November 2011: Alzheimer's Part II, consisting of seven cases of Alzheimer's disease, one of Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease, one of meningo-encephalitis, three of dementia pugilistica (Floyd Patterson, Sugar Ray Robinson, and Jimmy Ellis) and an Addendum showing the astrology of Parkinson's syndrome for Muhammad Ali (and why he didn't get dementia pugilistica) This is the "best yet" paper to show how planets on Angles modulate sets that only influence Angles. Part I must be read first. Here is the link: Link to Alzheimer's II
Bruce Lee's life and death illustrate another important Angle/planet modifier, an anti-allergic one: Paper on Bruce Lee.
Please note: The original paper on Alzheimer's disease was posted on the Internet in June 2002. This is the revised edition of September 2011. I revised it because of the greater clarity I have achieved from working with this method for nine more years. It is likely, as occurs with some genetic diseases, that there are environmental factors (diet, pollution, etc.)--along with the astrology--that affect the expression of autism and Alzheimer's disease.
I have written a number of papers on health problems. Here are their links ::
Fanny Blankers-KoenAND Her Significator for Alzheimer's Disease in Her Old Age
Alzheimer’s Compared with Parkinsons, Parkinsonism, and Kreuzfedt-Jacob Disease and the Astrology That Mitigates All of Them
Parkinsons I
Parkinsons II
Robin Williams and Parkinsons Remission (?)
Diabetes (18 Cases, Including Some Deaths from the Disease)
Hyper and Hypo Thyroid Function (10 Cases, Including One Set of Twins)
Asthma (10 Cases, Including Some Deaths)
Human Growth Hormone (1 Case)
The Astrology of Heart Disease
Death of One Adult Twin from Heart Attack and His Brother Ten Months Later--the Picards
The Silent Twins: June's Death From Heart Trouble (Myocarditis) While Her Sister Lived
Death of Enron CEO Ken Lay of Heart Attack
The Kray Twins: Ron Died of Heart Attack; His Brother Reginald of Cancer
The Astrology of Kidney Disease
The Astrology of Covid-19
Many readers of these papers on medical, sexual and psychological conditions read only about that condition, or perhaps one other. They thus have no idea how well this very different astrological method works. To get some idea of that, read some of the sixteen (more to come!) papers on twins on this sites. In traditional astrology, twins are hard to differentiate. This astrology demonstrates the differences in astrology which account for their life differences. Here is a link to one of the twin papers:The Silent Twins. Links to the other twin papers are found in each paper.
Now, in 2011 the signature for Alzheimer’s remains the same it was in 2002. But the number of charts it can occur in has expanded beyond the “typical” one. Typical chart with respect to Alzheimer’s disease is the 7th chart. It is typical because the signature occurs most in it. And it was only in that chart, in 2002, that I looked for the signature. Now in 2011 it is clear the signature can occur in other charts.
What is a significator? It consists of differing planets with their influences to Angles and houses. For instance, one signature is Angle/light/venus/jupiter/(X planets)/2nd/8th. ("X planets" just means that other planets may be in the set.) Venus and jupiter are grouped together by conjunction, square, or opposition. They are also grouped with a light. The light can be a sun, moon, or moon's nodes. Allowable orbs (differences away from the exact conjunction, square, or opposition) are no more than 5° orbs when venus and jupiter are with a light, and only 2° orbs when without a light. Either a Midheaven or Ascendant ("Angle") is also grouped with them (then they are on an Angle), or one of the grouped planets rules an Angle. This whole thing is called a "set." Further, planets in the set must also rule 2nd and 8th houses within the chart claiming to be the chart containing the significator.
When that signature set occurs in the 2nd and 8th charts it is highly suggestive of economic windfall. Here is the link to the paper that covers that topic: Paper on Lottery Winners . But it can also symbolize a windfall when occurring in the 7th chart, an atypical chart for windfalls because, at least theoretically, the primary focus of the 7th chart is on close partnerships—marriage, dear friends, or business partners. Occurring in any two of those three charts, it suggests windfalls—lottery, gifts, raises in pay, gambling gains, and even successful robbery.
When the same planets and influences recur for specific conditions or events, it becomes highly likely that they represent the astrology that spells out, or sponsors, such conditions or events. When they do it in many example charts, then they are referred to as the tentative “signature” for those conditions or events. Signatures are learned bit by bit and are subject to change—especially additional qualifiers. And, as has been shown powerfully in the paper on pedophilia, among others, signatures can be over-ridden or cancelled by some other astrology in that chart. Sometimes they can even be cancelled by astrology in a different chart For an example, see paper on homosexuality, where the gender significator can be in two other charts when not in a COG chart. Here is the link to that paper: Paper on 50 Homosexual Males.
There are two important points about significators occurring in non-typical charts.
(1) They make sense in the non-typical chart either because the chart itself is a reasonable place for them even though not the typical place, or because they occur in the individual’s “Center of Gravity” (COG) chart. If we had sufficient biographical material about the individual, his COG chart would also make sense.
For instance, in one of several examples below, Ralph Waldo Emerson has his significator for Alzheimer’s disease occur in his 9th chart—atypical because the 7th is the typical one for Alzheimer’s. Since we know from history that Emerson was an American minister and mystic, it makes sense that his 9th chart (of higher mind) is his COG chart. And it at least makes sense (but it does not have to dictate) that his significator for Alzheimer’s occurs in that chart.
Unfortunately, we often do not have sufficient biographical information to know, or even make intelligent guesses at, each individual’s COG chart. For most of us our 7th chart, in general, is our main (or COG) chart. That is, it is the one in which our consciousness is anchored most of the time. This is true because most of us define ourselves so much through who we are with others. Who we are with others—that identity—is our main identity, and it is covered primarily and best by the astrology of the 7th chart.
But fortunately, we do have biographical information on enough individuals with non-typical significator charts that they lend considerable credence to the concept of the COG chart and non-typical significator charts.
Let me give another example of a typical significator in a non-typical chart. The significator for spiritual achievement of known gurus is Asc/light/venus/jupiter/4th/5th/9th, usually occurring in the 7th and 9th charts—the typical charts. They represent charts of significant others (7th) and religion (9th), respectively. But the same significator occurring in the 3rd chart (of ordinary mind), the 1st chart (of early childhood and its identity), the 10th chart (of career and social success), and even the 6th chart (of health and service), functions the same way. It represents spiritual good fortune, help from or to higher levels of being, and being known or functioning as spiritually gifted. Here is the link to that paper: Paper on Gurus .
The second important part about significators in non-typical charts is that they must have the same planets/path as in the typical chart. That is, they have exactly the same required planets and exactly the same paths (influence to Angles and houses) as in the typical chart. The signature may, and often does, consist of more planets than called for by the significator, but it must contain those listed in the significator. (The non-signature planets serve to increase the influence of the significator set to more Angles and houses.)
For Alzheimer’s disease that significator, which will be discussed more below, is Angle/mercury/saturn/3rd/4th/8th/9th. Any chart claiming to contain the significator must have exactly that planet/path. The set must contain mercury and saturn. It must contain a light if not occurring on an Angle, in which case it must also influence an Angle through one of the planets in the set ruling it. Houses ruled through planets in the set must include 3rd, 4th, 8th, and 9th houses. It may include other influence to houses, but it must contain the ones just mentioned.
The following are later papers that demonstrate significators occurring in non-typical charts: Paper on Lesbianism, Fifty Example Charts, Paper on Male Homosexuality, Fifty Example Charts, , Paper on Osho , Paper on Vivekananda, Paper on Catholic Saints, Paper on Chariji.
In order to highlight the difference between results obtained in 2002 and those of 2011 I have retained the 2002 signature when it was different from the updated, more comprehensive 2011 signature. Both are there to compare. Of course, if the signature remained the same (you can tell because signatures were only taken from the 7th chart in 2002), there is only own signature shown, that found in the 7th chart.
The Disease
Alzheimer’s is a progressive, irreversible brain disease which presently causes the death each year of approximately 100,000 people. By 2050, an estimated 14 million Americans will have it.
Psychologically, in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease short-term memory begins to fail. The ability to perform routine tasks also declines. As the disease spreads through the cerebral cortex, the individual’s judgment deteriorates, language is impaired, and he may experience emotional outbursts. Its further progression leads to behavior changes such as wandering and agitation. In the final stages, the Alzheimer’s individual’s ability to recognize faces and to communicate is completely lost. Then he loses bowel and bladder control. This last stage of complete dependency may last for years before he dies, the recognizable disease taking as much as 20 years to run its course. Average length of time from diagnosis to death is 4 to 8 years.
Medically, an individual with Alzheimer’s suffers an overall shrinkage of brain tissue. The furrows in the brain become noticeably widened and the well-developed folds of the brain’s outer layer shrink. In addition, the chambers within the brain containing cerebrospinal fluid become enlarged. Two pathological features appear in the brains of Alzheimer's victims. They are amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles.
The plaques, formed between nerve cells, are formed of protein fragments. In a healthy brain, these protein fragments are broken down and eliminated. With Alzheimer’s, they accumulate and form hard, insoluble discs.
Neurofibrillary tangles consist of insoluble twisted fibers found inside of the brain’s cells. They primarily form part of a protein structure called a microtubule, which transports nutrients. In Alzheimer’s disease this protein is abnormal, and the microtubule collapses.
It is easy to see Alzheimer’s disease profoundly affects the individual’s physical, mental, and emotional life. It does so slowly, and it does so progressively. It is, indeed, an appalling disease.
Sample Size
Number of individuals included in this study is limited to seventeen. Seventeen is all the individuals for whom I have birth data and the diagnosis, “Alzheimer’s Disease.” Even with that, the diagnosis, spread over decades, sometimes an opinion, sometimes the result of autopsy, might have been incorrect. Clearly, a larger, unambiguous sample is preferable. Notwithstanding that, this study has produced a sensible, reasonable signature for Alzheimer’s disease consonant with astrological principles and scientific method.
Finding the Signature for Alzheimer's Disease
Finding the planets involved in Alzheimer’s disease was easy. My hypothesis was that these were mercury and saturn. After all, mercury represents the principle sponsoring mental function. It includes thinking, writing, and hearing--all forms of communication. So, mercury should be part of the signature. Saturn at its darkest, on the other hand, is astrology’s grim reaper. Saturn’s influence shows itself in desiccation, shrinking, under-function, retardation, and collapse. In general, it is implied in the old age of everything. So, saturn should also be a part of the sought-for signature. We are looking for a set containing mercury and saturn.
After many years of research using this system, some things appear dependable.
(1) If a condition causes the individual’s death, the set (refer to Method below for a definition of a “set”) representing it must influence (be on or rule) at least an Angle (Midheaven or Ascendant) and a 4th house (and possibly an 8th). So, the Alzheimer’s signature set must do that.
(2) Many of our really difficult (as well as really good) experiences in life are foreshadowed as “faults” (or predispositions) in the pre-progressed chart. Alzheimer’s disease, a severe, long-lasting condition, suggests it operates accordingly. Therefore, the signature for the disease should exist as a pre-progressed fault somewhere in the chart of susceptible individuals. Here we have had to define susceptible in terms of who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s since we do not know what other variables exist which lead to Alzheimer’s.
So, when I started looking for the signature of Alzheimer’s, I was looking for a pre-progressed set which included mercury and saturn influencing at least an Angle and a 4th house.
But which chart to look in? Would it be in the 1st chart, the chart that shows our individual identity as well as some physical conditions? Or would it be in the 3rd chart, the chart we have so far called the mind chart? Or, perhaps it would show up in the 6th chart, in which surgery and various health problems are located? Since the 8th house has something to do with death, perhaps it would be found in the 8th chart. Maybe, even, it would be in the 12th chart where some difficulties are hidden? Perhaps it could only be seen as a combination of these charts?
(3) [2002--This was the old hypothesis, which, it turned, out was not correct.]: The signature for each condition may occur in one, two, or even three charts cross-referencing each other. Regardless of how many charts are involved, it always occurs in those same charts for all individuals. So every individual in this study should have this signature in the same chart.
(3a) [2011--This is the new hypothesis, which is a working hypothesis and proven correct for a number of significators]: The signature for some conditions can occur in a number of different charts. For example, another individual with a non-typical signature chart was Dag Hammarskjöld. His powerful mystical approach to life showed up in his 6th chart, which became fully functional only after he had been invited to become Secretary-General of the United Nations. Here is that link: Paper on the Life of Dag Hammarskjöld.
The Full Signature for Alzheimer's Disease
I found the following consistent significators, whether in the typical 7th chart or in atypical charts:
When the influence of the 8th house was first noticed, I thought it rather superfluous. After all, if both 3rd and 9th houses, representing lower and higher mind respectively, are cut off by saturn “destroying” mercury, that should spell death of the mind. Later, however, I saw the 8th house as important in the destructive aspect of this disease. Mercury and saturn influencing the 3rd and 9th, but not the 8th, could represent restricted, focused, narrowed, or even slowed thinking. Even with saturn predominating in old age, thinking could still exist. The influence of the 8th, then, represents the tearing down and destruction, the irreversible brain damage of Alzheimer’s, the 8th house “death” of mind.
I add something entirely theoretical: the assignment of rulership of the planets over the endocrine glands was first explored in the paper on ““Astrology and the Endocrine Glands: the Pancreas and Pituitary--Sarah.” Historically, certain planets have been associated with certain endocrine glands. In the model used in that paper, mercury has influence over the thyroid; saturn, over the anterior pituitary. Since both mercury and saturn are on Angles and forefront, the suggestion is these glands experience life-long over- or mis-emphasis.
Examples of Alzheimer's Disease
Six charts are illustrated and discussed below. Four of them clearly manifest the full Alzheimer’s signature for the typical chart, the 7th. The fifth and sixth ones went through a change in their significator chart. The remaining eleven examples, with their signature in list rather than picture form, are shown below the first six. They contain some highly interesting examples of non-typical charts. There is even one—that of Deborah Kerr—that shows the astrology that cancels or renders the significator for Alzheimer’s disease ineffective.
I should add that the preliminary Angle/mercury and Angle/saturn which precede the main significator in the examples below remain the same. In the text they are measures of non-harmonic mercury and saturn to Angles. That means they occur in all charts. There is a table in the discussion (the third one) which measure both harmonic and non-harmonic (i.e., sidereal) mercury and saturn to Angles.
Before looking at charts, I must first mention a few things about this system.
Astrological Method
This method is not traditional. It uses a birth and conception planets and their harmonics and houses, all of which share the same axis. :
This astrology uses the sidereal positions of the planets based on the Fagan-Bradley’s SVP.
Harmonics are taken from the sidereal position of the planets. The Egyptian harmonic, discussed in the paper “About This Method” (link below), is used.
”Lights” include suns, moons, and moons nodes. When mercury rules one or two Angles, it also acts like a light and has the same orb as the other lights. The MC or Asc also acts like a light, but one with only a 2° orb, because when a set is on an Angle it does not need a light to be active.
This method uses only conjunctions, applying and separating squares, and oppositions. Orbs for static planets with lights is 5°; without lights, about 2.5°. Orb for MC/planet or Asc/planet is 2°. Planets so related to each other are referred to as in the same “set.” A set, then, is two or more planets (or an Angle) connected to each other through conjunction, square, and opposition within the defined orbs. Sets without Angles are more active when they contain a light, and less active without one. Learning to look in terms of “crosses” can be helpful in rapidly finding planets that are in the same set.
Because this approach uses both a birth and conception chart and they share the same axis, birth houses usually overlap different houses of the conception chart. These are called “house overlaps.” As it turned out in this paper, house overlaps were not significant. They can be for some other conditions. Throughout this paper I use the convention when writing about house overlaps of putting the birth house first, then the conception house. So, for instance, a “5th/1st” overlap refers to an overlap of birth 5th house with conception 1st house in that order.
Birth planets (including their harmonics) rule only birth houses. Conception planets (including their harmonics) rule only conception houses.
For a more thorough explanation of this astrological approach, refer to the following papers:
About This Method
Chart Reading Rules
In the partial charts shown below, birth planets and their harmonics are inside the circle. Conception planets and their harmonics are outside the circle. Conception sidereal planets are red; conception harmonic ones, black. Birth sidereal planets are blue; birth harmonic ones, green (which did not come out so well). Occasionally, because of space limitations, I have had to violate this inside/outside arrangement, but the color coding remains constant.
Abbreviations used are b = birth, c = conception, and t = transiting. The harmonic used for each chart is always two more than the chart’s number. However, for ease of reading in these papers I always write the harmonic number the same as the chart number. For example, the 5th chart uses the 7th harmonic, but I have established the convention of writing harmonic planets for the 5th chart as, e.g., c5 mars, which reads, “the harmonic for the 5th chart for conception mars.”
One more word to the wise. In these papers, I use two forms to express the same thing. The "10th chart" is equivalent to "the harmonic chart for the 10th house," and similarly for all the charts. So, for another example, the “3rd chart” is equivalent to “the harmonic chart for the 3rd house.”
In all of the examples below, I have either retained the 2002 signature as sufficient, or shown it, then shown how it was superceded by a superior signature in a chart other than the 7th. In both cases I have tagged the illustrations with the appropriate date.
Rogers’ chart is elegant--if I can use that term in this situation--in its simplicity. Two Angles--B MC and C Asc--aspect non-harmonic mercury and saturn. These are also part of the signature formed by b7 saturn conjunct c mercury in Leo. It is in b 4th and c 9th houses. C mercury rules c 8th house. C saturn rules c 3rd. Mrs. Rogers died March 22, 1999. Her Alzheimer’s disease was confirmed by autopsy.
President Reagan’s signature is another elegantly simple one. His non-harmonic mercury/Angle is B MC square b mercury. His non-harmonic saturn/Angle is C Asc square c saturn. When progressed c saturn conjoined c sun and b7 mercury in Aries, he had a conjunction of sun/mercury/saturn in Aries. Mercury rules B MC in c 4th house; sun rules c 3rd house. Mercury also co-rules c 9th house (28 of 34°). (See footnote 1 for co-ruler limits.) Progressed c saturn rules c 8th house.
A small table showing Reagan’s progressing saturn’s 1/2° degree before mercury and 1/2° after mercury is informative:
Date Saturn Was: | ||||
1/2° Before Mercury | 1/2° After Mercury | |||
pb saturn | 3-6-60 | 8-6-68 | ||
pc saturn | 1-6-68 | (below*) | X |
One-half degree orb is actually quite conservative. Sun, here, would increase orb, and likely his saturn was influencing mercury by one degree, not 1/2 degree, before the conjunction. Only technology which exposes the earliest signs of the disease can establish what the orb actually is.
I doubt progressing birth saturn had anything to do with his Alzheimer’s. B saturn rules b 2nd house. The 2nd house is not a part of the signature. Moreover, none of the other charts show this special circumstance in which both saturns progress over susceptible mercury. It was not whether or not birth or conception saturn was involved. It was c saturn’s rulership over c 8th house--thereby completing the signature, which determined its importance.
Reagan, Signature 2011, From His Harmonic Chart for His 10th House of Career and Social Standing, Superceding His 2002 Signature.:
C Asc | 3 Cancer 44 | |
c10 jupiter | 5 Libra 11R | |
c10 sun | 6 Libra 21 | ruler of c 3rd house |
b10 moon | 2 Capricorn 40 | ruler of b 8th house |
b10 jupiter | 2 Capricorn 59 | ruler of B Asc |
b uranus | 3 Capricorn 01 | ruler of b 3rd house |
c saturn | 4 Aries 07 | ruler of c 8th house |
b10 mercury | 6 Aries 34 | ruler of B MC in c 4th house, co-ruler (28 of 34°) b 9th house |
On the date of his death, June 5, 2004, this chart showed the following relevant positions:
pb mercury, ruler of B MC in c 4th, was at 17 Aries 37R conjunct pb saturn at 17 Aries 29. Progressed b10 mercury, ruler of B MC in c 4th house, was at 1 Sagittarius 26R in the same set with pc10 mars at 0 Gemini 59. Since this mercury rules B MC, it acts like a light, and what these two progressions give us is a lighted mars/saturn influence to an Angle (B MC) and a 4th house (B MC is in c 4th house.) He also had pc10 saturn, which started at 19 Gemini 22 at his conception, at 3 Libra 11 in an early square (b10 moon at 2 Capricorn 40 picks it up early) to C Asc at 3 Cancer 49. And pC MC at 17 Gemini 10 in the same set with c10 mars at 17 Gemini 07.His return chart for Bel Air shows the benefics on Angles that we would expect with the death of some one so famous. It also had saturn on an Angle. Other than that, it did not show much relevance for this 10th chart.
As far as I am concerned, Reagan’s 7th chart did almost as well as his 10th chart in showing his signature, except his 7th chart did not have the initial fault.
Murdoch has no non-harmonic saturn/Angle, although b saturn does progress over her B Asc. She does have C MC in Capricorn, saturn-ruled. Her non-harmonic mercury/Angle is formed by B MC square b mercury.
Her signature set is the harmonic mercury/jupiter/saturn conjunct B Asc. It is in c 4th house. C mercury rules c 3rd house. C jupiter rules c 8th house. C7 saturn co-rules (13 of 17°) c 9th house. The significator for Alzheimer’s is complete.
Data sources stated Murdoch was known to be suffering from Alzheimer’s by the age of 77. She died February 6, 1999, age 79.
Salvador Dali’s mercury/Angle and saturn/Angle are in his signature set. That set includes C MC, b saturn, c7 venus, b sun, c mercury, and c7 jupiter. Mercury rules c 9th; b sun rules b 3rd; b saturn rules b 8th, and c7 venus co-rules c 4th (17 of 22°). Note this set includes two benefics, but they do not prevent Alzheimer’s disease. They may delay it or they may ameliorate it once started, or maybe they make no difference.
Prophet’s is the only signature of the 15 considered Alzheimer’s which is entirely comprised of non-harmonic planets. True, harmonic venus in Gemini is in the set, and it does co-rule b 4th house (15 of 37°), but it is not necessary as a 4th ruler, unless, of course, it is supplying a “required” harmonic (in order to turn this into a 7th chart condition).
Prophet’s c mercury is a little less than 4° away from B Asc. (It is also a light because it rules C Asc.) With b sun in Pisces also increasing acceptable orb, Prophet’s Angle/mercury and Angle/saturn become part of her signature set. The set, containing c saturn, b sun, c mercury, c mars, b7 venus, and b7 mars has the following influence: c mercury rules C Asc and co-rules c 4th house (20 of 34°). C saturn rules c 9th and co-rules c 8th (20 of 21°). B sun rules b 3rd house.
Prophet’s diagnosis was made in November, 1988.
Diedrich’s signature embraces a wider, but acceptable orb, and involves an out-of-sign conjunction. B saturn, part of her signature, also provides her non-harmonic saturn/Angle. C mercury is conjunct B MC for her mercury/Angle. Her signature set, comprised of b mercury, b7 mars, b saturn, b7 venus, c7 venus, C MC, and b7 north node has the following influence: b mercury rules b 8th house and co-rules b 4th (18 of 24°), b7 mars rules b 3rd and B MC, b7 venus rules b 9th and co-rules b 8th (29 of 31°).
B saturn conjunct south node in Pisces is also in b 4th house, so with her conception 4th house (co-ruled by mercury), she has saturn influence to one 4th, and mercury influence to the other 4th.
Diedrich developed her first symptoms of Alzheimer’s in the early 1970s.
Charlotte Diedrich, Signature 2011, From Her Harmonic Chart for Her 12th House, an Apparent COG Chart, Superceding Her 2002 Signature.:
c12 mercury | 26 Pisces 56 | ruler of B MC in c 8th house, co-ruler 27 of 34°) of c 9th house |
b saturn | 27 Pisces 40 | |
C MC | 26 Virgo 36 | |
b neptune | 25 Gemini 40 | |
c uranus | 22 Sagittarius 07 | ruler of c 3rd house |
The 4th house influence in the above set comes from the fact that the mercury conjunct saturn in Pisces (which is also lighted by that mercury because when mercury rules an Angle, it acts like a light with a 5° orb just like other lights) is on the conception I.C. (4th house cusp) at 26 Pisces 36.
Note in the table above that c uranus, the only 3rd house ruler available for this set, has a wide orb to the only light in the set, c12 mercury, ruler of C MC. (C MC also adds some to the orb, but not the full 2°. That is, the orb allowable for mercury + MC is not the sum of their separate orbs, but something considerably less.) The distance from 90° from uranus to mercury is 4° 49’. However, c uranus is progressing toward that mercury. In 1970 (1/1/70) when she was diagnosed, it was at 25 Sagittarius 37. In 1978 (1/1/78, the year in which she was reported to be in a nursing home) it had moved to 26 Sagittarius 01. Both these later positions place it well within the set. This set also shows us a set that was not a complete significator (fault) at birth. The 3rd house influence was completed later in life. She was 57 years old in 1970 when she was diagnosed.
We have just seen charts, presented in the form of a drawing, for the signature for Alzheimer’s disease for six individuals. Below are charts, presented in table form, for the remaining eleven individuals.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Angle/mercury: None, but B MC, B Asc, and C Asc are mercury-ruled.
Angle/saturn: None
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Signature 2002, From His Harmonic Chart for His 7th House is Superceded:
B MC | 27 Gemini 35 | |
c7 saturn | 29 Sagittarius 53 | ruler of c 8th house |
c7 mercury | 29 Pisces 37 | ruler of C Asc in b 9th house; ruler of c 4th house |
Emerson is missing a 3rd house influence in the above set.
Before we look at his 9th chart set, I should mention that he also has a full signature for Alzheimer's disease in his 6th chart. I did not do those progressions for death. I did for the 9th house, and they were potent.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Signature 2011, From His Harmonic Chart for His 9th House of Higher Mind, an Apparent COG Chart:
b9 neptune | 0 Scorpio 59 | |
b9 mercury | 3 Taurus 10 | ruler of B MC, ruler of B Asc in c 4th, co-ruler (28 of 35°) b 9th house |
b9 venus | 29 Cancer 43 | ruler of b 8th house |
c sun | 1 Leo 35 | ruler of c 3rd house |
b SN | 5 Leo 06 |
The above set influences two Angles. Because mercury acts like a light with an orb of 5° when it rules an Angle, the set also includes three lights (mercury, node, c sun). The node progressed through the set during Emerson’s lifetime, ending at 1 Leo 23 on the date of his death. This set contains the full significator for Alzheimer’s.
Emerson was not part of the original data group described as having Alzheimer’s. He was included here because biographies of him describe symptoms approaching Alzheimer’s. His last several decades evidenced serious mental decline. He stopped writing in his journals years before his death. Still, he does not appear to have suffered the worst of Alzheimer’s--he does not appear to have lost his ‘I.' Days before his death he was heard crying out. When his daughter came to help, he stated he had “hoped it wouldn’t have to happen this way. I would have preferred falling down the basement steps.” He died six days later of complications from pneumonia.
On the date of his death he had progressed B Asc at 21 Scorpio 47 in the same set with b saturn, co-ruler of b 4th house, at 21 Leo 56. He also had the following:
pb9 mercury | 14 Scorpio 42 | ruler of B MC, ruler of B Asc in c 4th, co-ruler (28 of 35°) b 9th house |
pc9 saturn | 15 Scorpio 27 | ruler of c 8th house |
c pluto | 14 Aquarius 16 | |
pc9 NN | 14 Aquarius 33 | |
pb9 jupiter | 14 Taurus 34 | ruler of b 4th house |
c mars | 14 Taurus 41 |
The set above gives Emerson doubly lighted mars/saturn influence to two Angles and both 4th houses.
Barry Goldwater, Sr.
In nine years from 2002 to 2011 Goldwater’s birth data also changed. And it has been classified under a Rodden rating of “DD”—“dirty data.” That is, there are conflicting dates and times of birth. It gives us a good example of the problems encountered in astrological research.
The material just below is based on examining Goldwater’s 7th chart significators for Alzheimer’s for his birth time of 1:00 a.m. MST on January 1, 1909. This was the original birth date and time used for this paper in 2002. As can be seen, it is weak.
All the current, conflicting material on his birth date and time are found below this under “Source Notes.” Following that is discussion of why I chose to stay with the original birth time (1:00 a.m.), but not the original chart (not the 7th chart). His effective Alzheimer’s significator shows up in his 6th chart of health—also a reasonable chart to contain such a significator.
Goldwater’s 6th chart contains this full and complete signature, and it shows his death on the date of his death
Angle/mercury: B Asc at 21Virgo 59. B mercury at 21 Sagittarius 39.
Angle/saturn: C MC at 3 Virgo 14. C saturn at 6 Pisces 46 (with c sun at 6 Pisces 50, increasing orb.)
Barry Goldwater, Sr.,Signature 2002, From His Harmonic Chart for His 7th House Is Superceded:
c7 mercury | 29 Aries 50 | ruler of C MC and c 8th house |
b mars | 0 Scorpio 43 | ruler of b 3rd house |
c7 jupiter | 2 Aquarius 12 | |
b7 saturn | rule b 4th house(26 of 34°) |
This is weak. Mercury is almost 5° from saturn, and it does not have a light (which would have made that big an orb acceptable). Moreover, a 3rd house influence is missing.
On the other hand, Goldwater’s c saturn (the one above conjunct his c sun in Pisces) rules c 3rd house and is conjunct the conception I.C. .B mercury in Sagittarius is also conjunct the birth I.C. These yield him mercury + saturn/Angular/4th. He has two Angles--C MC and B Asc--ruled by that b mercury in Sagittarius conjunct birth I.C.
Just below, Goldwater’s current (August 2011) birth data and discussion of same was taken from the Astrodatabank website. It gives a birth date of January 2, 1909 at 3:00 a.m., Phoenix, AZ. The “Source Notes” for his birth data are extensive. I include all of them to show how confusing it can get. I particularly paid attention to comments made by Frances McEvoy in preferring the birth date of January 1 over January 2. She was familiar with the publishing practices of the newspaper that printed the birth notice.
However, I did not agree with McEvoy that the 3:00 a.m. time (given by the newspaper) fit him better than the 1:00 a.m. time (from his mother’s memory). Below, following the demonstration of Goldwater’s 6th chart significators for Alzheimer’s disease, reasons are given for my preference of 1:00 a.m. time. Here are the Source Notes :
Wayne Turner sends the following news clipping, (8/2002) a birth notice from the Arizona Gazette, Saturday evening, January 2, 1909, that a correspondent sent to him:
"A New Barry Goldwater
The clerks of M. Goldwater & Bro. in Phoenix today are stepping around with an unusual appreciation of doing their duty for they have a new "boss" that insists upon attention to his every want and will not take no for an answer. At 3 o’clock this morning, a beautiful nine-pound baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Barry Goldwater at their home on north Center Street. It was perhaps late for the little stranger to wish his parents a "Happy New Year" but the many friends of Barry are making up for it today by congratulating him and sending their best wishes to Mrs. Goldwater, who is getting along very well. The latest Barry is the only youthful representative of the Goldwater Brothers, who have been merchants in Arizona since the time it was necessary to fight off Indians with one hand while customers were waited upon with the other.
His parents wedding anniversary was January 1st, so I think this influenced their decision to celebrate his birthday on that date. This information was confirmed by the Senator in an interview in the "Arizona Republic" in January 1987, according to Richard Nolle. For astrological purposes it seems that 3 AM the morning of the 2nd is the time to use, though of course the family is free to continue their own traditions."
Frances McEvoy responds, "I knew Barry when I was a child. Phoenix was a small town in those days, and he knew my parents and grandparents. He was a heroic figure and I always admired him greatly. When in my 20's in Boston I was working in the public relations dept at Boston University he spoke to the student body. I think it was in 1953 or 1954. I sat opposite him at lunch and we talked about Phoenix and Arizona, etc. Anyway, I do feel that the new time [she is referring to 3:00 a.m.] fits him better than the earlier time. But my first job in 1946 was with the Phoenix Gazette and I know that the presses started rolling very early in the morning for the afternoon paper. The stories for Jan 2 would have been written the night before on Jan. 1. I do think he was really born Jan 1 early in the morning [italics mine] and the story found written that afternoon or evening and then the paper went to press first think the next day, Jan. 2. But I think the new time is obviously correct. What do you think? If he was born early on Jan 2, I don't see how the story would have made the paper and hit the streets by early afternoon Jan 2. Anyway, that is my thought. And knowing Barry, I don't think he would have been mistaken about being born Jan. 1."
Formerly, the date has always been given as January 1, 1909. American Astrology 5/1965 printed a letter from him to Nadine Bullard in which he quotes his aged mom's recollection as 1:00 AM. [italics mine]
Robert Jansky quoted a letter from him in 1979 in which he states that his t.o.b. is unknown.
Church of Light quoted Drew for 6:25 AM, "approximate time given by a student and considered right."
Robert Jansky quoted a spec chart in American Astrology 7/1964 of 1:02 AM. [italics mine]
King Keyes quoted the First Temple of Astrology where they quoted Mrs. Goldwater for 00:01 AM, which could possibly by a typo for 1:00 AM. [italics mine]
Richard Nolle quoted the Arizona Republic on 1/18/1987, p.59 for "Goldwater, His Life and Legacy," as giving January 2, 1909, 3:00 AM MST, Phoenix.
January 1, 1909 is given in Who's Who, Biographical Dictionary of the American Congress and by Goldwater himself.
Barry Goldwater, Sr., Signature 2011, From His Harmonic Chart for His 6th House Supercedes the 2002 Significator:
b neptune | 22 Gemini 24 | co-ruler (22 of 26°) of b 6th house |
b6 mercury | 23 Gemini 10 | ruler of B MC in c 8th house and B Asc, and co-ruler (23 of 32°) of b 9th house |
B Asc | 21 Virgo 59 | |
b mercury | 21 Sagittarius 39 | ruler of B MC in c 8th house and B Asc, and co-ruler (23 of 32°) of b 9th house |
c uranus | 23 Sagittarius 03 | co-ruler (30 of 35°) of c 3rd house |
b uranus | 23 Sagittarius 09 | ruler of b 6th house |
c6 pluto | 24 Sagittarius 51 | |
c6 moon | 25 Sagittarius 03 | ruler of c 9th house, co-ruler (28 of 36°) c 8th house |
c6 mars | 21 Pisces 20 | ruler of C Asc and c 6th house |
b6 saturn | 24 Pisces 00 | co-ruler (26 of 33°) b 4th house |
This significator (shown above) is very powerful influencing, as it does, three of his four Angles. It probably also had something to do with his stroke in 1996.
Note that there are three lights in the above set—c6 moon and the two b mercuries. Whenever mercury rules an Angle, it acts like a light and has an orb of 5° just like other lights. In addition, B MC and B Asc have a light-like orb of 2° each. So, this set hangs together well and satisfies all the requirements of the significator for Alzheimer’s.
Now we want to discuss the superior acceptability of the 1:00 a.m. chart over the 3:00 a.m. one:
First of all, we have the fact that the 1:00 a.m. birth time puts non-harmonic mercury and saturn on Angles. Since most of the individuals with Alzheimer’s share this astrological condition, I suspect it is true for all of them. However, since Alzheimer’s significators are what we are examining in this paper, we cannot really use this condition to assess the validity of one birth time over another. We can’t forget it totally, either.
We know that Goldwater served five terms—comprised of thirty years of service—in the U.S. Senate. With this method, that kind of success in career can only be shown by a highly benefic 10th chart (of career, or highly benefic Angle/10th houses in a 7th chart. Or, occasionally another chart when neither of these two is the COG chart.)
Vivian Fearing
Angle/mercury: C Asc at 22 Capricorn 36. B mercury at 21 Capricorn 32.
Angle/saturn: None. But C Asc is in Capricorn.
The first signature (2002) below is what I originally used, but it has no light, so the mars is really not in the set.
Vivian Fearing, Her Signature 2002, From Her Harmonic Chart for Her 7th House is Superceded:
c mars | 6 Gemini 24 | ruler of C MC in b 4th and ruler of c 3rd house | |
c7 mercury | 2 Sagittarius 20 | ruler of c 8th house | |
c7 saturn | 4 Pisces 00 | ruler of C Asc |
The second signature, below, is better. It does contain a light (the node) with a 5° orb, while the Angle has a 2° orb. Since Fearing’s birth was recorded as an even “5:00 p.m.”, we have our hint that the recorders were probably not interested in birth to the nearest minute. Conception a little later would make it more effective. Four to eight minutes later for conception (which is about four to eight minutes later for birth) gives us C Asc at 24 Capricorn 17 and C Asc at 25 Capricorn 54, respectively
Vivian Fearing, Signature 2011, Also From Her Harmonic Chart for Her 7th House Superceded 2002 Signature:
b mercury | 21 Capricorn 32 | ||
C Asc | 22 Capricorn 36 | ||
b7 NN | 23 Capricorn 28 | ||
c7 neptune | 26 Cancer 04 | ||
c7 venus | 27 Cancer 07 | ruler of c 4th and 9th houses; co-ruler (22 of 34°) c 8th; co-ruler (15 of 23°) of c 3rd house |
Fearing also has b7 mercury, at 13 Scorpio 44--a placement of mercury (in Scorpio) which will come up again in this paper--in b 4th house. It is conjunct C MC at 15 Scorpio 11 in b 4th house. It is also made Angular by B Asc at 12 Leo 05.
Deborah Kerr
Kerr, I found out in 2011, died of complications of Parkinson’s disease. She did not have Alzheimer’s disease.
As it turns out, my believing she did was a fortuitous error. Why? Because her 3rd chart contains the complete significator for Alzheimer’s. So I had to take a good look at it to see if I could figure out why she did not die from Alzheimer’s disease. And I found the astrology which explains it.
Angle/mercury: B MC is in Gemini, mercury-ruled .
Angle/saturn: None.
August 31, 2011. The first signature below was in the original (2002) paper. It is interesting because it indicates some form of mental pathology (saturn/pluto =a close out, Gemini=mind, and it is Angular, therefore must express). It is not, however, the significator for Alzheimer’s (or Parkinson’s). The surprise about Kerr’s astrology comes below at the end of this discussion of her “Alzheimer’s significator.”
Deborah Kerr, Signature 2002, From Her Harmonic Chart for Her 7th House is Superceded:
B MC | 18 Gemini 59 | B MC is in c 12th house |
b7 saturn | 18 Gemini 56 | co-ruler of b 4th house (26 of 37°) |
b pluto | 16 Gemini 24 D |
Note below that b mercury and its harmonic ruler both birth Angles. When mercury rules an Angle, it acts like a light and has an orb of 5°.
Her updated signature is below.
Deborah Kerr, Signature 2011, From Her Harmonic Chart for Her 3rd House of Ordinary Mind—A Reasonable Chart for an Alzheimer’s Signature:
b3 mercury | 5 Cancer 35 | ruler of B MC, ruler of B Asc in c 4th house, co-ruler (19 of 38°) b 9th house |
b3 mars | 5 Libra 41 | ruler of b 3rd and 8th houses |
c3 saturn | 4 Capricorn 32 | ruler of c 8th house |
b3 uranus | 4 Aries 27 |
The above signature is complete for Alzheimer’s. But…
Some factors which likely contributed to either Alzheimer’s or the appearance of it are:
So why didn’t Kerr die from Alzheimer’s disease? She didn’t because her charts contain a set which cancels the Alzheimer’s one. With this method it has become unequivocally clear the planets on Angles—with an orb limited to 2°, and had we rectified charts, probably limited to 1°--are symbolic of “must be” conditions and events. They are more powerful than sets just influencing Angles through rulers. They are operative as a simple set in all gender preference astrology. And I have now seen several 3rd charts with sets that predict retardation in individuals who were not retarded. They were not retarded because the had a simple, additional set which rendered the retardation set ineffective. Here is the link to one of them: One Twin is Retarded, His Brother is Not
The set that declares Kerr will not die of Alzheimer’s disease is the conjunction of her birth sun at 12 Virgo 55 to her birth Asc at 15 Virgo 27 (un-rectified chart) which falls in c 4th house. Sun conjunct Asc occurs often enough in charts of first-borns as well as other children raised by parents interested in letting the child’s authentic self come forth. It is an indication the individual’s essential essence (a real thing, not an invention) is able to shine forth to their outside world, and it starts in childhood before that essence can be covered over by the various “educations” that make us all hide our authentic selves. When an individual dies of Alzheimer’s disease her essential essence as well as every other aspect of her identity is not shining forth. From the perspective of the outside world and loved ones left behind, it has ceased to exist.
Kerr’s B Asc/sun/4th is stronger than the set which implied her Alzheimer’s which only influences an Angle through a ruler. Therefore, it cancelled, over-ruled, or was dominant over the astrology indicating Alzheimer’s.
Since her “Alzheimer’s set” also includes Angle/mercury/mars/3rd/8th (the significator found so far for Parkinson’s disease), it symbolizes her Parkinson’s. While death due to complications from Parkinson’s can be devastating, its symptoms do not include completely wiping out the identity of the individual, as occurs with Alzheimer’s. Actually, Kerr had two other charts—her 8th and 10th—also containing significators for Alzheimer’s disease. Since her BAsc/sun/4th was in all of them, none of them manifested Alzheimer’s.
Here is another link to a paper which shows the astrological phenomenon of one set over-ruling or cancelling another: Two Individuals--Carroll and Kaufmann--Who Have Signature for Pedophilia Which Is Cancelled by A Stronger Signature.
Maurice Ravel
The Angle/mercury and Angle/saturn shown below exist in all charts.
Angle/mercury: C MC at 18 Taurus 15 . C mercury at 18 Taurus 28.
Angle/saturn: B MC at 19 Cancer 45. C saturn at 21 Capricorn 20.
Maurice Ravel, Signature 2002, From His Harmonic Chart for His 7th House is Superceded :
c7 saturn | 11 Scorpio 57 | ruler of b 4th house |
b mercury | 12 Aquarius 09 | ruler of b 9th and co-ruler of b 8th (14 of 33°) houses |
c sun | 13 Taurus 58 | ruler of C Asc |
This set does not influence a 3rd house except that the saturn is in c 3rd house. B7 saturn is in b 3rd house. That leaves him only without mercury influence to either 3rd house.
Maurice Ravel, Signature 2011, From His Harmonic Chart for His 4th House, an apparent COG chart:
B Asc | 12 Libra 07 | |
c SN | 12 Libra 32 | |
c moon | 12 Libra 46 | |
b4 saturn | 13 Libra 40 | ruler of b 4th house, co-ruler 20 of 36°) b 3rd house |
b4 mercury | 12 Capricorn 52 | ruler of b 9th house, co-ruler (14 of 33°) b 8th house |
The set above gives us the full set of significators for Alzheimer’s.
Ravel died in Paris on December 28, 1937 following brain surgery aimed at ameliorating his condition. Here is one of the sets in his 6th chart that shows it:
C MC | 18 Taurus 15 | |
c mercury | 18 Taurus 28 | |
pc4 saturn | 19 Leo 27R | |
b mars | 19 Scorpio 22 |
Birth time just minutes later would make this a close Angle/mercury/mars/saturn, one of the conditions (Angle/mars/saturn) that is necessary but not necessarily sufficient for death (it lacks 4th influence, but even then, it would be not necessarily sufficient). Note it gives us an new Angle/mercury/saturn.
In addition, he had:
His mental troubles were precipitated when he was in a traffic accident five years before his death, on October 10 1932, Paris. At that time he had pc4 mars, ruler of c 4th house, at 21 Taurus 22 and pc4 saturn at 21 Leo 46 in the same set with C Asc at 21 Leo 10. Return MC (Paris) was at 20 Taurus 57. P CMC was at 13 Cancer 59 in the same set with his b4 saturn, ruler of b 4th house and co-ruler of b 3rd, at 13 Libra 40. Return mars was at 12 Cancer 24 falling into his original significator for Alzheimer’s (discussed above, with the B Asc at 12 Libra 07).
Rudolph Bing
Bing’s original 7th chart set is a complete significator for Alzheimer’s disease.
Angle/mercury and saturn: B saturn at 25 Sagittarius 18. B Asc at 27 Sagittarius 30. B mercury at 29 Sagittarius 04
Rudolph Bing, Signature (2002) From His Harmonic Chart for His 7th House Is Retained:
c mercury | 17 Aquarius 48 | ruler of c 4th house, co-ruler of c 3rd house (25 of 31°) |
c7 moon | 20 Aquarius 30 | ruler of C Asc |
c7 saturn | 21 Aquarius 37 | |
b7 mars | 21 Leo 15 | ruler of b 3rd house |
c uranus | 23 Scorpio 30 | ruler of c 8th and c 9th houses |
Willem De Kooning
Angle/mercury: B Asc at 19 Sagittarius 02 is in the same set with c mercury at 19 Gemini 07.
Angle/saturn: B MC at 25 Libra 09 is in the same set with b saturn at 26 Capricorn 27.
Willem De Kooning, Signature 2002 From His Harmonic Chart for His 7th House Is Retained :
c7 sun | 0 Scorpio 03 | ruler of c 3rd house |
b7 sun | 0 Scorpio 03 | ruler of b 8th house |
b saturn | 26 Capricorn 27 D | |
b7 mercury | 28 Aries 10 | ruler of b 9th and co-ruler (28 of 41°) of b 8th houses |
b mercury | 29 Aries 480 | ruler of b 9th and co-ruler (28 of 41°) of b 8th houses |
b7 venus | 29 Aries 34 | ruler of B MC, co-ruler of b 9th (25 of 27°) |
co-ruler of b 4th (25 of 39°) house |
The two harmonic suns make the wide orb between the mercury and saturn acceptable.
Walter Slezak
Angle/mercury: B Asc at 21 Capricorn 52. B mercury at 23 Aries 02
Angle/saturn: None, but B Asc in Capricorn is ruled by saturn.
Walter Slezak, Signature 2002 From His Harmonic Chart for His 7th HouseIs Superceded by the 2011 Signature:
There is nothing even approaching a signature in Slezak’s chart. On April 22, 1983, he had--among other things--pb mercury (5th, 6th and 8th ruler) at 17 Gemini 07 and pc saturn (5th and 6th ruler) at 17 Sagittarius 10. I include this not as evidence of Alzheimer’s disease, but as evidence of depression and pessimism.
Slezak’s B Asc in Capricorn is also conjunct jupiter--evidence of his life-long weight problem. Jupiter expands by incorporating. In the 1st house, it incorporates physically, i.e., by eating.
Walter Slezak, Signature 2011 From His Harmonic Chart for His 9th House, an Apparent COG Chart, Supercedes 2002 Signature.
The only evidence we have that Slezak related well to his 9th chart is that the biography at (9/3/2011) stated that Slezak “was known as an experienced pilot.” Generally one does not become an experienced pilot unless they like being a pilot. And generally, but not totally, COG charts are charts we favor because they favor us with more benefic influence, therefore, more pleasure in life. Here is Slezak’s Alzheimer’s signature from that chart, followed by his progressions for death using that chart:
c9 saturn | 21 Aries 37 | |
b mercury | 23 Aries 02 | ruler of b 8th house |
C SN | 26 Aries 32 D | |
b9 venus | 24 Cancer 45 | ruler of b 4th and 9th houses, co-ruler (15 of 23°) of b 3rd, co-ruler (22 of 35°) b 8th houses |
B Asc | 21 Capricorn 52 | |
b jupiter | 22 Capricorn 05 |
Note that B Asc must be included in this set because none of the planets rule an Angle. [Slezak’s birth time was given as 1:41 a.m., suggesting birth was recorded to the nearest minute.] The only light in this set is c SN, which is progressing to form a closer bond with other planets in the set. When he died, on April 22, 1983 from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, pc SN was at 20 Aries 12. The midpoint between it and c SN is 23 Aries 32.
The above set shows the full Alzheimer’s signature.
Slezak had a surprising number of benefic aspects (progressed Angle/venus and Angle/jupiter) in this, his 9th chart, on the day he died. Sometimes with suicide the benefic sets represent the peace of mind the individual achieves once he has firmly concluded he will kill himself. All arguments pro and con are then in the past. Anyway, his progressed B MC was at 2 Aquarius 29 in the same set with b9 jupiter at 2 Taurus 57. PC MC was at 10 Leo 37 in the same set with c9 jupiter, co-ruler of c 4th house, at 10 Aquarius 29. And pC Asc was at 24 Libra 41 in the same set with b9 venus, ruler of b 4th and 9th houses, and co-ruler of b 3rd and 8th houses, at 24 Cancer 45.
But this chart also showed serious affliction consistent with his death. It had three new progressed mercury/saturn sets. It contained a new mars/saturn set: c9 mercury at 8 Sagittarius 48, c9 uranus at 8 Gemini 07, pb mars—ruler of b 3rd house and B MC (making this set forefront) at 8 Gemini 09, and pb9 saturn, ruler of B Asc, at 8 Virgo 06. So this set rules two Angles. It contained another mars/saturn set, this time with the sun, which has serious implications for one’s vitality. B sun is at 18 Aries 11, b9 saturn, ruler of B Asc, at 18 Libra 25, pc9 mars, ruler of c 4th and 9th houses, at 17 Capricorn 05 , return9 mars at 17 Aries 04, and transiting (almost one month after the return date) mars at 17 Aries 47. It shows more affliction. Pb uranus (which started at 27 Scorpio 21 at birth) was at 23 Scorpio 23 in the same set with pb9 moon at 24 Leo 21 and C Asc at 24 Leo 24. Uranus in Scorpio by itself shows the possibility of sudden (uranus) separations (Scorpio uranus), including death. Return uranus was at 14 Scorpio 34 conjunct his B MC at 14 Scorpio 56. Finally, return9 uranus was at 10 Aries 18 conjunct his b mars, ruler of B MC and b 3rd house, at 10 Aries 48 and b SN at 10 Aries 58. The latter set shows return uranus “exciting” a life-long ingrained tendency (SN) to abrupt (mars) action. It implies somewhat he acted on the spur of the moment, but it is more like after serious consideration of suicide, the uranus/mars enabled him in carrying through.
Slezak’s progressions for death for his 9th chart are strong enough that they add to the belief that his 9th is his COG chart.
Aaron Copland
Angle/mercury: B Asc is at 11 Leo 03 . B mercury is at 11 Scorpio 29.
Angle/saturn: None. C MC is in Capricorn, ruled by saturn.
Aaron Copland, Signature 2002 From His Harmonic Chart for His 7th House Remains In Effect:
c mercury | 11 Capricorn 32 | ruler of c 3rd house |
c mars | 14 Capricorn 25 | ruler of C Asc in b 9th and ruler of c 8th houses |
c7 saturn | 9 Libra 28 | ruler of C MC |
c7 sun | 12 Libra 19 | |
b7 sun | 12 Libra 19 | ruler of B Asc |
Copland’s signature is missing a 4th-house influence. That mercury in Scorpio in his Angle/mercury (above) is in his b 4th house. Note that gives him mercury in Scorpio “on an Angle” (very potent) and in a 4th house, suggesting death (Scorpio/4th) of the mind (mercury). Compare it to Kerr’s B Asc/sun/4th with its quite different implications.
Harold Wilson
Angle/mercury and Angle/saturn: c saturn is at 8 Gemini 57. B Asc is at 10 Gemini 05. C mercury is at 10 Gemini 10.
He also has b mercury at 1 Aquarius 33 and B MC at 2 Aquarius 24.Harold Wilson Signature 1 from 2002 From His Harmonic Chart of His 7th House Remains In Effect:
c saturn | 8 Gemini 57 | ruler of C MC in b 8th house, co-ruler 7 of 17°) c 9th house |
B Asc | 10 Gemini 05 | |
c mercury | 10 Gemini 10 | ruler of c 3rd house |
On the date of his death pb7 sun, ruler of b 4th house, was at 8 Virgo 56, having moved into the set. The above set leaves Wilson without the necessary 4th influence. , but the following almost supplies it. Here is how we get it:
Harold Wilson Signature 2 from 2002 Also From His Harmonic Chart For His 7th House :
c7 moon | 21 Virgo 23 | ruler of c 4th house |
pb saturn | 21 Gemini 03 | ruler of b 9th and co-ruler of b 8th (12 of 17°) houses |
The above set lacks an Angular influence. Birth was recorded as occurring at 10:45 a.m. GMT.
The two signatures combined make nearly a full signature.
Wilson is the only individual in this paper whose Alzheimer signature is the result of “summing” two separate sets.
Aldo Spoldi
Angle/mercury: C Asc at 12 Sagittarius 07. B mercury at 15 Sagittarius 41. This is past the 3° orb for Angles, but birth time could be off. Birth, in Italy, was, however, given to the nearest minute (8:56 a.m.).
Angle/saturn: None. B Asc is in Capricorn at 29 Capricorn 54. (And, conjunct b7 saturn at 28 Capricorn 41, but we are not counting harmonic Angle/saturns.)
Aldo Spoldi, Signature 2002 From His Harmonic Chart for His 7th House Remains In Effect:
c jupiter | 15 Cancer 46 | ruler of C Asc |
c7 sun | 16 Cancer 08 | co-ruler of c 8th house (30 of 44°) |
b7 sun | 16 Cancer 08 | |
b7 venus | 16 Cancer 51 | ruler of b 4th and co-ruler of b 3rd (18 of 23°) houses |
c7 mars | 19 Capricorn 18 | ruler of c 4th house |
c saturn | 13 Aries 56 D | |
c NN | 16 Aries 30 | |
c mercury | 17 Aries 49 | ruler of c 9th house |
b saturn | 19 Aries 51 D | ruler of B Asc |
This set above forms a complete significator. Progressed c saturn doesn’t make the set more complete, but it may have had something to do with the onset of the deterioration of his brain. If it did, it started while he was still rather young. Pc saturn was at 17 Aries 19 (1/2° before c mercury) by October, 1937 when Spoldi was 25 years old.
In doing this study, I noticed a plethora of mercury and saturn on Angles. Many had no
influence to 4th houses, so they had nothing to do with my original hypothesis that mercury and saturn had to be influencing an Angle and a 4th house. They were, however, so numerous they appeared important, so I decided to put them in table form.
The count for the following table was limited to only the sidereal (i.e., non-harmonic) planets actually on Angles. In addition to the signature set, they appear part of an over-all signature for Alzheimer’s disease. Venus and mars were added to the table for comparison.
A word about what “on an Angle” means. In this system there are two Midheavens and two Ascendants. When looking at an un-progressed chart, a planet on an Angle is either conjunct, square, or opposition it. The planet can, for instance, be square the Midheaven, but not conjunct or opposition Ascendant. Normally orbs for planets to Angles are two degrees. For this study, which includes so many un-rectified charts believed close to the right birth time (see footnote 2 below for an explanation of “believed”), orbs have been increased to three degrees.
A planet progressed to an Angle (or vice versa) has an acceptable orb of only one degree. In practice, on rectified charts, the orb is more like 3/4° before and 1/4° after exact.
To put this information in perspective: an individual, like President Reagan, can have an Angle/saturn, but it does not have the more severe implications as does the Angle/saturn in, for instance, Polly Klaas’ chart. Why? Reagan’s saturn is square his Ascendant and moving away from it while approaching no other Angle. Polly Klaas’ saturn is square her Midheaven, but it is moving toward it. Its influence will last for years and become increasingly more difficult as long as it is still approaching. In addition, some individuals have Midheaven and Ascendant nearly square each other. A progressing secondary saturn moving toward them will hit one, then the other without much, if any, break in between. Its influence, then, could be severe and last as much as a decade or more.
”Angle/planet” in the tables below refer to un-progressed Angle/planet relationships of no more than three degrees orb. “X” = yes, that planet is in square, conjunction or opposition a Midheaven or Ascendant.
Angular | Angular | Angular | Angular | |
Non-Harmonic | Non-Harmonic | Non-Harmonic | Non-Harmonic | |
Name | Mercury | Saturn | Venus | Mars |
Rogers | X | X | X | |
Reagan | X | X | X | |
Emerson | ||||
Murdoch | X | |||
Dali | X | X | ||
Goldwater | X | X | X | |
Fearing | X | X | ||
Prophet | X | X | ||
Kerr | ||||
Ravel | X | X | X | |
Diedrich | X | X | ||
Bing | X | X | X | |
De Kooning | X | X | X | |
Slezak | X | |||
Copland | X | |||
Wilson | X | X | X | |
Spoldi | ||||
TOTALS | 14 | 10 | 5 | 4 |
Mercury on an Angle has the highest count. Saturn on an Angle comes in second. Venus and mars count suggest they are not at all involved in the signficator, even the extended one.
Let’s add in Angles ruled by mercury (Gemini and Virgo), ruled by saturn (Capricorn), ruled by venus (Taurus and Scorpio), and ruled by mars (Aries and Libra). “R” = at least one Angle is ruled by that planet:
Angular | |||||
Name | Mercury | Saturn | Venus | Mars | |
Rogers | X | X | X | ||
Reagan | X | X | X | ||
Emerson | R | ||||
Murdoch | X | R | R | ||
Dali | X | X | R | ||
Goldwater | X | X | X | R | |
Fearing | X | R | X | R | |
Prophet | X | X | X | ||
Kerr | R | ||||
Ravel | X | X | R | X | |
Diedrich | X | X | R | ||
Bing | X | X | R | X | |
De Kooning | X | X | X | ||
Slezak | X | R | R | R | |
Copland | X | R | R | R | |
Wilson | X | X | X | ||
Spoldi | R | R | R | ||
TOTALS | 14 + 2R | 10 + 4R | 5 + 7R | 4 + 6R |
Actual occurrence of non-harmonic mercury on an Angle is highest, followed by saturn. The same is true when Angles ruled by the planet are added in.
Saturn’s “R” occurrence is biased in ways none of the others are. Why? Actual planet on an Angle has the same one-by-one count for each of the four planets. In counting Angles ruled by the planet, however, each of the other three planets rules two signs each, while saturn rules only one. So, saturn’s showing in that area is biased lower.
Now let’s see if there is any difference in results if we include harmonic mercury and saturn on Angles in the chart containing the significator. So, the count below includes sidereal and harmonic mercury and saturn on Angles in significator charts.
I have included sets in the table when mercury or saturn was a little more than 2° away from the Angle if the set also included a light. This is difficult because I do not believe planets are on Angles even with a light if their distribution is too far from the Angle, so I have not used the full 5° orb for any light.
Harmonic and Sidereal | Harmonic and Sidereal | ||
Name | Signature Chart | Mercury | Saturn |
Rogers | 7th | X | X |
Reagan | 10th | X | X |
Emerson | 9th | X | 0 |
Murdoch | 7th | X | X |
Dali | 7th | X | X |
Goldwater | 6th | X | X |
Fearing | 7th | X | 0 |
Prophet | 7th | X | X |
Kerr | 3rd | 0 | 0 |
Ravel | 4th | X | X |
Diedrich | 12th | X | X |
Bing | 7th | X | X |
De Kooning | 7th | X | X |
Slezak | 9th | X | X |
Copland | 7th | X | 0 |
Wilson | 7th | X | X |
Spoldi | 7th | X | X |
TOTALS | 16 | 14 |
There has been a definite increase of the occurrence of mercury and saturn on Angles when we count both their harmonic and non-harmonic positions.
Mercury has occurred on two more Angles (14 compared to 16), bringing the grand total to 16. But, Kerr did not have Alzheimer’s disease. So, mercury occurred on an Angle in all of the charts for all Alzheimer’s individuals.
Saturn occurrence has increased by three. But, again, Kerr did not have Alzheimer’s disease. Not counting her lack, then, saturn occurred on an Angle in 13 of 16 Alzheimer’s individuals, or 81% of the individuals.
More on this below in the Discussion.
To sum up, the following is a table prepared to show how many of all 17 cases in this study satisfied the original criteria for identifying Alzheimer’s. “X” = yes.
Signature Containing Mercury/Saturn Influences To: |
Name | Signature Chart | Angle | 3rd House | 4th House | 8th House | 9th House |
Rogers | 7th | X | X | X | X | X |
Reagan | 10th | X | X | X | X | X |
Emerson | 9th | X | X | X | X | X |
Murdoch | 7th | X | X | X | X | X |
Dali | 7th | X | X | X | X | X |
Goldwater | 6th | X | X | X | X | X |
Fearing | 7th | X | X | X | X | X |
Prophet | 7th | X | X | X | X | X |
Kerr* | 3rd | X | X | X | X | X |
Ravel | 4th | X | X | X | X | X |
Diedrich | 12th | X | X | X | X | X |
Bing | 7th | X | X | X | X | X |
De Kooning | 7th | X | X | X | X | X |
Slezak | 9th | X | X | X | X | X |
Copland** | 7th | X | X | 0 | X | X |
Wilson*** | 7th | X | X | 0 | X | X |
Spoldi | 7th | X | X | X | X | X |
TOTALS | 17 | 17 | 15 | 17 | 17 |
Mercury in Scorpio, especially in the 4th house, is worth considering as an abbreviated partial signature for Alzheimer’s disease. Scorpio is natural ruler of the 8th house, where things are transformed, find new life, or die. Four individuals had mercury in Scorpio. Fearing had it conjunct her C MC in her b 4th house. Copland had it conjunct his north node in his 4th house. Kerr has it conjunct her c7 south node in her b 3rd house. Diedrich has it conjunct her B MC in her c 12th house.
* Kerr’s 3rd chart signature met all the astrological requirements for Alzheimer’s disease but she had additional astrology which annulled it.
** Copland’s signature lacked a 4th influence, but he did have lighted mercury in Scorpio in a 4th house.
***Wilson’s signature was nearly complete only by summing two signatures to get the required influences. When that is done he has a 4th influence, but the set lacks Angular influence, so I left the 4th influence out of the table. From experience with this method, I know summing signature influences works. Summed signatures may be weaker than one’s that occur all together in one set. the “nearly complete” acknowledges that the Angular influence was lacking in the 4th part of the signature. Angular influence is necessary. Over the years that set would have picked up progressed Angular influence for periods of time, but that is definitely not the same thing as a life-long Angular influence—especially since here we are considering a degenerative disease, not an event like a car accident.
The breakdown of occurrence of the signature in various charts is as follows:
The above distribution continues to support the 7th chart as the “typical” chart for the Alzheimer’s signature.
I noticed one Alzheimer’s Internet web site which included an article entitled, “Use It or Lose It.” It appears part of a trend which compares this disease of the mind to muscle function. Muscles atrophy when not used.
The high occurrence of mercury and saturn on Angles, regardless of they fact they did not rule 4th houses and were not part of the signature set, suggests just the opposite. When planets are on Angles they are forefront. Their functions, with their varying interpretations, are predominant in the life of the individual. So, these Alzheimer individuals start out in life with mercury and saturn more influential than other planets.
There is an important different between mercury and saturn. It might make some difference in timing, that is, when the disease become noticeable. Mercury--agile, fanciful, swift Hermes is one mythical representative--is a planet representing youth and youthfulness. Saturn represents old age. By virtue of that, perhaps the difficult part of saturn comes into play much later than mercury. The type of aspect makes some difference in the potency of the sets. The conjunction and opposition to the Angles appear more potent—for good or bad—than the square. Whether or not the planet is lighted also makes a considerable difference, particularly if the light and mercury-or-saturn exist in all charts. A lighted, Angular saturn is far stronger than one that is not lighted and it will manifest throughout the life, with brief respites when Angles are progressed to jupiter or jupiter to Angles.
And, as pointed out earlier, it makes a big difference if saturn is “Angular” but progressing away from the Angle or if it is “Angular” and progressing toward it. The difference between these two conditions is so great that it is almost wrong to include them together in any set of data.
Angular mercury has many functions. It can cancel a 3rd-house retardation signature. It functions as the gender significator (when influencing a 5th house) in bisexuality. It is prevalent on Angles with the birth of children. Any way we look at it, Angular mercury generally represents some form of feeling connected. Connected makes us feel we belong, and so mercury/Angle likely puts individuals in their parasympathetic nervous system. At least more there than the sympathetic one. The parasympathetic is correlated with the smooth, pleasing, relaxed states we get when doing things we really like or, for instance, when meditating.
Angular saturn is just the opposite. It makes the individual feel isolated, alone, and powerless—hence its strong presence in charts of less-than-successful people. Symbolically it represents individuals who, for whatever reason, did not pass through all the maturational stages outlined by Erickson. So, of course, they feel insecure. Insecurity and the fear that is associated with it put the individual in his sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is correlated with states of anger, fear, withdrawal, and anxiety—negative emotional states. As is widely known these days, states like that are hard on the health, especially when they recur often throughout life.
On the other hand, there might be an explanation for the reason mercury appeared Angular in all the Alzheimer’s individuals while saturn only occur Angular 81% of the time. Mercury Angular makes us more connected than saturn, but mercury Angular sometimes makes us too connected. Saturn, while it sponsors lack and anxiety, also sponsors isolation is which the individual can detach from worldly concerns if his life is solid enough to permit it.
It is interesting that we (the whole planet?) are experiencing a continuing rise in the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease. Surely the apparent increase is not all just because we now have better ways of diagnosing it. We are seeing its increase in a time when individuals live harried, anxious lives—global wars, global economies, global travel, global connectedness. We live in a time when tuning out and turning off (in their best sense representing a more reflective, meditative life) is much rarer than it was before we had electric lights, to say nothing of Facebook.
With these two planets on Angles, the Alzheimer individual likely spends his whole life ricocheting back and forth between his sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. It is hard to see that for an individual like Ronald Reagan, who had considerable self confidence. However, Reagan also had one golden benefic in his 10th chart, and two in his 7th chart. As his history shows, his life was charmed—at least in many ways it was charmed. We do not, however, have any idea how, or how often, he experienced his saturn.
Much more, much closer work has to be done with individuals with diseases to see exactly what their experience is.
Further Study
A larger sample is clearly needed. In addition, it would be good to have date of confirmed diagnosis. It would be best to study these individuals from youth to see when the first brain deterioration starts to occur. Their astrology for that period should be instructive.
In addition, it should be ascertained whether individuals who do not get Alzheimer’s disease can also have this signature. We have in this paper one example of same—that of Deborah Kerr. But there might be other, non-astrological factors. If so, what are they? Are they environmental? Geographical? Dietary? Behavorial? Neonatal?
(1) A planet must co-rule at least one-third of a house to be considered a viable co-ruler.
(2) The table below shows the progressed condition used to check tentative correctness of time of birth:
Angular | ||
Name | Year of Birth | Event(s) Checked |
Rogers | 1913 | D |
Reagan | 1911 | M + E |
Emerson | 1803 | D + F |
Murdoch | 1919 | D |
Dali | 1904 | D |
Goldwater | 1909 | D |
Fearing | 1909 | Diag. |
Prophet | 1939 | Diag. |
Kerr | 1921 | |
Ravel | 1875 | D + A |
Diedrich | 1909 | D |
Bing | 1902 | D |
De Kooning | 1904 | D |
Slezak | 1902 | S |
Copland | 1900 | D |
Wilson | 1916 | D |
Spoldi | 1912 | D |
There were no usable events to check Kerr’s chart.
One event does not justify considering a chart rectified. These, however, suggest at least time given could have been correct. Accordingly, Copland’s birth could have occurred 4-7 minutes later than given. For famous individuals, all charts were also checked for a sensible fit for their lives.
Emerson: the Mind on Fire: A Biography by Robert D. Richardson, Jr. Berkeley and Los Angeles California: University of California Press, 1995.
Data Acknowledgments
Data is given in the order individuals appeared in the tables.
Contact the author at:
Please note:
The original paper on Alzheimer's disease was posted on the Internet in June 2002. In September 2011 I revised it because of the greater clarity I have achieved from working with this method for nine more years.
Now, in 2011 the signature for Alzheimer’s remains the same it was in 2002. But the number of charts it can occur in has expanded beyond the “typical” one. Typical chart with respect to Alzheimer’s disease is the 7th chart. It is typical because the signature occurs most in it. And it was only in that chart, in 2002, that I looked for the signature. Now in 2011 it is clear the signature can occur in other charts.
What is a significator? It consists of differing planets with their influences to Angles and houses. For instance, one signature is Angle/light/venus/jupiter/(X planets)/2nd/8th. ("X planets" just means that other planets may be in the set.) Venus and jupiter are grouped together by conjunction, square, or opposition. They are also grouped with a light. The light can be a sun, moon, or moon's nodes. Allowable orbs (differences away from the exact conjunction, square, or opposition) are no more than 5° orbs when venus and jupiter are with a light, and only 2° orbs when without a light. Either a Midheaven or Ascendant ("Angle") is also grouped with them (then they are on an Angle), or one of the grouped planets rules an Angle. This whole thing is called a "set." Further, planets in the set must also rule 2nd and 8th houses within the chart claiming to be the chart containing the significator.
When that signature set occurs in the 2nd and 8th charts it is highly suggestive of economic windfall. Here is the link to the paper that covers that topic: Paper on Lottery Winners . But it can also symbolize a windfall when occurring in the 7th chart, an atypical chart for windfalls because, at least theoretically, the primary focus of the 7th chart is on close partnerships—marriage, dear friends, or business partners. Occurring in any two of those three charts, it suggests windfalls—lottery, gifts, raises in pay, gambling gains, and even successful robbery.
When the same planets and influences recur for specific conditions or events, it becomes highly likely that they represent the astrology that spells out, or sponsors, such conditions or events. When they do it in many example charts, then they are referred to as the tentative “signature” for those conditions or events. Signatures are learned bit by bit and are subject to change—especially additional qualifiers. And, as has been shown powerfully in the paper on pedophilia, among others, signatures can be over-ridden or cancelled by some other astrology in that chart. Sometimes they can even be cancelled by astrology in a different chart For an example, see paper on homosexuality, where the gender significator can be in two other charts when not in a COG chart. Here is the link to that paper: Paper on 50 Homosexual Males.
There are two important points about significators occurring in non-typical charts.
(1) They make sense in the non-typical chart either because the chart itself is a reasonable place for them even though not the typical place, or because they occur in the individual’s “Center of Gravity” (COG) chart. If we had sufficient biographical material about the individual, his COG chart would also make sense.
For instance, in one of several examples below, Ralph Waldo Emerson has his significator for Alzheimer’s disease occur in his 9th chart—atypical because the 7th is the typical one for Alzheimer’s. Since we know from history that Emerson was an American minister and mystic, it makes sense that his 9th chart (of higher mind) is his COG chart. And it at least makes sense (but it does not have to dictate) that his significator for Alzheimer’s occurs in that chart.
Unfortunately, we often do not have sufficient biographical information to know, or even make intelligent guesses at, each individual’s COG chart. For most of us our 7th chart, in general, is our main (or COG) chart. That is, it is the one in which our consciousness is anchored most of the time. This is true because most of us define ourselves so much through who we are with others. Who we are with others—that identity—is our main identity, and it is covered primarily and best by the astrology of the 7th chart.
But fortunately, we do have biographical information on enough individuals with non-typical significator charts that they lend considerable credence to the concept of the COG chart and non-typical significator charts.
Let me give another example of a typical significator in a non-typical chart. The significator for spiritual achievement of known gurus is Asc/light/venus/jupiter/4th/5th/9th, usually occurring in the 7th and 9th charts—the typical charts. They represent charts of significant others (7th) and religion (9th), respectively. But the same significator occurring in the 3rd chart (of ordinary mind), the 1st chart (of early childhood and its identity), the 10th chart (of career and social success), and even the 6th chart (of health and service), functions the same way. It represents spiritual good fortune, help from or to higher levels of being, and being known or functioning as spiritually gifted. Here is the link to that paper: Paper on Gurus .
The second important part about significators in non-typical charts is that they must have the same planets/path as in the typical chart. That is, they have exactly the same required planets and exactly the same paths (influence to Angles and houses) as in the typical chart. The signature may, and often does, consist of more planets than called for by the significator, but it must contain those listed in the significator. (The non-signature planets serve to increase the influence of the significator set to more Angles and houses.)
For Alzheimer’s disease that significator, which will be discussed more below, is Angle/mercury/saturn/3rd/4th/8th/9th. Any chart claiming to contain the significator must have exactly that planet/path. The set must contain mercury and saturn. It must contain a light if not occurring on an Angle, in which case it must also influence an Angle through one of the planets in the set ruling it. Houses ruled through planets in the set must include 3rd, 4th, 8th, and 9th houses. It may include other influence to houses, but it must contain the ones just mentioned.
The following are later papers that demonstrate significators occurring in non-typical charts: Paper on Lesbianism, Fifty Example Charts, Paper on Male Homosexuality, Fifty Example Charts, , Paper on Osho , Paper on Vivekananda, Paper on Catholic Saints, Paper on Chariji.
In order to highlight the difference between results obtained in 2002 and those of 2011 I have retained the 2002 signature when it was different from the updated, more comprehensive 2011 signature. Both are there to compare. Of course, if the signature remained the same (you can tell because signatures were only taken from the 7th chart in 2002), there is only own signature shown, that found in the 7th chart.
The Disease
Alzheimer’s is a progressive, irreversible brain disease which presently causes the death each year of approximately 100,000 people. By 2050, an estimated 14 million Americans will have it.
Psychologically, in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease short-term memory begins to fail. The ability to perform routine tasks also declines. As the disease spreads through the cerebral cortex, the individual’s judgment deteriorates, language is impaired, and he may experience emotional outbursts. Its further progression leads to behavior changes such as wandering and agitation. In the final stages, the Alzheimer’s individual’s ability to recognize faces and to communicate is completely lost. Then he loses bowel and bladder control. This last stage of complete dependency may last for years before he dies, the recognizable disease taking as much as 20 years to run its course. Average length of time from diagnosis to death is 4 to 8 years.
Medically, an individual with Alzheimer’s suffers an overall shrinkage of brain tissue. The furrows in the brain become noticeably widened and the well-developed folds of the brain’s outer layer shrink. In addition, the chambers within the brain containing cerebrospinal fluid become enlarged. Two pathological features appear in the brains of Alzheimer's victims. They are amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles.
The plaques, formed between nerve cells, are formed of protein fragments. In a healthy brain, these protein fragments are broken down and eliminated. With Alzheimer’s, they accumulate and form hard, insoluble discs.
Neurofibrillary tangles consist of insoluble twisted fibers found inside of the brain’s cells. They primarily form part of a protein structure called a microtubule, which transports nutrients. In Alzheimer’s disease this protein is abnormal, and the microtubule collapses.
It is easy to see Alzheimer’s disease profoundly affects the individual’s physical, mental, and emotional life. It does so slowly, and it does so progressively. It is, indeed, an appalling disease.
Sample Size
Number of individuals included in this study is limited to seventeen. Seventeen is all the individuals for whom I have birth data and the diagnosis, “Alzheimer’s Disease.” Even with that, the diagnosis, spread over decades, sometimes an opinion, sometimes the result of autopsy, might have been incorrect. Clearly, a larger, unambiguous sample is preferable. Notwithstanding that, this study has produced a sensible, reasonable signature for Alzheimer’s disease consonant with astrological principles and scientific method.
Finding the Signature for Alzheimer’s Disease
Finding the planets involved in Alzheimer’s disease was easy. My hypothesis was that these were mercury and saturn. After all, mercury represents the principle sponsoring mental function. It includes thinking, writing, and hearing--all forms of communication. So, mercury should be part of the signature. Saturn at its darkest, on the other hand, is astrology’s grim reaper. Saturn’s influence shows itself in desiccation, shrinking, under-function, retardation, and collapse. In general, it is implied in the old age of everything. So, saturn should also be a part of the sought-for signature. We are looking for a set containing mercury and saturn.
After many years of research using this system, some things appear dependable.
(1) If a condition causes the individual’s death, the set (refer to Method below for a definition of a “set”) representing it must influence (be on or rule) at least an Angle (Midheaven or Ascendant) and a 4th house (and possibly an 8th). So, the Alzheimer’s signature set must do that.
(2) Many of our really difficult (as well as really good) experiences in life are foreshadowed as “faults” (or predispositions) in the pre-progressed chart. Alzheimer’s disease, a severe, long-lasting condition, suggests it operates accordingly. Therefore, the signature for the disease should exist as a pre-progressed fault somewhere in the chart of susceptible individuals. Here we have had to define susceptible in terms of who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s since we do not know what other variables exist which lead to Alzheimer’s.
So, when I started looking for the signature of Alzheimer’s, I was looking for a pre-progressed set which included mercury and saturn influencing at least an Angle and a 4th house.
But which chart to look in? Would it be in the 1st chart, the chart that shows our individual identity as well as some physical conditions? Or would it be in the 3rd chart, the chart we have so far called the mind chart? Or, perhaps it would show up in the 6th chart, in which surgery and various health problems are located? Since the 8th house has something to do with death, perhaps it would be found in the 8th chart. Maybe, even, it would be in the 12th chart where some difficulties are hidden? Perhaps it could only be seen as a combination of these charts?
(3) [2002--This was the old hypothesis, which, it turned, out was not correct.]: The signature for each condition may occur in one, two, or even three charts cross-referencing each other. Regardless of how many charts are involved, it always occurs in those same charts for all individuals. So every individual in this study should have this signature in the same chart.
(3a) [2011--This is the new hypothesis, which is a working hypothesis and proven correct for a number of significators]: The signature for some conditions can occur in a number of different charts. For example, another individual with a non-typical signature chart was Dag Hammarskjöld. His powerful mystical approach to life showed up in his 6th chart, which became fully functional only after he had been invited to become Secretary-General of the United Nations. Here is that link: Paper on the Life of Dag Hammarskjöld.
The Full Signature for Alzheimer’s Disease
I found the following consistent significators, whether in the typical 7th chart or in atypical charts:
When the influence of the 8th house was first noticed, I thought it rather superfluous. After all, if both 3rd and 9th houses, representing lower and higher mind respectively, are cut off by saturn “destroying” mercury, that should spell death of the mind. Later, however, I saw the 8th house as important in the destructive aspect of this disease. Mercury and saturn influencing the 3rd and 9th, but not the 8th, could represent restricted, focused, narrowed, or even slowed thinking. Even with saturn predominating in old age, thinking could still exist. The influence of the 8th, then, represents the tearing down and destruction, the irreversible brain damage of Alzheimer’s, the 8th house “death” of mind.
I add something entirely theoretical: the assignment of rulership of the planets over the endocrine glands was first explored in the paper on ““Astrology and the Endocrine Glands: the Pancreas and Pituitary--Sarah.” Historically, certain planets have been associated with certain endocrine glands. In the model used in that paper, mercury has influence over the thyroid; saturn, over the anterior pituitary. Since both mercury and saturn are on Angles and forefront, the suggestion is these glands experience life-long over- or mis-emphasis.
Examples of Alzheimer’s Disease
Six charts are illustrated and discussed below. Four of them clearly manifest the full Alzheimer’s signature for the typical chart, the 7th. The fifth and sixth ones went through a change in their significator chart. The remaining eleven examples, with their signature in list rather than picture form, are shown below the first six. They contain some highly interesting examples of non-typical charts. There is even one—that of Deborah Kerr—that shows the astrology that cancels or renders the significator for Alzheimer’s disease ineffective.
I should add that the preliminary Angle/mercury and Angle/saturn which precede the main significator in the examples below remain the same. In the text they are measures of non-harmonic mercury and saturn to Angles. That means they occur in all charts. There is a table in the discussion (the third one) which measure both harmonic and non-harmonic (i.e., sidereal) mercury and saturn to Angles.
Before looking at charts, I must first mention a few things about this system.
Astrological Method
This method is not traditional. It uses a birth and conception planets and their harmonics and houses, all of which share the same axis. :
This astrology uses the sidereal positions of the planets based on the Fagan-Bradley’s SVP.
Harmonics are taken from the sidereal position of the planets. The Egyptian harmonic, discussed in the paper “About This Method” (link below), is used.
”Lights” include suns, moons, and moons nodes. When mercury rules one or two Angles, it also acts like a light and has the same orb as the other lights. The MC or Asc also acts like a light, but one with only a 2° orb, because when a set is on an Angle it does not need a light to be active.
This method uses only conjunctions, applying and separating squares, and oppositions. Orbs for static planets with lights is 5°; without lights, about 2.5°. Orb for MC/planet or Asc/planet is 2°. Planets so related to each other are referred to as in the same “set.” A set, then, is two or more planets (or an Angle) connected to each other through conjunction, square, and opposition within the defined orbs. Sets without Angles are more active when they contain a light, and less active without one. Learning to look in terms of “crosses” can be helpful in rapidly finding planets that are in the same set.
Because this approach uses both a birth and conception chart and they share the same axis, birth houses usually overlap different houses of the conception chart. These are called “house overlaps.” As it turned out in this paper, house overlaps were not significant. They can be for some other conditions. Throughout this paper I use the convention when writing about house overlaps of putting the birth house first, then the conception house. So, for instance, a “5th/1st” overlap refers to an overlap of birth 5th house with conception 1st house in that order.
Birth planets (including their harmonics) rule only birth houses. Conception planets (including their harmonics) rule only conception houses.
For a more thorough explanation of this astrological approach, refer to the following papers:
About This Method
Chart Reading Rules
In the partial charts shown below, birth planets and their harmonics are inside the circle. Conception planets and their harmonics are outside the circle. Conception sidereal planets are red; conception harmonic ones, black. Birth sidereal planets are blue; birth harmonic ones, green. Occasionally, because of space limitations, I have had to violate this inside/outside arrangement, but the color coding remains constant.
Abbreviations used are b = birth, c = conception, and t = transiting. The harmonic used for each chart is always two more than the chart’s number. However, for ease of reading in these papers I always write the harmonic number the same as the chart number. For example, the 5th chart uses the 7th harmonic, but I have established the convention of writing harmonic planets for the 5th chart as, e.g., c5 mars, which reads, “the harmonic for the 5th chart for conception mars.”
One more word to the wise. In these papers, I use two forms to express the same thing. The "10th chart" is equivalent to "the harmonic chart for the 10th house," and similarly for all the charts. So, for another example, the “3rd chart” is equivalent to “the harmonic chart for the 3rd house.”
In all of the examples below, I have either retained the 2002 signature as sufficient, or shown it, then shown how it was superceded by a superior signature in a chart other than the 7th. In both cases I have tagged the illustrations with the appropriate date.
Rogers’ chart is elegant--if I can use that term in this situation--in its simplicity. Two Angles--B MC and C Asc--aspect non-harmonic mercury and saturn. These are also part of the signature formed by b7 saturn conjunct c mercury in Leo. It is in b 4th and c 9th houses. C mercury rules c 8th house. C saturn rules c 3rd. Mrs. Rogers died March 22, 1999. Her Alzheimer’s disease was confirmed by autopsy.
President Reagan’s signature is another elegantly simple one. His non-harmonic mercury/Angle is B MC square b mercury. His non-harmonic saturn/Angle is C Asc square c saturn. When progressed c saturn conjoined c sun and b7 mercury in Aries, he had a conjunction of sun/mercury/saturn in Aries. Mercury rules B MC in c 4th house; sun rules c 3rd house. Mercury also co-rules c 9th house (28 of 34°). (See footnote 1 for co-ruler limits.) Progressed c saturn rules c 8th house.
A small table showing Reagan’s progressing saturn’s 1/2° degree before mercury and 1/2° after mercury is informative:
Date Saturn Was: | ||||
1/2° Before Mercury | 1/2° After Mercury | |||
pb saturn | 3-6-60 | 8-6-68 | ||
pc saturn | 1-6-68 | (below*) | X |
One-half degree orb is actually quite conservative. Sun, here, would increase orb, and likely his saturn was influencing mercury by one degree, not 1/2 degree, before the conjunction. Only technology which exposes the earliest signs of the disease can establish what the orb actually is.
I doubt progressing birth saturn had anything to do with his Alzheimer’s. B saturn rules b 2nd house. The 2nd house is not a part of the signature. Moreover, none of the other charts show this special circumstance in which both saturns progress over susceptible mercury. It was not whether or not birth or conception saturn was involved. It was c saturn’s rulership over c 8th house--thereby completing the signature, which determined its importance.
Reagan, Signature 2011, From His Harmonic Chart for His 10th House of Career and Social Standing, Superceding His 2002 Signature.:
C Asc | 3 Cancer 44 | |
c10 jupiter | 5 Libra 11R | |
c10 sun | 6 Libra 21 | ruler of c 3rd house |
b10 moon | 2 Capricorn 40 | ruler of b 8th house |
b10 jupiter | 2 Capricorn 59 | ruler of B Asc |
b uranus | 3 Capricorn 01 | ruler of b 3rd house |
c saturn | 4 Aries 07 | ruler of c 8th house |
b10 mercury | 6 Aries 34 | ruler of B MC in c 4th house, co-ruler (28 of 34°) b 9th house |
On the date of his death, June 5, 2004, this chart showed the following relevant positions:
pb mercury, ruler of B MC in c 4th, was at 17 Aries 37R conjunct pb saturn at 17 Aries 29. Progressed b10 mercury, ruler of B MC in c 4th house, was at 1 Sagittarius 26R in the same set with pc10 mars at 0 Gemini 59. Since this mercury rules B MC, it acts like a light, and what these two progressions give us is a lighted mars/saturn influence to an Angle (B MC) and a 4th house (B MC is in c 4th house.) He also had pc10 saturn, which started at 19 Gemini 22 at his conception, at 3 Libra 11 in an early square (b10 moon at 2 Capricorn 40 picks it up early) to C Asc at 3 Cancer 49. And pC MC at 17 Gemini 10 in the same set with c10 mars at 17 Gemini 07.His return chart for Bel Air shows the benefics on Angles that we would expect with the death of some one so famous. It also had saturn on an Angle. Other than that, it did not show much relevance for this 10th chart.
As far as I am concerned, Reagan’s 7th chart did almost as well as his 10th chart in showing his signature, except his 7th chart did not have the initial fault.
Murdoch has no non-harmonic saturn/Angle, although b saturn does progress over her B Asc. She does have C MC in Capricorn, saturn-ruled. Her non-harmonic mercury/Angle is formed by B MC square b mercury.
Her signature set is the harmonic mercury/jupiter/saturn conjunct B Asc. It is in c 4th house. C mercury rules c 3rd house. C jupiter rules c 8th house. C7 saturn co-rules (13 of 17°) c 9th house. The significator for Alzheimer’s is complete.
Data sources stated Murdoch was known to be suffering from Alzheimer’s by the age of 77. She died February 6, 1999, age 79.
Salvador Dali’s mercury/Angle and saturn/Angle are in his signature set. That set includes C MC, b saturn, c7 venus, b sun, c mercury, and c7 jupiter. Mercury rules c 9th; b sun rules b 3rd; b saturn rules b 8th, and c7 venus co-rules c 4th (17 of 22°). Note this set includes two benefics, but they do not prevent Alzheimer’s disease. They may delay it or they may ameliorate it once started, or maybe they make no difference.
Prophet’s is the only signature of the 15 considered Alzheimer’s which is entirely comprised of non-harmonic planets. True, harmonic venus in Gemini is in the set, and it does co-rule b 4th house (15 of 37°), but it is not necessary as a 4th ruler, unless, of course, it is supplying a “required” harmonic (in order to turn this into a 7th chart condition).
Prophet’s c mercury is a little less than 4° away from B Asc. With b sun in Pisces increasing acceptable orb, Prophet’s Angle/mercury and Angle/saturn become part of her signature set. The set, containing c saturn, b sun, c mercury, c mars, b7 venus, and b7 mars has the following influence: c mercury rules C Asc and co-rules c 4th house (20 of 34°). C saturn rules c 9th and co-rules c 8th (20 of 21°). B sun rules b 3rd house.
Prophet’s diagnosis was made in November, 1988.
Diedrich’s signature embraces a wider, but acceptable orb, and involves an out-of-sign conjunction. B saturn, part of her signature, also provides her non-harmonic saturn/Angle. C mercury is conjunct B MC for her mercury/Angle. Her signature set, comprised of b mercury, b7 mars, b saturn, b7 venus, c7 venus, C MC, and b7 north node has the following influence: b mercury rules b 8th house and co-rules b 4th (18 of 24°), b7 mars rules b 3rd and B MC, b7 venus rules b 9th and co-rules b 8th (29 of 31°).
B saturn conjunct south node in Pisces is also in b 4th house, so with her conception 4th house (co-ruled by mercury), she has saturn influence to one 4th, and mercury influence to the other 4th.
Diedrich developed her first symptoms of Alzheimer’s in the early 1970s.
Charlotte Diedrich, Signature 2011, From Her Harmonic Chart for Her 12th House, an Apparent COG Chart, Superceding Her 2002 Signature.:
c12 mercury | 26 Pisces 56 | ruler of B MC in c 8th house, co-ruler 27 of 34°) of c 9th house |
b saturn | 27 Pisces 40 | |
C MC | 26 Virgo 36 | |
b neptune | 25 Gemini 40 | |
c uranus | 22 Sagittarius 07 | ruler of c 3rd house |
The 4th house influence in the above set comes from the fact that the mercury conjunct saturn in Pisces (which is also lighted by that mercury because when mercury rules an Angle, it acts like a light with a 5° orb just like other lights) is on the conception I.C. (4th house cusp) at 26 Pisces 36.
Note in the table above that c uranus, the only 3rd house ruler available for this set, has a wide orb to the only light in the set, c12 mercury, ruler of C MC. (C MC also adds some to the orb, but not the full 2°. That is, the orb allowable for mercury + MC is not the sum of their separate orbs, but something considerably less.) The distance from 90° from uranus to mercury is 4° 49’. However, c uranus is progressing toward that mercury. In 1970 (1/1/70) when she was diagnosed, it was at 25 Sagittarius 37. In 1978 (1/1/78, the year in which she was reported to be in a nursing home) it had moved to 26 Sagittarius 01. Both these later positions place it well within the set. This set also shows us a set that was not a complete significator (fault) at birth. The 3rd house influence was completed later in life. She was 57 years old in 1970 when she was diagnosed.
We have just seen charts, presented in the form of a drawing, for the signature for Alzheimer’s disease for six individuals. Below are charts, presented in table form, for the remaining eleven individuals.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Angle/mercury: None, but B MC, B Asc, and C Asc are mercury-ruled.
Angle/saturn: None
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Signature 2002, From His Harmonic Chart for His 7th House is Superceded:
B MC | 27 Gemini 35 | |
c7 saturn | 29 Sagittarius 53 | ruler of c 8th house |
c7 mercury | 29 Pisces 37 | ruler of C Asc in b 9th house; ruler of c 4th house |
Emerson is missing a 3rd house influence in the above set.
Before we look at his 9th chart set, I should mention that he also has a full signature for Alzheimer's disease in his 6th chart. I did not do those progressions for death. I did for the 9th house, and they were potent.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Signature 2011, From His Harmonic Chart for His 9th House of Higher Mind, an Apparent COG Chart:
b9 neptune | 0 Scorpio 59 | |
b9 mercury | 3 Taurus 10 | ruler of B MC, ruler of B Asc in c 4th, co-ruler (28 of 35°) b 9th house |
b9 venus | 29 Cancer 43 | ruler of b 8th house |
c sun | 1 Leo 35 | ruler of c 3rd house |
b SN | 5 Leo 06 |
The above set influences two Angles. Because mercury acts like a light with an orb of 5° when it rules an Angle, the set also includes three lights (mercury, node, c sun). The node progressed through the set during Emerson’s lifetime, ending at 1 Leo 23 on the date of his death. This set contains the full significator for Alzheimer’s.
Emerson was not part of the original data group described as having Alzheimer’s. He was included here because biographies of him describe symptoms approaching Alzheimer’s. His last several decades evidenced serious mental decline. He stopped writing in his journals years before his death. Still, he does not appear to have suffered the worst of Alzheimer’s--he does not appear to have lost his ‘I.' Days before his death he was heard crying out. When his daughter came to help, he stated he had “hoped it wouldn’t have to happen this way. I would have preferred falling down the basement steps.” He died six days later of complications from pneumonia.
On the date of his death he had progressed B Asc at 21 Scorpio 47 in the same set with b saturn, co-ruler of b 4th house, at 21 Leo 56. He also had the following:
pb9 mercury | 14 Scorpio 42 | ruler of B MC, ruler of B Asc in c 4th, co-ruler (28 of 35°) b 9th house |
pc9 saturn | 15 Scorpio 27 | ruler of c 8th house |
c pluto | 14 Aquarius 16 | |
pc9 NN | 14 Aquarius 33 | |
pb9 jupiter | 14 Taurus 34 | ruler of b 4th house |
c mars | 14 Taurus 41 |
The set above gives Emerson doubly lighted mars/saturn influence to two Angles and both 4th houses.
Barry Goldwater, Sr.
In nine years from 2002 to 2011 Goldwater’s birth data also changed. And it has been classified under a Rodden rating of “DD”—“dirty data.” That is, there are conflicting dates and times of birth. It gives us a good example of the problems encountered in astrological research.
The material just below is based on examining Goldwater’s 7th chart significators for Alzheimer’s for his birth time of 1:00 a.m. MST on January 1, 1909. This was the original birth date and time used for this paper in 2002. As can be seen, it is weak.
All the current, conflicting material on his birth date and time are found below this under “Source Notes.” Following that is discussion of why I chose to stay with the original birth time (1:00 a.m.), but not the original chart (not the 7th chart). His effective Alzheimer’s significator shows up in his 6th chart of health—also a reasonable chart to contain such a significator.
Goldwater’s 6th chart contains this full and complete signature, and it shows his death on the date of his death
Angle/mercury: B Asc at 21Virgo 59. B mercury at 21 Sagittarius 39.
Angle/saturn: C MC at 3 Virgo 14. C saturn at 6 Pisces 46 (with c sun at 6 Pisces 50, increasing orb.)
Barry Goldwater, Sr.,Signature 2002, From His Harmonic Chart for His 7th House Is Superceded:
c7 mercury | 29 Aries 50 | ruler of C MC and c 8th house |
b mars | 0 Scorpio 43 | ruler of b 3rd house |
c7 jupiter | 2 Aquarius 12 | |
b7 saturn | rule b 4th house(26 of 34°) |
This is weak. Mercury is almost 5° from saturn, and it does not have a light (which would have made that big an orb acceptable). Moreover, a 3rd house influence is missing.
On the other hand, Goldwater’s c saturn (the one above conjunct his c sun in Pisces) rules c 3rd house and is conjunct the conception I.C. .B mercury in Sagittarius is also conjunct the birth I.C. These yield him mercury + saturn/Angular/4th. He has two Angles--C MC and B Asc--ruled by that b mercury in Sagittarius conjunct birth I.C.
Just below, Goldwater’s current (August 2011) birth data and discussion of same was taken from the Astrodatabank website. It gives a birth date of January 2, 1909 at 3:00 a.m., Phoenix, AZ. The “Source Notes” for his birth data are extensive. I include all of them to show how confusing it can get. I particularly paid attention to comments made by Frances McEvoy in preferring the birth date of January 1 over January 2. She was familiar with the publishing practices of the newspaper that printed the birth notice.
However, I did not agree with McEvoy that the 3:00 a.m. time (given by the newspaper) fit him better than the 1:00 a.m. time (from his mother’s memory). Below, following the demonstration of Goldwater’s 6th chart significators for Alzheimer’s disease, reasons are given for my preference of 1:00 a.m. time. Here are the Source Notes :
Wayne Turner sends the following news clipping, (8/2002) a birth notice from the Arizona Gazette, Saturday evening, January 2, 1909, that a correspondent sent to him:
"A New Barry Goldwater
The clerks of M. Goldwater & Bro. in Phoenix today are stepping around with an unusual appreciation of doing their duty for they have a new "boss" that insists upon attention to his every want and will not take no for an answer. At 3 o’clock this morning, a beautiful nine-pound baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Barry Goldwater at their home on north Center Street. It was perhaps late for the little stranger to wish his parents a "Happy New Year" but the many friends of Barry are making up for it today by congratulating him and sending their best wishes to Mrs. Goldwater, who is getting along very well. The latest Barry is the only youthful representative of the Goldwater Brothers, who have been merchants in Arizona since the time it was necessary to fight off Indians with one hand while customers were waited upon with the other.
His parents wedding anniversary was January 1st, so I think this influenced their decision to celebrate his birthday on that date. This information was confirmed by the Senator in an interview in the "Arizona Republic" in January 1987, according to Richard Nolle. For astrological purposes it seems that 3 AM the morning of the 2nd is the time to use, though of course the family is free to continue their own traditions."
Frances McEvoy responds, "I knew Barry when I was a child. Phoenix was a small town in those days, and he knew my parents and grandparents. He was a heroic figure and I always admired him greatly. When in my 20's in Boston I was working in the public relations dept at Boston University he spoke to the student body. I think it was in 1953 or 1954. I sat opposite him at lunch and we talked about Phoenix and Arizona, etc. Anyway, I do feel that the new time [she is referring to 3:00 a.m.] fits him better than the earlier time. But my first job in 1946 was with the Phoenix Gazette and I know that the presses started rolling very early in the morning for the afternoon paper. The stories for Jan 2 would have been written the night before on Jan. 1. I do think he was really born Jan 1 early in the morning [italics mine] and the story found written that afternoon or evening and then the paper went to press first think the next day, Jan. 2. But I think the new time is obviously correct. What do you think? If he was born early on Jan 2, I don't see how the story would have made the paper and hit the streets by early afternoon Jan 2. Anyway, that is my thought. And knowing Barry, I don't think he would have been mistaken about being born Jan. 1."
Formerly, the date has always been given as January 1, 1909. American Astrology 5/1965 printed a letter from him to Nadine Bullard in which he quotes his aged mom's recollection as 1:00 AM. [italics mine]
Robert Jansky quoted a letter from him in 1979 in which he states that his t.o.b. is unknown.
Church of Light quoted Drew for 6:25 AM, "approximate time given by a student and considered right."
Robert Jansky quoted a spec chart in American Astrology 7/1964 of 1:02 AM. [italics mine]
King Keyes quoted the First Temple of Astrology where they quoted Mrs. Goldwater for 00:01 AM, which could possibly by a typo for 1:00 AM. [italics mine]
Richard Nolle quoted the Arizona Republic on 1/18/1987, p.59 for "Goldwater, His Life and Legacy," as giving January 2, 1909, 3:00 AM MST, Phoenix.
January 1, 1909 is given in Who's Who, Biographical Dictionary of the American Congress and by Goldwater himself.
Barry Goldwater, Sr., Signature 2011, From His Harmonic Chart for His 6th House Supercedes the 2002 Significator:
b neptune | 22 Gemini 24 | co-ruler (22 of 26°) of b 6th house |
b6 mercury | 23 Gemini 10 | ruler of B MC in c 8th house and B Asc, and co-ruler (23 of 32°) of b 9th house |
B Asc | 21 Virgo 59 | |
b mercury | 21 Sagittarius 39 | ruler of B MC in c 8th house and B Asc, and co-ruler (23 of 32°) of b 9th house |
c uranus | 23 Sagittarius 03 | co-ruler (30 of 35°) of c 3rd house |
b uranus | 23 Sagittarius 09 | ruler of b 6th house |
c6 pluto | 24 Sagittarius 51 | |
c6 moon | 25 Sagittarius 03 | ruler of c 9th house, co-ruler (28 of 36°) c 8th house |
c6 mars | 21 Pisces 20 | ruler of C Asc and c 6th house |
b6 saturn | 24 Pisces 00 | co-ruler (26 of 33°) b 4th house |
This significator (shown above) is very powerful influencing, as it does, three of his four Angles. It probably also had something to do with his stroke in 1996.
Note that there are three lights in the above set—c6 moon and the two b mercuries. Whenever mercury rules an Angle, it acts like a light and has an orb of 5° just like other lights. In addition, B MC and B Asc have a light-like orb of 2° each. So, this set hangs together well and satisfies all the requirements of the significator for Alzheimer’s.
Now we want to discuss the superior acceptability of the 1:00 a.m. chart over the 3:00 a.m. one:
First of all, we have the fact that the 1:00 a.m. birth time puts non-harmonic mercury and saturn on Angles. Since most of the individuals with Alzheimer’s share this astrological condition, I suspect it is true for all of them. However, since Alzheimer’s significators are what we are examining in this paper, we cannot really use this condition to assess the validity of one birth time over another. We can’t forget it totally, either.
We know that Goldwater served five terms—comprised of thirty years of service—in the U.S. Senate. With this method, that kind of success in career can only be shown by a highly benefic 10th chart (of career, or highly benefic Angle/10th houses in a 7th chart. Or, occasionally another chart when neither of these two is the COG chart.)
Vivian Fearing
Angle/mercury: C Asc at 22 Capricorn 36. B mercury at 21 Capricorn 32.
Angle/saturn: None. But C Asc is in Capricorn.
The first signature (2002) below is what I originally used, but it has no light, so the mars is really not in the set.
Vivian Fearing, Her Signature 2002, From Her Harmonic Chart for Her 7th House is Superceded:
c mars | 6 Gemini 24 | ruler of C MC in b 4th and ruler of c 3rd house | |
c7 mercury | 2 Sagittarius 20 | ruler of c 8th house | |
c7 saturn | 4 Pisces 00 | ruler of C Asc |
The second signature, below, is better. It does contain a light (the node) with a 5° orb, while the Angle has a 2° orb. Since Fearing’s birth was recorded as an even “5:00 p.m.”, we have our hint that the recorders were probably not interested in birth to the nearest minute. Conception a little later would make it more effective. Four to eight minutes later for conception (which is about four to eight minutes later for birth) gives us C Asc at 24 Capricorn 17 and C Asc at 25 Capricorn 54, respectively
Vivian Fearing, Signature 2011, Also From Her Harmonic Chart for Her 7th House Superceded 2002 Signature:
b mercury21 Capricorn 32
C Asc22 Capricorn 36
b7 NN23 Capricorn 28
c7 neptune26 Cancer 04
c7 venus27 Cancer 07ruler of c 4th and 9th houses; co-ruler (22 of 34°) c 8th; co-ruler (15 of 23°) of c 3rd house
Fearing also has b7 mercury, at 13 Scorpio 44--a placement of mercury (in Scorpio) which will come up again in this paper--in b 4th house. It is conjunct C MC at 15 Scorpio 11 in b 4th house. It is also made Angular by B Asc at 12 Leo 05.
Deborah Kerr
Kerr, I found out in 2011, died of complications of Parkinson’s disease. She did not have Alzheimer’s disease.
As it turns out, my believing she did was a fortuitous error. Why? Because her 3rd chart contains the complete significator for Alzheimer’s. So I had to take a good look at it to see if I could figure out why she did not die from Alzheimer’s disease. And I found the astrology which explains it.
Angle/mercury: B MC is in Gemini, mercury-ruled .
Angle/saturn: None.
August 31, 2011. The first signature below was in the original (2002) paper. It is interesting because it indicates some form of mental pathology (saturn/pluto =a close out, Gemini=mind, and it is Angular, therefore must express). It is not, however, the significator for Alzheimer’s (or Parkinson’s). The surprise about Kerr’s astrology comes below at the end of this discussion of her “Alzheimer’s significator.”
Deborah Kerr, Signature 2002, From Her Harmonic Chart for Her 7th House is Superceded:
B MC | 18 Gemini 59 | B MC is in c 12th house |
b7 saturn | 18 Gemini 56 | co-ruler of b 4th house (26 of 37°) |
b pluto | 16 Gemini 24 D |
Note below that b mercury and its harmonic ruler both birth Angles. When mercury rules an Angle, it acts like a light and has an orb of 5°.
Her updated signature is below.
Deborah Kerr, Signature 2011, From Her Harmonic Chart for Her 3rd House of Ordinary Mind—A Reasonable Chart for an Alzheimer’s Signature:
b3 mercury | 5 Cancer 35 | ruler of B MC, ruler of B Asc in c 4th house, co-ruler (19 of 38°) b 9th house |
b3 mars | 5 Libra 41 | ruler of b 3rd and 8th houses |
c3 saturn | 4 Capricorn 32 | ruler of c 8th house |
b3 uranus | 4 Aries 27 |
The above signature is complete for Alzheimer’s. But…
Some factors which likely contributed to either Alzheimer’s or the appearance of it are:
So why didn’t Kerr die from Alzheimer’s disease? She didn’t because her charts contain a set which cancels the Alzheimer’s one. With this method it has become unequivocally clear the planets on Angles—with an orb limited to 2°, and had we rectified charts, probably limited to 1°--are symbolic of “must be” conditions and events. They are more powerful than sets just influencing Angles through rulers. They are operative as a simple set in all gender preference astrology. And I have now seen several 3rd charts with sets that predict retardation in individuals who were not retarded. They were not retarded because the had a simple, additional set which rendered the retardation set ineffective. Here is the link to one of them: One Twin is Retarded, His Brother is Not
The set that declares Kerr will not die of Alzheimer’s disease is the conjunction of her birth sun at 12 Virgo 55 to her birth Asc at 15 Virgo 27 (un-rectified chart) which falls in c 4th house. Sun conjunct Asc occurs often enough in charts of first-borns as well as other children raised by parents interested in letting the child’s authentic self come forth. It is an indication the individual’s essential essence (a real thing, not an invention) is able to shine forth to their outside world, and it starts in childhood before that essence can be covered over by the various “educations” that make us all hide our authentic selves. When an individual dies of Alzheimer’s disease her essential essence as well as every other aspect of her identity is not shining forth. From the perspective of the outside world and loved ones left behind, it has ceased to exist.
Kerr’s B Asc/sun/4th is stronger than the set which implied her Alzheimer’s which only influences an Angle through a ruler. Therefore, it cancelled, over-ruled, or was dominant over the astrology indicating Alzheimer’s.
Since her “Alzheimer’s set” also includes Angle/mercury/mars/3rd/8th (the significator found so far for Parkinson’s disease), it symbolizes her Parkinson’s. While death due to complications from Parkinson’s can be devastating, its symptoms do not include completely wiping out the identity of the individual, as occurs with Alzheimer’s. Actually, Kerr had two other charts—her 8th and 10th—also containing significators for Alzheimer’s disease. Since her BAsc/sun/4th was in all of them, none of them manifested Alzheimer’s.
Here is another link to a paper which shows the astrological phenomenon of one set over-ruling or cancelling another: Two Individuals--Carroll and Kaufmann--Who Have Signature for Pedophilia Which Is Cancelled by A Stronger Signature.
Maurice Ravel
The Angle/mercury and Angle/saturn shown below exist in all charts.
Angle/mercury: C MC at 18 Taurus 15 . C mercury at 18 Taurus 28.
Angle/saturn: B MC at 19 Cancer 45. C saturn at 21 Capricorn 20.
Maurice Ravel, Signature 2002, From His Harmonic Chart for His 7th House is Superceded :
c7 saturn | 11 Scorpio 57 | ruler of b 4th house |
b mercury | 12 Aquarius 09 | ruler of b 9th and co-ruler of b 8th (14 of 33°) houses |
c sun | 13 Taurus 58 | ruler of C Asc |
This set does not influence a 3rd house except that the saturn is in c 3rd house. B7 saturn is in b 3rd house. That leaves him only without mercury influence to either 3rd house.
Maurice Ravel, Signature 2011, From His Harmonic Chart for His 4th House, an apparent COG chart:
B Asc | 12 Libra 07 | |
c SN | 12 Libra 32 | |
c moon | 12 Libra 46 | |
b4 saturn | 13 Libra 40 | ruler of b 4th house, co-ruler 20 of 36°) b 3rd house |
b4 mercury | 12 Capricorn 52 | ruler of b 9th house, co-ruler (14 of 33°) b 8th house |
The set above gives us the full set of significators for Alzheimer’s.
Ravel died in Paris on December 28, 1937 following brain surgery aimed at ameliorating his condition. Here is one of the sets in his 6th chart that shows it:
C MC | 18 Taurus 15 | |
c mercury | 18 Taurus 28 | |
pc4 saturn | 19 Leo 27R | |
b mars | 19 Scorpio 22 |
Birth time just minutes later would make this a close Angle/mercury/mars/saturn, one of the conditions (Angle/mars/saturn) that is necessary but not necessarily sufficient for death (it lacks 4th influence, but even then, it would be not necessarily sufficient). Note it gives us an new Angle/mercury/saturn.
In addition, he had:
His mental troubles were precipitated when he was in a traffic accident five years before his death, on October 10 1932, Paris. At that time he had pc4 mars, ruler of c 4th house, at 21 Taurus 22 and pc4 saturn at 21 Leo 46 in the same set with C Asc at 21 Leo 10. Return MC (Paris) was at 20 Taurus 57. P CMC was at 13 Cancer 59 in the same set with his b4 saturn, ruler of b 4th house and co-ruler of b 3rd, at 13 Libra 40. Return mars was at 12 Cancer 24 falling into his original significator for Alzheimer’s (discussed above, with the B Asc at 12 Libra 07).
Rudolph Bing
Bing’s original 7th chart set is a complete significator for Alzheimer’s disease.
Angle/mercury and saturn: B saturn at 25 Sagittarius 18. B Asc at 27 Sagittarius 30. B mercury at 29 Sagittarius 04
Rudolph Bing, Signature (2002) From His Harmonic Chart for His 7th House Is Retained:
c mercury | 17 Aquarius 48 | ruler of c 4th house, co-ruler of c 3rd house (25 of 31°) |
c7 moon | 20 Aquarius 30 | ruler of C Asc |
c7 saturn | 21 Aquarius 37 | |
b7 mars | 21 Leo 15 | ruler of b 3rd house |
c uranus | 23 Scorpio 30 | ruler of c 8th and c 9th houses |
Willem De Kooning
Angle/mercury: B Asc at 19 Sagittarius 02 is in the same set with c mercury at 19 Gemini 07.
Angle/saturn: B MC at 25 Libra 09 is in the same set with b saturn at 26 Capricorn 27.
Willem De Kooning, Signature 2002 From His Harmonic Chart for His 7th House Is Retained :
c7 sun | 0 Scorpio 03 | ruler of c 3rd house |
b7 sun | 0 Scorpio 03 | ruler of b 8th house |
b saturn | 26 Capricorn 27 D | |
b7 mercury | 28 Aries 10 | ruler of b 9th and co-ruler (28 of 41°) of b 8th houses |
b mercury | 29 Aries 480 | ruler of b 9th and co-ruler (28 of 41°) of b 8th houses |
b7 venus | 29 Aries 34 | ruler of B MC, co-ruler of b 9th (25 of 27°) |
co-ruler of b 4th (25 of 39°) house |
The two harmonic suns make the wide orb between the mercury and saturn acceptable.
Walter Slezak
Angle/mercury: B Asc at 21 Capricorn 52. B mercury at 23 Aries 02
Angle/saturn: None, but B Asc in Capricorn is ruled by saturn.
Walter Slezak, Signature 2002 From His Harmonic Chart for His 7th HouseIs Superceded by the 2011 Signature:
There is nothing even approaching a signature in Slezak’s chart. On April 22, 1983, he had--among other things--pb mercury (5th, 6th and 8th ruler) at 17 Gemini 07 and pc saturn (5th and 6th ruler) at 17 Sagittarius 10. I include this not as evidence of Alzheimer’s disease, but as evidence of depression and pessimism.
Slezak’s B Asc in Capricorn is also conjunct jupiter--evidence of his life-long weight problem. Jupiter expands by incorporating. In the 1st house, it incorporates physically, i.e., by eating.
Walter Slezak, Signature 2011 From His Harmonic Chart for His 9th House, an Apparent COG Chart, Supercedes 2002 Signature.
The only evidence we have that Slezak related well to his 9th chart is that the biography at (9/3/2011) stated that Slezak “was known as an experienced pilot.” Generally one does not become an experienced pilot unless they like being a pilot. And generally, but not totally, COG charts are charts we favor because they favor us with more benefic influence, therefore, more pleasure in life. Here is Slezak’s Alzheimer’s signature from that chart, followed by his progressions for death using that chart:
c9 saturn | 21 Aries 37 | |
b mercury | 23 Aries 02 | ruler of b 8th house |
C SN | 26 Aries 32 D | |
b9 venus | 24 Cancer 45 | ruler of b 4th and 9th houses, co-ruler (15 of 23°) of b 3rd, co-ruler (22 of 35°) b 8th houses |
B Asc | 21 Capricorn 52 | |
b jupiter | 22 Capricorn 05 |
Note that B Asc must be included in this set because none of the planets rule an Angle. [Slezak’s birth time was given as 1:41 a.m., suggesting birth was recorded to the nearest minute.] The only light in this set is c SN, which is progressing to form a closer bond with other planets in the set. When he died, on April 22, 1983 from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, pc SN was at 20 Aries 12. The midpoint between it and c SN is 23 Aries 32.
The above set shows the full Alzheimer’s signature.
Slezak had a surprising number of benefic aspects (progressed Angle/venus and Angle/jupiter) in this, his 9th chart, on the day he died. Sometimes with suicide the benefic sets represent the peace of mind the individual achieves once he has firmly concluded he will kill himself. All arguments pro and con are then in the past. Anyway, his progressed B MC was at 2 Aquarius 29 in the same set with b9 jupiter at 2 Taurus 57. PC MC was at 10 Leo 37 in the same set with c9 jupiter, co-ruler of c 4th house, at 10 Aquarius 29. And pC Asc was at 24 Libra 41 in the same set with b9 venus, ruler of b 4th and 9th houses, and co-ruler of b 3rd and 8th houses, at 24 Cancer 45.
But this chart also showed serious affliction consistent with his death. It had three new progressed mercury/saturn sets. It contained a new mars/saturn set: c9 mercury at 8 Sagittarius 48, c9 uranus at 8 Gemini 07, pb mars—ruler of b 3rd house and B MC (making this set forefront) at 8 Gemini 09, and pb9 saturn, ruler of B Asc, at 8 Virgo 06. So this set rules two Angles. It contained another mars/saturn set, this time with the sun, which has serious implications for one’s vitality. B sun is at 18 Aries 11, b9 saturn, ruler of B Asc, at 18 Libra 25, pc9 mars, ruler of c 4th and 9th houses, at 17 Capricorn 05 , return9 mars at 17 Aries 04, and transiting (almost one month after the return date) mars at 17 Aries 47. It shows more affliction. Pb uranus (which started at 27 Scorpio 21 at birth) was at 23 Scorpio 23 in the same set with pb9 moon at 24 Leo 21 and C Asc at 24 Leo 24. Uranus in Scorpio by itself shows the possibility of sudden (uranus) separations (Scorpio uranus), including death. Return uranus was at 14 Scorpio 34 conjunct his B MC at 14 Scorpio 56. Finally, return9 uranus was at 10 Aries 18 conjunct his b mars, ruler of B MC and b 3rd house, at 10 Aries 48 and b SN at 10 Aries 58. The latter set shows return uranus “exciting” a life-long ingrained tendency (SN) to abrupt (mars) action. It implies somewhat he acted on the spur of the moment, but it is more like after serious consideration of suicide, the uranus/mars enabled him in carrying through.
Slezak’s progressions for death for his 9th chart are strong enough that they add to the belief that his 9th is his COG chart.
Aaron Copland
Angle/mercury: B Asc is at 11 Leo 03 . B mercury is at 11 Scorpio 29.
Angle/saturn: None. C MC is in Capricorn, ruled by saturn.
Aaron Copland, Signature 2002 From His Harmonic Chart for His 7th House Remains In Effect:
c mercury | 11 Capricorn 32 | ruler of c 3rd house |
c mars | 14 Capricorn 25 | ruler of C Asc in b 9th and ruler of c 8th houses |
c7 saturn | 9 Libra 28 | ruler of C MC |
c7 sun | 12 Libra 19 | |
b7 sun | 12 Libra 19 | ruler of B Asc |
Copland’s signature is missing a 4th-house influence. That mercury in Scorpio in his Angle/mercury (above) is in his b 4th house. Note that gives him mercury in Scorpio “on an Angle” (very potent) and in a 4th house, suggesting death (Scorpio/4th) of the mind (mercury). Compare it to Kerr’s B Asc/sun/4th with its quite different implications.
Harold Wilson
Angle/mercury and Angle/saturn: c saturn is at 8 Gemini 57. B Asc is at 10 Gemini 05. C mercury is at 10 Gemini 10.
He also has b mercury at 1 Aquarius 33 and B MC at 2 Aquarius 24.Harold Wilson Signature 1 from 2002 From His Harmonic Chart of His 7th House Remains In Effect:
c saturn | 8 Gemini 57 | ruler of C MC in b 8th house, co-ruler 7 of 17°) c 9th house |
B Asc | 10 Gemini 05 | |
c mercury | 10 Gemini 10 | ruler of c 3rd house |
On the date of his death pb7 sun, ruler of b 4th house, was at 8 Virgo 56, having moved into the set. The above set leaves Wilson without the necessary 4th influence. , but the following almost supplies it. Here is how we get it:
Harold Wilson Signature 2 from 2002 Also From His Harmonic Chart For His 7th House :
c7 moon | 21 Virgo 23 | ruler of c 4th house |
pb saturn | 21 Gemini 03 | ruler of b 9th and co-ruler of b 8th (12 of 17°) houses |
The above set lacks an Angular influence. Birth was recorded as occurring at 10:45 a.m. GMT.
The two signatures combined make nearly a full signature.
Wilson is the only individual in this paper whose Alzheimer signature is the result of “summing” two separate sets.
Aldo Spoldi
Angle/mercury: C Asc at 12 Sagittarius 07. B mercury at 15 Sagittarius 41. This is past the 3° orb for Angles, but birth time could be off. Birth, in Italy, was, however, given to the nearest minute (8:56 a.m.).
Angle/saturn: None. B Asc is in Capricorn at 29 Capricorn 54. (And, conjunct b7 saturn at 28 Capricorn 41, but we are not counting harmonic Angle/saturns.)
Aldo Spoldi, Signature 2002 From His Harmonic Chart for His 7th House Remains In Effect:
c jupiter | 15 Cancer 46 | ruler of C Asc |
c7 sun | 16 Cancer 08 | co-ruler of c 8th house (30 of 44°) |
b7 sun | 16 Cancer 08 | |
b7 venus | 16 Cancer 51 | ruler of b 4th and co-ruler of b 3rd (18 of 23°) houses |
c7 mars | 19 Capricorn 18 | ruler of c 4th house |
c saturn | 13 Aries 56 D | |
c NN | 16 Aries 30 | |
c mercury | 17 Aries 49 | ruler of c 9th house |
b saturn | 19 Aries 51 D | ruler of B Asc |
This set above forms a complete significator. Progressed c saturn doesn’t make the set more complete, but it may have had something to do with the onset of the deterioration of his brain. If it did, it started while he was still rather young. Pc saturn was at 17 Aries 19 (1/2° before c mercury) by October, 1937 when Spoldi was 25 years old.
In doing this study, I noticed a plethora of mercury and saturn on Angles. Many had no
influence to 4th houses, so they had nothing to do with my original hypothesis that mercury and saturn had to be influencing an Angle and a 4th house. They were, however, so numerous they appeared important, so I decided to put them in table form.
The count for the following table was limited to only the sidereal (i.e., non-harmonic) planets actually on Angles. In addition to the signature set, they appear part of an over-all signature for Alzheimer’s disease. Venus and mars were added to the table for comparison.
A word about what “on an Angle” means. In this system there are two Midheavens and two Ascendants. When looking at an un-progressed chart, a planet on an Angle is either conjunct, square, or opposition it. The planet can, for instance, be square the Midheaven, but not conjunct or opposition Ascendant. Normally orbs for planets to Angles are two degrees. For this study, which includes so many un-rectified charts believed close to the right birth time (see footnote 2 below for an explanation of “believed”), orbs have been increased to three degrees.
A planet progressed to an Angle (or vice versa) has an acceptable orb of only one degree. In practice, on rectified charts, the orb is more like 3/4° before and 1/4° after exact.
To put this information in perspective: an individual, like President Reagan, can have an Angle/saturn, but it does not have the more severe implications as does the Angle/saturn in, for instance, Polly Klaas’ chart. Why? Reagan’s saturn is square his Ascendant and moving away from it while approaching no other Angle. Polly Klaas’ saturn is square her Midheaven, but it is moving toward it. Its influence will last for years and become increasingly more difficult as long as it is still approaching. In addition, some individuals have Midheaven and Ascendant nearly square each other. A progressing secondary saturn moving toward them will hit one, then the other without much, if any, break in between. Its influence, then, could be severe and last as much as a decade or more.
”Angle/planet” in the tables below refer to un-progressed Angle/planet relationships of no more than three degrees orb. “X” = yes, that planet is in square, conjunction or opposition a Midheaven or Ascendant.
Angular | Angular | Angular | Angular | |
Non-Harmonic | Non-Harmonic | Non-Harmonic | Non-Harmonic | |
Name | Mercury | Saturn | Venus | Mars |
Rogers | X | X | X | |
Reagan | X | X | X | |
Emerson | ||||
Murdoch | X | |||
Dali | X | X | ||
Goldwater | X | X | X | |
Fearing | X | X | ||
Prophet | X | X | ||
Kerr | ||||
Ravel | X | X | X | |
Diedrich | X | X | ||
Bing | X | X | X | |
De Kooning | X | X | X | |
Slezak | X | |||
Copland | X | |||
Wilson | X | X | X | |
Spoldi | ||||
TOTALS | 14 | 10 | 5 | 4 |
Mercury on an Angle has the highest count. Saturn on an Angle comes in second. Venus and mars count suggest they are not at all involved in the signficator, even the extended one.
Let’s add in Angles ruled by mercury (Gemini and Virgo), ruled by saturn (Capricorn), ruled by venus (Taurus and Scorpio), and ruled by mars (Aries and Libra). “R” = at least one Angle is ruled by that planet:
Angular | |||||
Name | Mercury | Saturn | Venus | Mars | |
Rogers | X | X | X | ||
Reagan | X | X | X | ||
Emerson | R | ||||
Murdoch | X | R | R | ||
Dali | X | X | R | ||
Goldwater | X | X | X | R | |
Fearing | X | R | X | R | |
Prophet | X | X | X | ||
Kerr | R | ||||
Ravel | X | X | R | X | |
Diedrich | X | X | R | ||
Bing | X | X | R | X | |
De Kooning | X | X | X | ||
Slezak | X | R | R | R | |
Copland | X | R | R | R | |
Wilson | X | X | X | ||
Spoldi | R | R | R | ||
TOTALS | 14 + 2R | 10 + 4R | 5 + 7R | 4 + 6R |
Actual occurrence of non-harmonic mercury on an Angle is highest, followed by saturn. The same is true when Angles ruled by the planet are added in.
Saturn’s “R” occurrence is biased in ways none of the others are. Why? Actual planet on an Angle has the same one-by-one count for each of the four planets. In counting Angles ruled by the planet, however, each of the other three planets rules two signs each, while saturn rules only one. So, saturn’s showing in that area is biased lower.
Now let’s see if there is any difference in results if we include harmonic mercury and saturn on Angles in the chart containing the significator. So, the count below includes sidereal and harmonic mercury and saturn on Angles in significator charts.
I have included sets in the table when mercury or saturn was a little more than 2° away from the Angle if the set also included a light. This is difficult because I do not believe planets are on Angles even with a light if their distribution is too far from the Angle, so I have not used the full 5° orb for any light.
Harmonic and Sidereal | Harmonic and Sidereal | ||
Name | Signature Chart | Mercury | Saturn |
Rogers | 7th | X | X |
Reagan | 10th | X | X |
Emerson | 9th | X | 0 |
Murdoch | 7th | X | X |
Dali | 7th | X | X |
Goldwater | 6th | X | X |
Fearing | 7th | X | 0 |
Prophet | 7th | X | X |
Kerr | 3rd | 0 | 0 |
Ravel | 4th | X | X |
Diedrich | 12th | X | X |
Bing | 7th | X | X |
De Kooning | 7th | X | X |
Slezak | 9th | X | X |
Copland | 7th | X | 0 |
Wilson | 7th | X | X |
Spoldi | 7th | X | X |
TOTALS | 16 | 14 |
There has been a definite increase of the occurrence of mercury and saturn on Angles when we count both their harmonic and non-harmonic positions.
Mercury has occurred on two more Angles (14 compared to 16), bringing the grand total to 16. But, Kerr did not have Alzheimer’s disease. So, mercury occurred on an Angle in all of the charts for all Alzheimer’s individuals.
Saturn occurrence has increased by three. But, again, Kerr did not have Alzheimer’s disease. Not counting her lack, then, saturn occurred on an Angle in 13 of 16 Alzheimer’s individuals, or 81% of the individuals.
More on this below in the Discussion.
To sum up, the following is a table prepared to show how many of all 17 cases in this study satisfied the original criteria for identifying Alzheimer’s. “X” = yes.
Signature Containing Mercury/Saturn Influences To: |
Name | Signature Chart | Angle | 3rd House | 4th House | 8th House | 9th House |
Rogers | 7th | X | X | X | X | X |
Reagan | 10th | X | X | X | X | X |
Emerson | 9th | X | X | X | X | X |
Murdoch | 7th | X | X | X | X | X |
Dali | 7th | X | X | X | X | X |
Goldwater | 6th | X | X | X | X | X |
Fearing | 7th | X | X | X | X | X |
Prophet | 7th | X | X | X | X | X |
Kerr* | 3rd | X | X | X | X | X |
Ravel | 4th | X | X | X | X | X |
Diedrich | 12th | X | X | X | X | X |
Bing | 7th | X | X | X | X | X |
De Kooning | 7th | X | X | X | X | X |
Slezak | 9th | X | X | X | X | X |
Copland** | 7th | X | X | 0 | X | X |
Wilson*** | 7th | X | X | 0 | X | X |
Spoldi | 7th | X | X | X | X | X |
TOTALS | 17 | 17 | 15 | 17 | 17 |
Mercury in Scorpio, especially in the 4th house, is worth considering as an abbreviated partial signature for Alzheimer’s disease. Scorpio is natural ruler of the 8th house, where things are transformed, find new life, or die. Four individuals had mercury in Scorpio. Fearing had it conjunct her C MC in her b 4th house. Copland had it conjunct his north node in his 4th house. Kerr has it conjunct her c7 south node in her b 3rd house. Diedrich has it conjunct her B MC in her c 12th house.
* Kerr’s 3rd chart signature met all the astrological requirements for Alzheimer’s disease but she had additional astrology which annulled it.
** Copland’s signature lacked a 4th influence, but he did have lighted mercury in Scorpio in a 4th house.
***Wilson’s signature was nearly complete only by summing two signatures to get the required influences. When that is done he has a 4th influence, but the set lacks Angular influence, so I left the 4th influence out of the table. From experience with this method, I know summing signature influences works. Summed signatures may be weaker than one’s that occur all together in one set. the “nearly complete” acknowledges that the Angular influence was lacking in the 4th part of the signature. Angular influence is necessary. Over the years that set would have picked up progressed Angular influence for periods of time, but that is definitely not the same thing as a life-long Angular influence—especially since here we are considering a degenerative disease, not an event like a car accident.
The breakdown of occurrence of the signature in various charts is as follows:
The above distribution continues to support that the 7th chart is the “typical” chart for the Alzheimer’s signature to occur in.
I noticed one Alzheimer’s Internet web site which included an article entitled, “Use It or Lose It.” It appears part of a trend which compares this disease of the mind to muscle function. Muscles atrophy when not used.
The high occurrence of mercury and saturn on Angles, regardless of they fact they did not rule 4th houses and were not part of the signature set, suggests just the opposite. When planets are on Angles they are forefront. Their functions, with their varying interpretations, are predominant in the life of the individual. So, these Alzheimer individuals start out in life with mercury and saturn more influential than other planets.
There is an important different between mercury and saturn. It might make some difference in timing, that is, when the disease become noticeable. Mercury--agile, fanciful, swift Hermes is one mythical representative--is a planet representing youth and youthfulness. Saturn represents old age. By virtue of that, perhaps the difficult part of saturn comes into play much later than mercury. The type of aspect makes some difference in the potency of the sets. The conjunction and opposition to the Angles appear more potent—for good or bad—than the square. Whether or not the planet is lighted also makes a considerable difference, particularly if the light and mercury-or-saturn exist in all charts. A lighted, Angular saturn is far stronger than one that is not lighted and it will manifest throughout the life, with brief respites when Angles are progressed to jupiter or jupiter to Angles.
And, as pointed out earlier, it makes a big difference if saturn is “Angular” but progressing away from the Angle or if it is “Angular” and progressing toward it. The difference between these two conditions is so great that it is almost wrong to include them together in any set of data.
Angular mercury has many functions. It can cancel a 3rd-house retardation signature. It functions as the gender significator (when influencing a 5th house) in bisexuality. It is prevalent on Angles with the birth of children. Any way we look at it, Angular mercury generally represents some form of feeling connected. Connected makes us feel we belong, and so mercury/Angle likely puts individuals in their parasympathetic nervous system. At least more there than the sympathetic one. The parasympathetic is correlated with the smooth, pleasing, relaxed states we get when doing things we really like or, for instance, when meditating.
Angular saturn is just the opposite. It makes the individual feel isolated, alone, and powerless—hence its strong presence in charts of less-than-successful people. Symbolically it represents individuals who, for whatever reason, did not pass through all the maturational stages outlined by Erickson. So, of course, they feel insecure. Insecurity and the fear that is associated with it put the individual in his sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is correlated with states of anger, fear, withdrawal, and anxiety—negative emotional states. As is widely known these days, states like that are hard on the health, especially when they recur often throughout life.
On the other hand, there might be an explanation for the reason mercury appeared Angular in all the Alzheimer’s individuals while saturn only occur Angular 81% of the time. Mercury Angular makes us more connected than saturn, but mercury Angular sometimes makes us too connected. Saturn, while it sponsors lack and anxiety, also sponsors isolation is which the individual can detach from worldly concerns if his life is solid enough to permit it.
It is interesting that we (the whole planet?) are experiencing a continuing rise in the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease. Surely the apparent increase is not all just because we now have better ways of diagnosing it. We are seeing its increase in a time when individuals live harried, anxious lives—global wars, global economies, global travel, global connectedness. We live in a time when tuning out and turning off (in their best sense representing a more reflective, meditative life) is much rarer than it was before we had electric lights, to say nothing of Facebook.
With these two planets on Angles, the Alzheimer individual likely spends his whole life ricocheting back and forth between his sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. It is hard to see that for an individual like Ronald Reagan, who had considerable self confidence. However, Reagan also had one golden benefic in his 10th chart, and two in his 7th chart. As his history shows, his life was charmed—at least in many ways it was charmed. We do not, however, have any idea how, or how often, he experienced his saturn.
Much more, much closer work has to be done with individuals with diseases to see exactly what their experience is.
Further Study
A larger sample is clearly needed. In addition, it would be good to have date of confirmed diagnosis. It would be best to study these individuals from youth to see when the first brain deterioration starts to occur. Their astrology for that period should be instructive.
In addition, it should be ascertained whether individuals who do not get Alzheimer’s disease can also have this signature. We have in this paper one example of same—that of Deborah Kerr. But there might be other, non-astrological factors. If so, what are they? Are they environmental? Geographical? Dietary? Behavorial? Neonatal?
The question must arise in general, how much difference does the environment (by which we also include ingested items) make in the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease? Do some people have the signature but not get the disease because their lives do not include necessary environmental stimulants or stressors?
(1) A planet must co-rule at least one-third of a house to be considered a viable co-ruler.
(2) The table below shows the progressed condition used to check tentative correctness of time of birth:
Angular | ||
Name | Year of Birth | Event(s) Checked |
Rogers | 1913 | D |
Reagan | 1911 | M + E |
Emerson | 1803 | D + F |
Murdoch | 1919 | D |
Dali | 1904 | D |
Goldwater | 1909 | D |
Fearing | 1909 | Diag. |
Prophet | 1939 | Diag. |
Kerr | 1921 | |
Ravel | 1875 | D + A |
Diedrich | 1909 | D |
Bing | 1902 | D |
De Kooning | 1904 | D |
Slezak | 1902 | S |
Copland | 1900 | D |
Wilson | 1916 | D |
Spoldi | 1912 | D |
There were no usable events to check Kerr’s chart.
One event does not justify considering a chart rectified. These, however, suggest at least time given could have been correct. Accordingly, Copland’s birth could have occurred 4-7 minutes later than given. For famous individuals, all charts were also checked for a sensible fit for their lives.
Emerson: the Mind on Fire: A Biography by Robert D. Richardson, Jr. Berkeley and Los Angeles California: University of California Press, 1995.
Data Acknowledgments
Data is given in the order individuals appeared in the tables.
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