967, found 1/30/1968 with a 3" nail driven in the back of her head. No. 3 was missing 6/30/1968, found 4/04/1968, raped and stabbed 25 times. No. 4 missing 3/20/1969, found 3/21/1969, shot. No.5 missing 3/22/1969, found 3/25/1969, raped and beaten to death. No. 6 missing 4/15/1969, found the next day strangled and stabbed. No. 7 missing 6/07/1969, found 6/09/1969, raped, stabbed and shot. No. 8 missing 6/20/1969, No. 9 missing 7/23/1969, found 7/26/1969, beaten and raped. Other bodies were found in the area of which he was suspect. Imprisoned.

A more detailed biography exists at: More on Collins

The youngest female Collins attacked and murdered was Dawn Basom, then aged 13. Every one else was a college or graduate student. All of them were post-puberty. To me, that means he was not a pedophile. A serial killer of women, yes, but not a pedophile. Then how come he has the signature of a pedophile? Let’s look.

John Norman Collins (AA)—Data Acknowledgment
Birth: 6/17/1947, 12:38 p.m. EDT, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. V. Shaw quotes St. Joseph Hospital records.
Conception:9/18/1946, 5:55:31 p.m. EST, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

John Norman Collins
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 12th Housethe First Part and Third Parts of the Significator, Showing Sexuality and Apparent Pedophilia, Respectively

Placidian House Cusps: c11—23Sco, c12—13Sag, c2—26Aqu, c3—5Ari b11—23Gem, b12—25Can, b2—16Vir, b3—15Lib

Set (ooo) is simple enough. It contains moon/venus/mars. C mars rules C MC. C12 moon rules c 7th house. C12 venus rules c 5th house. Angle/moon/venus/mars/5th shows a strong sexuality, so this set gives us the first part of the significator. In looking at his 5th and 7th charts, it is his strongest sexual significator. He has other problems with sexuality which will be discussed below.

Set (ooo) also contains lighted venus in Gemini with Angular and 5th influence. That makes it qualify as a significator of the third part.

But Collins is not a pedophile. What, then, is he? He is (was) a serial murderer with an interest in (love of—venus) intellectuals (Gemini) or students (Gemini). Yes, that seems possible, at least, because all of his victims were students. Maybe it was not just arbitrary that they were so.

John Norman Collins—the Second Part of the Significator, Showing Gender Preference

  • Set (qqq) shows c venus, ruler of c 5th house, at 7 Libra 52 made Angular by C Asc at 7 Capricorn 55, showing a preference for females (venus).

But note Collins also has an apparent bisexual significator. B12 mercury, at 8 Cancer 17, is conjunct C Desc at 7 Cancer 55. Does that conjunction with saturn turn it off? Or has he, by the date of our biography, not reached a realization he can be bisexual?

Andy Kaufman
Picture from Astrodatabank.com

Andy Kaufman
Biographical data from Astrodatabank stated: American actor who performed his off-beat, highly original, stand-up comedy and impressionist routine on TV, in clubs and concerts. His act ranged from brilliant to boring to bizarre. His career snowballed after he began appearing on Saturday Night Live, 1975, and then became a regular on the series, "Taxi," 1978. He was in the film "Heartbleeps" with co-star Bernadette Peters, in which he played a romantic robot.

He died of lung cancer 6/16/1984 at the age of 35. Fifteen years later he had a resurgence of interest with a memoir by his friend Bob Zmuda, "Andy Kaufman Revealed," (September 1999) and a biography by Bill Zehme, "Lost in the Funhouse," (December 1999). On 12/22/1999, a movie based on his life, opens, with Jim Carrey playing Kaufman.

The comic performed for himself from the time he was a kid, alone in his room. As he grew older, he put on his acts for his two younger siblings. As a teen he acted at kid's birthday parties. At Grahm Junior College, he discovered his lifelong interest in transcendental meditation, which also gave him the confidence to take his act into small Manhattan clubs, then to the Improv in Los Angeles. His pinnacle was a 1979 performance at Carnegie Hall, where he rented 20 school buses to take a crowd of 2,800 out for milk and cookies at a nearby school after the show.

Kaufman's twist became darker and was often offensive. Not everyone was amused at the cruelty he leveled at an audience, but eventually, his viewers simply got tired of the abuse. In 1982, after his 14th appearance on SNL, viewers voted him off the show in a call-in poll and the following year, "Taxi" was cancelled. Late in 1983, he was exiled from the TM movement, a bitter blow.

At 20, Kaufman had a daughter with a girlfriend but for the rest of his life, played the field, even when dating film editor Lynne Margulies. Near the end of 1983, a persistent cough was diagnosed as lung cancer. Until the end, he believed he'd get better, trying every remedy including hypnotism and faith healing.

He died of lung cancer on 5/16/1984 at the age of 35.

Andy Kaufman (A)—Data Acknowledgment
Birth: 1/17/1949, 6:03 p.m. EST, Jamaica, New York.. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Mary MacKenzie quotes him. Shelley Ackerman quotes him as a friend for 6:30 PM. ("Lost in the Funhouse" gives 2:00 PM, no source.)
Conception:4/07/1948, 1:37:01 a.m. EST, Jamaica, New York.

Andy Kaufman
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 3rd Housethe First Part and Third Parts of the Significator, Showing Sexuality and Apparent Pedophilia, Respectively

Placidian House Cusps: c11—12Sco, c12—3Sag, c2—9Aqu, c3—20Pis b11—5Pis, b12—17Ari, b2—18Gemr, b3—9Can

Set (rrr) contains sun/moon/mercury/venus/jupiter/saturn/2neptune/pluto. It is rather spread out, but it contains two lights, so it works. C3 venus rules C MC and c 5th house. B3 sun rules b 7th house. C3 moon rules c 7th house. C neptune rules c 3rd house.

Moon in Gemini occurs often in the charts of writers, communicators, comics. It usually indicates a good memory, a gift for gab, and a facility (along with moon in Pisces) for mimicry. With venus (as is also true in the charts of pedophiles, that is, for every one who has it), it represents charisma and a capacity to delight, charm.

Note the set involves an opposition of venus to jupiter, so as a sexual significator this is not strong because it indicates a certain amount of conflict in the women he attracts. Or, it represents attracting women he will not wish to marry. Moon and saturn conjunct it also suggest a certain amount of deadening of the feelings sponsored by this set.

Nonetheless, Set (rrr) also contains lighted venus in Gemini with influence to an Angle and 5th house—our apparent pedophile significator, our significator of the third part.

But Kaufman was not in the least a pedophile. How come this astrology says he was?

Note Set (sss) in the drawing above. Its astrology has two key effects. One, it shows b3 venus at 27 Taurus 33 in a 5th house made Angular by B Asc at 27 Taurus 39. That gives us our second part significator and shows a sexual (5th) preference for women (venus). We will return to a discussion of this below.

Set (rrr) also tells us something else. With this astrological approach, when two significators absolutely conflict, and one only influences an Angle while the other is on an Angle, then the one on the Angle is dominant and effaces the information contained in the one only influencing an Angle. Planets on Angles are astrological “command consciousnesses.” Those only influencing an Angle show more leeway in their expression or not.

The significator for pedophilia involves (1) venus, and (2) influence to a 5th house, and (3) influence to an Angle. It can only be replaced by another venus which also influences a 5th house and has a stronger Angular effect (therefore, stronger in the consciousness).

That is exactly what happens in Set (rrr) above. Kaufman’s venus in Taurus has 5th influence (in a 5th house) and is on an Angle (and is also lighted by the Angle) so it trumps the significator set with venus in Gemini that only influences an Angle.

Note that it had to be another venus which trumped the pedophilia significator. It could not have been mars even though that planet has sexual significance. And it had to have 5th influence, because the venus in pedophilia has 5th influence.

Andy Kaufman—the Second Part of the Significator, Showing Gender Preference and Canceling the Pedophilia Significator

  • Set (rrr) discussed above and shown in the drawing above gives us our apparent pedophilia significator.

Note that Set (rrr) also contains Angle/light/saturn/pluto/3rd. In a 3rd chart, it is a significator for autism. As it happens, the full autism significator has to occur in both 1st and 3rd charts, and it does not occur in Kaufman’s 1st chart. He has the a harmonic set with saturn and pluto, but it lacks an Angle ruler (and does not influence a 3rd house, though that is less important in the 1st chart.)

So, Set (rrr) gives us some astrological clue to some of Kaufman’s bizarre “comedic” behavior and gives us some clue to the astrological source for “Foreign Man.” In addition, moon in Gemini usually represents a good memory as well as gifts in mimicry.

Kaufman’s c uranus at 28 Taurus 43 conjunct B Asc at 27 Taurus 39 additionally shows us some one whose behavior is eccentric, freedom-loving, innovative—not a follower.

Now we can return to Set (b), shown above, in the astrology of Lewis Carroll. It shows venus in Taurus in c 5th house and conjunct the Descendant (that is, on an Angle).

It, therefore, is dominant over his venus in Gemini/pedophilia signature, which only influences an Angle and only influences a 5th house. Carroll was not a sexual pedophile.

We have seen astrology for twenty-five pedophiles and come to the end of their presentation. Also included were the charts of three men who had apparent significators for pedophilia who were not pedophiles.

We have looked at twenty-five charts of pedophiles, two of which lacked the venus in Gemini part of the significator. For one of those, Andrea Alloca, I showed the possibility of the significator maturing late in life when his pedophilia was manifested. With the other individual, Jean Martin, a case was made for accepting an Angle/light/mercury-in-Gemini/5th significator. It makes sense, but it is a poor substitute for venus in Gemini because it lacks the latter’s emotional involvement.

Such a high occurrence—23 of 25 individuals—of the main significator makes a good starting case for it being a true significator.

We also looked at the charts of three individuals whose astrology indicated they were pedophiles who were not:

  • Two of them—Carroll and Kaufman—had two significators of the third part, with the non-pedophile one “over-ruling” the pedophile one.

  • With the third—Collins—it was possible to come up with an alternate, acceptable interpretation for venus in Gemini. It makes sense, but if that is possible, it lowers the value of the pedophile significator by making it less concise.

I drew several tentative conclusions from this study:

  • Even if there is more to the pedophile significator than presented here, pedophilia does have a significator—a distinct one. So pedophilia is not just some arbitrary choice of the men who experience it. Perhaps environment contributes. But, from the point of view of this astrology, pedophiles are born, not made. Without the astrology, no environment would create a pedophile.

  • Pedophilia causes dire and painful consequences for victims and families of victims. From the above data it is clear that pedophiles do what they do because it gives them sexual pleasure and a terrific high, happiness, the sense of rightness we all feel when we are “winners.” Being a “winner” is an astrological function of golden benefics. With the path it takes in charts of pedophiles, it serves as the astrological foundation for their statements that their relationship with their children are “special.” They are special—for the pedophile.

  • There are other ways to feel (and be) a winner, but they are more individual and unique. The effect of the golden benefic is common to all human experience. Winning the lottery is a function of a forefront golden benefic in 2nd and 8th charts (or a “summed” golden benefic). Winning the lottery furnishes us with an idea of how high, and how “right” the "golden benefic" individual feels.

  • When the golden benefic influences an Angle and 5th house, then the individual’s sense of being a winner is tied to his sexuality. And when the individual’s sexuality is further defined with venus-in-Gemini/5th, feeling a winner is tied to his pedophilia.

  • If we just remove the significator for pedophilia, but retain the ones for strong sexuality and sexuality influenced by a golden benefic, we have a “swinger,” regardless of sexual orientation.

  • Qualifiers on sexuality like this create a lot of motivation.

Some of the questions raised by this study are:

  • (1) What, then, is “curing” some one of pedophilia? We do not un-create an Angle/light/venus-in-Gemini/5th. Once some one is born, that moment contains their astrology for this lifetime. Pedophilia is “just in their heads.” That is, it is a matter of consciousness, but not “free-associating consciousness.” It is more like "subconsciousness," the same subconsciousness that directs the actions of all of us. Our astrological consciousness is our blueprint for a whole lifetime, it is not about superficial “thought.” I am not an expert (nor a neuroscientist, but here is the review of a book about truly astonishing brain/behavioral/consciousness changes: Review of The Brain That Changes Itself), or here is another way: Conquest of Mind by Ecknath Easwaran, but my impression is that changing consciousness is more about a change of level than a change of mind. And, if we are being honest, changes of level are not that easy for most of us. At least, voluntary concerted effort over a long period of time is involved.

  • (2) But, surely pedophile significators occur in charts of men who live (or lived) in cultures where pedophilia is absolutely forbidden, so unthinkable that even thoughts about it would be stillborn. (Or, have those cultures disappeared? Or did they never exist?) Assuming such cultures exist, are those “pedophiles” just suppressing their desires, or does their astrological pedophilia take another, socially acceptable form that is, importantly, equally attractive to the pedophiles themselves? Otherwwise, what is their motivation to change? It is certainly not social isolation or shame, or fear of imprisonement.

Regardless of what is additionally discovered about the significators for pedophilia, for me my study of the various forms of sexuality has made one fact apparent. Human sexuality is human sexuality regardless of the form it takes. That is, the significators for its strength and quality are shared by everyone (and are called significator of the first part in this method). It is the “tags” (additional significators) added to the first one that create all the different forms we know as homosexual, lesbian, bisexual, swinger-with-preference, or pedophile. "Tags," as forms of significators, are always short and simple, and always modify a primary significator. And, it appears, change their meaning when the primary significator changes.

While it is true that homosexual and lesbian significators of the first part are concise [Angle/light/mars/neptune/5th/(7th) and Angle/light/venus/neptune/5th?(7th), respectively] and necessary for the determination of those forms of sexuality, they also occur in the charts of heterosexual men and women. It is always the second part of the significator, astrologically simple, which determines gender preference.

And in this paper we have seen a third part—actually, a second and third tag (the first tag being for gender preference) of the sexual significators. The second and third tags select, so to speak, for (2) “age preference” and then (3) sometimes override (2). I did not write "deselect." Tag (3) does more than deselect for tag (2). Tag (3) proposes a different reality altogether from tag (2).

Pedophile significators by chart were fairly evenly distributed. They were as follows :

Significator Found In ChartNumber of Individuals
1st Chart1 Individual
2nd Chart0 Individuals
3rd Chart2 Individuals
4th Chart3 Individuals
5th Chart3 Individuals
6th Chart1 Individuals
7th Chart 3 Individuals
8th Chart 3 Individuals
9th Chart2 Individuals
10th Chart2 Individuals
11th Chart3 Individuals
12th Chart2 Individuals
TOTAL25 Individuals

I won’t reprint the tables here, but will mention distribution of COG charts for fifty lesbians and fifty homosexuals. The two highest distributions for lesbians: 15 had their significators in the 12th chart, and 13 in the 7th chart—nearly half. Homosexuals had 18 in the 7th chart, and 16 in the 5th chart—over half.

I cannot present comparable data on heterosexual charts because right now I do not know how to find a COG chart for heterosexual sexuality that is other than the 5th or 7th except with strong biographial information pointing in a different direction. I do find them, but that is by accident, not through looking for a tentative significator. And, perhaps heterosexuality is the default setting for gender preference when a tag is not needed to change the sexual preference implied by the significator of the first part. Only massive numbers of charts and completely honest biographies can get us anywhere near resolving the potential issue of default heterosexuality.

Right now I have no idea what such an even distribution means for pedophiles. Does it mean anything? One idea occurs out of hand. The 7th chart is the traditional chart containing information on our marriages and close partnerships; the 5th, our sexuality as adults. The even distribution of pedophile COG charts may be a confirmation that theirs are not partnerships.

I also do not know the percentage of homicidal pedophiles relative to non-homicidal ones. Does any one know? I suspect the percentage of homicidal to non-homicidal in this paper is higher than in the population. After all, the pedophiles we know most are those who have murdered children and been caught. That is how we acquire their birth data—they, specifically, come to our attention.

Further comments on distribution among these twenty-five pedophiles are about the ways their significators occurred:

  • Among the twenty-five pedophiles in this paper, seven (Davis, Ancion, Goode, Williams, 4221, Nevel, and Shell) had an Angle in a 5th house. None of those, however, had any venus (in a sign other than Gemini) conjunct that Angle in any chart. For Andy Kaufman that was his astrology that showed he was not a pedophile. And for Carroll, too, though his was in a 5th house opposite an Ascendant.

  • Three of the twenty-five individuals in this study—Jaynes, Sicari, and Divoire (though Sicari is not counted in the twenty-five) had venus in Gemini conjunct an Ascendant in Gemini. None of those fell in a 5th house. All their influences to 5th houses were through rulers of 5th houses

  • The occurrence of mercury/mars/saturn in charts of homicidal pedophiles was of secondary interest to me so I did not compare them to charts of non-homicidal pedophiles.

  • Even among the homicidal pedophiles there was quite a variation. For some, murder appears an integral part of their sexuality. For others, murder appears to have occurred as an unfortunate part of their pedophile experience—an accident perhaps, or because of a moment of panic. Separating their astrology belongs to some future time.

As I have pointed out in other papers, human sexuality is a complex, many-layered phenomenon comprised of physical, emotional, psychic, and cultural factors. In many cultures sexuality it is still a “private matter.” So we almost never have the whole story.

In spite of that, I think the three significators demonstrated in this paper a good start in identifying pedophilia. I do not necessarily think they represent the final word on the matter. Unfortunately, there is no way to find charts of non-pedophiles which contain pedophile significator (and presumably, for now, with astrology which overrides it). Those are found only by chance.

Further Work
Even though our significators for pedophilia may not be absolutely complete, we have enough to look at the chart of one man convicted of pedophilia who was later exonerated. Gerald Amirault served 18 years in prison of a 30-to-40 year sentence for the rape and abuse of 13 children at the Fells Acre School owned and operated by his mother and sister in Malden, Massachusetts.

In the next paper, we cover Amirault's astrology for pedophilia (or not, which is the case). Does it match the criteria established above? It does in some ways, with critical differences. Here is the link to that paper: Paper on Amirault

Long-Fruited Thimbleweed (cropped)
From Wildflowers of Michigan Field Guide, by Stan Tekiela

Victoria Through the Looking Glass: the Life of Lewis Carroll by Florence B. Lennon. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1945.

Lewis Carroll: A Biography by Morton N. Cohen. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1995.

The Man With the Candy by Jack Olsen. Simon & Schuster, 1999.

Lost in the Funhouse: The Life and Mind of Andy Kaufman, by Bill Zehme. New York: Random House, Inc., 1999.

Data Acknowledgments
Data is given in the order individuals appeared in the tables. The letters following the individuals’ names refer to the Rodden Rating for reliability, which can be found by an Internet search.

Lewis Carroll (B)
Birth: 1/27/1832, 3:45 a.m. LMT., Daresbury, ENG. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Rodden quotes H. Parisot Lewis Carroll, 1952. Formerly Daath gave 3:38 a.m. in Modern Astrology 1901. Same for Lyndoe in AA Nov/1966 and in SS No. 175 Judy Johns father Bob Jansky for 4:00 a.m. and Marc Penfield adds that 4:10 am is given by Evangeline Adams.
Conception:4/17/1831, 12:52:22 a.m. LMT, Daresbury, ENG.

Robert Strack (AA)
Birth: 8/11/1932, 12:30 p.m. MET, Bruhl, Germany. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. B.C. in hand from Steinbrecher.
Conception:11/01/1931, 11:37:23 p.m. MET, Bruhl, Germany.

Lorenzo Artico (AA)
Birth: 6/06/1967, 12:30 p.m. MEDT, Milan, Italy. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Bordoni quotes B.C. Datanotizie No. 28, 11/1999.
Conception:8/28/1966, 9:16:42 p.m. EET, Milan, Italy.

John Rex, Jr. (AA)
Birth: 8/31/1970, 11:14 p.m. EDT, Lowell, MA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quotes B.C.
Conception:11/20/1969, 1:18:04 p.m. EST, Lowell, MA.

William George Bonin (A)
Birth: 1/08/1947, 12:15 a.m.EST, Willimantic, CT. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Steinbrecher quotes Betty Collins from him. (He called her out of the blue. He didn't give her his name at first and they talked about astrology. He wanted her to do charts for him and his partner. When she realized that he was the Freeway Killer calling from prison, she panicked, and did not continue the contact nor get Butts' data).
Conception:3/28/1946, 3:54:34 a.m. EST, Willimantic, CT.

Dean Arnold Corll (AA)
Birth: 12/24/1939, 8:45 p.m. CST, Fort Worth, IN. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Biography: Jack Olsen "The Man With the Candy" (1974). Same on B.R. in hand from Steinbrecher.
Conception:3/13/1939, 3:04:11 p.m. CST, Fort Worth, IN.

Richard Allen Davis (A)
Birth: 6/02/1954, 6:34 p.m. PDT, San Francisco, CA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Clippings in hand, Jeanne Stanton from the S.F. Chronicle, data given in an article, presented with parent’s names as from B.C..
Conception:8/25/1953, 4:01:00 a.m. PDT, San Francisco, CA.

Andrea Alloca (AA)
Birth: 2/22/1927, 4:00 a.m. MET, Comiziano, Italy. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Bordoni quotes B.C. in Datanotizie 4/1998.
Conception:5/14/1926, 1:56:26 a.m. MET, Comiziano, Italy.

David Paul Brown (legal name change to Nathaniel Bar-Jonah) (AA)
Birth:2/15/1957, 8:38 a.m. EST, Worcester, MA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quotes BC.
Conception:2/27/1910, 10:18:31 a.m. CST, Tampico, IL.

David B. Connors (AA)
Birth: 3/14/1963, 1:33 p.m. EST, Lowell, MA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quotes B.C.
Conception:6/04/1962, 9:32:46 a.m. EDT, Lowell, MA.

Robert Black (AA)
Birth: 4/21/1947, 8:35 p.m. GDWT, Falkirk, Scotland. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Pulsar No. 5 quotes B.C.
Conception:2/27/1910, 10:18:31 a.m. CST, Tampico, IL.

William Ancion (AA)
Birth: 7/17/1971, 10:00 a.m. MET, Seraing, Belgium. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Michel Mandl quotes B.c. in DATAsophia No. 4/1997.
Conception:10/07/1970, 8:53:22 p.m. MET, Seraing, Belgium.

John Wayne Gacy (AA)
Birth: 3/17/1942, 12:29 a.m. CWT, Chicago, IL. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Edith Custer quotes hospital records in Mercury Hour, 4/1979. CST time confirmed.
Conception:6/06/1941, 9:20:41 a.m. CST, Chicago, IL.

Ronald Paquin (AA)
Birth: 10/16/1942, 9:16 a.m. EWT, Salem, MA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quotes B.C.
Conception:1/03/1942, 9:00:08 a.m. EWT, Salem, MA.

Arthur Frederick Goode (AA)
Birth: 3/28/1954, 8:00 p.m. EST, Hyattsville, MD. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Copy of letter quoting mother’s records in hand, G.S. MacEwan.
Conception:6/19/1953, 4:31:08 a.m. EST, Hyattsville, MD.

Charles Jaynes (AA)
Birth: 7/30/1975, 11:10 p.m. EDT, Boston, MA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quotes B.C. in NCGR Newsletter 11/1997.
Conception:10/20/1974, 9:11:52 p.m. EST, Boston, MA.

Salvatore Sicari (AA)
Birth: 8/17/1976, 3:04 p.m. EDT, Cambridge, MA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quotes B.C. in NCGR Newsletter 11/1997.
Conception:11/07/1975, 7:11:19 p.m. EST, Cambridge, MA.

Jean-Pierre Divoire (AA)
Birth: 8/01/1943, 4:25 a.m. MEWT, Rouvroy, France. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Cadran No.27, 2/l996 quotes B.C. (Petitallot confirms the L&L)
Conception:10/22/1942, 2:17:33 a.m. EET, Rouvroy, France.

Frank Collin (A)
Birth: 11/03/1944, 7:51 a.m. CST, Chicago, IL. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Ruth Dewey quotes a reader who sent a letter from the National Socialist White People’s Party, noted as being born in Jackson Park Hospital in Mercury Hour 7/79.
Conception:1/21/1944, 10:06:31 p.m. CST, Chicago, IL.

Richard LaVigne (AA)
Birth: 2/18/1941, 11:00 p.m. EST, Chicopee, MA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quotes B.C.
Conception:5/10/1940, 6:15:31 p.m. EST, Chicopee, MA.

Daniel Croteau (AA)
Birth: 5/27/1959, 6:12 a.m. EDT, Springfield, MA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quotes B.C.
Conception:8/18/1958, 4:29:11 p.m. EDT, Springfield, MA.

Wayne B. Williams (A)
Birth: 5/27/1958, 1:05 p.m. EST, Atlanta, GA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Jean Pace called on 1/14/1994 to report that she had sat behind William's mother during the trial and asked her for his time of birth. Mrs. Williams said that this was her only child and she'd never forget; he had been born at 1:05 PM. (Tom Csere sent a letter from Williams, written in his own hand and dated 3/06/1982, that gave the time of 1:31 AM EST)
Conception:8/18/1957, 11:57:15 p.m. EST, Atlanta, GA.

Research: Pedophile 4221 (A)
Birth: 5/19/1905, 4:02 a.m. CST, Clinton, AR. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Ruby Miller, personal file.
Conception:8/10/1904, 2:25:59 p.m. CST, Clinton, AR.

Henry Grant Brown (AA)
Birth: 7/01/1928, 11:51 a.m. MST, Ogden, UT. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Dorothy Satrapa, his neighbor, quotes B.C.
Conception:9/23/1927, 9:17:03 a.m. MST, Ogden, UT.

Jean Martin (AA)
Birth: 1/10/1936, 10:00 a.m. GMT, Fromy, France. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Petitallot quotes B.C. in INFOsophia Vol. 17.
Conception:3/30/1935, 3:07:56 p.m. GMT, Fromy, Francy.

Steven Nevel (AA)
Birth: 11/24/1956, 9:41 p.m. CST, Madison, WI. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Stephen Przybylowski quotes B.C.
Conception:2/12/1956, 8:09:16 a.m. CST, Madison, WI.

Noel Lucas (AA)
Birth: 12/23/1944, 11:30 p.m. GDT, St. Marthurin, France. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Petitallot quotes the B.C., Cadran No. 40, April 1997.
Conception:3/12/1944, 4:44:53 p.m. GMT, St. Marthurin, France.

Bob Shell (AA)
Birth: 8/15/1957, 6:08 p.m. EDT, Lowell, MA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quotes the B.C.
Conception:11/05/1956, 12:05:52 a.m. EST, Lowell, MA.

John Norman Collins (AA)
Birth: 6/17/1947, 12:38 p.m. EDT, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Hospital Records in hand from Vic Shaw. Edward Keyes, The Michigan Murders, Picket Books, Simon & Schuster, NY 1978.
Conception:9/08/1946, 5:55:31 p.m. EDT, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

Andy Kaufman (A)
Birth: 1/17/1949, 6:03 p.m. EST, Jamaica, NY. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Mary MacKenzie quotes him. Shelley Ackerman quotes him as a friend for 6:30 PM. ("Lost in the Funhouse" gives 2:00 PM, no source.)
Conception:4/01/1948, 1:37:01 a.m. EST, Jamaica, NY.

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Although Sicari’s chart is not part of the twenty-five referred to in the title, there’s a reason to take a look at some of it. His significator of the 3rd part (Angle/light/venus-in-Gemini/5th) was not in his 8th chart. It was in his 7th chart: