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January 2012
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Creationism, Evolution, and Astrospect Astrology
by Sandra Weidner

Yes, the word “creatolution” is a hybrid formed from “creationism” and “evolution.” It is pronounced “cree-ate-oh-loo-shin.” And “Astrospect” is a hybrid of the words “astrology” and “specifications.”

I coined both words. "Creatolution" was created to help make some points about implications of results obtained from research with this form of astrology. First, some words about its form:

That said, here are my statements with regard to what this astrology strongly suggests about our reality.

These Charts Are…
Maps of the consciousness represented by the term "ego," referred to as the self--which, as far as I can ascertain, esoteric parts of all religions as well as the metaphysical systems of Daoism and Hinduism state is a mental artifact. These selves, with a small "s," borrow their light of consciousness from the Self, also called Omniscience, God, Brahman, The Way. The former, no matter how brilliant or talented, is extremely limited and ephemeral, while the latter (I understand) is unlimited, eternal, and beyond human comprehension.

Ego maps contain the planets associated with the Pillar of Mercy (venus/jupiter/uranus) and the Pillar of Severity (mercury/mars/saturn) of Kabbalistic astrology (a sort of oxymoron since Kabbala, a form of esoteric Judaism, is either not concerned with astrology or has suppressed it) as portrayed by William S. Gray in his book The Ladder of Lights. See the paper on autism for a diagram and explanation. Here is the link: Paper on Autism Containing Diagram of Gray’s Assignment of Planets to the Sephira of the Tree of Life of the Kabbala ). Thus they clearly delineate our inherent human liability to pleasure and pain, and for such costly mental habits as anger, fear, jealousy, greed, hate.

As maps of our identities symbolizing our attachments, desires, and aversions, these charts represent the aspirations, defects, and sufferings of the ego, “our selves” and therefore represent what every Saint, Sage, and Master in the world has stated each of us must “die” to (not by violence) before we can find authentic Life.

They show the impurities of mind discussed in Eastern and Western religions. But it is not just about being a good or bad person. They show the nuts and bolts of the ego mind as written about in the book Maha Yoga by K. Lakshmana Sarma about the practical philosophy of the Indian saint Ramana Maharshi.

They can also be seen as maps of “mortal mind” as written about by Mary Baker Eddy, founder of Christian Science in her book Science and Health.

As specifications for identity created by limiting unlimited consciousness, they demonstrate, par excellence that ego is comprised of polarities of likes and dislikes as discussed in the books on mind--creator of ego--by Swami Sivananda.

Do they sponsor the major sins of Catholicism? Of course, but we don’t have to pin it down religion by religion. All religions and spiritual practices recognize the destruction of reality wreaked by desire,aversion and attachment.

In the language of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky, our maps show all the “I’s” to which we must eventually bring objectivity, that is, impartiality and simultaneity. Again, ultimately that is, "die to."

They surely look like maps of the self as written about in The Book of Not Knowing: Exploring the True Nature of Self, Mind, and Consciousness by master martial artist Peter Ralston. It contains the best I have ever read description of the genesis of a self and thus makes quite clear why one would want to be free of it.

Two of the words Sri Mooji, of Advaita Vedanta lineage, uses to identify what these maps represent are "personhood" and "psychological identity." His satsangs can be found on Youtube.

In the language of Shakespeare in As You Like It, these maps describe our role to be acted on this stage of Earth consciousness. Because that is true, they show that our achievements as well as our failures are not as much “ours” as we prefer to believe.

Still, we are not robots. Our maps show patterns of primarily fixed consciousness. They contain the promise of change because ultimately consciousness is fluid, not fixed. And ultimately the whole of our charts meets the broader meaning of the Hindu concept of sanskaras (also spelled samskaras). Sanskaras are discussed candidly in the book Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom (pp. 131-138, hb edition) by the internationally acclaimed teacher of yoga B.K.S. Iyengar.

Here, in an appendix, is the definition taken from Wikipedia on May 31, 2012: Go to Appendix to Read Wikipedia on Sanskaras .

My equations of an astrological chart with sanskaras is an important one. It helps explain the difference in reaction of different individuals to, for instance, the transit or progression of mars to a moon. The individual with past- or this-life tendencies (sanskaras) of unresolved anger will most likely react with anger. Individuals without such emphases are free to respond appropriately or not at all. Comprehending that, the road to more and more freedom becomes one of finding and implementing ways to reduce the sanskaras, that is, not just reacting. Whether they call it that or not, modern psychotherapies are also trying, with varying success, to address the reduction of sanskaras. So do other practices, one of which, of course, is Eight-Limbed yoga.

Judging from the description by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, brain scientist, in her autobiography of her stroke entitled My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey, (I see) the Astrospect chart as primarily a map of the net contents of each individual's left brain. However, it also contains hints for each of us in how to move toward our right brain (ultimately a un-mappable area?), primarily through North Node behavior and/or golden benefics--the behaviors and experiences that naturally bring us to the joy of being, free from thought. Here is a short quote identifying the self/left brain correlation in Taylor's book: Among other things, our left hemisphere categorizes information into hierarchies including things that attract us (our likes) or repel us (our dislikes). It places the judgment of good on those things we like and bad on those things we dislike. Through the action of critical judgment and analysis, our left brain constantly compares us with everyone else. It keeps us abreast of where we stand on the financial scale, academic scale, honesty scale, generosity-of-spirit scale, and every other scale you can imagine. Our ego mind revels in our individuality, honors our uniqueness, and strives for independence. (page 33, hardcover edition). The book is fascinating and contains many more descriptions of the "world" differences between the left and right brains.

Another technique--they do not all have to be ancient or religious--which can lead to experiences of dissolving the self (and perhaps some sanskaras) is written about in the book The Open Focus Brain: Harnessing the Power of Attention to Heal Mind and Body, by Les Fehmi, PhD (and Jim Robbins) of . Princeton Biofeedback.

As maps of our individual consciousness, they are blueprints for producing everything about our existence—our bodies, our marriage, our homes, our finances, our health, talents and faults, our scandals, our deaths, and so on as shown by the many papers on this site. If you have read a variety of those papers and still do not believe charts are maps of consciousness, then follow the astrology of your own chart for a period of time. You will see it.

Thus they are in agreement with the conclusions of innumerable religious as well as philosophic mystics, East and West. That is, they prove, assuming results remain consistent, that it is consciousness that produces bodies and the lives that accompany them. It is not the other way around. That means our bodies do not, really, produce our minds as genetics and contemporary science would have us believe.

The apparent consciousness that is in DNA is from the same source as the consciousness represented by these charts. But DNA, for all its considerable influence, and even its formidably impressive promise of help to suffering humanity, is far more limited in scope than that Source. Relative to the world it exists in (which includes the overwhelming majority of us), DNA is valid. Understanding and exploring its validity will make an enormous difference in our lives. But it is a law-conformable servant, not a master.

Below are some others--here, and in this paper in general, we are interested in what they have in common, not how they differ--from (mostly) Western countries, who have put forward similar views on the ultimate reality of body and matter:

[I owe most of those in the above list to Lyman P. Powell, younger contemporary of Mary Baker Eddy and author of the book about her of the same name, 1936, pp.107-108.]

Also from that book, a quote from Spenser's Faerie Queene (p. 257):

For of the soule, the bodie forme doth take,
For soule is forme, and doth the bodie make.

I believe the list could be much longer and that it would include similar statements from sages, saints and philosophers from all over the world. I am just not the person to make that learned list.

So, relative to contemporary American, perhaps European, perhaps world-wide scientific culture versus religious culture I have coined the word creatolution. That is...

But, my opinion, though based on reproducible results, amounts to little. If this method is productive of truth, and if it organizes data in a better way than has ever been done before, then it should be tested by others, especially scientists and scientific astrologers. Only, it should be done according to the guidelines set down in the papers on Method, Chart Reading Rules, and Formula on this site. Those principles and rules were not invented by me. They were uncovered, in much the same way an archeologist at a dig uncovers previous cultures, one brush stroke at a time. Or in the same way physical laws are uncovered by scientists. Scientists don't create those laws. They discern them, test them, and work with them. My emphasis on the empirically-derived principles of this method still leaves enormous room for that totally human propensity, innovation. The research needed to develop the "complete human astrological code" is enormous. It must explore and record variations, and their assumptions, produced by (1) our many cultural differences (across space and through time) and (2) our apparent differing degrees of development.

Of course, more would be possible for all of us if the following conditions were met: (1) a software existed which did more of the work, (2) a database existed with which to meaningfully collect results, (3) biographies were extensive and completely honest, (4) birth times, dates and places were recorded precisely and available to science, (5) causes of death were confirmed by autopsy, and (6) diagnoses were double-, even triple-checked.

Below, again, are links to those papers.

Star Flower, a rare 7-petaled flower
From Wildflowers of Michigan Field Guide, by Stan Tekiela

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