Note: This astrology uses the sidereal zodiac. The zodiac traditionally used in the West is the Tropical one. For more information read the section below entitled "Astrological Method."
The Home Page contains an extensive explanation of how different this astrologicl method is and illustrates why it has the potential to become a science—link above.
In some ways this paper is disappointing even for me. The best way to identify a significator for diseases is to identify it in the charts of those who die or are seriously ill at a young age. I understand that Covid-19 caused what is called Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS) in some infants and children who had been healthy. Their charts would have shown most clearly the astrology of the coronavirus. Of those who died, this paper is comprised of older individuals, people already vulnerable because of their age. I was unable to find birth data on even a single instance of MIS-children.As I understand it, when the invading coronavirus reaches the lungs, it especially infects the alveoli, where oxygen transfer takes place. For some people, the body's immune reaction appears exaggerated, and instead of just killing the virus, it kills the cells they are in, too. These cells fill up with all the mucus and detrititus caused by the reaction to the invasion, grow in number, and eventually (sometimes very rapidly) overwhelm the lung's capacity to breathe. Not all researchers agree that this is the mechanism in the lungs, Most agree that what is happening is a hyper-inflammatory response of the immune system which can affect not only the lungs but other organs—heart, kidneys, brain, etc.--as well. Here is a link to a rather involved but interesting article,published by Science Magazine, April 17, 2020, on the mechanism of coronavirus invasion in each organ:
How Does the Coronavirus Kill?Earlier, working on other diseases, the astrological significator of immune dysfunction and allergic reactions was identified. They share the same core astrology, and this paper shows that Covid-19 does, too.
Some people may want to skip this section which is concerned with a number of definitions as well as explanations of the limitations of this present astrological research. If so, find the next section entitled, “The Planetary Significators for Immune Dysfunction and Inflammation.” Or find "Abel," the last name of the first presented example of coronavirus death. Otherwise, in this paper I was concerned with:
(1) establishing the astrological grouping—called a significator herein—that identifies the immune dysfunction specifically associated with the coronavirus but not limited to it. Almost always the susceptible (for any condition, positive or negative--material, physical, emotional, or mental) individual starts life with at least most of the significator in place, and when the illness occurs, either that significator has come forefront through progressions or a second, similar significator has formed and is forefront.
(2) identifying its timing of flare-ups. Yes, there is an outside invader that triggers the response, but not only do only some people have such a response, of those who do, there are astrological factors which identify the timing. There are even astrological factors which supply a gradient of those likely to recover to those likely to die who do get infected. Since this paper contains only 15 examples, of course much more research is needed. But even the present limited results are rather definitive.
(a) At the time an individual becomes infected (with symptoms) the astrology of immune dysfunction is active and complete within the limits of the described significator (described below).
(b) If the individual dies of the disease, additional astrology especially pertinent to death must occur. The significators for death in this astrology are the same for every individual, and they are not peculiar to different diseases. And here it is not so much that the individual must die (that cannot be established), so much as it is that those who are highly unlikely to die do not have that astrology.
(3) Based on past research of other diseases, individuals surviving a disease may do so for either negative and/or positive reasons.
(a) Their significator may be weak and also not worsened by other negative astrology. One examples is saturn on an Angle, especially conjunct the IC. That is often hard on every individual's life force, but it has nothing to do with the significator for immune dysfunction.
So this paper does not contain any examples of asymptomatic individuals. I would like to have such examples. This paper also does not include any children, some of whom appear to suffer from whole-body inflammation which can prove fatal. Again, I invite examples.
(b) Another reason individuals may not catch the disease, or at least only get mild cases, is that the individual starts out with a strong benefic astrology which counters them even getting the infection, or which significantly helps them in recovering from it. The paper on heart disease (link on Home Page) shows the latter examples and this paper contains interesting examples of same--see the section on Tom Hanks.
(c) The individual may not manifest the disease because they have, usually from birth, an astrology called an anti-significator. Anti-significators work against the expression of a disease either to tone it down or to eliminate its expression altogether. One of the papers on “one twin retarded, the other normal” illustrates a very effective anti-significator. An example of an attenuation of the condition is illustrated by the astrology of Lewis Carroll in the paper on pedophilia.
(4) Most of the significator may be present, but a signficant part is missing. Sometimes it occurs later in life, only to disappear again over time. Whatever was missing has to be moving slowly enough that it spends considerable time as part of signficiator. Then it has influence.
An example is that the 4th house must be afflicted by light/mars/saturn for death to ocuur (for all of us), and this 4th part of it may be missing in the siginificator. One individual in this paper had the full significator for immune dysfunction, and it also influenced the 4th house with regard to the possibility of death resulting. But that signiiicator lacked saturn. When saturn joined it by progression--late in life (and we do not know if a harmonic did so earlier in life)--they died from the Covid-19 infection. It is understood that without that progression of saturn into the significator which was otherwise complete, and which was the onlu immune dysfunction significator occuring at the time of illness and death, that the individual would have recovered.
(5) There may be more than one part to the significator—one defining the type of disease, and the second, lesser part defining where in the body it will occur. If some one lacks the second part—with coronavirus so far it appears to be mars (inflammation) in Gemini (among other things, lungs) on an Angle, or a Andle/light/mars/3rd, another way of astrologically saying mars in Gemini influencing an Angle. without either of these, the virus invasion cannot find its foothold in the lungs. It may get a foothold in some other part of the body, but right now we have no examples to look at.
Birth data and most of the biographical material used in this study came from, free of charge, for which I am grateful. But unless an individual is famous, databases often contain just the information that an individual died of X on such and such a date of such and such a condition. There is often more biography than that, but it has nothing to do with what is being researched.
Time and place of death can be extremely helpful, as can be date of diagnosis, but these are often missing because either not known or not provided by the data contributor.
To get dependable results, time of birth needs to be exact to the nearest minute. There are many reasons birth time is recorded erroneously. (Twin births are usually very dependable for the simple reason parents want to tell them later who came first and so on.) In addition, some countries, i.e., European ones, record time of birth to the nearest 15 minutes of clock time on the quarter hour. That introduces a potential error of plus or minus 7.5 minutes to birth time. That error can set the Midheaven ("noon") off by almost two minutes. Secondary progressions of that Midheaven would then be off by almost two years! That is too much for decent research results Transits to the Angles will also be in error. They need to be close to exact to be counted.
In this study ten out of the fifteen individuals were born in Europe. Of course, given enough biographical data, these can be rectified (corrected by using events in the individuals' lives), but that adds a whole new dimension to the amount of work needed done. At this point, for this paper, I could not do that.
Fortunately, many of the validating sets presented below regarding the astrology of the coronavirus occur through sets which are not on Angles, but in sets which influence an Angle through a ruling planet in the set. This makes sense because many of these individuals were old, in the 80s and even 90s, when they died. On Angles sets are much stronger, and many of those individuals probably died before reaching old age of some other form of infllammation.
There is the “problem” of the amount of work needed to categorically state that an individual did not have the signficator for the coronavirus. With this method the significator for any particular health condition usually falls in one of several typical charts. For instance, typical charts manifesting health problems had been the 1st (asthma) and 6th (general health), and 7th (the default center of gravity chart of this method). But the significator may fall in atypical charts.
If one is presenting coronavirus astrology that demonstrates the likelihood of the individual's death from it, only one chart—the correct one—needs to be examined. More than one may show the death, but one is sufficient to demonstrate mortality.
But in order to categorically state that individuals who recovered from the disease or only had mild symptoms did not have the same astrology as those who died, it is really necessary to calculate, erect and progress all twelve charts of this method. With their returns. Without a software to do that (there is none yet). That amouunt of work is not only monumental, but involves a lot of hard copy work which introduces the possibility of more errors.
Instead of erecting all twelve charts, I did a table showing the positions of mars and neptune (the significator planets) for each individual to which charts contained them as a set (withing about 1 to 1-1/2 degrees of each other in a conjunction, square, or opposition--example below). Influence to a 6th house (the necessary part of the path for infection) was also included. I almost missed one out-of-sign set.
The table I used containing the birth, concepton, and their harmonics planets for each harmonic chart for each individual to identify--to begin with--if they even had an inflammatory astrology, is normally sufficient. But the slower moving neptune, which only moves several degrees in most individual's lives, may not be in or near the set, but its harmonic can progress into the set AND it can stay there long enough (6 months? several years? yet to be defined) to set up an inflammatory astrology. So, in effect, progressed harmonic neptune for each harmonic chart should be part of the table used to identify whether or not the individual even has an inflammatory astrology. (The example table is below, following the words "a note on how").
The significator's notation which shows which planets are involved and which houses (and Angles) they influence is called its “planet/path.” The planet part is obvious—those planets are fundamental to that condition. The path part represents Angles and houses ruled by planets in the set. Notations do not usually show all houses influenced, just the ones fundamental to the significator.
While it is true that significators tend to occur in one of possibly several charts, called typical charts, they can validly exist in any chart as long as the planet/path for it remains the same..
Usually the two parts of the significator must occur in the same chart, for instance, both in the 7th chart. But sometimes they occur in different charts. Examples occur in the paper on pedophilia, in which anti-signficators can occur in a chart different from the one containing the one for pedophilia.
Anti-significators either cancel or diminish the effect of the significator. A variety of examples of these are found in the paper on pedophilia, link on Home Page. For example, Adolph Hitler's astrology shows a significator for pedophilia in his 7th chart. There is nothing in his history which suggests he was a pedophile. His anti-significator, which directed his consciousness away from sexuality altogether, was in his 3rd chart of mind. The result appears to have been that his potential pedophilia was "reduced" to a strong attraction to either young or childlike women.
We can now move on to describing the astrological significator for immune dysfunction/inflammation.
The identity of the two planets in all autoimmune disorders allows me to use their same description in all papers on immune disorder.
In astrology mars, as in mythology, is associated with martial, aggression, drive, inflammation, cutting, fever, anger, testosterone, male, and fear.
For instance, the French researcher Gauquelin found significant occurrence of mars on Angles (that is, forefront, close to the Midheaven or the Ascendant) in charts of professional athletes.
Mars is also often forefront—on an Angle or lighted and ruling one—in the 7th houses—of murderers. Their aggression (mars) is toward significant others (7th). But mass murderers have a mars/11th set. Their aggression (mars) is toward groupings of individuals (11th).
Neptune is identified with traits such as nebulousness, fantasy, confusion, and lack of good sense of boundaries. It sponsors fantasies, delusion, movies, and various forms of creativity. It is strong in the charts of composers as well as in the charts of psychics and psychotics. It is necessary for good fiction writing. It works with mars in paranoid (mars) schizophrenia (neptune) when it influences an Angle and a 3rd house of mind, with the typical chart being the 3rd chart.
There is something in all mars/neptune sets which represents some form of “confusion” relative to the norm.
So autoimmune disorders, wild inflammatory responses, and various forms of cancer are all physical forms similar to the psychic manifested of paranoid schizophrenia, that is, they are physical forms of paranoia—inability to define boundaries (or friends and foes) correctly, and the inappropriate responses such abnormal perception triggers.
The planet/path then, of immune dysfunction is Angle/mars/neptune/6th. They can either be on an Angle or ruling one. In this paper I have not differentiated in writing the path whether or not it is on an Angle or just influencing one. If the set only rules an Angle, then it must include a light (sun, moon, or node).
In order to die from the disease, saturn must be added to the planets and the 4th house included in the path. So, Angle/light/mars/saturn/neptune/4th/6th symbolizes that an Angle, the 4th and 6th house are all influenced by lighted mars, saturn, and neptune.
One of the ancient names for saturn is “the grim reaper.” It is forefront in all fatalities, accidental and natural. In its place in the planetary orbits, it represents the place individuality is cut off from the cosmic (uranus, neptune, and pluto) and personality formation begins. So saturn is not all bad. It is the delimiter in being born. It plays a good as well as bad part in all senses of limits and boundaries, both of which are necessary for a world to exist. Coming forefront (on a progressed Angle) throughout life, it tends to represent times the individual experiences as dark and stressful, luck has disappeared, for anything from months to several years. So, of course, occurring in charts of older individuals, it reasonably suggests stress on top of the vulnerability of old age and therefore, death.
The 8th house may be part of the path, but I am not using it here as defining. I just show it when it is present.
So, no matter which chart the significator falls in, the planet/path must follow the above description—Angle/mars/neptune/6th for immune problems, and Angle/mars/saturn/neptune/4th/6th/(8th) for death from that condition. Sometime they are found by “summing” sets rather than all in one set. Angle/mars/saturn/neptune/(house) represents “siege conditions.” It can occur in non-medical instances, as for example, the chart of an alcoholic who died homeless. It was in his 7th chart and influencing his 4th house (end of life conditions).
There are papers all over this site which explore and present the evidence of the role of mars/neptune/6th in immune dysfunction. Mars/neptune/5th (sexuality) is part of the significator in homosexuality (“confusion” with regard to norms about masculinity). Those homosexuals who suffered and died during the AIDS epidemic also had the 6th house as part of that path. Since we know non-homosexuals also died from AIDS, those men who did had the Angle/(light)/mars/neptune/6th significator. Many men who are not homosexual have the Angle/(light)/mars/neptune/5th part of the "homosexual" significator but LACK the second part of the significator which directs their consciousness of sexuality toward the same sex. Those heterosexual males are just a bit “crazy” or “excitable” (inflamed desire) in terms of their sexuality toward women.
This form of astrology is very different from traditional Western astrology, and even from from Eastern astrology. It started with me, and suggestions and insights about it came from both eastern and western astrological traditions while not being defined by them. In fact I know nothing about the Vedic astrology of the East. Because it is so different, below I write a few words about it. They are there for astrologers reading this paper, Others are not likely to find them useful and may wish to skip them. In that case, go directly to the example charts presented under the title “The Ten Who Died.” Following that are “The Five Who Lived.” And following that, the “Discussion” of results and implications of same. I suggest reading the Discussion if nothing else.
There are also, in the following section, photos of (1) a full chart, this one a 1st chart, just to show what one looks like from the point of view of number of planets dealth with, and (2) a worksheet showing the "shortcut" I used to try to isolate the significator, in this case, for coronavirus. These illustrate the huge amount of work involved in this astrology until such time as an appropriate software is developed.
Note: This astrology uses the sidereal zodiac. The zodiac traditionally used in the West is the Tropical one. For more information read the section below entitled "Astrological Method."
This astrology uses the sidereal positions of the planets based on the Fagan-Bradley’s SVP. For my take on why the sidereal zodiac is superior to the traditional, tropical, "Western" one, please see the following: The Tropical and Sidereal Zodiacs, a Discussion.
Harmonics are taken from the sidereal position of the planets. The Egyptian harmonic, discussed in the paper “About This Method” (link below), is used.
”Lights” include suns, moons, and moons nodes. When mercury rules one or two Angles, it also acts like a light and has the same orb as the other lights. The MC or Asc also acts like a light, but one with only between 1-2° orb (depending on a number of things), because when a set is on an Angle it does not need a light to be active. That is why sets which are comprised of the progression of an Angle to a planet or vice versa manifest their meaning when they become close regardless of the fact no light is involved. “Close” here usually means within about ½ a degree, but again it depends on the planet. We want exact, but that is not practicable with unrectified charts. And an Angle progressed to saturn is seen a not manifesting until very close or even passed beyond, while one to mars or uranus may act somewhat before exact earlier in the approach. I have written extensively on orbs in the paper entitled “Chart Reading Rules,” link at the bottom of this page. It is not the sort of thing one would read just to read a paper.
This method uses only conjunctions, applying and separating squares, and oppositions. Orbs for planets with lights is is complicated and based on extensive experience.
I have written extensively on orbs. They are some of the trickiest and most subtle aspects of this form of astrology. That discussion can be found in the paper entitled “Chart Reading Rules.” There is a link to it just below.
Planets related to each other through the conjunction, square, and opposition are referred to as in the same “set.” A set, then, is two or more planets (or an Angle) connected to each other through conjunction, square, and opposition within the defined orbs. Set without Angles are more active when they contain a light, and less active without one. Learning to look in terms of “crosses” can be helpful in rapidly finding planets that are in the same set.
Because this approach uses both a birth and conception chart and they share the same axis, birth houses usually overlap different houses of the conception chart. These are called “house overlaps.” A planet falling in both influences both. Throughout this paper I use the convention when writing about house overlaps of putting the birth house first, then the conception house. So, for instance, a “5th/1st” overlap refers to an overlap of birth 5th house with conception 1st house in that order.
Angles of birth fall in houses of conception and vice versa. The Angle that falls in that house also influences that whole house.
Birth planets (including their harmonics) rule only birth houses. Conception planets (including their harmonics) rule only conception houses.
For a more thorough explanation of this astrological approach, refer to the following papers:
About This Method
Chart Reading Rules
A few more notes, then the charts are presented.In the partial charts shown below, birth planets and their harmonics are inside the circle. Conception planets and their harmonics are outside the circle. Conception sidereal planets are red; conception harmonic ones, black. Birth sidereal planets are blue; birth harmonic ones, green. Occasionally, because of space limitations, I have had to violate this inside/outside arrangement, but the color coding remain constant.
Abbreviations used are b = birth, c = conception, and t = transiting. Even though the harmonic used for each chart is always two more than the chart’s number, in these papers I write the harmonic number the same as the chart number. For example, the 5th chart uses the 7th harmonic, but I have established the convention of writing harmonic planets for the 5th chart as, e.g., c5 mars, which reads, “the harmonic for the 5th chart for conception mars.
All the data for these charts, along with acknowledgment for their origin and their Rodden rating, is at the bottom of this page. Rodden rating is also included with each chart presentation. Placidian birth house cusps are shown below charts in blue; conception, in red.
A note on how these charts were done:each of the twelve charts comprising an individual's starting (birth plus conception plus their harmonics) contains 4x10 planets plus 4x1 sets of moon's nodes. When examining timed events and conditions, each of those plus their Angles (2 each Midheavens and Ascendants) is progressed--secondary progressions for the sidereal planets, and their harmonics derived therefrom. Here is what one of them looks like. There are eleven more.:
The above process identifies which charts already, before progressions, contain mars and neptune in the same set within no greater than about 2.0 degrees to each other, and simultaneously we can see whether or not they are also with a 6th house ruler. Positive identifications suggest the charts we should look at, along with their progressions, for confirmation of susceptibility to COVID-19 infection.
Is it possible that this way one could miss the most appropriate chart for immune dysfunction? It is possible, but highly unlikely, Other than errors in transcribing the proper placement after converting them to Egyptian harmonics, there are general conditions that occur in the astrology of any one who dies from a certain disease (and many other things/conditions--even winning the lottery). That general condition is in the starting astrology: the condition's planet/path is either wholly or partially already present at birth.
When a significator forms only temporarily and dissolves rather swiftly, it more likely is either a “dumb note”(no expression) or represents a mild experience of it or even a mis-diagnosis, as I believe occurred with Robin Williams' diagnosis of Parkinson's disease. Had he lived, I believe he would have experienced a spontaneous remission of his Parkinsons--another way of stating that he probably didn't have it to begin with.
If none of those charts produce the looked for evidence, then it may be necessary to do all the charts.
Now we can start looking at charts. If you get bored looking at pages of astrological evidence and commentary, I suggest reading the Discussion at the bottom of the page. There conclusions and speculations are written in nothing but plain English.
Significator Found in the 1st Chart. The 1st chart contains information on the individual's deep-rooted personal identity formed in childhood as well as a number of physical susceptibilities.
A graduate of the Eastman School of Music, he performed with various orchestras, most notably for 38 years with the Philadelphia Orchestra from 1959 to 1997.
In addition to his musical career, Abel was a teacher at Rutgers University, Rowan University, and Temple University, at the latter since 1972.
In 1998 he was inducted into the Percussive Arts Society Hall of Fame. Alan Abel died at Lankenau Medical Center in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania at 3:05 AM on 25 April 2020 at age 91 from complications from COVID-19.
Unfortunately, we have to start with one of the more complex examples because the charts containing the virus infection are presented in ascending order.
Abel's return covering his date of death occurred on April 5, 2020, Paris.
He had three harmonic charts that included mars/neptune sets. Only his 1st chart one started with a 6th influence.
He has unlighted b mars (all charts) at 11 Gemini 12 in c 3rd house and ruling B MC. Mars either in Gemini, the natural sign of the 3rd house, or any sign mars in a 3rd house potentially represent inflammation (mars) locating itself in the lungs (Gemini/3rd) which is how the coronavirus gets embedded (apparently--we are still learning about it) in the body.
In order of descending strength, mars in Gemini on an Angle would be most virulent. In Gemini and lighted would be about the same strength as mars ruling a 3rd house and lighted. Mars in Gemini or a 3rd house without any lights or Angles would be the weakest.
Set (1) shows the immune dysfunction. It includes c sun at 11 Aquaius 00, ruler of c 6th house, c mercury, ruler of c 4th house, c1 neptune, ruler of C Asc, and c1 mars at 10 Taurus 30, co-ruler of c 8th house. This set shows a lighted mars/neptune to Angle/4th/6th/8th houses. It does notnot contain a saturn, also necessary to die. Abel's astrology picks up more mars and netpune by progression. This is what they look like:
Set (2) shows that Mr. Abel was born with c jupiter, ruler of C MC, at on an Angle—in all charts because it is sidereal and not harmonic. In my experience, that helps an individual live longer than those who do not have it, but it did not prevent his death in this instance. What did?
Set (3) did. The set that was lacking saturn in the 1st chart has now gained one. It shows a mars/saturn set with c mars in Capricorn influencing c 8th house through co-ruling it and b7 saturn influencing b 6th through co-rulership, And that saturn is not only in the natural sign of the 4th house, it is actually in c 4th house. When pB MC at 3 Cancer 37 passes through this set at the time of his death, he then had an Angle/(light=on an Angle)/mars/saturn/4th/6th/8th influence—that necessary for death.
Of course in this chart he also had that all sidereal progression of C MC at 13 Pisces 57 to pc mars at 13 Pisces 43.
He has a mars/neptune set comprised of the following:
Set (4) | pb7 sun | 3 Virgo 91 | |
c7 neptune | 4 Virgo 58 | ruler of C Asc | |
pc7 mars | 3 Pisces 27 | co-ruler of c 8th house | |
pc mercury | 3 Gemini 21 | ||
bc7 moon | 4 Gemini 31 |
Set (4) above pulls in the wider-orbit neptune because there are two lights. It shows us Angle/sun/moon/mercury/mars/neptune/4th/8th. It lacks 6th influence, but the neptune in it provides a neptune/6th because it is lighted and in c 6th house.
And we can get our missing lighted mars/6th influence from the following set: b and c harmonic suns at 9 Taurus 01 with c sun ruling c 6th house is in the same set with c sun in Aquarius (also a 6th ruler) and b 7 mars at 10 Taurus 49.
So, SUMMED, this is the chart that shows death, possibly from just coronavirus because all the necessary influences are there at the time Mr. Abel died. However, his 1st chart was much more active in demonstrating his astrology of immune dysfunction, and that one appears the most important in demonstrating his susceptibility to the infection.
It should be pointed out here that Mr. Abel surely in his long life had progressed C MC in Capricorn pass through that same mars/saturn set in this chart and obviously did not die from it. He would have been approximately 20 years old at the time. People do have Angle/mars/saturn/4th/(8th) astrology occur and not die. So it doesn't automatically spell out death. It is just that it is necessary to be there when death does occur.
At this point we do not know—did he die of the virus itself, that is, from the lungs being unable to function—or was some other major system broken down which brought about his death?
It will not be a question answered in this paper. It is necessary however, to raise it for future consideration.
Main Significator Found in the 5th Chart. The 5th chart contains information about the individual's offspring of both mind and body as well as their sexuality.
Jacques FremontierFrémontier married Michèle Lagneau, who was a Knight of the Legion of Honour, in 1997. He died on 7 April 2020 at the age of 89 due to COVID-19.
Fremontier's return covering the date of his death occurred on March 28, 2020, Paris.
He started out with five harmonic charts with mars/neptune sets. Two of them, his 2nd and his 5th, had 6th influences to their sets.
His 5th chart has c5 mars at 25 Gemini 47 conjunct C MC at 26 Gemini 32. It includes a 4th influence because b5 mercury at 25 Vorgp 23 is part of the set and it rules b 4th.
Set (6) shown above can be written Angle/node/mars/saturn/2neptune/2uranus in which the Angle influene is gained through ruler of B Asc, b uranus at 19 Pisces 34. All but the saturn are in c 6th house, so it is a definite lighted mars/neptune/6th. The set has influence to b 8th house through b mars co-ruling it, and to c 6th through c uranus ruling it. And c 6th is co-ruled (22 of 23°) by c neptune. There is everything of the significator in this except a 4th influence. Going by this alone, we would believe Fremontier would survive his infection.
I would like to have seen more progressed Angle involvement with mars, saturn, and neptune, but this is a European birth, so we have an inbuilt error of 7.5 minutes, or almost 2° for Midheavens: more or less with Ascendants.
While Set (6) shows the susceptibility to the infection, it was not shown as active at the time of Fremontier's death. Instead two sets were pulled into one and added to by some progressions. Here is what they looked like before the progressions and return:
Set (7) | b5 sun | 1Libra 05 | co-ruler of b 6th house |
c5 mercury | 1 Cancer 38 | ruler of both C Angles and therefore a light | |
b5 uranus | 2 Cancer 55R | ruler of B Asc |
Set (7) has no mars/saturn/neptune, but it has two lights and influence to an Angle, 6th and 8th house. It is joined by return Asc at 26 Pisces 58.
And plus
Set (8) | b5 mars | 4 Cancer 53 | co-ruler (12 of 27°) of b 8th house |
c5 saturn | 5 Libra 18R5 | co-ruler (30 of 33°) of c 4th house |
Set (8) has no light, but it has the mars/saturn part of the mars/saturn/neptune.
The key to combining these two sets is the progressed b NN at 3 Aries 13, falling right in the middle between them. And the mars/netpune also comes from progresions. This is what the set looks like when combined and progresions and return planets are added:
Set (9) | b5 sun | 1Libra 05 | co-ruler of b 6th house |
c5 mercury | 1 Cancer 38 | ruler of both C Angles and therefore a light | |
b5 uranus | 2 Cancer 55R | ruler of B Asc | |
pb5 mars | 1 Libra 30 | ||
b5 uranus | 2 Cancer 55R | ruler of B Asc | |
pb5 neptune | 1 Libra 30 | ||
pb NN | 3 Aries 13 | (coming from 9 Aries 01 at birth) | |
return mars | 3 Capricorn 13 | ruler of B Asc | |
b5 mars | 4 Cancer 53 | co-ruler (12 of 27°) of b 8th house | |
c5 saturn | 5 Libra 18R5 | co-ruler (30 of 33°) of c 4th house |
The above set contains all the parts of the significator for death from the infection.
One other set bears mentioning: pb mars at 21 Taurus 39 is in the same set with pc5 mercury, ruler of the C Angles, at 21 Aquarius 20, increasing his Angle/mars influence by twice more.
Dempsey was born without toes on his right foot and no fingers on his right hand. He wore a modified shoe with a flattened and enlarged toe surface. This generated controversy about whether such a shoe gave a player an unfair advantage.
In 1977, the NFL added a rule, informally known as the "Tom Dempsey Rule", that "any shoe that is worn by a player with an artificial limb on his kicking leg must have a kicking surface that conforms to that of a normal kicking shoe."
In January 2013, Dempsey revealed he was suffering from dementia. On 30 March 2020, Dempsey tested positive for Covid-19, and on 4 April 2020 at age 73 in New Orleans he died due to the Coronavirus.
Dempsey's return covering the date of his death occurred on April 1, 2020, New Orleans.
Dempsey started out with two harmonic charts--3rd and 5th—which had mars/neptune sets, both of which had a 6th influence.
All of his charts contains c mars at 27 Gemini 39. It is in c 3rd house and lighted by b sun at 27 Sagittarius 15. In fact, they are in his sun/mars/saturn/neptune set with 4th and 6th influence but before progressions lacked influence to an Angle—see below.
Dempsey's birth time was given to the apparent nearest minute. And it shows better correspondence of significator planets with Angles.
Set (10) is close in orb and lighted and contains all the significator planets, but has no influence to an Angle. It is written sun/mars/saturn/neptune/4th/6th—b saturn rules b 4th and b neptune rules b 6. There is no 8th influence either, but we are not defining it as necessary for now—I have just been showing when it was obviously there.
Set (10) picks up its Angular influence through progressed C MC at 27 Pisces 57. Even if the sun were not there to increase orb, this MC could be considered in contact with the mars/saturn/neptune without need of the light.
He has a second Angle/mars/saturn with pC Asc at 12 Cancer 19 in the same set with c5 venus, ruler of C Asc in Taurus, at 12 Libra 20, pb mars, co-ruler of b 6th house, at 12 Capricorn 23, and b saturn, ruler of b 4th house, at 12 Cancer 34. There two lights that help nudge it into a set even though the saturn is a bit above (15') pC Asc. The two lights are return5 moon at 10 Aries 59 and pb NN at 10 Cancer 56, both almost at 11 degrees.Main Significator Found in the 6th Chart. The 6th chart contains information about the individual's health and their attitude/experience to service. If service sounds like a minor thing, it can change one's mind to realize that the 6th chart was the main chart for the 2nd Secretary-General of the United Nations, Dag Hammarskjöld. It was also the chart that showed his mystical inclination.
A beauty queen, she was voted Miss Italy in 1947. She retired in 1956 after marrying bullfighter Luis-Miguel Dominguin (1955-1967). She returned to acting once they separated.
Bosè died at the General Hospital of Segovia on 23 March 2020 at the age of 89 from pneumonia complicated by COVID-19 during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic in Spain.
Her return for her death occurred on March 8, 2020, Segovia, Italy.
She started out with three harmonic charts which contained mars/neptune sets, the 7th also having an influence to a 6th house. Nonetheless, it was one of the charts that had no original mars/neptune set which symbolized her death.
The “mars/Gemini/3rd influence” was non-existent in her birth astrology. See 6th progressions for her 6th chart below.
Bose' 6th chart does not start out with a mars/neptune set, but it generates one at the time of her death, so I present it here for examination.
There are two main considerations about Set (11) above, written Angle/sun/mercury/jupiter/saturn/2uranus/4th/6th/8th. B sun co-rules b 6th house, b mercury rules b 4th, b jupiter rules B MC, and c saturn rules C MC—so it influences two Angles, but lacks both mars and neptune
It picks up return mars at 19 Sagittarius and falls on return Asc at 19 Virgo 45, so she now has lighted sun/mars/saturn influencing an three Angles, 4th, 6th and 8th houses. But she does not have any neptune. This set could represent her death, it just does not shown the inflammatory coronavirus influence. Perhaps—I do not know—it represents the pneumonia she actually died of, but I do not know how that pneumonia is different from the filling up of the lungs with fluid which reportedly happens with the virus. What we can state is this chart's information can represent her death. It certainly represents the difficult time she was going through at the time. Here are several more sets in play at the time:
Lacking here is an Angle/6th/neptune influence to make this an immune dysfunction death.
The set pb neptune, ruler of B Asc, at 9 Leo 18R with return6 sun at 9 Scorpio 42 yields an Angle/neptune influence. And, since that neptune is in b 6th house, it also yields a lighted neptune/6th influence. Pc venus, ruler of C Asc, is also in the set at 9 Leo 06, so that Angle is also influenced by lighted neptune. If I thought the sun too far away from the neptune to form a set with it, then I could include pb moon at 8 Leo 19. The two lights in the set definitely pull in the neptune.
He became active in performing in comedy sketches while at Cambridge University, and became president of the Footlights club, touring internationally with the Footlights revue in 1964. Becoming wider known to the public for his work on BBC Radio with I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again (1964-1973), he moved into television with At Last the 1948 Show (1967) working together with old Cambridge friends John Cleese and Graham Chapman.
Brooke-Taylor married Christine Weadon in 1968 and they had two sons, Ben and Edward. He lived in Berkshire. He served the University of St Andrews as rector between 1979 and 1982. He was appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the 2011 Birthday Honours for services to light entertainment.
Amid a coronavirus pandemic in the United Kingdom, Brooke-Taylor died of complications from COVID-19 on 12 April 2020, aged 79.
His return covering date of death occurred on March 15, 2020, POB (place of birth because location unknown).
He started out with six harmonic charts with mars/neptune sets. He had three which had influence to a 6th house, and one of them, the 6th chart, is presented below.
C mars at 14 Cancer 59 is in c 3rd house and lighted by c6 NN at 13 Libra 29.
Set (13) played the major role in Brooke-Taylor's death in the pandemic. It is written Angle/sun/venus/mars/neptune/4th/6th/8th. What it lacks in terms of the significator to include death is saturn. On his date of death, and for a significant time preceding that—because progressed secondary saturn moves very slowly—his pc saturn was stationary direct at 0 Aries 31 and that b sun pulls it into orb with the mars/neptune part of the set. It started out at conception at 4 Aries 57R. It was at 0 Aries 31 for at least four years preceding his death. So, while it played the part of completing the significator, there must obviously have been other astrology that contributed significantly. Transiting pluto was at 29 Sagittarius 56. Here it is:)
Set (14) | pC MC | 12 Aries 30 | |
c mars | 12 Capricorn 27 | co-ruler of c 6th house | |
pc6 mars | 12 Capricorn 45 | ibidem | |
pc6 neptune | 12 Capricorn 53 20 | ||
c6 NN | 13 Libra 29 |
This being a European birth, we cannot be absolutely sure of this Angular set. I can say it and other sets in his progressesions and return represent what they usually look like for death. That is, much more affliction is usually apparent that just the main significator, which here is Set (13). This Set (14) contributes another Angle/2mars/neptune to his time of death.
Other, similarly afflicting conditions were:
And pb mars, 4th ruler and 8th co-ruler, at 5 Virgo 49 was conjunct b6 sun at 5 Virgo 55.
Main Significator Found in the 7th Chart. The 7th chart is the main and default chart of this method (because it is used to find conception). Theoretically it only contains information about one's relations to Others, but it contains a wealth of other information.
Large worked on the after-dinner circuit and, in the latter years of his life, performed some cameo acting roles in TV dramas such as The Brief and Blackpool. His autobiography, Larger than Life, was published in 2005. In 2013, Large released his first single without Little, a parody of "Je t'aime... moi non plus" by Serge Gainsbourg entitled "Gee Musky... Moi Non Plus"...
After being admitted to hospital in March 2002 due to kidney problems, he underwent a heart transplant at Papworth Hospital, Cambridge in 2003 at the age of 62, and recovered fully. Large died on 2 April 2020 at age 78 at Southmead Hospital in Bristol after contracting COVID-19 while in hospital receiving treatment for heart failure. Large had suffered from kidney and heart problems for a number of years.
Mr. Large's return for death occurred on February 23, 2020, Bristol, England.
.He had three harmonic charts which contained mars/neptune sets. Only his 7th chart showed influence to a 6th house.
C mars is in c 3rd house at 23 Leo 32 with c7 moon at 23 Leo 56 and c moon at 22 Aquarius 40. B7 SN is at 23 Scorpio 48.
Taking Set (16) first before Set (15), this is the set that shows his heart failure. Angle/sun/saturn/6th puts over a lifetime puts a lot of stress on the heart, and the saturn part of it stands for the long-term deficiency leading to “failure.” At the time of his death it looked like this> :
Set (16) | B Asc | 21 Capricorn 48 | |
b7 pluto | 21 Capricorn 59 | ||
c saturn | 20 Aries 32 | ruler of c 8th house | |
c7 sun | 21 Aries 42 | ||
b7 sun | 21 Aries 42 | ||
return7 sun | 21 Aries 42 | (yes, this counts as a “new” sun) | |
return7 pluto | 21 Aries 38 | ruler of c 6th house | |
b1 uranus | 20 Pisces 21 | ruler of C MC in b 5th house |
Pluto is often forefront at death combining with mars/saturn to represent a significant transformation (pluto). The mars represents the cutting of the cord to incarnation, represented by saturn. It is the planets below saturn that represent the human personality which creates the tools in the body—the senses—that make incarnation possible.
Going back to cover Set (15), it is written 2Angle/node/sun/venus/2mars/2neptune/4th. Note it has no 6th influence, so as is it does not stand for a health problem. At the time of his death he acquired the 6th influence in the form of pb7 mercury, ruler of b 6th house (and co-ruler [6 of 15°--it has to be at least 1/3 of total]—of c 4th. This mercury is moving fast. He died on 4/2/2020. One month earlier it was at 0 Virgo 29, and one month later, at 2 Virgo 46. So with the two lights in the set, it was “in” the set, at most for about 6 weeks—slow enough for a fast-acting virus like Covid-19 to infect him. I did not check his other mars/neptune charts, which may have had a longer-term set representing immune dysfunction.
Pc7 neptune, ruler of C MC, at 2 Gemini 24 was also in the set, giving it influence a second time to C MC in Pisces,
Here are a few of his other significant sets at the time:
Large had an Angle/jupiter through his return MC, but not his natal Angles or progressed Angles. The jupiter in the set for his heart condition probably helped him longer than he might have without it, but it is also the planet in the set that connects it to his 6th house of health.
Main Significator Found in the 9th Chart. The 9th, under the rubric “higher mind” covers a variety of subject areas:law, religion, philosophy, foreign travel, Internet, equestrianism, archaic studies.
Uncharacteristic of European births, Herbin's birth was registered to have occurred at 5:35 AM (not on the quarter hour). I take that to mean it was either correct or closer than typical to correct.
His return in force for the date of his death occurred on March 30, 2020.
He started out with two harmonic charts with mars/neptune sets. Only his 9th chart, shown below, also showed 6th influence.
C mars is at 15 Gemini 06 (all charts) lighted b b sun at 14 Pisces 44. It is also in b 4th house, but I have not been paying attention to whether all of them also influence a 4th (end of life).
I bolded the biogrphical material above which stated that Large died of cardio-pulmonary complications unrelated to the Covid-19 pandemic. Other than in his 9th chart, Herbin had a mars/neptune set in his 6th, and it was even on a progressed Angle at the time of his death, but it never had and never acquired influence to one of his 6th houses.
He also had a poweful Angle/mars/neptune/6th in his 7th chart. Why powerful? Well, it is on an Angle, not just influencing one through a ruler. Here is what it looked like:
Set (17) | b mars | 11 Sagittarius 01 | co-ruler of b 8th house |
c7 neptune | 11 Pisces 21 | ruler of c 6th house | |
B Asc | 12 Pisces 38 | ||
c7 sun | 12 Pisces 38 | ||
b7 sun | 12 Pisces 38 | ruler of c 6th house | |
b7 venus | 13 Pisces 04 | ruler of b 8th house |
Herbin's b sun is near this set, too, 14 Pisces 44. Without trying to figure out if it is part of the set, we can state that Set (17), which is already on an Angle and influences both 6th houses, is a set showing either immune dysfuction or some kind of inflammatory problem. It is hard to believe he did not suffer from same during his lifetime. At the same time, it can be said that three suns (in Pisces) conjunct an Ascendant tend toward health. The sun represents vitality and on an Angle it “shines” forth, Further, at the time of his death his pb jupiter, ruler of B MC was at 12 Pisces 21, also conjunct his suns conjunct his venus conjunct his Asc—powerfully benefic, perhaps representing a faith experience because the whole set influences b 9th house through b mars. And it now influences two Angles. Did the progressed jupiter on the Angle help protect his from the virus?
This set never had nor never received a 4th ruler. So, even if he did have the virus and it was unknown to those caring for him, there was no 4th influence which could have resulted in his death.
The set in his 9th chart which took his life occurs in the very same position as Set (17). Shown as Set (18) in the drawing above, it is written Angle/sun/mars/saturn/4th/6th/8th. It shows his “cardio-pulmonary” condition from which he died. In it b7 sun co-rules ((30 of 48°) b 6th house, b mars co-ruler b 8th house, and c saturn rules c 4th. It is already on an Angle.
At the time of his death it also included pb jupiter, ruler of B MC, at 12 Pisces 21and influenced a second Angle through pC Asc at 11 Sagittarius 01. It looks like the 4th influence (and the influence to a second Angle) had more influence than did the protective aspect of his progressed jupiter. More work is needed with such phenomena.
This, his 9th chart, also had a mars/neptune/6th—which is why I originally picked it to do progressions for his death. It was represented by c9 neptune at 0 Scorpio 32, ruler of c 6th house, c9 jupiter at 2 Scorpio 01, c NN at 2 Scorpio 30, and b9 mars, co-ruler of b 8th house, at 1 Aquarius 15. It lacks Angle and 4th influence. On the date of his death it did not acquire either one. Instead it was joined by pc jupiter at 0 Aquaarius 51R, and return venus at 0 Taurus 38, another exceptionally benefic set. Again, since b mars rules b 9th house, it could represent a powerful religious experience.
Dor was a doctor specializing in embryology who practised at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris. He was also a researcher in cardiac embryology at Inserm and a lecturer at Pierre and Marie Curie University.
He was fined ten thousand Euros on 16 September 2013 for obstructing abortion proceedings. He left SOS tout-petits in January 2018.
Dor was married on 22 December 1950 to Françoise Dugé de Bernonville, daughter of Jacques de Bernonville; and they had four children. Dor died on 4 April 2020 in Paris from COVID-19 at age 91 during the pandemic.
Dor's return in effect when he died occurred on March 11, 2020, Paris.
He started out with four harmonic charts with mars/neptune sets. Three of them—4th, 8th, and 9th—had influence to a 6th house.
B mars at 27 Taurus 18 is on the cusp of b 3rd h ouse (29 Taurus, European birth so it could be later) and lighted by bb9 sun at 29 Aquarius 19 and b9 moon at 28 Leo 57.
Set (19) is his mars/neptune set. Written Angle/sun/mars/neptune it influences B Asc and b 8th house through b mars, while b sun rules b 6th. As is it can be active when experiencing an immune reaction, but because it lacks a 4th, doesn't support death from same.
Strengthened by the light pc9 moon aat 0 Sagittarius 15 entering it, it also had t9 mars at 0 Sagittarius 43 and pc9 uranus, ruler of C MC at 29 Scorpio 57. So the set was more active (the added light) and picked up influence to an Angle, totalling two. But it did not have saturn enter it, and it remained absent a 4th influence, so it does not represent his death from coronovirus infection.
Still needed is the influence of saturn to an Angle, 4th, and 6th houses.
Set (20) might do. It shows node/mercury/2saturn/neptune. The mercury in it is a bit wide (just one minute over 2° away from the one light, b SN at 3 Scorpio 38. It does rule b 4th and co-rules b 6th. It picked up an Angle through the return MC at 4 Aquarius 08. By his date of death, pc neptune was closer in the set, having progressed to 4 Leo 03 and t9 saturn was at 4 Scorpio 38.
Possibly pC MC at 24 Taurus 10 was in the same set with c saturn, ruler of c 8th house, at 24 Scorpio 59, but we cannot know (without rectifying the chart, had we enough information to do so) because this French birth followed the European standard of reporting birth times to the nearest 15 minutes, with an average error of plus or minus 7.5 minutes, or nearly two degrees off. Just though I would mention he might have had a progresed Angle/saturn, but we cannot count on it.
Still looking for saturn/4th influence, we see pb9 saturn, co-ruler of b 4th house, at 10 Sagittarius 14R in the same set and lighted by b9 SN at 9 Sagittarius 53 and pc9 mercury, co-ruler of c 4th house, and ruler of C Asc (therefore acting like a light) at 9 Virgo 35. So this is our saturn/4th influence.
Another set increasing influence of saturn in his current astrology wase:
He was a 2018 inductee of the American Academy of Arts and Letters... In addition to his award-winning plays and musicals, he also wrote two operas, multiple screenplays, teleplays, and a memoir. His career spanned six decades, and his plays, musicals, and operas are routinely performed all over the world.
McNally was partnered to Tom Kirdahy, a Broadway producer and a former civil rights attorney for not-for-profit AIDS organizations, following a civil union ceremony in Vermont on 20 December 2003. They subsequently married in Washington, D.C. on 6 April 2010. In celebration of the Supreme Court's decision to legalize same-sex marriage in all 50 states, they renewed their vows at New York City Hall with Mayor Bill de Blasio officiating on 26 June 2015.
McNally, who had previously overcome lung cancer, died in Sarasota, Florida on 24 March 2020 at age 81 from complications of Coronavirus disease 2019 during the COVID-19 pandemic.
McNally's return in effect for his death occurred on March 1, 2020, Sarasota, FL.
McNally started out with seven harmonic charts with mars/neptune sets, six of which had influence to a 6th house. The 9th chart is shown below. There are a number of reasons this chart appears to have been his COG chart.
His c9 harmonic mars at 17 Gemini 50 is conjunct C Asc at 17 Gemini 57. It is interesting to note that the New York Times Obituary for McNally, published n March 35, 2-2- and written by Jesse Green and Neil Genzlinger, noted not only that he had survived lung cancer (apparently in the late 1990s), but that he suffered for years from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease—a third lung dysfunction.
Set (21) is both McNally's set representing immune dysfunction as well as Part I of his homosexuality significator. Written 3Angle/sun/venus/mars/2neptune/5th/6th/7th/8th the 5th and 7th house parts of it form his Part I HS Significator, while the 6th (and 8th) show his susceptibility to the viral infection. The second part of his HS significator is found as C MC at 6 Pisces 07 conjunct c saturn at 6 Pisces 37 and receiving light from b moon at 7 Virgo 49. The more typical Part II significators are sun and mars (for males), and even though saturn falls on the female pillar in the kabbalistic Tree of Life, it has been found several other times as the Part II part in charts of others HS males.
At the time of his death, McNally's Set (21) looked like this:
Set (21') | pC MC | 28 Taurus 24 | |
b9 sun | 29 Taurus 27 | ruler of B Asc in c 3rd house | |
c neptune | 27 Leo 03 | ruler of C MC in c 7th | |
pC Asc | 28 Leo 40 | ||
b neptune | 28 Leo 41 | ruler of b 8th | |
c9 neptune | 27 Scorpio 31 | ruler of C MC | |
pb9 mars | 28 Scorpio 39 | ruler of b4th | |
b9 venus | 28 Aquarius 35 | ruler of B MC> | |
c mars | 28 Aquarius 54 | ruler of c 6th and co-ruler of c 5th |
Set (21') now shows lighted mars/neptune/6th/8th influence to five Angles. For death from Covid-19, this chart lacks mars/neptune/4th and saturn/6th/4th.
Note the mars and neptune in Scorpio in the above table. Before the progression of the two C Angles to the set, that neptune was iffy to be included in the set, but after the two Angles entered, orb was increased and it was definitely in the set. That mars/neptune in Scoprio falls b4th and c 6th houses and is lighted. So it provides the mars/neptune/4th.
His saturn/4th is not too hard. He had one all along (from birth) and it is shown in Set (23) above as Angle/mercury/mars/saturn with mercury ruling c 4th and C Asc and mars ruling b 4th. The mars/saturn are also in c 4th house. I would have expected it to be lighted up in some way through progressions, return, or transits. We do not have his time of death, but not that transiting moon on the day of his death went from 7 Pisces 59 at 2 AM to 13 Pisces 55 at 2 PM.
His astrology still does not show a saturn/6th. But it does. The mars conjunct saturn in the mercury/mars/saturn set discussed just above occurs in Virgo, the natural sign of the 6th house. If it is wondered if the signs work out that well in the method, I can personally vouch for it. I have a conjunction of sun/mars/saturn in Virgo in one of my chart with influence to an Angle and no influence to a 6th house. But when the harmonic node progressed to it at my age 59 it precipitated a long-term, difficult health problem. The Virgo in that set was the ONLY reference to a 6th house. Of course, since then I have seen many other indications that planets in signs that are natural rulers of houses act equally well as influences to those houses as do rulership of houses.
Set (22) is another Angle/mars/saturn/6th influence, with b saturn ruling b 6th house and c mars ruling c 6th. B9 neptune is at 15 Sagittarius 32. It was not included in the set because too far away (over 2°) from C Asc, the only “light” in the set. But a node or slow moving light like a progressed sun moving through the set would bring that neptune into the set. We were not given a date for when he had and overcame his lung cancer, but I wondered if this set was in play. It has no 4th influence and he did overcome the cancer. And the mars in Gemini conjunct the C Asc could easily reference the lungs.
I tend to look for benefics on or influencing Angles for COG charts, which I think this is for McNally. For one, his c neptune, which falls in b 3rd house and throughout his life progressed closer to his c9 SN at 25 Leo 13 (ending up at 25 Leo 02, still R) shows his creative writing—plays, operas etc. And that c neptune rules C MC, so it also shows the creativity playing through his career or public image. But he has saturn to two Angles in this chart, one of them with mars—not exactly benefic. Nonetheless, his Set (21) shows venus on an Angle. And his b sun, ruler of B Asc, at 16 Libra 19 in the same set with b9 jupiter, ruler of b 5th house (also associated with creativity, Leo) add up to a “summed: Angle/venus/jupiter, Since B Asc is in c 3rd house and b9 venus also rules b 3rd house as well as B MC, the Angle/venus/jupiter/3rd are good indicators of his success as a creative writer..
Main Significator Found in the 10th Chart. The 10 house in traditional Western astrology is associated with career, social and public image, and relationship to the mother. (I understand Vedic or Hindu astrology finds this house associated with the father.) My take on it was that it is the mother who has the most influence on the child's critical first years of life. Approving or disapproving, she sets the tone for the child's (unconscious, really) sense of security, outreach, and belonging.
Devedjian's return covering the date of his death occurred on March 14, 2020, Paris.
He started out with four harmonic charts that had mars/neptune sets. Three of them had 6th influence. I originally did the workup for the harmonic chart that also had a light for his mars/neptune/6th, and that was his 3rd chart.
He had b10 mars in 21 Gemini 40 conjunct his C MC at 22 Gemini 24, and a closer look at that chart suggested it was the more significant. I could not find any information on the Internet about whether or not he had had other lung trouble throughout his life.
Set (22A) is the original unlighted mars/neptune set I didn't think was strong enough to become the significator. Written Angle/venus/mars/neptune/6th/8th, the venus rules B MC (and b 3rd house) while the c mars at 25 Taurus 01 rules c 8th. C10 neptune co-rules (19 of 23°) c 6th house. It lacks a light and a 4th influence.<[>
On the date of his death, moving very slowly, pc saturn, co-ruler (27 of 35°) of c 4th house was at 26 Taurus 06R. Return10 NN at 26 Leo 01 is the light that pulls Set (22A) into the significator of his death His 1st chart was also highly afflicted.
Set (21A) just shows a sun/saturn/neptune/uranus4th/6th/8th set that might have played into his death but it did not. It lacked Angle/mars.
Main Significator Found in the 12th Chart. In traditional astrology, the 12th house is said to be connected to “hidden matters.” Sometimes it is correlated to concepts of karma. I suppose some of its mystery is connected to the fact that the sign that is its natural ruler is Pisces. Pisces and its ruler, neptune,are correlated with mystery and nebulousness.
We are especially interested Goasguen’s astrology because his heart attack occurred just as it appeared he was beginning to recover from his Covid-19 and his astrology for both occurred in his 12th chart.
The only dated event I could find on this man was the year of his marriage—1976. Using July 1, 1976, it was easy enough to see that plus or minus circa 30 days from this was his likely date of marriage. Using the given time of birth, he did find ruler of the 7th very close to a progressed Angle the same time he had a progressed conjunction of venus to jupiter. Along with the astrology for his death, all we can say is that given time of birth was likely fclose (within minutes) to his actual time of birth.
Goasguen’s return for his death on May 25, 2020 occurred on April 21, 2020 in Issy-sur-Moulineaux. His biography states only that he tested positive to Covid-19 “in March.”
Set (22B) shows the astrology for his potential death from a heart attack. It contains 2sun/mars/saturn with c sun in Taurus ruling C MC and c mars ruling c 6th house. B Asc, at 14 Scorpio 46, is too far away from the set to be considered part of it, especially since both lights are above it. This set lacks 4th and 8th influence.
It is worth noting that Set (22B) has had a 4th ruler progress through it without giving Mr. Goasguen a life-threatening heart attack. C uranus rules c 4th. It started at 15 Taurus 07, and was at 18 Taurus 43 when he died. It appears the progressed B Asc in Scorpio (shown below) to the set was necessary to bring the set completely forefront.
First, let’s look at a list of his astrology for the coronavirus, especially since it did not appear potential in this chart which clearly, on the other hand, had his astrology for his susceptibility to a heart death.
His return occurring on March 12, 2020 was likely correct for his Covid infection. Issy-sur-Moulineaux was used for its location, though he may have only moved there when his illness required hospitalization later, in April. He was in intensive care for 22 days before he died, and was apparently recovering, just starting to walk again. Set (22B) is the one that shows his infection and his death. Here’s what occurs with his infection:
The most important progression (using 3/28/20) is pb12 neptune. At 17 Taurus 00R, it has entered Set (22B) and given it the missing neptune for his inflammatory condition. Return SN is at 18 Taurus 16. PB Asc at 18 Scorpio 16, and return 12 sun at 19 Scorpio 19. The set has now picked up a neptune, two additional lights, and a progressed Angle, bringing all of it into play for his illness. This set looks like this:
pb12 neptune | 17 Taurus 00R | ruler of b 4th house (coming from 10 Gemini 44 at birth) | |
c sun | 17 Taurus 06 | ruler of C MC | |
pB Asc | 18 Scorpio 16 | ||
return12 NN | 18 Scorpio 16 | ||
b12 saturn | 18 Scorpio 36 | ||
b12 sun | 19 Scorpio 19 | ||
return12 sun | 19 Scorpio 19 | ||
c12 mars | 16 Aquarius 53 | ruler of c 6th house; also an Angle/mars/3rd influence) |
Here is the rest:
The above four sets all involve return planets. They do not influence Angles or houses (unless they fall in a house). If they had, their influence would have increased. They are, nonetheless, negative because they put mars and saturn into sets with his moon’s nodes.
Goasguen’s astrology for his Set (22B) three months later when he died of a heart attack was not that different, looking like this:
return12 moon | 16 Taurus53R | ruler of b 4th house (coming from 10 Gemini 44 at birth) | |
pb12 neptune | 16 Taurus59R | ruler of b 4th house (coming from 10 Gemini 44 at birth) | |
c sun | 17 Taurus 06 | ruler of C MC | |
pB Asc | 18 Scorpio 26 | ||
b12 saturn | 18 Scorpio 36 | ||
b12 sun | 19 Scorpio 19 | ||
c12 mars | 16 Aquarius 53 | ruler of c 6th house |
The set lost two lights, and picked up one. Perhaps the fact that this light—return12 moon at 16 Taurus 53R—was so much closer to the c mars at 16 Aquarius 53 helped bring that mars more solidly into the set, making his Angle/sun/mars/saturn more potent. The two lights in the previous set were all above that mars.
But other parts of his astrology at the time also contributed:
Goasguen starts out at birth with an Angle/mars—C Asc at 25 Libra 44 was in the same set with 25 Capricorn 50, also providing a second Angle/mars/3rd set for his Covid-19, which could not occur until his pb12 neptune entered Set (22B).
For Goasguen, his progressed astrology for Covid-19 literally brought inflammatory astrology into his starting astrology for heart disease, which just happened to be “maturing” into a death set (4th influence at same time as new Angle influence) at the same time. The progression of the outer planets, being so slow, can take quite a lot of time to pass through a set, and therefore create the duration needed for a signficator to be effective.
Boris Johnson
Biographical data stated British politician serving as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Party since July 2019. He served as Mayor of London from 2008 to 2016, and as Foreign Secretary from 2016 to 2018. Johnson identifies as a one-nation conservative and has been associated with both economically and socially liberal policies.
On 23 July 2019 he was elected new Conservative leader in a ballot of party members and became the next UK prime minister. On 24 July 2019, Queen Elizabeth II accepted Theresa May's resignation and appointed Johnson as Prime Minister. In his first speech in the role, Johnson promised that the United Kingdom would leave the European Union on 31 October 2019...
On 27 March 2020, it was announced that Johnson had tested positive for COVID-19 during the pandemic. On 5 April, with his symptoms persisting, Johnson was admitted to St Thomas' Hospital in London for tests. Despite being admitted after suffering persistent symptoms for 10 days, it was announced on 6 April that he would remain in charge of the government and was in "good spirits". He was moved to the hospital's intensive care unit later that evening as his condition had worsened, with Downing Street stating that it was a precautionary move in case he required a ventilator and that he remained conscious. On 8 April, Johnson's condition was said to be "improving" by Chancellor Rishi Sunak. On 9 April, Johnson left intensive care, and left hospital three days later.
Johnson's return covering his infection occurred on March 24, 2020, done for London (the place was not given, this an assumption). His progressions and transits were done for April 6, when it was announced that he was moved to the hospital's intensive care unit.
He started out with four harmonic charts with mars/neptune sets. Three of them, the 2nd, 9th, and 11th, had influence to a 6th house. I worked up his 9th chart.
Johnson has two mars in Gemini in his 9th chart. B mars, ruler of b 3rd house, is at 6 Gemini 57 lighted by b NN at 7 Gemini 51 (all charts). And c3 mars is at 27 Gemini 22, without a light, and rules c 3rd house.
I put Set (24) in the drawing above just to show that Johnson has Angle/venus/jupiter/(neptune) in this chart to illustrate that this could be his COG chart. And with b jupiter co-ruling b 3rd and c venus co-ruling c 3rd, the benefics suggest he is successful (recognized) intellectually. C venus rulership of c 9th might has something to do with his transference from the United States where he was born to the U.K. Moreover, it increases the breadth of his knowledge in that it brings “higher mind” into play. Finally, b neptune in the set rules b 7th (has success with relationships) and co-rules b(17 of 25°) b 6th house. That may suggest that he is normally quite fortunate in terms of health, and may have played a part in his not dying from the virus infection in spite of the fact that for a while he was under enough duress to be admitted to intensive care.
The set that does show his bout with Covid-19 is Set (25). Written 2Anglenode/sun/moon/mercury/venusmars/neptune, c moon co-rules (30 of 31°) c 6th house, b venus co-rules b 8th, and b mercury rules B MC and B Asc. B mars rules b 8th and b 3rd houses.
Just a guess, but the mars/neptune/3rd part of it might be what plays into his being (or at least supporting) anti-immigration and attempts to return to a less complication national agenda than belonging to the European Union. Mars/neptune/3rd in charts that don't have the highly benefic influence that this one dpes have Angle/mars/neptune/3rd in charts of schizophrenics. Mars =agitation and/or aggression, and neptune=confusion, both of which stimulate self-protective strategies. As well, our U.S. President, Trump, has Angle/neptune/3rd, and Jair Bolsonaro has c neptune in b 3rd at 29 Virgo 19 on an Angle (and lighted by) B Asc at 29 Gemini 26. Their astrology is probably more involved, but I have been engaged in trying to understand what, astrologically, if anything, tends an individual to be xenophobic or any variation of it. And a neptunian mind would feel far more vulnarable than those engaged with with uranus or planets of personality. More on Bolsonaro below.
Set (25) is the one that shows Johnson's susceptibility to the virus infection. It can be written 2Angle/node/sun/moon/mercury/venus/mars/neptune/6th/8th, it contains four lights—sun, moon, nodes, and mercury, which as ruler of the B Angles, acts like a light. It has no 4th influence. If we left the moon out of it because it is so far away from the mars/neptune, it would lose its 6th influence. I included it because there are four lights.
Set (25) does not pick up a 4th influence nor a saturn one during his illness, Instead, it picks up t NN at 7 Gemini 19—intricately involved with the node/mars/neptune—on the day he is admitted to intensive care, April 6. Progressed b NN is at 6 Gemini 31. On the day he is taken out of intensive care, April 9, that node is at 6 Gemini 49, still intimately involved in the set. Pc3 sun is at 6 Virgo 35.
He does start out with a mars/saturn/4th/8th at birth, and progressions bring it closer when he is ill. Pb saturn, co-ruler of b 4th, at 8 Aquarius 12R (it started at 10 Aquarius 48 at birth) is in the same set with b3 SN at 9 Taurus 14 and b mars, ruler of b 8th house, at 7 Taurus 23. Return3 NN is at 8 Scorpio 54 and return moon at 9 Taurus 54, pulling all these planets into one set. Pc venus, ruler of c 4th house, is at 8 Scorpio 12.
Some of his other mars/neptune influences on the day he was admitted to intensive care include:
It would have been nice to depend on these data of transiting saturn to return Asc, but we cannot because this is a European birth. Astrologers do have a method, called rectification, for determining correct time of birth fitting events in individual's lives to their astrology, but it is not only a lot of work (especially with this method) to do for just one chart, astrologer's do not have pristine reputations for always getting it right. Many years ago astrologer Ken Gillman, editor of Considerations, conducted a “rectification contest” over several months involving several different people's astrology, and astrologers, including myself, did not do well, there often being only one astrologer or perhaps two who found the correct time of birth. Of course, those births times were completely unknown (some time with the 24-hours of that day), so that is much harder than just rectifying a birth registered to the nearest 15 minutes of quarter hours.
Continuing, were this Johnson's correct time of birth, he also has some intriguing positive astrology throughout the time of his illness:
Between his B MC at 18 Gemini 38 and his B Asc at 16 Virgo 51, Johnson has been experiencing his pc jupiter on one of those Angles (plus or minus 1°) for years. Here are its positions:
Date | Progressed C Jupiter | |
4-6-15 | 17 Pisces 07R | |
4-6-10 | 17 Pisces 39R | |
4-6-05 | 18 Pisces 15R | |
4-6-00 | 18 Pisces 53R | |
4-6-95 | 19 Pisces 32R |
It it s a good set to have to be successful at anything as Angle/jupiter spreads beneficence over the whole life compared to those without it.
When director Roman Polanski won best directing for his film An Officer and a Spy at the annual César Awards in 2020, his cast and production team boycotted the ceremony after Riester said the success of a director accused of sexual violence would send the wrong signal in the era of the Me Too movement.
In March 2020, Riester tested positive for COVID-19.
This biography does not state whether Riester lived or died. An article in the English edition of The Guardian, May 6, 2020, states that Riester, the French Minister of Culture, removed a “fake (misleading) news” posting from the government website. From that, I concluded he lived.
From the above biography as well as information available on the Internet, we do not know if Riester was asymptomatic. If symptomatic, did he just quarantined himself (if he did at all), was he hospitalized, and if hospitalized, when was he released? So we are short on information and thus short on the transits we can do for the time of his diagnosis.
Riester's return covering his episode with Covid-19 occurred on February 12, 2020, place of birth (Paris) when he was 46 years old—the youngest member of this study. His next return occurred on March 23. Either or both may have played a part in registering his illness.
He started out with four harmonic charts that contained mars/neptune sets. The 6th , 7th, and 9th included influence to a 6th house.
Set (26) demonstrates Riester's susceptibility to immune/inflammatory conditions. Written 2Angle/moon/mars/jupiter/3neptune/6th/8th, the jupiter rules C MC in b 6th house. b6 moon rules b 6th house, b mars co-rules b 8th, and b neptune rules B Asc. It has no influence to 4th houses, so what is lacking for death to occur is Angle/4th/6th/saturn.
While Riester's is a European birth, time is given as 11:50 a.m. CET, suggesting it did not follow the standard format for recording births and may even have been the correct time.
In spite of that, I am going to forego listing all his sets, and simply look to see if he acquires Angle/saturn/4th/6th (or its sum) during the months around March, 2020.
With this birth time, he definitely has an Angle/saturn/4th. Progressed b saturn at 3 Gemini 23 is in the same set with B MC at 3 Sagittarius 21. B NN started at 4 Gemini 08 and had progressed to 2 Gemini 22, so they were surrounding the Angle/saturn in which the saturn is in b 4th house.
B saturn at 5 Gemini 57 which is lighted by pc6 mercury, ruler of C Asc and a light, at 5 Sagittarius 38 is also in b 4th house. and as far as Angles go, he was born with an Angle/saturn through C MC at 21 Aquarius 18 conjunct c mercury, ruler of C Asc and a light, at 21 Aquarius 23, and c saturn, ruler of c 8th house, at 20 Taurus 34. B6 neptune, ruler of B Asc, is also in the set at 22 Leo 17, giving it influence to a second Angle. Because of the light, pc6 saturn, ruler of c 8th house, at 20 Scorpio 34 is also in the set.
He still does not have a saturn/6th. On March 25, the approximate midpoint of the his positive diagnosis, his pb6 moon, ruler of c 6th house, was at 27 Cancer 02 and approaching his pc6 saturn, ruler of c 8th, at 27 Capricorn 47R. On:
The above contains a saturn/6th . Did the moon pass through it too fast to precipitate an intense, life-threatening Covid-19 episode?
Or was the golden benefic he had comprised of:
return6 sun | 16 Aries 26 | ||
pc6 jupiter | 16 Capricorn 17 | co-ruler (20 of 38°) c 6th house | |
b venus | 16 Capricorn 59R | ||
pc jupiter | 17 Capricorn 02 | co-ruler of c 6th house |
the reason he recovered?
The above set does not fall on an Angle, but we could say (I don't usually go by rulers of progressed Angles, mostly because I have never had to) that b venus rules pB Asc at 22 Taurus 37--as it surely must if anything does.
Tom Hanks
Biographical data stated American actor and film producer, the winner of an Oscar for Best Actor in 1994 for Philadelphia and a second Oscar in 1995 for Forest Gump. Hanks and Spencer Tracy are the only two actors to win the Academy Award for Best Actor in consecutive years. Hanks' films have grossed more than US$9.96 billion worldwide, making him the fifth-highest-grossing actor in North America. His regular guy image with hazel eyes, naturally curly hair and quick wit keep Hanks on Hollywood's most popular list. His penchant for playing likable character roles has drawn comparisons to the late actor Jimmy Stewart… Hanks was diagnosed with COVID-19 on March 12, 2020.
Hanks' return covering the period of his diagnosis occurred on March 8, 2020, Southport, Australia. z
He started out with two harmonic charts with mars/neptune sets—in his 4th and his 7th charts—and neither influenced a 6th house.
His b7 mars at 28 Leo 57 conjunct his B Asc at 27 Leo 37 is co-ruler (27 of 33°) b 3rd house—his “mar/3rd/Gemini”influence.
Note that Hanks also has golden (all-charts benefic, with b venus in Taurus (brought into conjunction with the B MC by c SN in Taurus), and C Asc in Cancer conjunct jupiter in Cancer, a sign in which jupiter is exalted.
Set (27) above is written 2Angle/node/2mars/neptune/4th/8th. It makes no reference to his 6th house. It does give him mars/neptune influences to Angles and 4th and 8th houses. On the date of his diagnosis t sun was at 27 Aquarius 20 and pc7 NN at 28 Taurus 58, falling in the set..
By the date of his diagnosis he had picked up the 6th influences:
So, with all of that significator-planet affliction to his 6th house, why didn't he get sicker, or even die?
I suspect there are several reasons:
A sensitive child, he was raised largely by nannies while his parents were absorbed in their public duties and travels for state functions. He hero-worshipped his dad who was formidable, often brusque and impatient with the boy. The first Royal to go to a public school, at eight he went to an all-boys school in London and loved it. The following year he went to boarding school. In 1962, Charles was sent to Scotland to a boy's school, where he stayed from ages 13 to 18. It was a rough beginning, as the boys did not accept him easily and made life difficult. The school put an emphasis on physical skills and macho conduct. From the time that Charles was 18, the media were always nearby with cameras trained on him, often critically. In 1967, he went to Trinity College, Cambridge, where he took history, archaeology and geography, learned to master Welsh and government studies, and fulfilled his civic duties. It was not all grim; with skits at the college theater he displayed his off-beat sense of humor...
Charles was diagnosed coronavirus positive on 3/23/20. He recovered.
Prince Charles started out with three harmonic charts with mars/neptune sets. Only the one in the 9th chart had influence to a 6th house.
He does not have any mars in Gemini, but his c9 mars at 15 Taurus 23R is inc 3rd house. It is without light, but of course, could pick one of many progressed and return lights over the years.
Charles' return for his Covid-19 episode occurred on March 13, 2020, for Aberdeen, Scotland (where he self-isolated).
Note that his c venus at 24 Aquarius 37, ruler of c 4th house, is in the same set with C MC at 25 Scorpio 04. C jupiter, co-ruler of c 10th house, at 27 Scorpio 26 is just a few minutes past acceptable orb for planets to Angles. Return and progressing lights passing through that area would tie them all together to Prince Charles frequent experiences of Angle/venus/jupiter—a golden benefic which puts blessings on his 4th house, the end of life.
Set (28) appears to be the Prince's “coronavirus set.” Written 3Angle/moon/mars/saturn/neptune/6th/8th. I did not include C Asc in Aquarius in the set because, even thought there is a light there, I am uneasy that all the planets are above the Asc. Influence in the set is as follows :b saturn rules b 8th, b neptune ruler B MC, c mars rules C MC, and b moon rules B Asc inc 6th house. A return or progressing light passing in into the set from any Angle would bring C Asc in the set, and that would result in all four Angles being involved. The b saturn in the set has been retrograding and is at 10 Leo 50R, still closely in the set.
It lacks influence to a 4th house, nor does it pick up any during the time he was ill.
A set with that much influence (three of his four Angles and a 6th house) should express a lot. And apparently it has. I found this quote of coming from Prince William about his father, Prince Charles, in town&, 4/17/20, after Charles had recovered: “but my father has had many chest infections, colds, and things like that over the years, [bold mine and so I thought to myself if anybody is going to be able to beat this it's going to be him,” William continued.
I would imagine a positive diagnosis for a serious lung infection could be quite frightening for some one who has already experienced vulnerability in that area.
I put the mars in Taurus in the above in the drawing because I wondered if it is a “lung significator” as it is in the 3rd house, which is Gemini's house. It has no light but is ruler of C MC, so it could be activated by return and progressing lights.
Some of the sets that speak of his discomfort (his symptoms were said to remain mild, it was apparently his being in isolation and not able to take his beloved walks that was trying trying for him) are:
Wilson married actor Tom Hanks on 30 April 1988. They have two sons, Chester, born 4 August 1990 and Truman, born 26 December 1995. Wilson has two stepchildren, Colin and Elizabeth Hanks.
In April 2015, Wilson announced that she was diagnosed with breast cancer and had undergone a double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery.
On 12 March 2020, Hanks announced through his Instagram profile that the couple had contracted COVID-19 and were experiencing minor symptoms while he was shooting an upcoming film Elvis in Australia. They were admitted to the Gold Coast University Hospital.
It is worth noting that whereas the above biography states both Hanks' and her symptoms were mild, in an interview later posted online, Wilson herself stated that her experience was really rather difficult. This plays into the condition of her astrology as opposed to that of her husband.
For the date of her double mastectomy we have the following by Lisa Lombardi in on April 15, 2015: Yesterday, Rita Wilson shared with PEOPLE that she recently had a double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery follow a breath cancer diagnosis. ..”Last week, with my husband by my side and with the love and support of family and friends, I underwent a bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction for breast cancer after a diagnosis of invasive lobular carcinoma. I am recovering and most importantly, expected to make a full recover...” That would be around April 7, 2015. I used April 15, 2015 originally and it was close enough since I was not looking for the exact position of her harmonic moons—the fastest moving planets in any harmonic.
Why breast cancer? Of course, more examples are needed. And a total guess on my part is that it might have something to do with Set (29) having mars/saturn/neptune all in the sign of Cancer, a sign associated with the mothering aspect of the breasts. Also, then, following the mars pattern of the lung problems, perhaps the placement of mars in Cancer (or lighted in a 4th house).
Of course, she didn't get her breast cancer when Angles progressed to Set (29), but we do not know if she would have had she not had the double mastectomy earlier in 2015.
Wilson's return for her COVID-19 illness occurred on March 12, 2020, Southport, Australia.
She started out with six harmonic charts with mars/neptune sets, all of which have influence to a 6th house because both 6th houses are rules by mars. Her 10th looked most like an indicator of her illness.
She has mars in Gemini in her 4th chart, but this chart lacks a mars/neptune set. In her significator chart, her 10th, she has two mars/3rd sets. Her b10 mars at 8 Capricorn 31 is in c 3rd house lighted by b moon at 8 Cancer 35. Her b mars at 20 Aquarius 45 is in b 3rd house lighted by b10 sun at 19 Leo 26.
Set (30), starting with b sun at 9 Libra 09, was in play for Ms. Wilson's experience of breast cancer. Written 2Angle/sun/moon/mars/2 neptune/4th/6th/8th, it covers all the planets and houses for cancer/immune dysfunction. It does not start out with saturn.
Pc neptune, the stronger 4th influence of the two neptunes, was at 5 Libnra 50R, having moved away from the set.
This is what it looked like for April 7-15, 2015:
Set (30') | pb neptune | 8 Libra 08 | co-ruler (12 of 33°) of b 4th house |
b sun | 9 Libra 09 | ruler of B MC | |
pB Asc | 8 Capricorn 09 | ||
b10 mars | 8 Capricorn 31 | ruler of B Asc and b 6th house | |
b moon | 8 Cancer 35 |
The two lights in the above set helped make it a little “early.”
Set (29), her other 10th chart mars/neptune/6th set was active for the date of her coronovirus infection. It can be written Angle/2moon/mars/2jupiter/saturn/uranus/neptune/pluto/4th/6th. Very strong.
This is what it looked like on March 12, 2020, the date Hanks announced both had been infected:
Set (29') | c moon | 13 Capricorn 34 | |
pB Asc | 14 Capricorn 16 | ||
b10 jupiter | 14 Aries 53 | ||
c10 saturn | 12 Cancer 10 | ruler of c 3rd house | |
b uranus | 12 Cancer 43 | ruler of b 4th house | |
c10 mars | 13 Cancer 19 | ruler of c 6th house | |
b10 neptune | 13 Cancer 38 | co-ruler, (28 of 30°) of b 4th house | |
c10 jupiter | 14 Cancer 12R | ||
c10 neptune | 14 Cancer 20 | co-ruler (12 of 33°) of c 4th house | |
pC MC | 14 Libra 35 |
As can be seen, two Angles had progressed to Set (29). Incidentally, the acciurateness of the progresed Angles to the significator sets testifies to the importance of having either birth times correct to at plus-or-minus minutes, or rectified.
Somewhat ironically, her set (30) which was active for her breast cancer was also in play for her coronavirus infection”
Did the two jupiters in Set (29) astrologically assist Wilson to recover from the Covid-19 infection? They may have, but it is more likely that the following set was the strong protector
B MC | 27 Leo 44 | ||
b jupiter | 28 Leo 45 | ||
b venus | 29 Leo 47 | co-ruler (14 of 21°) of b 6th house | |
pc10 mercury | 28 Scorpio 42 | ||
pb10 venus | 29 Scorpio 13 | co-ruler of b 6th house | |
return10 saturn | 29 Taurus 53 |
Wilson does not have jupiter ruling either of her 6th houses. She has the next best thing, perhaps even better—jupiter is on an Angle AND conjunct b venus, co-ruler of a 6th house. This gives her lifelong jupiter/6th, or rather, even better, Angle/venus/jupiter/6th.
The progressed b saturn which was on her B Asc in 14 Scorpio 29 during her trial with breast cancer had move off it, to 14 Scorpio 51, for her coronavirus infection. Slow secondary saturn to an Angle usually represents some pretty dark and trying times for whomever it happens to.
Please read this all the way through because I have updated it twice. If you read this section, it is assumed you have read the sections above that explain this very different astrological method, the fact that this is a seed paper as we learn the significators and anti-significators of coronavirus as well as tighten up our method for finding them, and other procedures and results specific only to this method.
Since our president has continuously promoted not using a mask in public and use of the hydrochloroquinone as a cure or preventive for Covid-19 infection, I thought it would be interesting to see if he shares some of the susceptibilities shown here for getting the virus.
President Donald Trump has three harmonic chart mars/neptune sets. None of them have a 6th influence, nor can they likely acquire any through progressions. He has one harmonic mars in Gemini in his 10th chart which has no mars/neptune sets. I did not look for mars/3rd sets since he has no mars/neptune/6th, even potentially.
Donald Trump's astrology does not share in the potential significator set for immune dysfunction and inflammatory reaction that we witnessed in this paper with regard to Covid-19 infection.
:October 1, 2020 Update:
I wrote above inn the Indtroduction that I later understood that sometimes a progressing harmonic neptune can fall into a mars set and complete a mars/neptune/6th set, but I did not check Trump's charts to see if that happens because he was unlikely to ever get the mars/6th part of the set. See "Update" below for further comment.
What President Trump does have is an interesting mars in Gemini set in his 10th chart. It looks like this:
b10 moon | 26 Pisces 35 | ruler of b 12th house |
c saturn | 27 Gemini 40 | ruller of C Asc |
c10 mars | 28 Gemini 057 | ruler of c 4th house; co-ruler 3rd |
The Gemini planets—lighted by the b12 moon—fall in c 6th house. The set also picks up a 6th influence through b saturn, ruler of b 6th house, at 29 Gemini 50. I did not include it in the set above because it is over 3 degrees from the light (moon), so weak.
The set is being transited by pluto for the last time on October 4, 2020, when it turns stationary direct at 27 Sagittarius 28 at the same time that transiting moon's South Node is at 27 Scorpio 22 conjunct his b moon at 27 Scorpio 13 in b 4th house. The latter implies there is a very good possibility that he is very frightened because that moon starts out as conjunct his b SN at 26 Scorpio 49 (in b 4th and c 10th houses, the latter to do with social image) which suggests a past life consciousness of fighting for his life. The same set, then, has played a part in his pugnaciousness as President and that quality has even increased as he thinks he may lose the election. South Node conjunct moon elevated usually has a negative effect on reputation--none of get rewarded for living in the past--and it has. But that NN in Taurus, is conjunct his b and c uranuses in his other 10th house, his b 10th. It represents the success he has experienced by prolific use of (gut reactions and) change--uranus.
His return, occurring on September 5 (through October 15) done for Washington D.C. has its MC at 8 Capricorn 58 in the same set with pb saturn, 6th ruler, at 9 Cancer 08 and pc mars , 4th ruler, at 7 Cancer 48. Return moon is at 1 Aries 55 in the same set with return mars at 3 Aries 02 and c10 saturn, in c 3rd house and ruling C Asc, at 2 Aries 04.
The set in the table above--in terms of the tentative covid significator--lacks a neptune and neptune/6th.
A second set that could refer to the same event/condition is this one:
b10 mercury | 28 Libra 40 | ruler of b 3rd house |
b10 saturn | 28 Aries 03 | ruler of b 6th house |
C MC is at 26 Libra 48, within two degrees of the set, and it is reinforced by his return Asc for 9/5/20 (for the next 40 days) at 29 Aries 44, putting the mercury/saturn on an Angle and increasing Angular 6th house influences. His c mercury, ruler of c 6th house, starts out Angular at 0 Leo 57 in the same set with B MC at 0 Taurus 23.
All of the above suggest a health (6th) problem, likely through the mind (Gemini) or brain (Gemini) that could be fatal (4th house). And even though the mercury/saturn contains a definite health reference (6th), it likely also has played a part in his negative press for his time associated with the presidency. Hillary Clinton also has an Angle/mercury/saturn, as does Joe Biden. In the case of the former two it implies negative publicity, whereas in Biden’s case it appears more to have something to do with his well-known verbal blunders.Right now I don't have access to their house influences.
October 2, 2020 Update:
Now that the President has been showing "mild symptoms" for the coronavirus and tested positive for the coronavirus, I looked up his progressed harmonic neptunes in this, his 10th chart. His progressed c10 neptune is at 17 Libra 10 lighted by his b10 sun at 17 Aries 17. Sun rules his B Asc at 5 Leo 59. The neptune is in b 3rd house. Summed, that gives him lighted mars/saturn/neptune influence to 3rd houses, further emphasized by his mars and saturn in Gemini. But that still doesn't give him the needed lighted neptune/6th influence in our tentative significator for coronovirus. He was reported to be more tired than usual lately, taking a nap on Air Force One. Clearly all of this astrology is negative toward mind/brain/Gemini, but not (so far) inflammation/lungs because it lacks neptune/6th influence.
But when I work at it--I did not include "summed" sets (adding together the influence of two or more sets) in the preliminary search for mars/neptune/6th for any one in this paper. I used them when when looking for the full necessary astrological influence for death to occur, but not in initially looking for mars/neptune/6th. Once I changed to looking for his covid significator in summed form, I found the missing neptune/6th that needs to be summed with his mars/saturn/Gemini set discussed above. His pre-progressed c10 neptune at 16 Virgo 04 lighted by c10 sun at 17 Sagittarius 17 is a neptune/6th influence because the neptune is in Virgo--the natural sign of the 6th house. I know that the sign the planet is in takes on influence to the house it is naturally associated with regardless of what houses it falls in. It is easy to overlook if you are not even looking in terms of summed significators. This lighte neptune/6th lacks influence to an Angle, so it is weaker than it would have benn with that influence. It is apparently still enough to get infected. It raises the question had President Trump taken normal precaustions, would he have gotten the virus? That, however, is a question that cannot be answered with much more reserach.
To give the quickest and closest example I can of the above statement about “natural signs” associated with definite houses, I have a conjunction of sun to mars to saturn--b12 mars at 14 Virgo 57, c12 sun at 16 Virgo 13, and c12 saturn, ruler of C Asc, at 16 Virgo 12 in my 12th chart. Note they are all in Virgo and that they are all harmonic. When a progressing b12 NN at 16 Virgo 45 (and coming from 3 Sagittarius 14 at birth) hit it twenty years ago (my age 59), it precipitated a long-term and essentially irreversible health problem. The reason, astrologically, it did not kill me is there is no influence to a 4th house. Rulers of 4th houses are mercury and venus, whose harmonics in the 12th chart move very quickly through the set, while there sidereal positions never made it to the set.
(The progressing node is a bit “early” in the set—nodes progress backward through the zodiac—but it itself is a light and the sun in the set is also a light, so a bit early is reasonable.)
All by itself the above set suggests several principles which have remained true for reading this form of astrology. First, note that the Virgo part of it is the only reference of the set to a 6th house (of health), so the use of the Egyptian harmonic based on use of sidereal position of the planets is correct. Normal harmonics, whether from tropical or sidereal positions of the planets, will not yield that conjunction in Virgo.
Second, all the planets are harmonic ones, so their potency (or “reality”), even though based derived from mathematical manipulations, is confirmed as being the same as that of non-harmonic (sidereal) planets.
Third, even though the set starts out at birth with influence to an Angle and incudes a light, it does not come into play until 59 years later, when the progressing node hits it. (A couple of other, lesser sets in other charts appeared involved, but it is unknown whether or not they were necessary.)
Finally, the conjunction occurs in 7th/8th houses. For the most part, those positions have not been fundamental in interpreting the set, though they could become so. Which is to say, with this method, sometimes the sign plays the more important part and sometimes the house influence. It may be all work, but it also may be that they all do not.
Returning to our subject of President’s Trump’s astrology, I want to add that Angular mercury, and Angle/mercury/saturn--as Trump has above in his 10th chart--has many potential implications based on the path its set takes. I have not had the time nor the data to research all of them. Clearly, it could have a say in things which influence the mind and/or brain (mercury) and any of the sensory functions which integrate through that brain. The path it takes is key. However, I can state that the 6th house in the path efinitely has health implications, and that mars conjunct saturn in Gemini definitely implies a highly negative event/condition, probably involving the brain or mind.
Unlike some others in this study--Rita Wilson for example--Trump does not have an Angle/jupiter/6th influence in this astrology which would vastly help his recovery. In this chart, his 10th, he does have a weakly lighted harmonic jupiter in Virgo, but it has no Angular influence so it isn't strong enough to make a difference. End of October, 2020: Trump recovered. He was given two experiemental treatments not then available to the public plus steroids (no wonder he felt so good!). My tentative conclusion about how it happened for him was that he would not have become infected without lots of exposure; that he could have died even though the necessary neptune/6th influence was weak because he has several risk factors, among which are age and obesity, tand hat his jupiter/6th influence was not enough to save him but his privileged treatment was. This can only be tenative. Theoretically, his jupiter/6th should have been stronger even to astrologically qualify for the special treatment he received. It has to be looked into more.
Another national leader, however, does have a powerful mars/neptune set. And it showed results we should take a look at.
He strongly advocates against the legalization of same-sex unions and same-sex marriage, whilst expressing statements that some people consider insulting, such as homophobic and violence-inciting, misogynistic and sexist, or racist and anti-refugee remarks. He advocates against affirmative action or quotas for any group, as well as against the decriminalization of drugs. Other controversial political stances expressed by Bolsonaro have been of the defense of the death penalty and of radical interventionism in Brazil by the military, along with an implantation of a Brazilian military government.
Bolsonaro is a preliminary candidate for the 2018 Brazilian presidential election. He has a large following on social media.
Bolsonaro was stabbed in the stomach on 6 September 2018 while campaigning and interacting with supporters in the city of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais. The perforation reached parts of the liver, lung, and intestine. He lost a large amount of blood, arriving at hospital with severe hypotension (his blood pressure was 10/3, equivalent to 100/30 mmHg), but his condition stabilized.
I did not do current progression on Bolsanaro—we want to look only at his starting astrology.
Bolsonaro has three harmonic charts with mars/neptune sets. Two of them, his 8th and 10th charts, have influences to a 6th house. Below I show his 8th chart.
He has one starting mars in Gemini and it is not in a mars/neptune harmonic chart. His 8th chart does not have a lighted mars/3rd. His progressed b mars has progressed from 22 Aries 04 into 5 Gemini 48, but we do not know if a progressed mars in Gemini can function as part of the significator. Perhaps it would if it were on an Angle or progressed Angle at the same time as his mars/neptune/6th came forefront.
Set (31) is written 2Angle//node/venus/mars/saturn/2uranus/neptune/4th/6th/8th. It is on B Asc at 29 Gemini 26 and the c 8 mars at 0 Cancer 47 n it rules c 6th an C Asc in b 4th. B uranus rules b 8th, and c uranus co-rules c 4th. This set shows all the influences which could result in his death when it is forefront.
But. But what? It lacks a mars in Gemini or mars/3rd, so whatever health problem it represents, it is probably not in the lungs. Mars is in Cancer, so maybe the stomach. Of all the places to be stabbed, he was stabbed in the stomach in 2018 (see bio above). And, as the biography above stated, it was a serious wound but he survived it.
July 7, 2020. Announced on television today that Bolsonaro diagnosed positive for Covid-19. Above I stated he has no mars in Gemini or mars/3rd influence.
On this date he does have progressed b mars, ruler of B MC, at 5 Gemini 53. It is moving slowly enough that it could account for getting the virus, BUT it receives no light nor did nor will. So it cannot account for his acquiring the virus.
I was incorrect when writing he had no Angle/mars/3rd influence. He does. In Set (31) above c saturn rules c 3rd house. So everything in Set (31) influences that house, including the mars. So he has in that set all necessary (known so far) for getting the virus.
The most significant astrology for this date is that his return (dated 6/11/20 and covering 7/7/20) pluto is at 29 Sagittarius 29R and hitting Set (31). That means it is also transiting it. And on the date of the announcement (7/7/20), t saturn is at 4 Capricorn 35R approaching his c moon, ruler of C MC, at 4 Libra 01, and t8 mars at 17 Sagittarius 24 is the same set with his b8 moon at 17 Sagittarius 30. These latter two sets just show he--as with all of us when we get them--is having a bit of a choppy time of it. How this all turns out for him might depend on...
B 6th house is ruled by b jupiter. At 25 Gemini in this chart it is neither on an Angle nor lighted, but we simply do not know right now if as is it is sufficient to protect him from dying. Planets go from strongest to weakest when: they are on Angles; they are internal in the chart but lighted and ruling an Angle, and when the are internal in the chart and unlighted. His is the latter.
As can be seen below, on the date of his stabbing Bolsonaro's b jupiter was lighted and did have Angular influence, and is considered in this paper as part of the astrology that signified his recovery from the stabbing. On 7/7/20 it is not lighted. His progressed b8 jupiter, ruler of b 6th house, at 25 Capricorn 42 is conjunct b venus, ruler of b 4th house, at 25 Capricorn 34 but they do not receive any lights. Pc8 sun will be at 25 Libra 05 just beginning to approach the conjunction, but not until 9/7/20--that seems too far away in time to be helpful.Bolsonaro does have two jupiters in Gemini in this chart. C jupiter, ruler of c 2nd house, is at 9 Gemini 59 conjunct c8 jupiter at 9 Gemini 53. They do not have 6th house influence, but by being in Gemini and being the greater benefic, it is possible that they could ameliorate the Angle/mars/3rd (lungs) part of his significator. They do not, however, start out lighted nor do they receive a light (or Angle influence) on 7/7/20 nor the near future. So at this time Bolsonaro is not getting the help of jupiter/6th to combat his illness, nor the possible help of jupiter/Gemini to combat the mars/3rd influence.Since the above biographical information gives the date he was stabbed—September 6, 2018 in Juiz de Fora, Brazil, we can look to see what was happening at the time. His return for that period started on September 3, 2018, Juiz de Fora:
- progressed C MC was at 29 Virgo 15, falling in Set (31) above. That put those planets on two Angles. Some of his other supporting sets were
- pb8 mercury, ruler of B Asc (in c 8th) and acting like a light, was in the same set with pb NN at 2 Sagittarius 22, c8 uranus, co-ruler (29 of 31°) of c 4th house, and pc mars, ruler of c 6th house, at 3 Sagittarius 14. This is an Angle/light/node/mercury/mars/uranus/4th/6th/8th influence.
- return saturn at 7 Sagittarius 33 was conjunct his b NN at 7 Sagittarius 05.
- pC Asc at 3 Capricorn 43 is conjunct return mars at 3 Capcricorn 59,
- return sun at 16 Leo 13 is in the same set with with pb8 saturn at 16 Aquarius 23.
- return8 moon at 9 Cancer 13 is in the same set with c saturn at 9 Libra 01.
- here is the protection: pb8 jupiter, ruler of b 6th house, at 22 Cancer 34 is in the same set (and lighted by) with c8 sun at 22 Capricorn 11 and b mars, ruler of B MC (making it influence an Angle) at 22 Aries 04. Return jupiter, at 22 Libra 31, was also in the set. Since he survived a near deadly loss of blood and organ damage, this suggests that the jupiter/6th being forefront at the time of the injury is necessary to get sufficient protection form the injury.
The above progressions are so suggestive of the event that happened which included those planets on an Angle as well as an Angle progressed to them that they support the time given for Bolsonaro's birth. It was either exact or close to it. I have it listed as a “European-like birth.”
I am not going to labor long over this discussion. This is a seed paper. I have already stated that much more research must be done.There appear to be two parts to the significator for coronavirus infection (and maybe more). The 1st part is comprised of Angle/mars/neptune/6th, with saturn/4th added for potential death. The second part is best written Angle/mars/Gemini which locates the primary location of invasion (mars)in the lungs (Gemini). Its expanded version would include Angle/mars/3rd. Just by itself without being lighted and without influence to an Angle I doubt the mars/Gemini would promote disease occurring in the lungs. However, it can always acquire necessary Angular influence through progressions and even return Angles.
Bolsonaro's occurrence of the stabbing in his stomach (mars in Cancer) neatly starts the process of validating that the sign the mars is in identifies the place on the body the injury will occur—according to standard astrological associations of signs with parts of the body in which the sign Cancer is associated with the stomach.
What about susceptibility to infection of individuals who have other immune disorders which are not localized in the lungs? That is, they don't have the second part of the significator for coronaviurs infection. We have been hearing on media that they are more susceptible. I have not seen any data on its occurrence. (When doing the papers on asthma many years ago I did not even suspect a 2nd part to the asthma significator, so as of right now I know not whether one exists).
Comparing the large difference in symptom presentation between children who get the infection and recover without incident and those who go through whole body inflammatory response, a good educated guess is that the latter have definite astrology which identifies their vulnerability.
not as the substitute for mars in Gemini?
There are many things which have to be sorted out. For instance, astrology for a child born with no corpus callosum had the conjunction of mars and saturn (the lesser and greater "malefics" of astrology) in Gemini (which here referred to the mercury-ruler part of Gemini associated with thought and thus the brain) on the Midheaven (therefore forefront in expression) in his 3rd chart (the typical chart of things of the mind). There the Gemini definitely refers to the brain and its damage (mars/saturn). But he had no forefront mars/neptune sets in that chart, so the Gemini mars did not refer to inflammation (of lungs). But what if he had?
Of the fifteen individuals in this study, the distribution of the mars/neptune/(6th) significators were as follows:
Significator Found In Chart Number of Individuals Name(s) 1st Chart 1 Abel 3rd Chart 1 Johnson 5th Chart 2 Fremontier, Dempsey 6th Chart 2 Bose, Brooke-Taylor 7th Chart 2 Large, Hanks 9th Chart 3 Herbin, Dor, McNally 10th Chart 4 Devedjian, Riester, Wilson, (Bolsonaro) The 2nd, 4th, 8th, 11th and 12th charts were not found to contain significators. But the sample is small, so they may. The above table suggests that any chart—not just the 1st or 6th where I have done previous studies on mars/neptune/6th sets—could function as the significator chart for this coronavirus pandemic as long as the planet/path of the significator is the same for all charts.that is, is Angle/mars/neptune/6th with additional mars in Gemini or a mars/3rd house influence.
Those who are already compromised by an immune dysfunction or other major health problem are already identified—at least to themselves and their physicians—as vulnerable to the ravages of coronavirus.
It does look like this astrology could be useful—particularly because we seem to be suffering from a worldwide shortage of materials that help in a pandemic, including in the United States sufficient funds for implementation of sane diagnostic and prophylactic measures.
It would probably work best in separating very susceptible individuals from ones who are not at all susceptible.
And right now, without much extra work or even the necessary software, it could be used for small groups of people who need to know none of them are vulnerable.
Of course, that doesn't tell us—we don't now know—who might be an asymptomatic carrier of the virus, spreading it to others. There are surely a group of individual in the central part of the graph of susceptible-to-not susceptible who are harder to place in either group. I would love to see charts of those individuals. Is there anything in their astrology which suggests they carry but don't show symptoms? Something that separates them from individuals who also would not show symptoms but who would not carry? Or is that an artificila division?
Timing is very important. Influences move into and out of power—times when some individuals are susceptible and times when not. And also times when the “ameliorating” astrology is in effect and times when it is not, such as Bolsonaro's progressed Angle/jupiter/6th, with that jupiter ruling his b 6th house of health. It just happened to be in effect for some months during which time he was nearly stabbed to death. Without it, he would have died. We can surely prove something like that over time by identifying individuals who started out with similar weak jupiter/6th influence who were stabbed or otherwise ill and who did not show the helpful Angle/jupiter/6th progression--who died.
Do we know for those who died if it “was their time?” No, we don't. Not really. We know that they had the astrology which supported dying. That does not prove it “was their time.” With the continuing advancement of modern science and various medical procedures, people now survive conditions that even fifty years ago would have sundered them. The paper on heart disease illustrates some of those survived conditions. Here is the link Paper on Heart Disease
Of course, there will always be environmental factors which come into play. People who are susceptible but live in low-density areas will be less liable to infection than those in high-density ones, like New York City. And people living in poverty—whose diet and stressful life, poor living conditions and poor access to health care—are also already more vulnerable than people who have similar astrology but who financially well off.
Old people are usually nore vulnerable not just because they may have weaker immune responses but also because they have various deficiencies of their hormone systems. Useful now or not, this paper demonstrates that this method of astrology could probably be used in future pandemics to help protect those vulnerable and allow to go more free those who are not, keeping economies functioning better than is now the case.
I wrote of this on the Home Page: in any social (or even private but secret) use of astrological material there is an enormous problem of potential mis-use of it, including invasion of privacy.
Data Acknowledgments
Birth data for each man is presented in order of his appearance in the paper above. Letters following each name show the Rodden rating for data reliability.
Alan Daniel Abel (AA)
Birth: 12/06/1928, 8:18 p.m. CST, Hobart, IN, 41N21, 87W15. FromAstrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Sy Schholfield provided birth certificate from Indiana archives. Death data from his daughter online, “Journal entry by Andrea Chenoweth—April 25, 2020...God gently took our beloved father into His arms today at 3:05 a.m....Dad's heart stopped beating on this earth...Dad was sedated for most of his hospital stay and did not suffer in spite of irreversible complications caused by COVID-10”.
Conception:2/24/1928, 8:07:31 a.m. CST, Hobart, IN.
Patrick Devedjian (AA)
Birth: 8/26/1944, 9:00 a.m. EET (MET-DST), Fontainebleau, France, 4824, 2E42. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Birth certificate in Didier Geslain archive. p. 34.
Conception:11/16/1943, 4:22:47 am MET, Fontainebleau, France.
Jacques Fremontier (AA)
Birth: 5/8/1930, 3:30 a.m. GDT, Paris, France, 48N52. 2E20. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Didier Geslain archive, pdf file, p. 122. Conception:7/30/1929, 11:48:07 a.m. GDT, Paris, France.
Thomas Demsey (AA)
Birth: 1/12/1947, 1:22 a.m. CST, Milwaukee, WI, 43N02, 87W54. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From Gauquelin Book of American Charts.
Conception:4/1/1946, 8:05:06 a.m. CST, Milwaukee, WI.
Frank Riester (AA)
Birth: 1/03/1974, 11:50 a.m. CET, Paris Arrondissement 15, France, 48N512E21. FromAstrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Didier Geslain quoted BC.
Conception:3/23/1973, 11:54:39 a.m. MET, Arrondissement 15, France.
Lucia Bose (AA)
Birth: 1/28/1931, 10:00 a.m. MET, Milano, Italy, 45N28, 9E12. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Steinbrecher collection, Bordoni 1/322 quotes the birth certificate.
Conception:4/18/1930, 7:02:28 a.m. MET, Milano, Italy.
Timothy Brooke-Taylor (C)
Birth: 7/17/1940, 11:00 a.m. GDT, Buxton, England 53N15, 1W55. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. David Fisher quotes Suzanne Michaud. (Original source unknown).
Conception:10/8/1/1940, 8:12:40 p.m. GMR, Buxton, England.
Eddie Large (AA)
Birth: 6/25/1941, 1:00 a.m. BDST (h2e), Glasgow, Scotland, 55N53, 4W15. FromAstrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frank C. Gifford quotes Gerard for B.C. Maternity Hospital, given in British Entertainers, Flare Publication 1997.
Conception:9/1/1940, 12:34:08 a.m. GMT, Glasgow, Scotland.
Robert Herbin (AA)
Birth: 3/30/1939, 5:35 a.m. GMT, Paris Arrondissement, France, 48N51, 2E21. FromAstrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Gauquelin Collection, Sports Champions, (Vol. 6).
Conception:4/20/1928, 9:07:32 a.m. GMT, Marseille, France.
Xavier Dor (AA)
Birth: 1/30/1929, 10:00 a.m. GMT, Marseille, France, 43N18, 5E24. FromAstrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Petitallot quote B.C., Cadran No. 21, July-August 1995.
Conception:4/20/1928, 9:07:32 a.m. GMT, Marseille, France.
Terrence McNally (A)
Birth: 11/3/1938, 1:58 a.m. EST, St. Petersburg, FL, 27N46, 82W41. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Sy Scholfield provided copy of birht notice, St. Petersburg Times, 4 Nov 1938, page 18, born at St. Anthony's Hospital.
Conception:1/20/1938, 4:32:20 p.m. EST, St. Petersburg, FL.
Claude Goasguen (AA)
Birth: 3/12/1945, 1:15 a.m. CET, Toulon, France. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Didier Geslain quoted BC.
Conception:6/1/1944, 6:14:25 p.m.CET, Toulon, France.
Boris Johnson (A)
Birth:6/19/1964, 2:00 p.m. EDT, New York, NY, 40N43, 74W00 From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Lepoivre quotes a Birtish blog which quotes an unnamed biography, cntaining a letter by the father. The biography cam be identified as “Boris: The Rise of Boris Johnson” by Andrew Gimson, and the letter states on page 3 (paperback edition): “I write at once to tellyo that Alexander BORIS de Pfeffel Johnson was born at 2:00 p.m. Yesterday...” A copy of tis page is held in the Astrodienst files.
Conception:9/11/1963, 6:11:1963 p.m. EDT, New York, NY.
Charles, Prince of Wales (A)
Birth:11/14/1938, 9:14 p.m. GMT, London, England, 51N30, 0W10. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Judith Gee in AFA, 4/19/73, news at the time. Also, Sy Scholfield quotes “Wide Rejoicing At Birth of The Prince,” The Times (London, England), Tuesday, 16 Nov. 1948, p. 5: “An Extraordinary Edition of the London Gazette was published last night...It stated: Yesterday evening at fourteen minutes after nine o'clock her Roayal Highness...was safely delivered of a Prince at Buckingham Palace.”
Conception:2/2/1948, 8:27:20 a.m. GMT, London, England.
Tom Hanks (AA)
Birth: 7/9/1956, 11:17 a.m. CST, Concord, CA, 37N59, 122W02. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Biography: Roy Trakin, “Tom Hanks: Journey to Stardom,”Virgin Books 1995..
Conception:10/1/1955, 3:20:07 a.m. PDT, Concord, CA.
Rita Wilson (AA)
Birth: 10/26/1956, 9:03 a.m. PST, Los Angeles, CA. FromAstrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. PT quotes birth certiface in hand.
Conception:1/14/1956, 2:45:01 a.m. PST, Los Angeles, CA.
Jair Bolsonaro (AA)
Birth: 3/21/1955, 2:45 p.m. BZT, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 21S01, 50W39. FromAstrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Sy Scholfield quotes birth record in hand from Frank C. Clifford, obtained by Fernando Guimaraes. The BC was issued in Campinas, but that is not the actual place of birth.
Conception:6/11/1954, 4:41:37 p.m. BZT. Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Donald John Trump00 (AA)
Birth: 6/14/1946, 10:54 a.m. EDT, Jamaica, New York. FromAstrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. PT quotes birth certificate found online. Since the document was evidently posted by Trump, some caution is advised even though there is no evidence that the document was altered. Previously this entry was rated "A" (from memory) and had a birth time of 9:51 AM with the following source notes: LMR quotes a private source who obtained the data from his mother, confirmed by another astrologer who said, "He laughed, then called his mom." Biography: "Trump, Donald John," Microsoft (r) Encarta, Copyright 1994 Microsoft Corporation, Copyright (c) 1994 Funk & Wagnalls Corporation. Biography: Trump, Donald J. and Tony Schwartz, "Trump, The Art of The Deal," Random House, Inc., 1987 Biography: Trump, Donald J. and Chester Leerhsen, "Trump, The Art of Survival," Random House, Inc., 1990 Conception:9/5/1945, 5:10:06 p.m. EDT, Jamaica, New York.
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